Comments for

Your Pet Loss Poems

'What About Tomorrow?'

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Your beautiful poem said it all. . .
by: Taffy's Mourner

This echos my sentiments exactly.

My beloved beagle mix Taffy passed away on 8/18/08, at the ripe old age of almost 15 1/2. She was relatively active & healthy until just about a week prior to her euthanasia, but still came as a great shock.

In all honesty, it has not gotten better for me. I cannot begin to describe my mindset morning noon & night. It's beyond horrible.

I sincerely hope it's true that we'll be reunited with our beloved companions one day, which for me, cannot come soon enough.

Sorry to sound so dramatic, but that's how I genuinely feel.

Your poem was the most beautiful & accurate one I've ever encountered on this most heart wrenching of subjects.

Many thanks for sharing it with all of us.

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'What About Tomorrow?'.