My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Anonymous
It’s been a long time since I wrote to you Tigger , But I play your video every night .
I’m not in a good place at the moment Inhabe found a lump in the back of my throat which I’ve just seen acsoecialist
He says it’s a re growth of a tonsil but it has a lesion on it 😞
Know is with youSo I have to go under anaesthetic and a biopsy and tonsillectomy I’m so scared incase they find Cancer 🥲
Christmas Eve in Hospital.
Missing my Christmas Day meal with Lisa and Geoff .
I’ve been on my own with Muffin since I’ve found out I’m so frightened and no one to talk to .
All busy and working .
Not sleeping .
I just pray it is just a polyp and all will turn out well .
I miss you Tigger and Daddy who Is with you Speak soon love you darlin. Mummy give Daddy a big kiss from me 😘😘
My Tigger Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rosr
Hi Malc and Tigger it’s been a long time since I wrote to you both It’s 22/10/2023 4:30 am Sunday morning.
Ellie stayed over last night still here at the moment .
I can’t sleep as usual .
I’ve had a 72nd Birthday quiet but nice .
I’ve also lost a good friend Jayne she was only 53 yrs old .
I will miss her so much .
The funeral has been held back because of post Mortum
I continue to worry this is my life I guess .
We’ve got to sell the caravan as it’s too expensive to run now .
We paid such a lot for it between Geoff and myself .
We don’t think we will get much back off the owner of the site She’s a horrible person and her husband I can’t have a taxi to our caravan or groceries as you know Malc I am disabled .
After it’s sold I will be writing on the face book site .
Changing the subject more wars terrifying children getting killed I pray for peace all over the world Christopher still not seeing me I’m very hurt Lisa has changed so much too her personality has changed she also can be quite hurtful .
Geoffs much better .
Muffin is on our bed by my side . He is blind now and has a leaky heart valve 11 yrs old now .
I love ❤️ him so much he’s my only company .
My family except Ellie comes to see me .
I’m so lonely Malc .
I can’t cry anymore my tears have dried up
I’ve cried so much .
I’m going to try to go back to sleep 😴 now speak soon my darlings Malc and Tigger Love ❤️ you both miss you loads Rose & Muffin 😘😘❤️❤️
My precious TiggerNEW by: Rose
Hi Tigger and Malc, it’s been a long time since I wrote to you .
Lots has happened since . I’m so lonely Malc with out you and Tigger .
I spend most of my days riding round on my mobility scooter with Muffin .
I can’t talk tonight S it’s too late but will write again tomorrow I love you and miss so much .
I play your video every night since you both passed away .
Love your Mummy Tigger and your wife Rose ❤️❤️❤️
Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa Geoff and I are here at Borth wales on our Caravan .
The weather is great and Caravan all up and running .
We are only staying over night back tomorrow.
I also have a new mobility scooter coming on Monday .
Quingo Vitess 2 with a camera on the front so I can see who is behind me .
I wish we could have stayed until Monday evening , but Geoff is on a school run .
Never mind all year to come down .
Love you and miss you Both .
Write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Love you to the moon and back .
Rose & Muffin xxxxx😘❤️
Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa Geoff and I are here at Borth wales on our Caravan .
The weather is great and Caravan all up and running .
We are only staying over night back tomorrow.
I also have a new mobility scooter coming on Monday .
Quingo Vitess 2 with a camera on the front so I can see who is behind me .
I wish we could have stayed until Monday evening , but Geoff is on a school run .
Never mind all year to come down .
Love you and miss you Both .
Write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Love you to the moon and back .
Rose & Muffin xxxxx😘❤️
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Hello darling Malc & Tigger another horrible day Russia fighting Ukrainians .
It’s so frightening Malc , we have faced Covid now might be a world war .
I’m so frightened Malc on my own worrying.
Along with others .
Putin is Evil and I wish someone would assassinate him before it becomes a world war .
I’ve brought a new mobility scooter today to cheer me up .
The other scooter is on its way out.
I’ve had it about 4 years now.
Please keep us safe Malc and end this awful war .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Love ❤️ you forever .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone Thank you Bunny xxxx
My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Hello Malc & Tigger my baby boy .
It’s been a long time since I wrote .
My rib is better now but I have problems with my body .
My bowel I’m passing blood only a little .
But I have lower back pain tingling in my left leg and feet .
I feel full all the time and very depressed.
There is war in Kiev from President Putin .
I’ve never wished anything on anyone .
But I wish someone would assassinate him .
He is threatening nuclear weapon’s .
If he does use it we will all die 🥵.
I’m so scared Malc .
Lisa Geoff and I are opening up our Caravan in Borth .
I need a break I’m so lonely Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc send my love to Tigger and all who are with you .
I love you and miss you darlin.
Thank you Bunny ❤️Xx
My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boyNEW by: Rose
Hello Malc & Tigger , haven’t wrote to you for a while The reason I am , I fell down the stairs last night It took my breath , I’ve hurt my right shoulder blade and have a deep cut under my right arm .
I landed on the chair lift .
I couldn’t breath at first I thought I’d pun here’s my lung .
I was on the floor about ten minutes , then Muffin came running to me and didn’t leave my side .
I have a deep cut under my arm and I am in pain when I breath .
Under my shoulder blade .
I’m really upset as I rang Lisa 10pm last night she texted back asking was I ok .
I said no think I may have broke my arm or fractured a rib .
She didn’t answer back or got back to me today . I think they thought they didn’t want to take me to A&E because of waiting .
Really upset 😢 if it had been the grandchildren they would have gone straight away .
All my friends have offered help if I need it !!!!
Stuck in today laying on the sofa rest and paracetamol .
Watching Telly all day,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Love you forever Darlin send my love to everyone Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday 18 th September 2021 05:26
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Baby boy It’s been a long time since I wrote to you .
Sorry but sometimes it won’t go through .
Since speaking to you last the polyp has been removed and looks great now in my mouth .
But I keep wanting to chew inside .
I’m a nervous reck lately .
All things keep going wrong or are expensive .
Had the kitchen floor screeded chap coming back Monday when I get back from Borth , I’ve got to ring him .
The decking for the caravan is £8,000 atrocious.
I think Lorraine is taking a cut .
She’s p…g me off at the moment .
She told the taxi driver not to drop me off at the caravan But I spoke with Alan her Husband and he said he can drop me off .
So one up on me really .
I think we have to have words me and Lorraine .!!
She such an obnoxious woman .
I’m off to the town in Borth with Muffin today Have a coffee in the lovely cafe .
There’s not much here really but the views are fantastic I brought a photo of you down to keep here so you are with me too .
Lisa doesn’t seem the same with me ? I don’t think she likes my company,
I miss you so much Malc it hurts .
As you know your memorial tree got destroyed by thugs But people who live on the estate have started a fund and are buying me another tree and they want me to go up to see it planted .
Over whelmed .
I will write to you when I can if this goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I can’t sleep things on my mind .
I’ve had a what I thought was an ulcer inside my mouth for two years now .
It hurts when I sometimes eat . The dentist says it’s a polyp but I think it is an ulcer I keep chewing .
I’m having it removed in a couple of weeks and are frightened he might be wrong and it is actually an ulcer I keep chewing as I chew my cheeks and have done for years .
Jean is coming today for lunch . I feel very lonely and frightened at the moment the feeling is getting worse .
Christopher has stopped Ellie coming he’s hurting me so much with words .
He owes me such a lot of money but won’t pay it back .
I miss you so much Malc it’s so lonely with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday 4th August 2021 06:29
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy This is a short message Malc not sure if it will go through .
I’ve made arrangements for Muffin to have his teeth cleaned and a cyst removed from his left eye lid .
I am worried but I have faith in Craig at Straightons
Kay is taking me to the vets .
I’ve been very lonely this week Malc, been on my own most of the week .
I love my little boy and we are so close we are hardly apart .
He’s my soul mate .
I wish you were here Malc .
Ellie us keeping in touch by face time .
Christopher has stopped me seeing her .
I don’t know if he can by law . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday August 2 nd. 2021 05:44
Hell Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I haven’t wrote for a while as most times it won’t go through Christopher has stopped me seeing Ellie yet again because I’m not taking Cameron who is 16 yrs in December and would be very bored , nothing for him in Borth on sea and rocks .
Georgia would be so bored she would want to go back to her Mum .
He has sent me awful messages as usual .
Ellie is very upset . We really enjoyed our weekend together too.
What’s going on in his head ?
He said in his message , if I get a psychiatrist report he would pay then I can see Ellie again.
Malc it’s him that needs a psychiatrist not me !!!
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday 12 th July 2021. 19:11
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit mixed up I’ve almost brought another Mobility scooter Funny enough it’s a kymko orange and a bit smaller so I can go on the train to Borth with it .
Mark a chap lives up on the hill Hightown .
He is taking me to Stoke on Trent to pick it up £500 but it’s a bargain Malc xx
It’s hardly been used .
6pm , Ellie is staying in watching Muffin whilst I go and pick it up .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I wish you were with me and seeing the caravan I’ve brought I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday 6th 2021 06:06 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Sorry I’m late writing I’ve been to Borth with Lisa and Geoff in our brand new caravan .
Who would believe this ? I know Lisa has gone half but it’s a break for us all . There’s been a few niggles between us Geoff especially moaning about me getting up early disturbing Lisa 🤔
But I just keep shush save argument s It’s a beautiful place Malc the sheep Barr and the view is beautiful .
The food in the club house is fantastic .
I’m taking Elllie on 16 th Jordd is staying here looking after the house .
I do wish you were here with me a Malc .
I miss you so much 🥲
I’m having my hair done today and a dental appointment Not looking forward to that at all ! I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 30 th 2021 06:51 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy It’s been. A while since writing to you Malc Will this go through?
I’m a bit concerned today have I done the write thing ?
Buying this caravan with Lisa & Geoff ?
She keeps calling it her van and when we buy something it’s her choice !!
Hope we don’t argue when we finally go on Friday . Hope it’s the making of us .
Even moaned about what we are taking down But we do have two cars I don’t understand !!
So I’m feeling a bit down today .
I’m trying to sort my house too I’ve got far too many clothes .’
Oh Malc my life is so difficult at the moment I miss you so much Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 23rd 2021 07:28
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Sorry I haven’t write for a few days the messages haven’t been going through .
I’ll try today .
Well Lisa and I are talking again . I don’t think Geoff wants to go halves with a caravan .
So house alterations I think !!
I wish I could afford a caravan in Landdalas north Wales .
It’s a Beautiful place .
I want to share the caravan but is it a place for me ?
The journey is Beautiful on train I hear . I must try it the next nice weather forecast . Will I spend too much time on my own ?
Perhaps not buying it is the right thing to do.
There going to build houses and more bungalows behind us Malc 41 !!
By the bluey!!
Know matter how much we protest we will lose .
Oh Malc such a lot has happened over the last 2 years I’m so lonely with out you .
I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday June 17 th 2021 06:49
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Not sure if this message will go through .
Well Lisa has fell out with me over the caravan we should have been buying ,
But there were issues I didn’t want to travel down by train and stay on my own .
Also it looked like they totally owned it the way she was planning stuff .
It wasn’t going to work !!
She never wants to see me ever again !!
I will just have to keep with my friends or on my own .
This is how my life is mapped out .
I want to cry but my body won’t let me .
I’ve cried too many tears 😭 I’ve got to try and be strong .
I do have good friends .
I need to sort my house out .
It’s raining now for a few days not good .
Oh Malc what next !
I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday June 8 th 2021 08:13 Hello Malc My Darlin and Tigger my baby Well will this message go through?
It’s a lovely day today . Jean Beardsmore is coming for lunch .
Lisa and Geoff are taking Muffin and I to Bourth. Friday .
Jordd and Mary are looking after our house .
Can’t wait.
I’m getting up early this morning .
I’m shattered really .
I miss you so much Malc I pray every day you will walk through the door . I kiss your earn with your ashes in every night
I talk to you daily.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 29 th 2021 07:55
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy. I’ve just washed my hair and watching The old Chase .
It’s quite dull out there today so far hope it picks up .
Had a chap come last night to give me a quote for altering the kitchen knocking the walk out between kitchen and living room . Then knocking the window out and walk moving it forward matching with the porch .
It’s according how much it cost .
I’m off to the designer outlet to take a dress back to shop called Crew .
Lisa is away for 9 days Jade and the kids are joining them in the week . I’m a bit hurt.
I went to see Sheila yesterday a bit better . I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 27 th 2021 07:35
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb all politics I’ve just had a shower Seeing no one one today and weather is going to be lovely over the next few days .
I can’t stand my own company. It’s hard .
I try and plan my week seeing people .
I brought a new rug which came yesterday it’s big but lovely .
Must take my shoes off it’s white . I miss you so much Malc more each day goes by .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Hope this message goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday May 25th 2021 07:03
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb boring today. I have a busy day today hair appointment 8:15 Book a table at Bella’s for Wednesday 12:30.
Get a tv mag Tesco take dress back to joules .
Lunch at Dots .
This is what I like seeing people daily.
John mobility is coming to follow me to try and work out why it’s not working one minute and ok the next .
Lights and signal .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday May 24th 2021 06:22
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope this message goes through I’m still in bed watching Gmb I’ve not had a good nights sleep my neck and pain in my left arm and shoulder .
Also still thinking of What Lisa told me last week SELFISH !!!
It’s eating me away like Christopher’s words .
I’m very upset and disappointed with my family . You know what I’ve given them Malc . Jade or Jordd not contacting me . Lonely days and nights .
All the electrics went out yet again Yesterday No one to help re family !!!!
Geoff did come round but nothing he could do .
I called emergency number chap came out but electric came back on .
I’ve thrown out my visicook it could be that.
So far it’s still on . Jean & Jeff coming today for lunch 12:30 .
I miss you so much Malc Darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 23rd 2021 07:38
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching The Chase .
I’ve washed my hair .
Weather not looking too good .
More rain ☔️ Lisa & Geoff went to Wembley yesterday to watch jarad Helen’s son Geoff’s nephew .
I popped down for an hour to let Max out and sit with him for an hour .
I then popped to pen parc pet ship brought Muffin a new rain coat it’s got bees 🐝 on it looks great 😊 I miss you so much Malc and Tigger so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Hope this message goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 22nd 2021 07:09
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching The Chase . Weather not looking good .
I’ve got to let Max out at 1pm today Lisa and Geoff and Kerry are going to Wembley to watch Kerry’s son play football .
Might go to Dunelm today weather permitting .
Or design outlet .
Won’t see anyone today .
I hate weekends !!!
I miss you so much Malc I will write you again tomorrow Malc . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday May 21st 2021. 09:42 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m sitting on top of our bed. Watching Lorraine It’s pouring down yet again !!
Muffin has a groom this afternoon hoping it with stop Tsing by then .
I feel very ow in mood again still thinking what Lisa said the other day .
I’m just waiting to see what happens with my 70 th Birthday Will I be happy or crying ? I miss you Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy boy.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc if this message goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 20 th 2021. 07:11
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb I’ve just washed my hair , but it’s going to rain yet again .
So depressing. I’m going to Jeans today for lunch .
At least somewhere to go .
I’ve got to change my eating habit .
Cut out bread and potatoes . Lisa rang me last night she’s going to Jamaica next year for her 5o th Birthday .
I just hope she rings me and sees me more often .
What a year Malc !!
I miss you my Darlin so much .
Stressed most days ,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday May 19 th 2021 05:27 I’m awake early Malc because the conversation with Lisa Yesterday is playing on my mind .
She called me selfish and not been a good mum .
