Your Pet Loss Diaries

'John & Maximus'

Journal for Max

March 18, 2011

by John H. Edwards
(Bend, Oregon USA)

Maximus and Storm with Jamie

Maximus and Storm with Jamie

Max, we lost you on a cold night last night. Jamie (my partner) and I were in shock, we are both still numb. We cry a great deal. We both feel a sense of guilt as we were arguing and I let you outside and into the driveway. I am sorry I could not get to you quicker as Jamie was backing up.

I hope there was no pain, I saw the tyre roll over your lower extremity and you saw what was happening. You did not bark or cry out in pain, you looked as if you were going to be ok. I hope you know we did everything possible and taking you to the ER vet for emergency care.

God, I miss you so much! It hurts so bad Maximus! I miss your barking and always trying to get attention. The bigger dogs made it harder for you but we love you just as much and are so proud of you. You went along on those rough hikes and kept up with everyone.

What a tough, loving companion you were to me. You sensed when I was sad and alone and sat quietly next to me, faithful and loyal always! I miss you so much Max, I will be with you again, my heart tells me so!

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