Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Lisa & Rufus'

Hi My Rufy Dufy

Jan 20, 2013

by Lisa Thomas
(Las Vegas Nevada, USA)

Hi sweety,

How's my big guy? As you know we have Diana and boy did she give me a scare the other day she was gone for over 24 hours and I thought for sure she either ran away or some one took her or she was lost and hurt. But she returned the next day in a matter of 10 mins after I passed flyers all over the complex.

Im so glad she was fine but it is still hard getting used to a cats way after having only dogs. But she is great the sweetest thing you ever saw but Pettie and Louie just won't leave her alone they are chasing her around the house out the back door for some reason. They just think it's a game to chase her and poor Penny, when Diana has had enough she takes it out on Penny and Penny is the only one that leaves her alone but she is the one that Diana takes it out on.

Anyway I love you and miss you so much big guy. I send you all my love always,

Your Mommy xoxoxox

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