She talked about when we went to York just after I lost you regarding a Michael Kors watch I brought. She wanted me to buy her that watch but I brought it for myself !!!
I have spent thousands on her and Jade and Jordan Given them stuff to help them out .
I’m so hurt and it’s given me thought for the future now I came back hone and cried all evening . She doesn’t realised how lonely I am and have been . My God she doesn’t know what it feels like and may be never will .
I’m mentally broken with my children .
I miss you so much Malc I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
Hope this message goes through x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday May. 17 th 2021 06:21 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy It’s raining again what awful weather when is it going to end ?
I haven’t seen Lisa for over a week now I’m so upset not even a text or phone call . Ellie brought me some flowers and a garden nome.
WHATS. going on ???
Chanel picked up Ellie up yesterday she came in and had a tea. I think Ellie enjoyed her stay over . They are going to Guernsey some time soon . Sheila says Marg doesn’t want them to go !!! mmm
I fed up of my bloody family all of them not caring I have friends thank goodness I have a woman coming for lunch today I’ve meet in the street she seems lovely .
I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 16 th 2021. 06:40
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching gardeners world I’ve woke up with a headache. Hope it goes away soon .
Ellie is here I think she enjoyed her. Evening .
She’s staying for dinner today .
Mick built my bin store and fixed my gate .
He says he’s coming back with a bracket to hold up the post . He is busy so might not come today .
At least I can lock the gate now .
Weather very changeable .
I just wish we could have some sun and warmth. Now.
As we could get out. Muffin and I .
I need a holiday so badly Malc . I miss you so much Malc no one knows how much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Hopefully this message goes through . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 15 th 2021 06:57 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Yesterday my message didn’t go through Hope today’s does .’
The weather is not good today and Ellie is coming .
Hope Mick will come this morning to complete the bin store . Unfortunately my shed won’t be ready until August. A bit disappointed .
I don’t know who is going to help me empty the shed tho.
When the weather picks up I’ll throw stuff out what is not needed .
Oh Malc I wish you were here to help me and be by my side I miss you so much Darlin.
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 13 th 2021 17:38 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Sorry I’m late writing had Jean here today Jeff came later .
Rain in and off . Mick should be bringing a bin store shed any minute now but weather isn’t looking good , He has worked in the rain before.
I miss you so much Malc Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday May 12 th 2021 06:34
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Yesterday my message didn’t go through It’s getting regular . Rain again for the next few days ☔️So depressed difficult to get out .
Dot is coming today under my shelter please rain go away . My Arthritis is very bad at the moment trying to cope . I miss you Darlin so much , just 10 minutes of your visit would be. So lovely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday May 10th 2021 07:29
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb Just washed my hair and had a shower .
Still feeling frightened and weepy .
It’s because It’s raining my family are distant.
I’m lonely and been nowhere on holiday. I just go round the streets and super markets daily.
Oh Malc I can’t tell you how much I miss you .
I have diabetic nurse phoning me today . 2pm Lots to ask her .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Hope this message goes through Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 9 th 2021 19:53
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope this message goes through Not a lot happened today Malc quite boring I popped to Lisa’s this morning but as usual they were out with Max .
I won’t see her now for at least another week . I saw Dot today out side her flat .
We are meeting Wednesday here for lunch .
Good job I have friends .
Do I really know my family ???
I’ve just rode to Tesco , Aldi round the streets .
Spoke to Dawn next door about fence and my
Wisteria .
Diabetic nurse ringing me tomorrow 2pm .
I miss you so much Malc my Darlin x
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 8th 2021 16:21 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m late writing . It’s all or nothing .’
Lisa came stayed an hour had egg on toast.
Kay rang me , Carolyne rang me Sheila rang me.
I can’t see Lisa Tuesday she’s decorating .
A bit disappointed!! She doesn’t realise how lonely I am .
It’s been pouring down today . After Lisa left I managed to get a loaf from Tesco .
Scooter seemed ok so far.’
I’m tired today because I’ve sat most of it watching telly .
Not a good sleep . I miss you so much Malc Hope this message goes through xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday May 7th 2021 06:15 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb Good news. Conservative have got in yes !!
Good old Boris . It’s only the local elections.
My mobility scooter is coming back today hopefully sorted but I’m not holding my breath .
I’m going to Cannock today but nothing there really.
Lisa finishes early today will I see her ??
Not a lot to tell you today yet . Fence still down opening my garden not happy I miss you so much Malc x I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 6 th 2021 06:44
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy.’
I’m still in bed watching Gmb Looking at the weather it’s not good .
I feel trapped again stopping in because of the weather .
No text from Lisa or phone call no answer to my text. I sent when Jade came over to collect her Birthday present and card from her Mum and me
Not even a thank you !!!
I’m a bit discussed really.
I hope when it is my 70 th Birthday she will remember me .
I will re consider my will if things don’t change with my family .
I am so lonely 😭 if I hadn’t got Muffin I don’t think I would be here . God Malc how my life has turned out.
I know COVID has a lot to do with things but I have feelings and each time I try to talk to Lisa She shouts don’t talk about yourself !!
If I can’t talk to Lisa about how I feel who can I talk too ??
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday May 5th 2021 06:11
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy It’s a short message yesterday it didn’t go through .
I tried messaging Christopher last night asking about. Seighford hall and his partner , but he told me au was being nosey .
I’m so hurt Malc he told me to leave them alone.
All I need is my family to love me that’s all .
I went to Jean Beardsmore yesterday then my friend Jayne
Came to my garden stayed two hours .’
I really enjoyed my day .
Today Carol Norrey is coming to my garden under the shelter for lunch.
Malc I miss you so much Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 2nd 2021 06:49
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching tv it’s only 6:45 am I had a split nights sleep .
I did go to Lisa’s yesterday but she dismissed me talking about how I felt .
I cried most of the morning and after I left Lisa’s I just feel so low in mood lately .
The weather isn’t helping rain rain and more rain .
Lisa doesn’t realise how long I spend on my own .
Just me and my baby boy Muffin my fur baby.
The suns out at the moment but it isn’t going to last .
Will I see anyone ? I miss you so much Malc .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone Hope this message goes through .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 1st 2021 06:47 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope this message goes through it didn’t yesterday.
I dressed but sitting on the bed waiting for Ziggy to bring back my pink phone.
Cold again today Malc it’s so depressing rain and more rain .
I’ve had my second Covid jab now so hopefully can mix in doors soon .
I haven’t seen Lisa or heard from her all week .
I am disappointed in her she doesn’t seem to bother with me , I know she’s working but she does see Jade and the kids more .
I left alone to entertain myself So lonely Malc 🥲🥲.
I know she has a life but she hardly seeing me only special days like Birthday .
I hope I can see her over the week end . Her and Geoff are going away most weekends now in the caravan .
When they first brought it they said me and Dot could use it if we wanted to go away .
But now changed her mind !!’
I miss you darlin so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday April 29 th 2021 07;19 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Well its hear my second vaccine today 10:30 am I’ll feel safer .
I did a lateral flow test yesterday it was negative .
Weather a bit better today but not perfect . Not seeing anyone after going for vaccine .
Not until next Tuesday going to Jeans .
I wish people would ask me instead of me asking them . I feel I’m pushing myself onto them . Booked. our holiday for next year Muffin Dot and myself .
Ellie is staying over while we are away. She face times me most weeks .
She’s a sweetheart .
I will probably go to the new designer outlet again It’s just a lovely ride on my mobility scooter .
Had a lovely afternoon with Dot in my garden yesterday . We had a laugh over the little heater I brought it yolk nearly an hour to set it up .
Oh Malc I wish you were here ? I miss you so much Darlin . I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April 28th 2021 07:34
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb I’ve took my blood glucose today 8:1 can’t understand I had quite a bit to eat yesterday .
Confused!! But happy .
It’s just my weight I’m bothered about .
I will speak to diabetic nurse on the 10 th May .
Dot is coming in my garden today , unfortunately it’s going to be very cold and wet .
We will have to wrap up and I do have a heater .
She is bringing food .
My second COVID vaccine tomorrow Carol & Cliff. Picking me. Up .
I need a holiday but no one to go with .
But I will be going with Muffin .
I can’t tell you how much I miss you Malc . I need you to cuddle me up in bed , I need you to talk to me. I will write you again tomorrow Malc x
Hopefully this message will go through x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 27 th 2021 06:39.
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb always bad news .
Jean and Jeff are coming in my garden today .
Under the shelter as it’s forecast rain today and tomorrow.’
It so depresses me because I need to get out .
Come on bring on the warm sunny weather .
I miss you so much Malc, I wish you could come and talk to me Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 26th 2021 06:16 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb .
I’ve just had a shower and washed my hair. Elaine is coming for lunch .
I will be glad when people can come into the house.
My second jab is Thursday at The Roman way.
Carol Norrey with Cliff is taking me .
Disappointed with Lisa at the moment Yesterday I asked if I could go down for an hour for company .
She replied it’s Geoff’s Dad one year since losing his Dad so they were going out for the day but would be back later .
Nothing later she didn’t get in touch.
I tried to tell her how lonely I am .
She doesn’t seem to listen !!
I feel I’m being punished .
Christopher doesn’t bother with me .
Ellie face timed me last night bless her .
She’s going vegan .
I’ve explained she must take multi vitamins She is the only one that keeps in touch regular .
I will look after her later on .
Elaine my friend is coming into my garden today for lunch . Jean and Jeff tomorrow.
Thank God for friends .
I miss you so much Malc . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday April 25th 2021 08:50 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching fantasy homes by the sea It’s Torquey Brixham Goodrington Paignton It upsets me you ar’nt here to watch it
Dot and I are going next year with Muffin . Wish I was going somewhere this year but no one to go with I can’t tell you how lonely I am Malc .
I saw Lisa yesterday she took me to Stafford. Home sense and Next .
We popped to Jordan’s and Jade’s . Lisa is going to buy a new mower today Jade’s broken there’s .
I hope I can go to Lisa’s later it’s horrible talking to myself 24 /7 Lisa doesn’t understand .
I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Hoping this will go through Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday April 23rd 2021 06:40
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb , I’ve had a better sleep . Still cold this morning but it’s suppose to be very warm again later. Hope this person comes at 10 am today to collect the parasol. He said he will . Hopefully the courier DPD should be dropping off a base but I’m refusing delivery hope I’m in when they come .
Then a courier is collecting the throw and pillows to return to Bedeck . I’ve got a nicer one from Bedeck in the new designer outlet .
I am hoping to go to Cannock today if all works out .
Not seeing anyone .
Friends next week . Things are starting to get back to normal .
We just need good weather .
My COVID vaccine next Thursday can’t wait I’ll feel safer .
I just wish my family would care a bit more .
Your Sheila is driving me mad Malc .
All I hear is her health , but they were both like it when Colin was alive , she doesn’t realise .
I couldn’t live her life .
I’m getting up early today to take Muffin up the Skelly . Because of the chap coming .
I miss you my Darlin so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday April 22nd 202107:25
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy My second vaccine appointment is 29th April next Thursday .
Can’t wait and I hope we have. Booster in September my Birthday .
Malc I’ll be 70 years old it’s frightening where the years have gone.
I’ve got Karen coming in my garden today for lunch .
Pasty chips and beans followed by trifle .
Hope It goes well .
Feeling a bit weepy again yet things are going better .
I’m anxious most of the time .
Lisa has disappointed me really only rang me once while she was away .
Years ago when you and I went on holiday we at least visited the day after we came back or even the day we got back .
Christopher used to meet us and gave me a hug .
It’s all gone .
What’s happened to my family???😢
Oh Malc if I could turn the clock back if only .
I miss you so much I can’t talk to you to tell you how I feel only by this message .
If only you could visit me for just 10 minutes.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc If this message goes through x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April 21st 2021 07:58
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy. I’ve just had a shower ready to go to Jeans again today .
It’s been raining over night hope this doesn’t dampen today and especially tomorrow .
Karen is coming for lunch in my garden .
I thought I’d sold that stupid parasol last night but let down . Hope I do still time all summer yet . Lisa came back last night but I had to message her
I only had one phone call and that was the day after they arrived. Mum said she was lonely 😞 she had me or W every day for 25 years.
If I hadn’t got friends I wouldn’t have my family .
What’s going on ????
Geoff was very sarcastic yesterday reading my story on fb He can be quite hurtful at times . I want you more than ever now Malc , just visit me please If only for 10 mins .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 20 th 2021 08:47 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb boring this morning .
I’ve had my breakfast Muffin is asleep on the bed .
I brought a parasol from Facebook market place but the lady who sold said it was brand new clearly not .
She won’t refund me !!!
I’m trying to contact admin . No joy at the moment.
I went to jeans yesterday had lunch lovely afternoon we had a laugh .
Days are getting better seeing friends again .
My friend from the surgery has suggested a girly day out in two months time on a train to maybe Blackpool .
I can’t wait . Next week I am seeing friends nearly every day . I need company I’m obsessed feel better when someone is with me .
I’m getting anxious now a days .
I miss you so much Malc more and more each day .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc hope this message goes through.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 19 th 2021 06:49
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb I’m going to Jean Beardsmore’s today in her garden I’ve had such a lonely 😞 weekend I have to see some one to make me feel human .
I love my baby boy and if he wasn’t here with me I think I wouldn’t be .
He’s my saviour !!
Ellie spoke to me yesterday Christopher has an abscess in his mouth and had to go to the dentist he gave him antibiotics I did send him a message but again no reply .
Malc it hurts so much .
It’s eating away at me , I don’t think I will see him ever 😞
Lisa is still away back sometime tomorrow I don’t think I will see her she will be back to work .
I wish you were here by my side Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc If this message goes through Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday April 18 th 2021 08:03 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching anything.
Lisa did face time me yesterday and Geoff made a joke so all ok .
They are having a good time in Skegness . I had a boring day yesterday riding round . Watched the funeral of Duke of Edinburgh Then went to Cannock popped to deliver a Birthday card and flowers to a friend Chris .
I don’t know if I will see anyone today Being Sunday .
Hoping Carol Norrey will ask me to her garden I’m so lonely Malc family and people don’t understand.
I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April 17 th 2021 07:31
Well Lisa didn’t ring me last night because when I rang yesterday morning I was greeted by an angry. Geoff saying ROSE. It’s Lisa’s day off and she won’t be happy !!!!
Lisa was in the back ground saying I’ll ring you later But she didn’t !!
Geoff said she hadn’t had a good sleep but did I know that .
I sent a message back to both but they have took offence I always have to tell the truth .
Will she ring today ? Geoff really upset me .
I’m feeling sensitive anyway.
Will this message go through ?
Oh Malc what is going wrong ?
I miss you so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April 14 th 2021 06:40
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb Better now Morgan isn’t on shouting his mouth off.
Jean and Jeff came yesterday for lunch a nice afternoon .
Jeff completed the gate latch in the front garden .
The garden heater is coming today .
I’m going a ride to the new designer outlet not going in .
That’s if there are paths to ride on the way .’
Dot is coming for lunch tomorrow scampi’ & chips I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 13 th 2021 06:33
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb Hair appointment today great but I have to listen to Debs barking dog rebel 😖
My ears scream when he barks .
May be the son will look after him today as he is off school.
Lisa is off work today but busy getting ready for a few days away this week end . I won’t see her as much now they are going away every week end now .
I’m so depressed the insulin is a hormone and it’s making me put on weight .
When they contact me I’m asking if I can stop it and go back to meds ! Jean and Jeff are coming for lunch today 1pm I’m doing stew.
