Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Lisa & Rufus'

Dear Rufus

Oct 11, 2012

by Lisa Thomas
(Las Vegas, Nevada USA)

Hi my guy,

How's mommy's baby do? Well as you know we found a stray kitten, well she found us. But she is scared of Pettie, Penny and Louie, you know how they are all trying to jump on her and I know they just want to play with her but she doesn't know that. So if you can intervene and calm your brothers and sister down a little so they can learn how to play with each other it would make life so much easier here, cos now we have to keep her in the bedroom and not out here with us ok?

Thank you my sweet boy, I miss you so much I know if you were here things would be so much better. Anyway I hope you are having fun and doing a lot of playing. I love you always,

Your Mommy xoxoxox

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