Your Pet Loss Stories

'Jamie and Storm'

by John Harlan Edwards
(Bend, OR USA)

Jamie and Storm

Jamie and Storm

Dear Storm,

Today Jamie woke me and said he did not think you were able to make it much longer. I knew you would let us know when you were ready. Both of us have been caring for you over the last several months, trying to make you comfortable and loving you as much as possible every day. Jamie had to go into work today, he is struggling through the day knowing you will not be with us but another night.

Our hearts are broken, I thought knowing this day would come might make things easier, it has not. I can't help but know that Delta, Max and Buster will be waiting for you on the other side of the rainbow tomorrow. I must go now, my heart is broken dear girl.

We love you so much and you will be with us always. My beautiful, protective, loving Stormy! I am going to share more of your life and the love you gave us for the last 10 years. Jamie and I know you will linger by the doorway until our hearts are at peace. He will blow out your candle when he is ready to let you know he is ok and it is time for you to cross that Rainbow Bridge.

Your loving father,


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