I’m trying to be good and not have a cake later .’
Muffin is better today he’s lying beside me on the bed .
Snoring his head off bless him . I miss you my Darlin so much Malc c
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 12th 2021 07:21 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb I’ve been up in the night with Muffin poor little boy has had Diarrhoea , he’s my life please don’t let anything happen to him .
I won’t see Lisa this week or next she is going away with Geoff and their friends .
She is the only family who bothers with me . Our Christopher doesn’t visit or ring me . I’m so lonely Malc with out you.
I cried yesterday but it was too cold to ride round .
I did see Lisa and because I told her I was so fed up .
She asked me down , I stayed a few hours .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday April 11th 2021 07:11
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Had a rotten nights sleep 😴 Dreamt I was on holiday but it was a horrible hotel .
A Strange dream !!
I won £60 on the Grand National yesterday Malc I saw no one yesterday not one of my family . I asked if Lisa was in , she said she was going to Jordds taking them shopping , which I totally understand .
But I hoped she would ask me later or come up .
It didn’t happen . I had such a lonely day Malc 😚
I took Muffin a ride round but it was so cold 🥶 I wish all my family would really love me.
I keep buying things to cheer me up .
But love is what I’m lacking ❤️
A hug means everything.
What will today bring ? My little boy has had a groom he looks gorgeous I wish I would have had Cath a long time ago.’
I miss you so much Malc it’s not getting any easier .’
My weight has risen nearly a stone .
I’m so depressed the diabetic nurse says it’s the insulin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC 😘
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday April 8 th 2021 06:35 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb Dean a chap came yesterday to quote me for lights under my shelter outside and a double socket in the porch . Recommended to me by a school friend Paul Ray .
Also the garden heater is coming today. Ziggy is pressure washing the front garden today. Weather is very cold again today , I just wish we could have a really unusual warm period .
I miss you Malc so much Darlin .
I cry most days .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April 7th 2021 07:57
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’ve just washed my hair and had a shower . Another bitter cold day today Malc . Another lonely day not seeing anyone again .
I can’t tell you how depressed I am .
Lisa doesn’t understand and Christopher doesn’t care . To Busy To busy . I’m a people person and have to see people daily .
It’s my personality.
The weather now is holding me back .
Bitter cold again .
Counting the days to my second jab .
It’s been 8 weeks now since my first jab .
What would you have thought Malc going through this.?
I ask daily for you to come and talk to me but I know you can’t.
No one ever comes back do they .
I pray there is an after life so when it’s my turn I can put my arms around you and give you the biggest 🤗 x
My heart aches for you Malc 😢xx
I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Hope this message goes through.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 6th 2021, 06:39
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb Had a bit better sleep last night but wish I could have a 7!hour sleep with out getting up in the night .’
I’m not seeing anyone today as weather is so cold .
Bitter in fact .
I’m counting the days to my hair to be done next Tuesday.’
I had to have a skin test yesterday it was fine.
Dot is ringing me today at 1pm .
Lisa came yesterday for half hour a coffee. She is off today with Finley who stayed last night .’
The sun has just come out looking from my window Ron my bed . I miss you my Darlin more than ever . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Hope this message goes through Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 5 th 2021 08:49
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope this message goes through .
It’s bitter cold today Malc so different from the last few days .’
Snow forecast this depresses me You know how I like to get out with Muffin .
Also we are allowed to have friends in the garden now .
Trust the weather to change.
I had the worst nights sleep last night .
Really worried me .
Sheila rang this morning water infection yet again Always her health !!!
She went next door to look after the dogs they use her really .
But she enjoys it .
Shirley’s Carol might pop an Easter card in later I took one up to there’s yesterday.
I think it’s Guilty conscience. Lisa is off today but I’m loathed to visit incase she moans I miss you so much Malc it hurts I’m still crying for you I miss your love ❤️ I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x .
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday April 4th 2021 08:06
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Emmerdale omibus
All shops shut today being Easter Sunday.
Lisa and Geoff going to see his Daughter & Grand kids .
Meeting half way at a park.
Had a nice afternoon with Lisa Geoff Jade Jordan Mary Carter
I arrived at 2pm she mentioned the time but said I was too early so I sat in the sun until everyone arrived . I went home 5:30!pm I won’t see anyone today I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April 3rd 2021 09:10 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’ve just had a shower can’t get out of the bath anymore The pain in both shoulders and right hand really bad .
I’m invited to Lisa and Geoff’s bbq today , hope the weather warms up it was lovely yesterday. Hope this message goes through Malc it didn’t yesterday.
I wish you were here Malc with me going to Lisa’s bbq .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday April 1st 2021 07:11 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb much calmer .
Weather so windy and cold compared to yesterday .
So depressing 😚
My blood sugar still high I’m so fed up not knowing what to eat.
If I starve it’s goes down . Not seeing anyone today .
Enjoyed having Jean & Jeff in my garden yesterday Hope weather picks up so I can go to their garden .
I miss you so much Malc I need you xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday March 31st 2021 08:20 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is Georgia’s 11 th Birthday where have the years gone Malc , I’m so upset as you should be here celebrating it . Remember when we were at Scotland Edinburgh sitting watching them swim in the Poole of the hotel .
You said that’s what I’ll miss watching them grow up.
I cried by your side .
I have Jean and Jeff Beardsmore in my garden today for lunch Another sunny day before the end of the week .then snow . I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC. Xx
Hope this message goes through x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 30th 2021 06:45 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb Thank goodness piers Morgan is iff the Set
It’s so lovely to see calm
It’s going to be another warm day today I’m off tomorrow Karen Goodwin today for lunch Looking forward to being treated . Enjoyed my afternoon with Dot yesterday in my garden . Got to make the best of the weather snow forecast easter. Roll on my second vaccine.
I was talking about you to Dot yesterday she Charlie her husband too . We never forget you. I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 29 th 2021 06:39
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy A short message Malc incase it won’t go through . Yesterday Lisa and Geoff came and cleaned up my back garden decking leaves and pots .
I’ve sent for a garden an ornament from America as a thank you . Dot is coming today in my garden for lunch looking forward too . I’ve got blankets soup cheese and onion cobs . I’ve got a heater too Going to Karen Goodwin’s tomorrow in her garden unless she decides to cancel . I miss you Malc so much Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 27 th 2021 18:35 Hello Malc , I’m late writing tonight The clocks go forward tonight where has the time gone .
I’m so lonely with out you Malc missing you so much .
Another lonely weekend .
But I can see Dot my friend Monday in the garden .
Been to Lisa’s but she was going to Jade’s they were going to B&M then to someone’s house to pick up a dressing table .
It’s sold second hand but nice .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 26th 2021 07:14 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope this message goes through Weather windy and a bit of rain .
Praying Monday and Tuesday with be good Dot coming in my garden and Tuesday I’m going to Karen Goodwin’s she’s a nurse in Cannock Hospital .
Ellie texted me last night then I face timed her .
She’s worried she has diarrhoea after eating certain foods so I’ve told her to ask her Mum to speak to Janey their friend and doctor about it .
I miss you so much Malc it hurts I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday March 25 th 2021 07:03 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy My message to you didn’t get through yesterday This site is strange sometimes A short message today incase it happens again .
I love you and miss you so much Malc .
My heart aches for you . I’m so lonely Darlin .
Seeing no one again today not until next week when we are allowed friends and family in my garden . I will ring someone today tho
The suns out today so Muffin and I are out . Got my new glasses yesterday Ken is also getting me a calor gas bottle for my patio heater when it comes .
I miss you So Much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 23rd 2021 06:44
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb one year on since lockdown COVID .
Just washed my hair .
Cold outside , I wish the warmer weather would come back now .
No holidays abroad this year again but I’m not bothered about that as long as Dot and I go next year we have booked June . Lisa is off work today will I see her ?
I’ve got to take Georgia’s present down to her so she can take it to her for next week .
I miss you so much Malc I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
Hope this message goes through
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 22nd 2021 06:53 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed after having a lovely dream about you Malc It was about the COVID vaccine they were coming to give you yours .
You looked so handsome Malc .
You gave me a lovely soft kiss 💋 I tried to go back into my dream but was too awake . Yesterday I asked Geoff if he would come and get the leaves up , but he said they were taking Carter to Chase water .
I was disappointed not the fact him not coming but I would have loved to have been asked if I wanted to go too !!
But I reckon Jade and Max went too .
I then decided to take Muffin a ride we went up Hazel Slade just past to Beudessert .
I’m so glad I have Muffin I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 21st 2021 17:07
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m late writing I’ve been a ride to Cannock with Muffin Just to get out .
I called in Lisa’s later stop for a cuppa .
She told me Christopher has health problems Stomach and on a lot of tablets ???
He drinks 2 bottles of red wine a night a bit worrying .’
Stress I guess ??
I’m waiting for my curry now , still feel weepy .
So lonely Malc my family don’t understand .
They have their lives to lead .
I never thought I would be alone Malc you knew didn’t you . You said before you passed away. You felt sorry for me Find a companion you said , bless you 🥲
I miss you Malc so much Darling .
I ache for you .
Another lonely day tomorrow .
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc if the message goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday March 18 th 2021 06:29
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb Now bloody France have threatened to block vaccines to Britain because they want our vaccines .
We have been reassured we will get out second jab .
Hope there’re telling the truth .
Roll on May 1st that’s 11weeks .’might be 7th May .
I have a pain in my face left side since I’ve been biting at the ulcer in my mouth .
I can’t seem to stop because I’m so anxious .
Please help me through this Malc please .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Hope this message goes through Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday March 17 th 2021 06:26
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching Gmb good that Piers has left it’s calmer.
I’m feeling worried yet again health really more to worry about
Old problem back . Also this so called ulcer in my mouth giving me pain in my face I can’t stop chewing it. I’m full of fear and anxiety Malc I have no support from family , I’m fighting this on my own . Keep me strong Malc please .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I’m not seeing anyone today again , I know Dot my friend is ringing me today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 16 th 2021 07:12
Hello Malc sorry I haven’t written to you for a couple of days my messages wouldn’t go through .
Mother’s Day was better than I thought.
Lisa took me to Threntham garden’s Saturday because she was being invited to Jades for dinner on Mother’s Day .
As a thank you for what they have done for her .
Then Sunday brought me a lavender tree and flowers and card She’s got today off should I call in ?
Weather picking up thank goodness .
Clocks go forward 27th March .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 13 th 2021 15:35 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy. Today Lisa took me to Tretham Gardens but nothing there and Raining disaster really then we called at Jades house .
Lisa took me there today because jade has invited Lisa and Geoff to dinner tomorrow for Mother’s Day .
I must say I was a bit disappointed hoped she would have invited me too .
It was as a thank you for them helping her .
Perhaps I’m being selfish .
It’s little things sometimes what Lisa says and not realise how she said it.
I’m very sensative lately Need a hug and love ❤️ Really x
Nothing much to tell you really only my mobility scooter is being sorted yet again . The shed for dustbins are being returned and money back I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 12 th 2021. 07:48 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Gmb A better morning with Ben Shepherd and Kate Garraway .
Raining again bloody weather !!
Please bring warmer dryer weather to cheer us up with these awful times .
Delivery today looking forward too.
Hope Muffin and I can get out today I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday March 11th 2021 06:06 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy x I’m in bed watching Gmb always bad news .
Only one thing Piers Morgan has left GMB . Yeah .
Hope Suzanne leaves next . The pest control is coming today , found a dead mouse last night in the kitchen .
Malc I’m so upset as I don’t have you to help me . No one in the family help .
Not even the garden now . I miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday. March 10 th 2021 10:01
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.’ I’m still in bed watching This Morning just started . Had breakfast and two cups of tea.
Raining heavily not good . A few days I’m not looking forward too . No text or phone calls from my family .
Although I know Lisa will probably invite me to dinner on Sunday for Mother’s Day.and a present .
I know she’s busy but I wish she would see me more and not wrap herself around Jade. She is 28 years old and can look after herself .
But I seen to have been pushed to the back . She not knowing how much pain I’m in and my Mental health .
Meaning the loneliness I’m going through . I miss you Malc so much.
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 9 th 2021 06:12
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb .
Harry and Megan the interview is the big story . I think they did the right thing moving away from the royals They are happy now .
The Firm need to move forward they are stuck in the old times . I’m feeling very lonely and sensitive at the moment . Anything seems to set me off crying .
I did speak to the diabetic nurse yesterday about how I feel and my Arthritis been so bad at the moment . I face timed Ellie last night that was nice .’
Can’t wait for my second vaccine so I can meet up with my friends again .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 8 th 2021 17:30 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m late writing to you today .
Again feeling weepy over weight and seen no one .
I did speak to Dot today for an hour , not a lot to say really .
Been know where seen no one .
Bitter cold 🥶 today again , nights getting lighter tho .
Mary sent a photo of you through an app. Your eyes were moving and smiling .
It frightened me at first .
She meant well .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday March 7th 2021 07:25 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching Royal videos .
I’ve just washed my hair and had a shower .’
Trevor from across the way is coming to get my leaves up and pressure wash the decking .
Then later I’m going to Carol Norrey’s to give her a Birthday present and money I owed her for the T rolls and treats .
I cried most of yesterday because Lisa doesn’t seem bothered how lonely I am .
She’s in her little bubble Geoff , Jade and Finley and Carter .
I really thought my family would care for me !!!! After losing you Malc .
You were right Malc you said you felt sorry for me because I would be on my own .’
Oh how I didn’t realise how right you were .
I have had the most devastating 7 years after losing you Malc .
I miss you so much Malc Darlin 😰x
I will write you again tomorrow Malc ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 6th 2021 06:59
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m still in bed watching Diana on you tube .
I feeling so lonely Malc but my family doesn’t realise how much .
Days and nights long lonely hours Malc .
I’ve cancelled my funeral plan . Too expensive. I’ve decided I want to be buried and Malc’s , Butch and Tiggers ashes put in my grave . I need to tell Lisa .’
I will try and go to Rugeley to collect Muffins treats . I miss you Malc so much it’s getting harder each day and year goes by .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone Hope this message goes through . LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 5th 2021 06:33 Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Sorry it’s been a while since I wrote to you . This is a new iPhone because other one faulty .
This is the third iphone now . Apple are sending me a case and screen protector.
I’ve cried for you a lot lately Malc I miss you so much It might be seven years but still seems like yesterday.
Ziggy is coming 1pm to tidy garden decking .
If he doesn’t do a good job today I think I will stop having him. I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow and hope this message will go through . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday February 24th 2021 07:40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB stupid pierce Morgan Blabbing off again .
I detest him arrogant so and so.
Some one needs to bring him down .
It’s raining at the moment .
I’ve got to get out I feel so low in mood today .
Depressed really ,
Good job I have Muffin .
I’m ringing Carol Banks today noting really.
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Tuesday February 23rd 2021 08;40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching GMB bloody Peirce Morgan .
He so gets up my nose 🤬
Good on you Matt Hancock for fighting back .
I feel very low this morning wanting to cry after it being 7 years Yesterday since you fell asleep .
I’m crying as we speak .
We are gradually getting back to normal but it’s hard .
I’m going up the Skelly in a while , I left you some flowers On your tree yesterday.
I miss you Malc so much my heart ❤️ is breaking .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday February 19 th 2021 06:42
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching GMB .
Don’t know what I’m doing today it’s raining again . My scooter is going in again John thinks now he has a solution.
He is sending for a loop it’s the wires which works the panel . Chip day today no cooking . Jade came yesterday I gave her loads of stuff I don’t need .
