Your Pet Loss Diaries

'KOKO & William'

My Best Friend Ever

Weds Jan 21, 2009

by William Daye
(Santa Rosa, CA)

Well Happy New Year to all, it's been a few month's since I last made an entry, not because I didn't want to but things were pretty rough there for a while, hours got reduced at work really feeling the pinch, have to try and use my neighbor's internet service. Doing the the best I can to make ends meet, it's hard when all you have is yourself. People are not hiring and I have all these skills that I can utilize, anyway went out to left field with that one LOL.

Sandy is doing fine she has not left my side since KOKO passed she is my heart now KOKO is too and always will be I love that cat soooo much. To all that has lost a family member (Pets) this new year I'm so sorry and I know and feel your pain, believe me, I really do, you know that your loved one would want you to go on with your life, we have to, together we can get through this it's not easy.

I still cry when I look at his picture and miss him so much, keep a positive attitude, contact Bunny she will return your e-mail, until next time much love and take care, I will return shortly.

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