Real Life Rainbow Bridge Stories

'Double Rainbow'

by Anna
(Washington, PA)

The Double Rainbow

The Double Rainbow

I lost my lab 3 1/2 years ago. After having him 14 years I had to have him put down. I started searching pet loss web sites to deal with my grief. I came across the Rainbow Bridge. After reading the poem I went out to talk to my sweet baby boy, as I opened the door to head up to his grave where he is buried next to my husband's lab Lady, the two of them where inseperable. There was a double rainbow right over both of their graves.

What was so ironic I had just finished reading the poem. Right at that moment I had a great feeling of peace within my heart. I ran back in and got my camera and took the picture of it. So yes that has made a great believer out of me. I know in my heart it was my Smokey letting me know he was at the bridge with his Lady. I have now just lost my angel Max just 4 weeks ago and I hoping to see a rainbow appear again.

Thank You for reading my story.


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Real Life Rainbow Bridge Stories

'Double Rainbow'

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So sad
by: Steve

I just lost my dog last night and the overwhelming grief and sadness I feel is almost too much to bear. If anyone has any suggestions for me please email me at god bless

Thank YOU
by: Anonymous

Thank you Stevie,
I have put new post and poems of my angel max who just passed and is at the rainbow bridge with lady and smokey.

i believe too...
by: Anonymous

I believe too Anna.... thank you for continuing to believe and sharing your belief. But remember, please move from belief (faith) into love (sharing...moving forward).
Allow another heart to come into your life (maybe another lab?).

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