Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Delaine & Daisy Mae'

I Miss My Furbaby Daisy

March 4, 2012

by Delaine Friesen
(Mission B.C.)

Dear Daisy,

Life has been very hard without you. You were more than my best friend, you were my soulmate. I loved you from the moment I saw you sweet girl. I am so sorry about the life you had before daddy and I rescued you. They were so cruel to you and you never deserved that. No animal deserves that. We hope that the love and care we gave you helped heal you. It was so rewarding to watch that sad look in your eyes fade after your rescue. At last you knew real love.

I want to thank you for leaving us a piece of yourself behind in your pup sweetheart. Funny when we went to get Sweetie as a 5 week old baby we had no idea in just a few months we would rescue you. We could not leave you there when we saw how bad they treated you. I had no idea how much love and happiness you would bring into our lives. You were such a comedian. I remember when I was sad you were always there next to me, licking my tears and trying so hard to cheer me up. Remember when Sweetie thought that you stole her pig ear and bit you on the head? The look on your face was pure shock and I couldn't help but laugh.

God girl I miss you. I hope that you are happy and well again and when God calls for me that you will run and meet at the bridge. I will be overjoyed to see you once again. I love you sweet baby and I miss you. Daisy please take care of Chance, Striker and Midnight and tell them mommy loves them. Also Daisy please help all the animals that died from abuse at the hands of mankind. If I could have rescued all of them I would have. I am so grateful God allowed me to rescue YOU.

I love you honey.

Love Mommy

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