She brought Finley and Carter .
She has got a house in Stafford .
I miss you Malc so much darlin , family really don’t understand.
I’m so lonely .
I have Muffin he such good company.
Thank God for him .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 18 th 2021 07:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Better news covid data coming g down .
But hospitals still full .
Rain today so won’t be out much today .
Pest control chap might pop in regarding mice Hope he finds they are gone .
There’s a smell in the dressing room .
Jade has got her house in Stafford sounds lovely .
I will see her over the weekend.
I’ve brought her a few things and gave her sheets pillows towels .
I still have my problem and I have put on weight .not happy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday February 17 th 2021 07:25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Sorry I missed writing to you yesterday Malc I had an appointment with my Nurse. VitB12 inj .
Then the day went quick .
I found some mouse turds the side of my bed yesterday Which means it’s been running around while I’m asleep God please don’t let me see one in the bedroom Hope Paul the pest control chap comes today .
John mobility’ chap took my scooter yesterday to find the problem with lights and indicator’s
Hope he finds the problem this time .
Weather rain on and off .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday February 15 th 2021 06:59
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Happy 71st Birthday Mate xx my darlin.🎂🍺
Hope you are celebrating with Mum
And Dad and your Mum & Dad xx
I wish you were here for me to give you a big hug .
I have put a piece on face book to show how much I love you .
50 yrs today we went decimalisation where has the time gone ?
I’m not seeing anyone today Malc. family especially .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday February 14 th 2021 07:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m still in bed Watching tv I thought it was Monday today .
My arm feels a bit better today .
I went to Lisa’s yesterday stayed a while it was great until she talked about me using pro for lifts She always brings up something that hurts me .
I don’t think she realises what she says sometimes I’m so vulnerable at the moment.
Being on my own through lock down has made me so lonely .
Not seeing my friends only phoning people .
It’s bed. A tough two years Malc .
I’m on my own again today .
Muffin is my soul mate now .
I miss you Malc so much darlin it’s your 71st birthday tomorrow .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday February 13 th 2021 08:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope this goes through today Malc .
Well I’ve had my covid vaccine Just got an ache arm this morning. Can’t wait for my second jab in May .
Weather still cold this morning rain coming in .
Muffin is fast asleep by my side in bed bless him .
I wander if I will see anyone today ? I might pop to Lisa’s .
I miss you my darlin so much It’s your Birthday on Monday I will be thinking about you .
I never forget you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday February 12th 2021 08:50
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m having my covid vaccine today Pfizer it’s the best one apparently.
Hope Geoff is right , I’ve had a very bad night sleep 3:30 am been awake .
Thinking about vaccine and all sorts .
Carol Norrey and her husband is picking me up .
4:15 appointment 4:30 pm Hope we don’t have to wait long .
I’ve been told I’ll be tired and a headache but as long as it works I’m ok .
I do hope this message goes through it hasn’t since last week .
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone c
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Saturday February 6th 2021 07:41 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching a film Charlie Drake.
Haven’t seen him for years .
It’s raining again Malc when is the nice weather coming back .
I’m still waiting for my letter for covid vaccine.
Hope it’s soon .
Went to Lisa’s yesterday had a cuppa . Jade’s got a house in Stafford opposite the Hospital .
It looks gorgeous.
I’m sure it will all go through .
Her Dad is going to be guarantor .
I won’t see anyone today .
Ellie face timed me last night bless her .
We had quite a long conversation.
She’s lovely Malc so grown up .
I’m crying 😭 If you could see how all our Grandchildren have grown up .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC cc
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 4th 2021 07:55
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Yesterday’s message didn’t go through I’m still in bed watching. The chase thus morning.
News is depressing.
My scooter came back last night Malc I’ve got to try it out Hope it works but if it does I’ve got to pay £35 .
Jason is coming to set up my new replaced Freesat box .
After work .
He’s a moody chap takes after Kay she can be funny at times .
I’m fighting with my mind every day Malc wandering what life is giving me !
I miss you so much darlin I wish you could talk to me .
Don’t know what I’m doing today .
I’m not seeing anyone today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday February 2nd 2021 06:38
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Will this message go through.
I miss you Malc so much more each day .
It’s pouring down today and turning to snow .
Lisa is coming today to help me.
Covid is spreading nearer its in Walsall now the new variant.
I’m terrified Malc I desperately need the vaccine .
But it not my turn at the moment .
Roll on spring .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday January 29 th 2021 07;53
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB a real vaccine out hope it works soon .
Missing you terribly Malc , no one to talk to .
I have our gorgeous Muffin with me thank goodness .
I’m taking my Freesat box to post office today hopefully it will be exchanged .
I might pop to Lisa’s she’s in my bubble.
If the weather would pick up I’d feel better .
Not a lot to tell you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Thursday January 28 th 2021 07:19 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB .
All bad news yet again locked down until March at least No sign of my vaccine getting very anxious .
What is there to look forward too .
Jason is coming tonight with a mask on to disconnect my Freesat box to return as it’s not working properly .
I’ve got to arrange a courier 🚚 .
Raining at the moment until lunch time so depressing.
Oh Malc what would you think of this pandemic .? Help me through this please .
I’m facing this on my own . Christopher doesn’t care !
Lisa just says not just you going through this Mum and doesn’t realise how frightened and unhappy ,
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 27th 2021 07:40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy.
I’m in bed watching tv just had a shower .
GMB too depressing Malc .
The snow is melting but not sure if I can get out .
My own scooter is coming back today .
Hopefully fixed the problem now .
100,000 people have died now in this country from covid 😩
I’m so terrified Malc of catching it .
Lisa came yesterday bringing me groceries.
She stayed a good 3/4 hour .
I speak to people weekly but apart from Dot I ring them .
Lisa doesn’t realise how I’m feeling , all she keeps saying is all other people are in the same boat .
I told her but it’s my feelings inside very lonely 😞.
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Tuesday January 26 th 2021 07:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy In bed again watching GMB.
More bad news now regarding vaccine Might not get one at all now !
I’m terrified 😩.
Snow still down can’t go out , I feel Im in a prison .
What is there to look forward to ?
I’m not seeing anyone no family or friends ☹️
Snow stopping me taking Muffin out .
I’m so anxious lonely & depressed .
HELP !!!
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny .
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday January 25 th 2021 07:39 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB more bad news !
I’m ringing Dr Manickam today asking wen I can get my vaccine .
I’m terrified .
I’m also cancelling a water meter .
I do use a lot of water really .
I hope this message goes through today it hasn’t the last two days .
I won’t be going out today still snow outside .
I miss you so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday January 22nd. 2021 09;40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy What a start to the morning !
Tussling with the seller of an item I purchased from eBay I’ve got to get in touch with eBay on Tuesday .
Well what will today bring ?
Seeing no one no one contacting me Good job I have Muffin he’s my soul mate and best friend Where’s my family ?
I know it’s covid but Lisa is in my bubble .
She’s only working part time for Christopher Jade us still living with her with the kids but Jade is 29 yrs I’m done !!!!
Nothing I can talk about going nowhere .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday January 21st 2021. 07:06
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB.
Trump out Biden in America hurray !!!
Snow over night but clearing thank goodness !
I pray for good health good weather and friendship .
I’m so lonely Malc and emotional today .
I feel my family has deserted me literally ☺️.
I need a boost I need to laugh I need love I need a hug 🤗.
I need a covid vaccine .
I’m terrified of catching covid .
I miss you Malc so much darlin c
I need you to visit me Malc xx
But don’t take me , I want to live a ripe old age xx
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 20 th 2021. 06:57 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby.
I’m in bed watching GMB again bad news .
Now they say we have a shortage of covid vaccine .
We will I get mine .
Sheila has had her letter , Lisa has had her vaccine .
I’m terrified Malc I don’t get one at all .
Pouring down this morning and is going to continue for days .
What is there to look forward to ????
New president today in America , Biden hope he does a better job than TRUMP !!
I won’t see anyone again today phone calls and telly .
I seem to be the one who rings every one !!
When will I be happy again ??
Life is so tuff !
I miss you Malc so much darlin, it’s hard coping on my own.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday January 19 th 2021 06:54
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Depressing pierce Morgan 😡
It’s poring down today no where to go no one to see .
I feel I’m going mad .
So lonely Malc .
Lisa has her covid vaccine today , I’m
Jealous ! I don’t think I will get mine for months yet 🥲x
I wish something good would happen .
It’s a good job I have Muffin he’s gorgeous my little boy .
I can’t tell you much Malc today x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday January 18 th 2021 07:31 Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m feeling really low today my problem has come back .
Also I asked Lisa if she didn’t mind collect Muffins treats From Argos inside Sainsburys no rush next week would do .
I know she’s working cleaning for Christopher but her answer was they deliver it cost £3:95 .
I’ve ordered some and it’s at Rugeley only part order is there so I’ll wait until Thursday it’s a sunny day I’ll wait until all has arrived . It’s the bus for me !!!!
I’m getting really depressed now not seeing anyone no friends I’m certainly not seeing part of my family 🥲
I miss you Malc so much darlin it hurts .
I’m so frightened 😌
What will today bring ? I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday January 17 th 2021 07:59
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching flirty dancing Trying to cheer my self up in these dark times .
I did texted Christopher asking him to send me the money he owes me . It’s a big ask he is so stubborn,
My head thinks he won’t but can give it a try . He owns 9 homes now and Seighford hall .
He’s brought a car £110 ,000 it’s not as if he can’t afford it .
Lisa popped in yesterday with some veg .
She stayed about 3/4 hour .
I asked if she could come more often .
She was a bit sarky .
Covid is causing so many problems .
I’m praying for my vaccine .
Hope I am notified soon ,
Sorry I missed writing g to you yesterday Malc ,
I genuinely forgot.
Lots on my mind .
I’m thinking of having a water meter as now I’m struggling to get out of the bath .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee And Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday January 15 th 2021 06:17 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB. Better news today infection rate coming down Can’t wait for my Vaccine .
They’re saying all people age 50 yrs will be vaccs by March .
Hope they’re right .
Haven’t heard from family no text ?
They might as well be in another country .
Never in my life have I ever been so lonely !!!
I taking Muffin to a new dog groomer today 3 pm .
Hope she does a good job .
I’ve got to find it yet . I’ll start out early .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc c
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday January 14 th 2021. 11:37 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching good morning Britain It’s an awful day weather wise rain cold .
My scooter 🛵 is being serviced .
But I have a borrowed one .
Muffin is on the bed snoring his head off Malc I love him so much ❤️.
Your barmy Sheila I speak to every day she’s so depressing. Nothing much to tell you at the moment as not going anywhere .I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 13th 2021 07:29
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope this message goes through .
I’m still in bed watching GMB all bad news .
Covid still spreading fast , Trump in America MAD !!!
Weather atrocious What else can be thrown at us .
I’ve got to try and keep positive so many people dying .
My family don’t realise I need support and love .
Christopher well I’m shocked after losing you Malc He was the one I thought would have looked after me.
I’m fighting with my mental health daily .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
You would be by my side always .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday January 11th 2021 06:33
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m not sure if this message will go through it hasn’t for a couple of days .
I’m sending a short message today I’m worried about covid not shopping now .
Lisa is shopping for me.
I’ve just got to hold tight and hang on keep safe and hope .
I love you Malc and miss you so much darlin.
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday January 10 th 2021,
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’ve just wrote to you but yet again list it .
It’s Lisa ‘s 49 th Birthday today She will be up later I guess for her present 🎁 Not sure what’s happening yet !
Covid has stopped a lot .
President Trump hopefully will be impeached
Crazy Man !!
I miss you Malc so much darlin Life is so lonely because I can’t see anyone no friends .
I will try and remember to write tomorrow Malc My mind is forgetting things at times .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone,
LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday January 8th 2021 06:46 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB more bad news .
Trump is MAD get rid NOW .
Virus getting worse !!!
Lisa and Jade brought a couple of groceries last night .
Snow came again last night .
Then next week flippin rain coming in .
What a start to the new year .
I’m still going to take Muffin up the Skelly if the weather doesn’t get worse .
I’m begging g for a vaccine but I’m so far down the list .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday January 7th 2021 06:09
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy The world has gone mad . Not only have we a shortage of covid vaccines .
The virus increasing hourly.
Trump opened his mouth and caused a storm in the white house .people were shot and killed .
Get him removed 😡
America 🇺🇸 is in a total mess .
I’m so frightened Malc .
I’ve stopped shopping my self and asked Lisa to shop once a week for me .
I’ve got to keep safe .
Friends who O k ow have covid .
Our next door neighbours Kev Jo and family have it 😜
I will only take Muffin for a walk once a day beside my mobility scooter .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 6th 2021 06:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB no good news as usual I’ve decided now not to shop the covid pandemic spreading so fast it’s worrying .
Lisa is going to do my shopping from now on .
I will miss it but I want to keep safe . Oh Malc when will this awful pandemic disappear?
I’m so frightened and lonely.
I’ve got Muffin by my side he is saving my sanity .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday January 5 th 2021 07;10 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB I don’t know if this message will go through it didn’t yesterday.
Full lockdown again Malc , I wonder what you would think of this covid virus .
You would have to shield .
I don’t know whether to cry or not !!
Can only go out for exercise but I’m on my mobility scooter I’m so lonely Malc but can’t do anything about it .
No one is bothered in my family.
Tooooo busy !!!
I miss you so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny .
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday January 3rd 2021 06;53
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching fantasy by the sea Dreams Malc .
Just dreams !
I just wish dreams came true and you came back into my life .
Ellie texted me last night on there way back now .
Safe journey back . Snow still coming in very cold .
I just wish the snow would disappear and warmer temperatures.
Covid GO AWAY !!!!!!
I don’t think I will see anyone today and Lisa is back cleaning for Christopher .
I was hoping Lisa would take me to Sainsburys to get Muffin his treats but she took Carter yesterday.
What sort of year am I going to have Malc ?
Doesn’t look like anything from Christopher !
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday January 2nd 2021 07:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I don’t think I wrote to you yesterday ?
Had a surprise dinner at Lisa’s yesterday just Lisa me and Geoff and the dogs .
Max is ok with Muffin now .
I won’t see her now she’s back at Christophers Monday .
I’m trying to be strong because of this pandemic .
Not seeing my friends is tuff . I’ve got to watch my weight now I’ve krept up .not good .
My problem is coming back 😞
All my joints hurt weather isn’t helping .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday. December 31st 2020 07;36
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I have to collect a letter from the surgery hoping this will excuse me from jury service .
My mobility is very bad and balance and stress .
Lisa did text me last night Norman Wisdom his story
I did watch it I had seen it before.
Will I see her today ? Oxford Vaccine now approved so I can’t wait to get mine .
I don’t think it will until Easter .
I just wish covid would go away so we can get our lives back .
Last day of 2020 no celebrations.
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday December 30 th 2020 05:46
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Feeling very hurt and in loved .
Last night I spoke to our Daughter about the letter I received jury service .
She and Geoff were very sarcastic about me Geoff was shouting in the back ground .
I also asked if I brought the food could we have a nice night celebrating need years eve.
They both said no and Geoff said it’s all the cleaning up after , I think that was a hint I should wash up !!!!
I offered to help Christmas Day but Lisa said it’s ok.
Did I see Jade Jordan or Mary help !!!!
70 yrs next year and have Arthritis through out my body’s.
I struggle every day in pain and never ask for help .
I sent a very upsetting message to Lisa I said I thought they thought I was a joke.
Injury and angry .
