Your Pet Loss Stories

'Jack The Courageous'

by Jodie Child

Jack the courageous and a great loving companion. I love you to the day we meet again. Well I could always say I wish I had web cam on you because you were so adventurous. Living on acerage being a Jack Russell was always exciting and never know what I would come home to. A dead deadly snake or a baby magpie with mummy and daddy magpie chasing you around for weeks. I always knew when you were up to no good when I came home with your sheepish behaviour.

Well my boy you were very courageous the day when you took on the huge huge big brown snake. When I drove in the driveway and your great friend and mate Shilo girl stood at the driveway bark barked and barked at me from the top and I knew something was wrong. When I drove up the top I seen the huge snake torn in two pieces. Shilo girl had snake blood all over her face.

I thought sh*t my god where is my Jack boy. I put my two dog's inside and went to look. I found him in his comfort zone on the deck huddled up in the corner. Now I feel lost for words because I am still in pain and miss him so much.

I know my Jack protected my other two dog's Shilo and Jasper. He was always the courageous one and I was blessed to have him in my life.

I miss you little man and can't wait till we meet again.

I miss your vibrant personality and your unconditional love towards me.

It gives me comfort that you now are with Uncle Jack your first owner that died of bowel cancer. It gave us much comfort that when we turned on the radio that Werewolf in London was on and that was Uncle Jack's song that was at his funeral.

Till we all meet again. From Glenn and I !!!!!!

We love you little courageous man.

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