Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Gabrielle & Alfie'

New Symptoms - Alfie Is Now Breathing Badly

Dec 7, 2012

by Gabrielle

Problems are increasing now for my darling Alfie. He is having difficulty breathing through his nose. I am very much afraid.

I am giving him the remainder of the antibiotics prescribed at the beginning in an attempt to intercept lung problems. He is becoming elusive. Goes out a lot, comes in again and is generally very unlike himself. I am treating him with herbal remedies to support his immune system but so far they are not having any effect. They are all long-term and I fear he just does not have long enough left. I can hardly think and am so distracted I even mislaid some of his table bottles. Also I am afraid my low spirits will be passed on to him. What a wretched position to be in - wanting to help and being helpless. I am afraid he is beginning to avoid me because of all the interference.

Late - this is the first time he hasn't come into the bedroom to settle down. I fear the worst now.

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