No one offers to clear the snow I’ve Asked Lisa if she would put the Xmas stuff up in the loft No joy . Asked if Geoff would put the cardboard in my bin No joy .
Now snow and I can’t get out on my mobility scooter . I’ve also received a letter jury service which I can’t do health problems .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc What an end to bloody 2020 😥
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday December 29 th. 2020 06:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy boy I’m in bed watching GMB why I watch it god knows Always bad news .
Weather awful can’t get out because of ice and snow .
Had to go on the roads yesterday but I was frightened Christopher is in Dubai with family away from this awful weather .
If we haven’t got enough with covid looks like we are going on total lockdown , I think I will go crazy Malc on my own to long .
Kay my friend from out surgery is getting her first vaccine on Wednesday. Lucky devil wish it was me .
I don’t think I will get mine until Easter time .
What a mess this country is in .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday December 27 th 2020 06;39 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed just had a cup of tea .
A light peppering of snow outside it should be gone by tomorrow.
I’ve asked Lisa to help me put Christmas stuff away in the loft .
Next door neighbours Kev and family have covid .
Must have been mild he was out in his van yesterday . It’s so near Malc I’m terrified 😩
Hope I can get out this morning on my scooter .
Your Sheila is driving me mad with her hand same problem I have with mine but you just have to get on with it.
She’s really crafty Malc she pings my phone so I can ring her back so I pay she gets a free call .
Malc I hope we can all get the covid vaccine they said it’ should be approved and started to be given by January 4th I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday 27 th December 2020. 08:22 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Well Christopher is off to Dubai what next ? I hope they keep safe lots of rules over there .
I have sent a message to him .
I’ve also sent a message to Ellie she wasn’t very well yesterday a cold .
They fly at 10am 7 hour journey .
Keep safe Son .!!!
I read Oxford vaccine will be approved by Thursday crossing fingers 🤞🤞
Never have I felt so uncertain in life and depressed.
My heart ❤️ is aching for you Malc 😢
I will NEVER get over losing you Malc xxx
Please help me to be calmer Lisa doesn’t know how anxious I am .
I love company but getting none now pandemic is around .
I’m going to Tesco this morning to see Amanda to give Muffin some chicken .
Weather is bitterly cold frost on the ground .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday December 25 th 2020 07:22 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Christmas Day already ,
I cooked a piece of beef yesterday it’s over cooked and like leather .
I’m so upset ruined .
Just opened my presents from friends .
I’ve had some lovely ones actually .
I miss you Malc so much darlin , I could cry .
I’ve got to keep a smile on my face today in front of family Keep my distance too .
I am worried but taking a chance so don’t want to be on my own . I love you and miss you my darlin more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee And Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday December 24th 2020 06:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Well today government announce a DEAL with the EU !!
Not sure if it’s the right thing .
Will listen today .
I just want the vaccine to come out and we all get vaccinated.
So we are all safe .
Christmas Eve and I wish you were here to celebrate it
I miss you Malc so much darlin Lisa is coming today to label her presents for the kids .
I will write to you in the morning Christmas 🎄 day .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday December 23 rd 2020. 08:58 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy In bed watching GMB .
More bad news 4tier for us from Boxing Day .
No hair to be done again bloody covid virus .
Please send us some good news Malc a vaccine A.s.AP. Keep me Muffin and our family safe .
Have a word with Christopher please , not good news about him .
How will it end with him ?
I didn’t sleep well last night crying 😢.
Ellie sent a lovely card and a present bless her .
I will be looking after her as she has been a rock for me .
She has asked when she becomes 16 years old can she live with me .
I’m seriously considering it but she’s only 12 yrs yet.
Please help us through these bad times Malc xx
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee And Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday Dec 22nd 2020 05:56 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Just a short message Malc today Nothing changing much Virus 🦠 getting spreading more vigarus frightening .
I’ve got to have my Vit B12 ink this morning .
I just wish the covid Oxford vaccine would roll out .
Can’t wait for vaccine ASAP .
Not seeing anyone today .
Lisa told me some very disturbing news yesterday about Christopher’ .
I’m shocked !!
Keeping my distance !!!
I wish you were here with me Malc I’m so frightened.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday 21st December 2020 06:13
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB.
Weather awful more rain ☔️ brexit no end to it .
Corona virus 🦠 getting worse . Ellie called yesterday to pick up all the their presents .
I hoped Christopher would have come in .
They stopped in the car he kept looking at his phone She had a stupid smile on her face .
They didn’t bring the Rolls Royce .
I’m devastated I didn’t receive a card even .
Four days to go and NOT looking forward to Christmas Day .
Lisa is at work today cleaning for Christopher.
Will I see her or hear from her today .????
What a bloody year .
I’ve just got to pray I’m safe .
I’m so lonely Malc I cried yesterday after Ellie left .
I didn’t hug her because of covid .
I miss you so much Malc x🥲
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee And Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday December 20 th 2020 07:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed had two mugs of tea and watching the chase .
Weather very dark and cold . Muffin is fast asleep .
Rain forecast again . Bad news for covid spreading fast .
I pray my family and I don’t get it. I am Terrified.
Saw my friend Kay from the surgery yesterday on the park We kept our distance .
Nice afternoon bar the wind we wrapped up .
Shirley popped round to drop off my present and collected sheila’s .
She didn’t come in distancing .
Lisa might pop up today to pick up kids presents .
Dinner at home today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin 5 days to Christmas 🎄 hope it all goes well . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday December 18 th 2020 06:34
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Not good news again regarding tiers still in 3 .
It’s so depressing Malc but we have to keep safe . I am worried about Christmas Day with the family .
I hate being on my own. But hopefully the vaccine Oxford one might be with us in the new year .
I can’t wait for mine .
I went to Carol Norrey’ yesterday gave her a Christmas present, she asked me in for a cuppa we kept our distance .
She’s such a good friend .
She’s driving again but struggling . She like me has pain in her arm she uses to change gear .
She gave me a present too .
I put Muffin the Mule on face book last night someone is hopefully buying it today .
I will have to think 🤔 in future what I’m buying . I don’t think sometimes.
I’ve put a few things on to sell . One week to Christmas now really not looking forward to it actually. I’m so lonely Malc .
I miss you Malc so much I xx I will right to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday December 17 th 2020 06:14 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB No change in the news .
Weather is atrocious wet wet wet rain 🌧 rain ☔️ No change in covid not seeing my friends Only seeing Lisa once a week !!!
Not like you Mum you saw us every day since you lost Dad .
I did put a piece on face book for your wedding Anniversary.
I’m so lonely Malc I’m grieving inside still for you . I’m so lonely Malc so depressed .
I am taking Chemist choc and a card then taking Carol Norrey a present .
I miss you Malc so much Darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday December 16 th 2020 06:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB is so depressing Covid covid covid !!!!!!!
Weather 🌧🌧🌧rain dark bloody miserable
I don’t think we will be going out this morning .
John took my scooter last night to diagnose what’s causing the lights to fail .’
Lisa refusing to take the kids presents up to Christopher’s But she’s cleaning every day She’s so stubborn sometimes .
I could shake her .
I’ve sent Christopher a message to pick up presents but yet again NO ANSWER !!
Sign he’s back home from Antigua and got over Covid .
I think he thought he was going to die that’s why he spoke to me while away .
I give up Christopher!!
Malc I miss you so much darlin.
What’s happened to my family ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny Christmas
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Tuesday December 15 th 2020. 06:44
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB.
No exciting news .
I’m going to Rugeley today Argos to pick up three candies .
Hope they get it right today .
Weather mixed today hope we don’t get wet . I might showerMuffin later today so he smells nice for Christmas .
Lisa is going to Clean at Christophers again today it’s her new job .
I met up with Jean yesterday just a wet walk around the park .
I went on my mobility scooter with Muffin .
I miss you Malc so much darlin more each day goes by .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday December 14 th 2020 05:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB now .
More Bad brexit news .
Weather atrocious .
I did enjoy dinner at Lisa’s yesterday it was lovely .
Elaine rang me yesterday we had quite a talk .
Also Dot and I had a conversation .
Jean Beardsmore is meeting me outside only for 10 mins .
I’ve got to go to Argos tomorrow to collect 3 candles . Lisa is off today but I don’t think I will see her after seeing her yesterday .’
I’m canceling Muffin’s pet insurance today ,
I will pay if he needs any care if he should get poorly .
Insurance a waste of money .
Christmas is getting closer hope we get cheered up .
I can’t wait for my vaccine but don’t think it will be until Easter .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday December 13 th 2020 07:06
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching Diana so missed by everyone .
Lisa has asked me to dinner today .
It’s rain today hope it’s not much I can get out with Muffin .
I’ve got to pop in a card and chics to Carolyn who rang me yesterday .
I’m ringing Dot today sometime before I go to Lisa!s .
Well is this the day we go to a No Deal .
Hope we do we will be an independent county .
I know we will struggle but we will get through it .
I just wish covid would disappear.
I miss my friends too .’
More than anything I miss you so much Malc .
Look over me Malc keep me safe and sane .
Especially keep my family safe .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday December 11 th 2020 06:36 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Barbara Windsor died today age 83 . Mum managed to make 88 years .
What a year it’s been Malc terrifying .
I’m waiting for a courier to collect my Apple Watch I’m having a refund yeah !!!
I will NEVER pay that much for a watch again .
I’m gradually learning a lesson .
Thank you Malc for watching over me Malc .
Don’t know if l will see anyone today .
Lisa might call she may be off today .
Rain most of the day and the week to follow .
I’m counting the weeks to the lighter night and longer Warner days .
I miss you and need you in my dreams and bed Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday December 10 th 2020 06:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Might be a no deal crossing fingers 🤞
Two people are coming today hopefully to pick up zebra and Giraffe .
Hope they don’t let me down .
Weather is bad rain 🌧 every flippin day . What more can be thrown at me ?
I can’t wait for my covid vaccine call me ASAP .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday December 9th 2020 07:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching GMB more if the same news .
I’m not sure what I’m doing today weather isn’t good .
Muffin hasn’t eat for nearly 3days I’ll try again today He’s ok in health I think .’
More vaccines on the way but I don’t think I will get one until next year .
They say surges will get them but how can they whe. They have to be kept in a freezer below 70 • ? There 54 million in this country .!!!
I wander what you would think Malc of this pandemic ?
You would have had to isolate , but that you wouldn’t mind you played solitaire a lot o. Your lap top .
You were a very patient man .
Oh Malc I do miss you 😢 I ask every night you come in my dreams .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday December 8 th 2020 06:48
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB 40 years today John Lennon died .
I was 29 shocking !!
Feeling low again today Malc missing you more as each day goes by .
3 weeks to Christmas .
Covid vaccine starts today 80 years old them care homes .
I just want to keep safe and get through this . I just miss my friends visiting .
Lisa is trying her best .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Hope this message goes through yesterday’s didn’t . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday December 6th 2020 07:32 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy x
I’m in bed watching the Chase . It’s freezing today just put the heating on .
Muffin woke me up twice in the night I think I must have been screaming or crying ???
It’s getting a regular thing .
It’s because I need you and miss you Malc so much. I don’t think I will see anyone today! So lonely Malc , keep us safe and Fred from covid I’m terrified .keep all our family safe too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday December 5th 2020 05;56 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m awake early worried one of the presents is broken . I unwrapped it I think it’s just the metal to be attached .
Need to rewrap it anyway . Lisa is going to be on her own today .
Jade is going with Bruce and Carter , Geoff is working She’s wrapping presents .
I think I have another day on my own with my baby Muffin who I love with all my heart .
But I do like human company especially Lisa .’
I wish the Oxford vaccine would be ready so we all could have it and be safe.
I miss you Malc so much.
It’s so cold out there what with rain and sleet forecast .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc. Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday December 4 th 2020 07:26 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB all bad news again .
I’m taking Muffin for his groom today 9am . Then shopping in Morrison’s and Asda for beef and a look round .
I hope the sleet with keep away until I get home .
I won’t see anyone again today .
Will probably sort presents into family’s today .
I am depressed Malc but no one can help me cope . I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday December 3rd 2020. 06:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed Malc watching GMB Vaccine is available but not for us until next year Nursing home’s 80year old’s nurses carers .
Roll on next spring .
Weather and vaccine. Hope this message goes through .
I’ve got a hair appointment today 3pm with Deb It will be dark when I leave her house .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday December 2nd 2020 07:25
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today the vaccine has been approved but it’s not going to be me until perhaps next year even tho I’m diabetic . I can’t wait , but it’s only going to hospitals as it has to be stored in a large freezer at a big temperature.
So doubt it will come to Cannock hospital !!!!
I would be the first to have if I was invited .
I had a dream last night Malc but again I ended up on my own .Malc I can’t tell you how much I miss you darlin .
I need you more than ever .
But don’t take I have to care for my darlin Muffin who you did see for 18 months before you passed away .
I still can’t get over this I miss you till it hurts .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday Dec 1st 2020. 15:25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Just a quickie. I love ❤️ you and miss you Malc Wrote this morning but again couldn’t get it sent ????
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE. YOU MALC ❤️❤️❤️🎂
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. November 30 th. 2020. 07:12 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB not to bad this morning .
I’ve just washed my hair .
It’s turning to winter tomorrow snow coming Friday 😞
What with covid not seeing my friends and only seeing Lisa once a week sometimes two weeks .
She’s again lost her job not settling she takes after me .
Hope she gets that job in the colliery pharmacy crossing fingers 🤞🤞🤞.
I had a lonely day yesterday only went tonTesco .
Bitterly cold now .
The ulcer in my mouth seems to be a bit better . I’m trying not to chew my cheeks . Hair appointment Thursday , Muffin’s groom Friday .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday November 28 th 2020. 06:41
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I don’t know if this message will go through.
It’s freezing today .
Lisa is taking me somewhere. Today not sure where .
I’ve asked if I can leave Muffin with Max so they can keep each other company .
Am she hasn’t got back to me yet .
About 9:30 I’ll take Muffin up the Skelly so it will tire him out .
I didn’t realise it was Saturday today .
Hope we have a nice day .’
She rang me last night saying she was fed up .
It’s a strange world we are living in Malc it’s worse than a war I sent a message to a woman called Pat Carless yesterday we fell out a long time ago .
She lost her husband last year now has lost her son only 53 years to sepsis I sent her a message of condolence and she replied ..
I miss you Malc so much darlin it hurts .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday November 26 th 2020 06:03 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB just washed my hair .
Had a bad night sleep and tinnitus had been bad over the last Few days .
Pain in my joints when I touch them . Very cold weather Roll on spring .
Please bring us the vaccine.’
So depressing Malc .’
Lisa is coming today to collect her parcels for the kids . Indent a message to Christopher yesterday but he didn’t reply.
Back to how he was .
When he had covid in Antigua he responded but now he’s home. Back to his normal self , not loving me !!!!
Some good news Deb my hair dresser has brought my hair appointment forward .
Hope my mood picks up so low at the moment .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday November 25 th 2020 06:30 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB never good news . Worried we might be in tier 3 2 even 🥲
I need company Malc desperately x
I need my family We have got to wait until Thursday before we are told what tier we are in and it stays until March just a 5 day break Christmas. Life is tough at the moment Malc roll on vaccine Lisa is at work this morning so she is not coming until tomorrow to collect her parcels . I’m trying to keep strong . I went to Lichfield yesterday to collect a Christmas present for Cameron . He doesn’t answer my texts either nor Georgia nor Jade or Jordan .
It’s his Birthday Friday !!
Family is so split .
Mum thought she was lonely .
