Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Catherine & Sox'

Aug 27, 2011

by Catherine
(Cardiff, UK)

Still miss Sox. It is getting a little easier, but every so often something will remind me of him and I will get a wave of emotion.

Sometimes it is something really weird that reminds me - last week, a song came on the radio while I was at work. It's a song called 'Forever Young' and it was being played a lot at the time when Sox was ill and I knew he was going to die. The lyrics upset me at the time and when I heard it last week, I was shocked at the effect it had on me. I had to go into the loo as I couldn't stop the tears from coming.

It brought back vivid memories of me sitting out in the garden with him when he was too ill to be allowed out on his own and thinking how unbelievably sad it was that soon he would not be around to look at the sky or the birds or lie in the sun. I felt like I was going mad. I still find it hard to believe that he has gone.

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