Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Chris & Silverbelle'


9 Dec, 2009

by Chris R
(Alexandria, VA)

After finding out that my youngest cat Santino is okay after all. Simply emotionally drained. It does not feel like Christmas and I simply do not want to celebrate nor do I want to put a Christmas tree up. Silverbelle loved "helping" put up the tree. Naturally she would be into everything playing with the ornaments trying to hide them to play with later. The other cats loved looking at the lights. But all I come into is gray and depression.

My youngest cat Santino has helped me grieve but I still have those moments where all I want to do is crawl up in a corner and die. She loved what the season meant and taught me and my husband that family were important and this was all about love and being thankful. I still am thankful that she was with me for 7 years. But I know some people think it is a pretty stupid reason for not putting up a tree. But who gives a rats-ass. I do not. My reason is that she really was special and that I mourn her everyday of my life. I choose not to celebrate because I am alive that is about it...

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