Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Gloria & Venus'

Still Missing Venus

Dec 27, 2010

by Gloria


I'm still sad and I miss you so much. At least now I can talk about you or think of you without crying. I still think about you everyday. Baby Girl and Sparky are still with me and we all still miss you. I give them all the love I had for you. Nettie and Keanna say Hi and they still miss you.

I still talk to people about you and how wonderful you were. People ask if I am going to get another Rottie puppy but I have decided against that. It would not be fair to another--I would always compare them to you. You were/are one in a million. Thank you for being my faithful friend and companion.

I wrote a poem for you. I have your pix in my office. I got the Doggie car fixed. I miss taking you places or just going for a ride. YOU WERE THE BEST. Please wait for me in Heaven. I know I will see you again.

Love Forever,

Gloria (Your earth mother)

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