I am really being punished .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday November 24th 2020 06:56
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB .
I’ve just took my blood sugar it’s high this morning.
It’s what I eat last night unfortunately .
I was stressed then I eat stupid things . I will try !!
Ive got to go to Lichfield today to collect a parcel from Superdrug . A trip on the bus , I love the journey and love Lichfield .’
I don’t know what tier we will be in from 2nd Dec hope tier 1 .
I miss you Malc so much darlin. I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday November 23rd 2020. 06:56 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope today’s message goes through yesterday’s didn’t !!’
I cried most of the night upset over Lisa not getting back to me yesterday , only going to yet again. Geoff’s family !!
Brad and Taylor stripping wallpaper .
Geoff never helps me Lisa just pops in now and again My grandchildren didn’t send me a Birthday card after giving both Jade and Jordan £1000 each plus a present. Last year .
What have I done to deserve this treatment .
I’m always giving to Jade in the past . Lisa will say I keep bringing it up but if I don’t have my say how will they know how I feel .
I sick of holding back for upsetting Lisa . Christopher hasn’t been in touch since returning home fro Antigua .
Ellie has covid not coming down until if she’s allowed 5 th December.
Oh Malc what a year 2020 . I’m struggling so much . Not seeing any one every day at the moment .’
I need a boost please Malc I need to be told I love you Mum x
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday November 21st 2020. 08:53 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching The Crown .
Had breakfast Muffin is lying on the bed fast asleep .
Weather very cold .’
Will I see anyone today. ? I’ve got to try and keep positive .’
Not sure if I’m going to the Range today only to buy cards . I miss you Malc so much darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday November 20 th 2020 07:39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed relieved I have finished isolating from being told I have been near someone with covid and have been now told I haven’t got covid 😊
Hope it stays that way .
Sheila rang last night worried she has received a letter referring her to Stoke hospital regarding her stool sample !!!
Dr is ringing her today . I think she will be fine , it’s what she has told the dr and he has referred her urgent .
Will I see Lisa today she’s off I think ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Hope this message goes through?
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday November 19 th. 2020 16:56 Hell I Malc today’s message didn’t go through I love you and miss you darlin Keep me Muffin and our family safe Love ❤️ you Malc your wife Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday November 18 th 2020 07:07
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Melonie diabetic nurse is ringing me at 9:15 am Instead of me going to the hospital . The weather isn’t to good anyway . But I will still take Muffin up the Skelly .
Lisa and Geoff still not been in touch !!
I have apologised to Geoff ,
But the longer they leave it the worse the atmosphere .
I’ve written on all my Christmas cards wrapped most of my presents .
I’ll just have to accept I’ll be on my own from now on Until the vaccine has been given to us and family might get together .
I’m not sure if I have a family now !!!!
I have Muffin and he is my priory now .
I will have to think positive .
One day to go self isolating hope will be ok .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday November 17th 2020 06:56
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching GMB more depressing news .
Yesterday’s message didn’t go through hope today’s does .
No message from Lisa or Geoff I did apologise to Geoff .Hay Ho I’m just concerned about my health at the moment .
I just want to be healthy and happy .
If Muffin and I to be on our own Christmas Day let it be !!
I’m sick of battling with my family .
I do have some good friends so some of them will support me . I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday November 15 th 2020 05:26 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m awake very early today things on my mind yet again .
Lisa hasn’t been in touch all week I reckon it’s over last Monday the vets !!
Now holding a grudge . I haven’t felt part of the family for a while . I cry when I see day trips to Bakewell with Geoff’s sister I see day trips to dove dale with Geoff’s sister and husband I see a week in Cornwall , I see a week in Woollacombe With Geoff’s sister and her husband .
Lisa says she doesn’t want me to go away with them The other day she said when I go down to hers I’m miserable and talk about Sheila .
I feel now I’m not apart of the family now Malc .
I think I will have to just keep to my friends . They feel more for me than my own family.
I’m broken Malc 😢 .
I’m sick of being back if the queue .
I’m sick of pretending everything is ok . I have never been treated so in feeling as I do today .
Looks like Christmas on my own with Muffin . I love him so much .
Elaine my friend picked me up in a taxi yesterday we went to M&S food shopping it was her 70 th Birthday . Bless her she treated me to my groceries and snuck in extras .
I brought her a present card and flowers .
I think zi could make a good friend of her. She always knows what to say in my upsetting times . Oh Malc I know I say the wrong things sometimes but that’s how I’m built , I guess I take after my Dad for that. I miss you so much darlin xx I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday November 14 th 2020 06:18 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching bless this house .
Old memories .
I’m going to m&s food shopping with Elaine this morning she is 70years old today . I’m hoping to drop Muffin off to Kay’s just for a couple of hours if she isn’t going anywhere .’
A bit bothered about going in a taxi with this covid. Tho .
I’ll have to wear a mask visor and hand gel .
Going to be a couple of hours .
If not I’ll have to leave Muffin at home , I don’t like leaving him on his own now .
We are very close I love him so much .
It’s not good weather today rain today and Sunday .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday 13 th November 2020 07:26 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Yesterday’s message didn’t go through !
Hope today’s will .
I’m in bed watching GMB news no different.
I’ve took my temperature it low this morning 34.5 it could be diabetes .
The ulcer in my mouth hurts today hope it’s not going bad . I’m trying to leave it alone .
Weather iffy rain this morning sunshine later .
On my own with Muffin but I love him so much .
I hope I can keep healthy and safe Malc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday November 11th 2020 06:15 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB all bad news .
Weather not good this morning but picking up later .’
9 days to go in isolation , I’m so depressed Malc .
Lisa not speaking to me because of not letting Geoff’s friend taxi driver pick me up from Penkridge and paying £10 .
Oh well I’m on my own with Muffin anyway so things haven’t changed .
If Om to be on my own Christmas Day let it be .
Lisa hasn’t realised how lonely my life is She likes her own company anyway .
I just have to carry on with my friends .
Things will change if my family don’t bother with me .
Now I understand how you felt Mum .
I suffered but you did hurt me.
I don’t feel very well today , sick feeling but glad no blood .
Hope I haven’t got covid . I miss you Malc to talk to , I can only talk to Muffin .
I love him very much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday November 10 th 2020 05:38
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed and been awake sinc 4:15 am Can’t sleep because of yesterday.
I took Muffin to Straitons vets Penkridge Geoff was supposed to pick me up .
I was only about 15 mins there for muffin to join again and have his vaccs .
It was well organised .
I rang Geoff after about 20 mins then he rang me back saying his Mate would pick me up , I wasn’t happy then he told me I was to pay by card £10 .
I was so upset knowing I’m family and his mother in law . I rang him back and said I’ll catch the bus back not paying £10 .
He got angry and said don’t ask again!
I walked into Penkridge outside Sheila’s cottage in the poring rain .
Talking to a lady also waiting for the bus It came at 5:45 and got back to Cannock got on my scooter and drove home .
Called in the chippy on the way I was hungry . I’m still upset with him and I don’t think Lisa cares either To wrapped up with Jade !!
I’ve been pushed out for a while Thinking seriously about changing .............
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday November 10 th 2020 05:38
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed and been awake sinc 4:15 am Can’t sleep because of yesterday.
I took Muffin to Straitons vets Penkridge Geoff was supposed to pick me up .
I was only about 15 mins there for muffin to join again and have his vaccs .
It was well organised .
I rang Geoff after about 20 mins then he rang me back saying his Mate would pick me up , I wasn’t happy then he told me I was to pay by card £10 .
I was so upset knowing I’m family and his mother in law . I rang him back and said I’ll catch the bus back not paying £10 .
He got angry and said don’t ask again!
I walked into Penkridge outside Sheila’s cottage in the poring rain .
Talking to a lady also waiting for the bus It came at 5:45 and got back to Cannock got on my scooter and drove home .
Called in the chippy on the way I was hungry . I’m still upset with him and I don’t think Lisa cares either To wrapped up with Jade !!
I’ve been pushed out for a while Thinking seriously about changing .............
Just been to the toilet bright red blood 🩸 as I go to the toilet Really worried .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday November 9 th 2020 07:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Biden won the presidential election .
I’m in isolation for another 11 days so depressed and frightened I might get covid . I don’t know where I was to contract it ,I’ve always kept my mask on washed my hands cleaned the surfaces and door handles .
Malc please keep me safe and healthy . It’s bad enough being alone with out you . Don’t call me yet Malc I’m just getting the family together Christopher and family are back gone safe fro Antigua . Ellie has been in touch bless her but not Christopher!
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday November 8th 2020 06:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed and bend awake since about 4:30 Worried sick because I’ve had a message on my phone to self isolate because I must have been in contact with someone who has corona virus .
I was invited to dinner by Lisa today too .
I wander if these apps are accurate?
I’m already depressed as it is .
I might go for a test in Cannock to make sure I’m ok .
Oh Malc what next ? I miss you so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Saturday November 7 th 2020 06:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching bake off .
No rush to get up seeing no one today .
Got to sort house clothes etc . I need more rooms . Weather starting to get very cold now Malc I hate cold dark nights . Roll on spring and get rid of Covid.
It’s tuff at the moment Malc .
I asked Lisa to ask Geoff if he would pick me up from vets in Penkridge on Monday evening , but as usual she moaned . I feel every time I ask a favour which is rare I get a put off from Lisa . WHY !!!
I don’t want to argue I want to be loved .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I need your support at the moment .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday November 6 th 2020 06:28 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB usual bad news We might have a new. President of America Joe Biden !!
Not really bothered too much to worry about with Corona and family .
Lisa is coming p today with Max I’ll ring her if she wants fish and chips with me.
It’s foggy this morning so won’t go up the Skelly until lifted . Hope Lisa stops a bit longer than she usually does .
I miss you Malc so much darlin It much to speak to you about really , only your Sheila’s going bonkers .
She’s had diarrhoea for days but she does go into too much detail !!
Too much information.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday November 5th 2020 06:17 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB no rush to get up . All shops except grocery shut , pandemic .
I saw Dot yesterday in Bella’s it was a lovely atmosphere . They even gave Muffin a sausage.
Popped to Cannock and spent Vouchers Jean gave me . Weather is cold but dry .
My scooter is back hope it chugs on with out another problem . I will still be taking Muffin out wrapped up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday November 4th 2020 07:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m dressed hair washed and waiting for Deb my hairdresser to come and trim my fringe . I’m meeting up with Dot at Bella’s for lunch before lock dow n Thursday .
Not looking forward that because I’m on my own Malc .’
I’m depressed but know one knows .
They don’t care really .
I’ve got to fight every day if my life . I never thought I would be in this position.
I miss you Malc so much darlin so much it hurts .
America vote today who is the next president.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Tuesday November 3rd 2020 06:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed no rush to get up , nothing to get up for .
No one can come and I can’t go to friends . I’m so lonely Malc and this is going to be for at least a month .
What’s Christmas going to bring . Christopher is still stuck in Antigua with covid .
I’m praying he comes home soon with the family.
Weather is changing sun is coming out later .
Muffin is on the bed sleeping he’s been sick this morning just yellow bile.
Don’t know what or where I’m going today .
Know where to go. I’m ringing the drs this morning about my right hand and middle finger .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday November 1st 2020 07:47
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching The Chase .
It’s rotten weather again and from Thursday we are on Full lockdown .’
Christopher has COVID and stuck in Antigua with the family . Georgia brought it over stupid really didn’t they take her temperature before she boarded the plane .
He’s not very well hope it doesn’t get serious . They won’t be able to come home until our lock down is finished and that’s Dec 2nd .’
I don’t think I will see Lisa or she will text me Too wrapped up in Jade’s problem 😚
I’m not happy with my family at the moment !
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday October 31st 2020 07;59
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching any channel . I’m upset this morning , Christopher again upset me I was only being caring and he told me to stop pushing I leaving well alone now just texting Ellie. He’s a jeckal and hide .’nasty to me yet again .
He’s stuck in Antigua with his family now for at least another month.
Now we’re in level 2 no one visiting , but it’s looking like full lock down from Monday .
I’m so depressed Malc , I can’t cope with Christopher upsetting me now lock down .
The weather is atrocious.
What next ??????
I miss you Malc so much darlin You wouldn’t like this situation .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday October 29th 2020 07:09
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby I’m still in bed watching married at first sight USA
It’s ok .
I’ve got to get used to being on my own Lock down no family or friends allowed in the house 😢
Wet and windy can only see people outside .
How can we with the rain . Me and Muffin I love him so much . I’ve got to sort the house out .
Search for iPhone box and my knot ring .’
What will the next few days bring ? I miss you Malc so much darlin x
Jeff came yesterday to sort my clogged up sink in the bathroom , loads of my hair stuck down the plughole yuck .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday. October 28th 2020 06:19 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB We are going into level 2 from. Saturday More loneliness for me , will my family bother with me . I am going to Jeans today for lunch but after today Gif knows !!
Christopher texted me yesterday but only because I texted first , but at least he is keeping in touch . I had a lovely day with Elaine yesterday We talked about a lot of issues . I miss you Malc so much , I wander what you would have thought of all this. COVID .? I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday October 27 th 2020 07:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching married at first sight. Australia I’ve seen it several times but I like it .
I had a phone call from Dr Manickam yesterday very reassuring I’ve got to go in long term treatment for my problem All the other blood tests were ok thank goodness . I just need to sort this ulcer in my mouth now .
I think Christopher was in my dream last night .
He is keeping me on Facebook at the moment. I heard nothing from Lisa yesterday or Sunday . She’s wrapped up with Jade and the kids at the moment . I hope Jade gets that house near her today . She viewing it today . I’m going to Elaine,s today for lunch .
I must you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday October 26 th 2020 06:37 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB more bad news Carolyne is coming for lunch today , unsure what I think of her yet , don’t know much about her really .
She used to work in Hednesford coop .
She has mental issues so will find out more today . Christopher and Chanel back together all family in Antigua .
Ellie face timed me yesterday showing me the hotel and surroundings. Lovely .
Wish at this moment in time I was there with them .
But while I’ve got my baby boy Muffin I’m not going abroad . Besides COVID still around .
I’m very anxious at the moment Malc still have problems . I need a very big happy boost . I miss you so much Malc 😢
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Sunday October 25 th 2020 06:43
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching married at first sight Australia.
I love it but it’s ending now .
I’m worried again this morning still a problem bright red blood not much but uncomfortable.
I’m frightened it might be serious . Christopher and Chanel are with the kids now in Antigua What a turn around . I’m confused !!!
Things seemed better with Lisa yesterday hope it continues.
Am I going to be invited to Sunday dinner today .
I don’t think so !! I can’t stand being on my own lately , I need company. My house is a mess my life is a mess Malc My health is upside down . I’m stressed every day.
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Saturday October 24th 2020 19:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m late writing to you , been to Penkridge to see your Sheila .‘called in Lisa’s stayed an hour had a cuppa.’
Ellie sent a message this morning .’OMG Christopher and Chanel back together . Instead of going to Greece they are now at Antigua with Christopher .
Alice his so called girl friend has gone home.
End of relationship thank goodness , she’s too young for him still a baby really .
Ellie has beef keeping me up to date . I wish I was there with them the place looks magnificent. It bloody pouring down here .’
The medication seems to be working so far .
This ulcer in my mouth is bothering me at the moment I’ve had it Two years now .
I must think positive . I’m so lonely with out you Malc .’
The clocks go back tonight 😞I hate the darks nights .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday October 23rd 2020 07; 10
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB the usual bad news
I had my results back yesterday good news swab says infection given medication .
