Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Meg & KC'

I Hug Your Blanket Each Night

30 Jul, 2010

by Meg Loftheim
(Lakeland, FL)

KC, each night I go to sleep with your blanket under my pillow and by morning I am sleeping on it. I know that sounds so crazy but it is how I am dealing with you not being on the bed sleeping with us. Dad is going back to work and I am really going to be at a loss. I haven't written in here for a couple of weeks but I am writing in my other diary.

Two and a half months. I always think I am getting better and then something happens and all the tears come rushing back. My mother is dying and I feel helpless again just like I did with you. Do you know how helpless I felt. Did you feel my tears dripping on your little head the night before you passed away and the night you passed away. Did you hear our cries for you not to leave us. Did you hear Dad say, no KC, don't go.

We miss you but I am trying hard to know you were not well and you wanted to be whole again. Have you found Harley? I feel you around me all the time. You will travel with me no matter where I go or what I do.

Rest in peace my little one. I will join you someday and you can hiss at me and chase my ankles all you want.

Until I write again please know, KC, that I am always with you. I love you little KC.

Hugs and kisses to you,


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