Comments for

Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Sheila & Norman'

Still Not Sure How I Feel

Tuesday May 19, 2009

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by: Margaret, Dartmouth, NS

What you are you going through is natural (seeing your baby on the vet table). A part of you is still traumatized by this heartbreaking experience.

Over time, you will smile and laugh and remember the good times with Norman. When you smile, it will be natural to still have flash backs of Normie's last day. I lost my beloved Spike (lab-10yrs old) last October 08. We talk and laugh at the good times we had. I say good morning to him everyday. Sometimes I get teary-eyed thinking about him. My emotions get overwhelmed. I miss him alot. I tell my new puppy (9 mth lab we adopted at Easter)that Spike would have LOVED you (even saying something simple like that, I would smile, but mostly get weepy).

Allow your feelings to happen (don't go against them, just allow. Feel. Trust your feelings. You will feel happy emotions again one day.



by: Annette

I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our cat Sweetie-Pie a month ago and feel so much for what you are going through. Just know others have lost their babies and we are giving each other big air hugs through cyber space. It will get easier with time, I promise but the empty place you had in your heart will always be there for your baby. It may get filled with other animals, but each is unique and special and should be honored as such.

Big hugs to you.

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'Sheila & Norman'

Still Not Sure How I Feel

Tuesday May 19, 2009
