Comments for

Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Sun & Charlie'

Wonderland Will Be Back

Feb 4, 2011

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I'm Sorry
by: dayle

I totally understand how you feel. It has been nearly 5 months since my boy left and I cannot stop crying. Yesterday was a terrible day for me. I have 2 new pups... they help... they are beautiful... but I feel like my heart is being ripped out piece by piece... day by day. I hear things like... that is the cycle of life... get over it... grow up... etc. I have a couple of people who understand... thank God for that. I wish I knew for sure what lies in wait after we leave this earth. It is life's biggest mystery. None of us really know for absolute certain. But I try to believe that we will re-unite with those we love. Just know that you are not alone. There are so many of us whose hearts are broken by the loss of our best friends. So many of us have been through the same awful loss.. .and somehow we have to try to go on. Life truly is short... even though it seems like it is is not. Our day will come... and then we will know the truth. Hopefully it is as we are led to believe... more beautiful than we could ever imagine.. and our sweet loving pets greeting us... to be forever with us. No more pain... no more tears. Just love and peace. Know you are in my thoughts.... and prayers...

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Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Sun & Charlie'

Wonderland Will Be Back

Feb 4, 2011
