Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Sally & Ellie, Ty & Bud'

Day One

Aug 5, 2012

by Sally Smit
(Alb. N.M)

I'm crying all the time, can't sleep nor eat. My husband is trying to comfort me but I'm inconsolable right now. I hate feeling this way but I can't stop. I can't look at pictures so I've taken them all down. Poor Snoopy he keeps bringing me his toy but I take no notice. I love him but oh my Ellie she was so special. I know he is part of her but not the same.

I can't lay in my bed without her and didn't go with my husband Eddie and Snoopy for our walk tonight. That was our special time me with Ellie and he with Snoopy walking and playing and laughing. I just don't want to go anywhere, I want to sit and cry and deeply want to go see her and Ty.

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