Comments for

Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Christine & Mitzy'

Final Day

Dec 20, 2011

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So sorry
by: Anonymous

I know it hurts real bad now. I lost my Beagle a little over a year ago to lymphoma. We did a few rounds of chemo and his quality of life was good during that time. But when the cancer became too smart and no chemo would work he deteriorated rapidly. That last day still vividly plays in my mind.... as I held his head and massaged his throat trying to make his breathing less labored. It still breaks my heart and I am such an animal lover... so I know how dear they are to us. Please be assured the pain will lessen and I truly believe we will see our "furry friends" in heaven. I have since then rescued another Beagle and have fell in love with him as well. They are like night and day (so different) and that is a good thing as my "Shiloh" could never be replaced.

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Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Christine & Mitzy'

Final Day

Dec 20, 2011
