Real Life Rainbow Bridge Stories

'My Cat Tom Is With Me...'

by Skye Stephenson
(Newark Ohio)

My cat Tom died a while back and last night I heard, saw and felt him. I want to know am I going crazy? Well, I think he is here because I am very attached to him and miss him so much... But I want to know is Rainbow Bridge real?

My parents say no because animals do not have souls but I think and know they do!! If they didn't how could they love? I want to see him again someday... please tell me!

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Real Life Rainbow Bridge Stories

'My Cat Tom Is With Me...'

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It's true
by: Anonymous

If you return... - We learn with the spirit, not with the soul. It's spirit the one who learn. Life after life. That baggage we carry with us forever until we "illuminate" or reach "perfection".
Animals in the phase of being mammals or very "advantage" birds do stay with us or commonly progress to a human state.(a higher state) But it is normal that our pets stay near. Don't get despair. Open heart and spirit and you will communicate with Tom and other animals!
If you want to read some interesting stories visit: Aunt julie pet communicator. She passed on last August and her site will be open some more time. - BE HAPPY!

You are not alone
by: Anonymous

There is a great tape by Jack Van Impe called Pets Go To Heaven you might wish to look into. I personally believe that they do have souls and go to heaven I do not think you are crazy. Some cats feel the attachment of their parents very much that they stay with them. I hope that this and Tom continues to comfort you.

Do Animals Have Souls?
by: Karen

Yes I think they do. There are those that say animals don't have souls (usually not animal lovers I find and those that have a limited knowledge of religious views on the subject) and those that say they do - since neither can prove they do or they don't I think it's down to personal belief.

Personally to me animals are living breathing things with emotions just like humans. They are capable of great love and devotion - so why wouldn't they have souls?

Rainbow Bridge is exactly the same - noone can prove there is an afterlife for humans or animals, but that also means noone can prove there isn't, so if you want to believe, believe and don't be dissuaded by others disbelief, because it is after all just their opinion and not an actual fact.

I think it is supremely arrogant of people to believe that humans are the only creatures afforded an afterlife, and I don't subscribe to this opinion.

Sorry to hear about Tom, for the record I don't think you are going mad, I think you have just been lucky enough to see signs of him from wherever he is, which is what most pet owners hope for, a sign that their pet is still with them somehow.

Warmest Wishes


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