Just waiting for blood test results .
Muffins groom today then Dot is coming for lunch .
I’ve just washed my hair .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday October 22nd 2020! 07:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed but watching married at first sight Love this programme .
I’m still uncomfortable waiting for result .
Praying not bad ones.
Karen is coming today for lunch , she hasn’t asked me to hers for a while .
Don’t know why.’!!!
Dot tomorrow for lunch .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday October 21st 2020 06:16 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB more about COVID .’
Still uncomfortable but saw Anne yesterday who took a swab . Blood test Vit B 12 inj . Results back Friday . Rain ☔️ ☔️ all day so depressing.’
I want to go to Lisa’s today but will she be in .’
She wasn’t very well yesterday.
Tight chest she said, it’s all the stress with Jade and the kids .
I feel sorry for Adam .
Christopher is still in Antegua enjoying his holiday with Alice . Is this just a fling ? Will he go back to Chanel ? . I’m on my own wandering who cares !!!
Oh Malc what has happened ? the world has gone mad our lives are crazy .
I miss you so much Malc , I wish you could talk to me .
I’m so lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday October 20 th 2020 06:23
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching GMB then later drs appointment bit b12 inj Blood test and will ask for a swab . Later I’m going to Carol’s . A bit depressing but company .’
I’m worried about tests and blood but I’ve got to do something.
I pray it’s just an infection and bloods will be ok .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. October 19 th 2020 06:32
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby I’m still in bed watching GMB more bad news .
Looks like we will go on full lock down .
I’m depressed as it is . I went to Carol Norrey’s last night had two cuppa’s and a chat . I told her I need to be with people at the moment .
Lisa took me to The Holly Bush to buy some plant pots reduced . I was so disappointed I had to put Muffin in a trolly no dogs allowed on the floor. Chanel came to pick up Ellie we talked serious . She and Christopher are ok with each other . With him having an affair with Alice .
Strange times at the moment .
I miss you Malc so much x
I need you here by my side .
But don’t take me yet .
I need happiness friends and family around me .Jean Beardsmore such be coming today but not sure if she is bring Jeff .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday October 18 th 2020 07:56 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching tv , just had a shower. Still uncomfortable , I think it’s an infection . I don’t mean to keep on Malc but I’ve never been so depressed in my life . I went to Lichfield yesterday with Muffin . I wish he could talk he’s such a good little boy
Everyone who sees him comments how beautiful he is for a little boy I love him 😍 so much .
I’m frightened I don’t want us to part either me being poorly or him too . I’m depressed because I’m not seeing many people anymore.
Sometimes I arrange lunches at mine so I can have company.
I miss. You Malc so much more than ever . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday October 17th 2020 05:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
It’s 5:10 in th mining and I’m wide awake Worried sick Malc deep down I think I have Cancer .
Sore down below bright red blood coming from my anus .
I look thin abs old in my face . I haven’t lost weight.
I’m very lonely Malc and no one seems bothered . Kay has gone into the distance , Jean has her family Karen is busy , carol Norrey has problems but looks after Olivier.
Elaine has a nasty cold .
Carol Banks is depressed and depresses me . Lisa is too busy with Jade & the kids . Now Christopher is back in my life I’m worried it’s too late . I just hope it’s just a fissure and an infection .
My head is thinking all sorts.
I want to live to a 100 . Corona virus is getting worse . I pray we done get full lock down again .’
I have no one I can talk to .
I miss you Malc so much x
Please don’t call me , I want to enjoy my life .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday October 16 th 2020 06:20 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching GMB more about Covid . I’m off to Sheila’s today hope weather holds .’
Still woke up uncomfortable , if only it would go away .’
I’m more lonely than ever Malc , I can’t explain to Lisa Christopher is enjoying Antigua hope he gets back safe He’s doing what I would love to do .
His girl friend is 26 years of age 19 years younger , but does it matter .
As long as their happy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday October 15 th 2020 06:43
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy x
I’m still in bed watching GMB all bad news .
Depressing Malc . It’s our Son’s 36 th Birthday today . I have put it on face book .
He has been in touch by messages and showed me a photo of his new lady Alice .
He as you is in Antigua enjoying his holiday .
I’ve had 4 new tyres for my scooter winter is in its way .
John is also bringing me 4 more tyres from another maxed scooter , so when these new ones wear he will put them on .
He’s says there in good condition .
He us good to me really .
He is also getting me a pin to fix on the tiller.
It’s stil. Wobbely.
Hope he gets it sorted .
I’m off to Lisa’s taking lunch , but she has to leave 2:30 pm .
I miss you Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday October 14 th 2020 07:40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB rubbish again .
All about corona !!!
It’s Carter’s 5 th Birthday today Malc you never saw him .
I hope you can see him now where you are ?
Oh Malc what’s Happened to my life .
You have gone , Christopher has split up with Chanel Jade and Adam have split up , he’s lost Carter to Bruce his real Daddy .
My health is a worry at the moment hope it isn’t serious .
I’m not seeing anyone today .
I feel I’m always the one who asks my friends to lunch .
My head is all over the place Malc .
I am back talking to Christopher thank goodness .
He is as you know in Antigua with Alice his new lady in his life.
I miss you Malc more than ever , I’m frightened 😟. I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday 13 th October 2020 15:43
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today it’s pouring down yet again .
Carol Banks has just gone , no such a bad day .
Company I guess .
Still uncomfortable but wearing a dress today . I’m leaving it for a week then having a word with Ann the nurse .
Just pray this problem will go away .
Seeing no one tomorrow unless I pop to Lisa’s .
The weather should be better tomorrow.
I miss you Malc so much Darlin .
Christopher has been in touch , he is in Antegua with Alice his new lady .
Hopefully he will bring her to see me when he’s back .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee & Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday 12 th October 2020 05:16 Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed awake at 05:17 worried sick .
I’m still uncomfortable and wander if it will ever go away . Christopher messaged me last night saying he thinks I should treat him better ,
I said if he paid me back the Mortgage then things would be different .
He in a Gatwick Hotel at the moment waiting to fly to Antegue
I assume with his new lady .
I hear she’s a farmers girl from Jade .
But don’t know her name.
I hope his business doesn’t fail because of this . Chanel will claim half of what he’s got if they divorce.
At least He is speaking to me now , I’ve asked him to bring me back a fridge magnet 🧲 He said he will but might forget if he’s to busy enjoying himself . It’s a step forward hope nothing goes wrong now .
Life is getting stranger by the day . What with Jade and Adam splitting up too .
I’m lonely Malc and miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday 11 th October 2020 07:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Woke up this morning feeling very uncomfortable again I’m stopping using HRT it’s making me worse . I will have a word with Ann on 20 th when I go for my vita 12 inj.
I’m going to Lisa’s for dinner today . Christopher is going away on Monday to Antigua with his new girl friend . Goodness knows what has happened with Him and Chanel . It’s a short message Malc this morning I’m so upset with my problem .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC. X
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday October 10 th 2020. 06:30 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m awake watching Married at first sight USA Just can’t get a full 8 hour sleep 💤 I’m hurting inside because I’ve heard nothing from Jade Jordan Lisa since my Birthday .
I should be having Ellie today but will her Mum bring her .
I’m still I uncomfortable 🥵 when will it go away ??
I’m so lonely Malc .
Where is my family ????
Even Kay isn’t so close any more ,
She has gone off her land line now only uses Alan’s mobile.
I wander I’d this is a sign out friendship is ending . She is a very strange person at times .
This year is a horrible year .
I hope we don’t go on total lockdown .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Friday October 9 th 2020 06:33
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.’
I’m still in bed watching GMB Kate Garraway is on and it’s a pleasure to watch her even tho her husband is so ill with Covid .It’s looking like we are going to be on full lock down again .
I hope not .
I’m still uncomfortable Malc worse since I’ve continued this HRT .
I’m going to see your Sheila today , hope the bus driver is wearing a mask .
Will I see anyone else ? I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday October 8 th 2020 06:47 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m just about to have a shower , Going to Dot’s today .
Looking forward to going . Weather not so good . I’ve ordered 4 new tyres for my mobility scooter . Expensive but Muffin and I need to be safe .
Trevor across the road set up my new lamp last night . Jason hasn’t responded as usual . It’s a short message today Malc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday October 7th 2020 07:24
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed after having a shower because I tried hydrocortisone cream .
Very uncomfortable.
I’m going to Jean’s today for lunch .
I’m trying to be positive but this problem is taking over my mind and body .
Where has it come from ?????
I don’t think this is the menopause!
Oh Malc what’s happening ?
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday October 6 th 2020 06:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB I’m still uncomfortable spoke to Dr Manickam yesterday Advised me to continue HRT . Also gave me hydrocortisone to try and help . I have to have blood test checking for inflammation also for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I’m crying every day Malc life is so depressing at the moment I need a big boost Malc . I’m trying to keep my mind busy So lonely Malc 😚
I miss you so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny m
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday October 5 th 2020 07:36
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching a comedy .
I need something to brighten me up .
I’m still very uncomfortable Malc I’m so worried I’m expecting a call from Dr Manickam today I don’t know if this problem will ever go away!!
I don’t think it is the menopause.
I think it’s because I’ve used so many things to clear the problem .
Help me Malc please .
I’m so depressed !!
No one is supporting me .
My family have no interest in me
I’m totally alone . Who can I turn too .?
What’s happened to my family.
Will I see anyone today.?
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday October 4th 2020 06:55
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy In bed watching gardeners world I’m still uncomfortable Malc speaking to dr Manickam tomorrow.’
Ellie stayed last night .
Christopher and Chanel have split up God knows what is happening with my family .
Jade and Adam parted .
Lisa not settled in a job Starts a new job November 1st wildwood near Stafford Pharmacy .
I’ve been forgotten Malc . I’ll have to survive on my own .
I have to rely on my friends now .
Lisa did take me to Trentham on my Birthday Life will NEVER be the same .
I’m fighting every day Malc either my health or with the family .
Please cheer me up Malc , I need a BIG boost . I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Friday October 2nd 2020 06:46
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB more bad news as usual . I was going to Sheila’s but weather is bad .
I was worried the bus back might not turn up .
Because I’m meeting Chris Rudd my friend at Bella’s today 12:30 .
I hope she doesn’t cancel . No walk for Muffin today😢
I’ll try and sort house today and tomorrow clothes etc .’
Problem no better still uncomfortable .
When will it go away? 😟
I’m having a shower every night before I go to bed .
Regarding Christopher Adam denies saying anything to Jade saying he has split from Chanel . It’s sad Carter can’t see Adam tho I’m angry with Jade 😡
I don’t surprise I will see Lisa Jade Jordan .
I’m angry I haven’t received a Birthday card or message from Jade and Jordan .
But they will expect one from me no doublt.
My life is upside down Malc but none of my family care .
It’s all about them .
I’m last in line .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday October 1st 2020 06:28 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB all depressing I had a lovely day with Lisa yesterday she took me to Trentham Gardens . It was wet but we managed .
Muffin was such a good boy .
I was very disappointed with my Grandchildren NONE of them sent me a card .
But they will expect money and a card themselves .
He was exhausted last night .
My knees hip and back hurt last night . I still have my problem no change yet .
What will Christmas bring ?????
I think I will be on my own . No card from Caroline across the road either all that I’ve given them and sent her and Trevor Birthday cards .
It’s stopping !!
No one cares any more .
Lisa says she is depressed and on anti depressants .
She says Christopher and Chanel have split up .
I’m yet to believe it .
I texted Adam but he’s denying it .
Yet he stated the roomer .
I’ve just got to keep my friends closer . Kay did pop round yesterday to give me a present and a card from Jason .
Oh Nakc things have changed so much Malc .
I’ve been put on the back burner yet again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 30 th 2020 06:20 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Well it’s my 69 th Birthday today hay ho Just opened my cards .
Sue Bradbury has forgotten and Jayne Dagley Will Jade and Jordan remember ? I know I won’t get one from Christopher , so hurt Chanel knows it’s my Birthday .
What have I done to deserve this ? All I want is to be happy with my family that’s all . Will Lisa take me out for a meal today or is she too busy ?
Oh Malc I’m so un happy . What with this menopausal problem ulcer in my mouth No family caring or looking after me .
Most days I’m in my own family not caring If I’m dead or alive !!
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday September 29 th 2020 06:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB more bad news Nothing new .
Hair appointment today then Bella’s with Kay from surgery .
Not for long tho she’s back to work at 2pm I’m suffering again this morning back and front 😢
When will it go away ?
Rain coming in tomorrow for my Birthday 🎁 Wander if Lisa and Geoff will treat me to a meal out .
I’ve had cards coming in the post 7 so far .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday September 28 th 2020 06:56’
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB More depressing news .
Carol Norrey is taking me to lunch today 12 noon to celebrate my Birthday which is Wednesday 69 years Malc . Kay is having Muffin I’m dropping him off . I’m still uncomfortable today Malc , when will it end It’s dragging me down .
I’m trying to think positive . Never have I felt so uncomfortable.
I hope it’s not my bowel causing all this .
I’m frightened Malc . I’m not happy with my family they just seem to have forgotten me .
Christopher has been in Scotland climbing Ben Nevis for charity . Coming back today .
Ellie went home yesterday Chanel picked her up She hasn’t even given me a card . I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday September 27 th 2020 06:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching Bless this house Ellie is asleep in the back bedroom .
I hoped she would have been given a Birthday card from Chanel . No nothing !!
Christopher is in Scotland just climbed Ben Nevis staying over
Why isn’t he not speaking with me still I have Ellie most week ends I always send choc up to Cam and Georgia and small gifts .
He’s brought a savanna cat £6,000 but still not paying me back .’
I’m so so lonely Malc .
My new sofa and chair and stool has come it’s lovely but who comes to see it.
I’m 69 years on Wednesday only my friends seem to be bothered . What have I don’t so bad to deserve this loneliness ?
I miss you so much darlin I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday September 26 th 2020. 07:41 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Up early this morning , our new sofas and stool is coming sometime this morning .
Up until 10am They should ring an hour before they come .
The sun is out so at least it’s dry .
I’ve had a shower dressed and waiting Sitting on the bed watching bake off .
Muffin asleep in the bed Lisa and Geoff going to see Louise Geoff’s Daughter.’
Seems it’s Geoff’s family are no 1 at the moment!!
I’m last in line 😪 as usual , haven’t seen much of Lisa at all . I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday September 25 th 2020 06:49
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed just had a cuppa Feeling uncomfortable this morning hope problem isn’t back ?
I’m going to Sheila’s this morning then Jean’s this afternoon. Sofas coming in the morning looking forward to them .
Weather a bit better today . Dark mornings and dark nights now Malc hate them
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday September 24th 2020 p6:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed listening to the rain watching tv Not in a rush to get up .
Karen should be coming today she altered the date instead of next Tuesday .’
Hope she doesn’t let me down sometimes she does .
Saw Anita in Tesco yesterday I think we might get back together .’she’s a bit of a snob but company I guess .
I brought a new pair of glasses yesterday. Ted Baker blue , nice . At last PayPal. Gave me my money back after that company never sent me my coat . I will never buy on line again on face book .
Chloe. Kelly’s Daughter is texting me on face book she is living with W. Adam poor thing has been given 14 months driving ban and a fine.
I did message him .
Lisa. Tells me Christopher might be banned this is his third speeding .
Karma I reckon , I don’t wish any harm on him I love him Malc but he’s been so nasty to me since you have passed away.
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .’
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 23 rd 2020 07:34 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed Watching tv More depressing news regarding the COVID .
I’m so depressed about it I hope they don’t lock us down again No company as it is .
I will go crazy !!
I don’t know what you would think .’?
It’s rain all day today so not only am I alone can’t get out with Muffin .
It’s my 69 th Birthday next Wednesday Malc , I wish you were here to celebrate it .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday September 22nd 2020. 06:41,
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I don’t know what happened yesterday and I forgetting .
I’m in no rush to get up , Carole Banks is coming. today She so drags me down .
The weather is good today but rain coming in tomorrow Darker mornings darker nights .
So depressing Malc . My sofa and chair and stool are coming Saturday . Something to look forward to .
Lisa came for 15 mins to bring plants from Sheila She has an interview Friday at a.chemist near Stafford Wild wood .
Hope she gets it , I think she will .
Christopher had been caught speeding again Looks like a ban .
I don’t want anything to happen to him I just want him to be a proper son .
I need him to say sorry Mum and tell me him he loves me .’
As for his wife my well discussed really !!
I miss you Malc so much darlin I keep smelling you but I wish I could see you if just for 10 mins .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday 20 th September 2020 06:52 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today Ellie is here she stayed over last night . We had a curry and watched an arific film She like’s horror. I don’t !!
I texted Jade yesterday she’s out now with Bruce the father of Carter , yes a shock really .
It’s split up the kids poor Finley and poor Adam .
I think might be banned from driving from Wednesday he’s at court .’
Jade told him Carter wasn’t his and Bruce the real father is on the scene now .’
What a mess , life isn’t easy now looks like another national lock down . I’m so depressed with it all .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I wish you were here to comfort me.’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday September 19 th 2020 06:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I think it’s going to be a lonely day today .’
I’ve heard nothing from Ellie !
Adam didn’t come last night with the wheel chair and crutches Who shall I see today ?
Lisa and Geoff are back home today .
I won’t see them because Jade is there with the kids . I must try and get the house sorted I went to Kay’s yesterday but it wasn’t the same She kept getting up and going in the house then mashing potatoes .
I felt very uncomfortable,
They have gone off the landline and only use Alan’s mobile . I might go to Lichfield today not sure 🤔 thinking of covid
Government thinking of locking down totally again COVID spreading again !!
Very worried Malc . My 69th Birthday next Saturday how will it be ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday September 18 th 2020 07:12
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I off to Penkridge happy Sheila !!
It’s going to be a nice sunny day again , dress or trousers ? Started upping my insulin . I wish I could reverse it with diet ?
I want to live a long age 100 please Malc . Adam didn’t come again with the wheel chair and crutches. Come in Malc let me win a million so Muffin and I can move to my dream home .
Large rooms. Big garden with a view at the bottom. Looking at cow and sheep in the fields please .
The neighbours across the road don’t bother with me any more because they have have all the freebies from me now .
Lisa still at woollacombe. I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER NALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday September 17 th 2020 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Thank you Tigger for coming into my dream It’s made me very happy .
Thank you Malc for being around me last night I had a strong smell from you , it made me feel happy .
But I wish you could have come up to me I could have cuddled you . I miss you Malc so much darlin.
My friend Kay from the surgery is coming for lunch 12:30pm
Lisa did ring me yesterday she’s having a lovely holiday . I went to Carole’s yesterday it wasn’t too bad. I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 16 th 2020 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Well went to drs yesterday lovely Dr Manickam examined me Turns out I need HRT . I’m only going on it for a while not too keen I’m happy it’s not anything sinister .
So I came out happy .
I also had my flu jab .
I’ve got an appointment today diabetic clinic CCJH.’
COVID has been detected in the hospital by a member of staff Operations cancelled member of staff has it. I’m ringing this morning to check if I still have to see her Carole Banks at 12:30 today .
Boring but company . I miss you Malc every single day .
I hurt inside but can’t have you back .’
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog. Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday. September 15 th 2020 07:10 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m feeling worried going to drs today with my problem How he doesn’t refer me and just gives me a cream .
I’m fed up of worrying .
I just need to be happy Malc .
I’m going to Chris Rudd s today about 1pm then home and Drs Oh Malc why is my life so complicated?
Please don’t take me yet I want to live until I’m at least 100z
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday September 14 th 2020 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Sorry it’s late lots on my mind .
Worried about tomorrow drs .
Going to Chris Rudd’s tomorrow try and put my worry back for a couple of hours . I have been to a friend called Carolyn today had an hour I’m clutching at straws Malc , I need company I also called at the couple I’ve the back where Betty used to live .
Lovely couple had a cuppa and she gave Muffin a biscuit . It’s late and I’m not tired too much on my mind .
Lisa hasn’t even rang but she’s rang Jade .
I miss you more than ever Malc . So lonely .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday September 13 th 2020. 04:53 I’m awake Nalc it’s only 4:54 am Too much on my mind .
Thank you for being in my dream Please come in again each night please .
I feel so lonely Malc .
My family have but me on the back burner .
Spend mist of my days on my own .’
They think I’m ok Malc .
I feel worse now losing you after 6 1/2 years on .
Also worrying about my health it’s taking over my life .
I’ve got everything someone would want but it’s family I need .
Lisa is drowned with Jades problem Silly girl !!!
Adam is coming today bringing wheel chair and crutches back I miss you more and more each day Malc . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday September 12 th 2020 06:59
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I must have forgotten yesterday and Thursday message or it didn’t go through . Lisa and Geoff off to Woollacombe tonight . I won’t see anyone next week . Kay not bothered , Carole Banks !!!
Carol Norrey busy , Jayne has moved away.’
Jean sheilding because of Jeff . Kay from surgery coming Thursday lunch 12 pm I forgot about her .
I’m worried about seeing Dr M on Tuesday . Hope it’s just a skin problem .
Sorted with cream .
Adam is bringing wheel chair back and crutches. Ellie might sleep over tonight .
Weather looks good from today .
Malc I just want to keep crying 😢 I miss you so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 9th 2020. 19:02
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin to the groomers lovely .
Later took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco .
Carole Banks came for lunch stayed 1pm -4pm
Not heard from family today again !!!
I am still suffering with my problem it’s been 2 months now I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday September 8th 2020. 19:04 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco Elaine came for lunch and stayed until 6pm
Lovely afternoon with good company .
Texted Kay at our surgery hope to get monthly PX For canestan cream .
Hope he doesn’t ring me .
Lisa and Geoff went to bourton in the water with Max Wish I could have gone.
Muffin missed out on his second walk today .
I’ll make up for it tomorrow.
Elaine and I are going to Windsor next year I don’t care how much it costs I’m going .
As soon as COVID is over . I miss you Malc so much I talk about you most days I talk to you daily .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday September 7th 2020 19:02 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m so uncomfortable and very weepy Must of the day I’ve been on my own .
Only when Lisa rang to see if I had some lansoprazole tabs for Geoff’s stomach .
They are going to bottom in the water tomorrow I haven’t been asked . She says she needs a holiday , !!!!
I’ve been know where.
No thoughts in my children’s heads .
I feel so lonely Malc .
I wish you were here Malc.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday September 5th 2020. 19:10 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’ve had a very lonely day today up until Ellie came .
Lisa went tonTelford , Geoff stayed at home with Max he has diarrhoea.
I’ve been invited to dinner tomorrow at Lisa’s .
I have a bite on my leg , piles uncomfortable and my hand is really painful I full of stress .’
I’m depressed because I need to go out meet someone who will take me out for a drink or meal .
No sex no living with me .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin It’s our 59 th Wedding Anniversary today I have put a piece on fB .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday September 4 th 2020 07:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I hope this goes through today I always put the correct name in at the end I’m not a robot .
Today I’m going to Sheila’s then Dots later for lunch .
She’s got some plants for me today .
I think jade is moving in with Lisa with the kids .
All upset again .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin it hurts No one realises how much , I’ve been put on the back burner .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 2nd 2020 07:41
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching location location The suns out hope it stays dry today .
I’m at Carole Banks for lunch hope Kevin is at work Malc can’t stand him .’
But it’s company.
Lisa has packed in her Job , Jordan list his job again
Jade is waiting for DNA results.’
All a mixed up family at the moment I’m on the back burner . Lisa and I went for lunch at The Hartly Arms yesterday Not so good food wise!!
I miss you Malc so much darlin Saturday 5 th would be our 50 th Wedding Anniversary . I wish you were here Malc to celebrate.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Tuesday September 1st 2020 08:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching coast to coast
The sun is out but cold .
Lisa rang last night she is taking me to lunch Chetwynd Brocton Too exoensive but I shall just have a sandwich Kay is having Muffin .
I’m taking her Birthday present today .
Ziggy might come today 4pm not holding my breath I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday August 31st 2020 07:12 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed just washed my hair .’
Just found out on instagram Finley had broken his foot
No one has rang me some family I have 😡
I’m not ringing them they don’t care if I am alive .
If I didn’t have friends I would have no one Malc . Ziggy might come today not holding my breath . Weather is damp and dark . Where has the sun gone .’
I’ve had a very lonely weekend . I miss you Malc so much darlin .
You were right I am on my own .’
It’s been a rotten year I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday August 29th 2020 07:25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching love it or list it .
The sun is out I’m off to Jeans this morning to take a picture for their 50 th Wedding Anniversary.’
It’s ours next week .
I wish you were here to celebrate it Malc .
Later hopefully Ellie is sleeping over .
Don’t know wether to go to Lichfield today .
I don’t think I will see any of my family I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday August 28 th 2020 14:58 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’ve been to Penkridge stayed an hour as usual Don’t want to stay longer , very low in mood Sheila She does drag me down .
I just made it home when it poured down I’ve had fish and chips already Muffin had chicken pieces at Sheila’s . I was hoping Jean Beardsmore would be in touch today I think they have had lots of visitors because they have been Married 59 years tomorrow.
Lucky devils . We didn’t reach that many did we Malc .
💙I lost you too soon .
No one text me or rang from my family again Happy days 😥
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to him tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday 27 th August 2020 06:54
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Iim still in bed watching location location Weather not good hope it stays dry why we go to Bella’s .
Meeting up with Kay from the surgery. Then no one the rest of the day . I’ve got to sort the house clothes etc . I miss you Malc so much darlin so much 😞
I need a cuddle and a kiss from you Come into my dream please I haven’t heard from Lisa since last week !!
Ellie might stay Saturday night if Chanel allows her .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday August 25th 2020. 07:39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB It’s pouring down this morning no way will I be getting out of bed for at least 2 hours.
It’s so depressing Malc Nothing from Lisa no message no phone calls !!
Won’t be seeing anyone today I think I don’t know what has happened to Ziggy He should have sorted the leaves in the garden .
Tomorrow is better weather so maybe he will come then .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc. Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday August 24th 2020 07:20 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching location location Fed up of bad news on Gmb
The sun is out and nowhere to go today I darn’t go to Lisa’s She doesn’t want me to visit often Where is my family? I’m so lonely Malc worse as the years are passing . I went to Carol Norrey’s last night she’s so welcoming A very good friend as is Jean Beardsmore .
I don’t know what I would do with out them .
My family are going their own thing .
They don’t realise how depressed I am . I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday August 23rd 2020 7:24 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching location location Had a split nights sleep I was very tired last night and very low in mood .
No Ellie !!
I’m so lonely Malc no one realises .
I keep pushing myself on people
For company .
I do know if I will see anyone today .
It’s not rainy at the moment hope it stays that way .
I need to get out with Muffin .
The bracelet I ordered from the jewellery quarter Came yesterday it’s not what I expected but it’s nice I was a little disappointed when Jean and Jeff took me it seemed so different when we went. 20 years ago.
I wish you were here Malc . I miss you Malc so much . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday August 22nd 2020 09:55
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m waiting in for my bracelet from jewellery quarter John said he posted it yesterday not sure If I have to sign for it I’ve been up the skelly with Muffin .
I can’t leave the house until post has come .
The sun is out at the moment hope it stays out all day.
Ellie should be sleeping over tonight.
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday August 21st 2020 06:07
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Weather very windy today If no rain I’m going to see Sheila She’s back to her old self fetch me this and that .
When she rings she rings off So I can ring her back . Craft !!
I won’t see any family again !
Chris nor Chanel didn’t thank me for the card or Anniversary present .
Another lonely day !!
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday August 20 th 2020 07:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Still in bed watching location Weather better today , Ziggy should be coming today 12 noon I’m not seeing anyone today .
I might pop to Lisa’s this morning before she goes to work .
Worried about the bracelet I ordered spoke to him yesterday .
He said it will be posted weekend crossing fingers .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday August 19 th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today another stressful day My bracelet still hasn’t arrived Rang John today he explained waiting for the link Hope he’s telling the truth ?
Lisa popped in half hour Jean and Jeff came for lunch Stayed 3 hours nice .
Jeff said he would take me to the jewellery quarter if not received this weekend ?
Still have a health problem Hope it’s not serious ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to him tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Tuesday August 18 th 2020. 08:12 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m on top of the bed watching location location Hair appointment today 9am Feeling again frightened and lonely Will I hear from my Daughter today ?’
Carole Banks is coming 12 noon a bit early really But she’s so depressing.
She drags me down .
Might drop her after my Birthday , don’t like Kevin I think a lot of people don’t like him You didn’t did you Malc ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin I need you at this moment I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday August 16 th 2020 7:33 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m watching Netflix Diana Feeling a bit better today 6.4 my diabetes Ellie and I had a good talk last night She cried and hugged me so tight bless her .
She is so special and genuine.
We laugh we watch films curry nights .
I wish I could drive Malc I would take her places .
Thank you for looking over me when I nearly lost all of my money .
It’s frightened me .
The chap is coming today to extend the pagola .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog. Baby boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday August 15 th 2020 19:15 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m all in a mess I had a very poorly night sweat though out my body diarrhoea felt very ill Still feel strange today .
It’s experience was harendous Not going into details I’m so frightened Malc !!!!!!😩
Mick the. Chap who built the lean to is extending it
Carol Norrey is coming tomorrow 4pm
So some company I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday August 13th 2020 22:27 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been horrendous Someone nearly hacked my bank account I was stupid and gave my personal details When I realised I went to the police then the bank concerned my card .
Thank you Malc and God for looking over me,
I’m exhausted 😩 over today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday August 13 th 2020 06:49
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB We’ve had an horrendous thunder storm last night terrential rain .
Rain again today .’
I had a lovely day yesterday .
Lunch with Karen at Bell’as then went to see Chris Rudd .
Had a smashing afternoon in her garden Riley her dog chasing Muffin .
Scones drink chat lovely 😊 Thunder and rain but by the time I left it bated .
A better sleep last night Still have a very bad back and my finger on my right had. Is sticking.
Seeing no one today tomorrow.
Where my family.??????
Ellie might be sleeping over Friday Malc I miss you so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday August. 12 th 2020. 06:41 m
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Had a very poor sleep too hot
VitB 12 inj today then meeting Karen in Bellas Later if no rain going to Chris Rudd’s house .
Wishing you were by my side Malc .
I’m missing you so much .
Sorry it’s a short message Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday August 10 th 2020. 7:13 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Seeing no one today .
Jean is cleaning Florence street church today Might be there all day .
Weather turning bad thunder and rain ☔️
Mick who did shelter might not come this week .
I’m feeling very low Malc still have low back pain Finished cause of abs hope problem will not come back now I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday August 8 th 2020 18:47 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Another lonely day today after Ellie went home She tells me Christopher is flying again Cost a fortune but I’ve had no money back I’ve paid his Mortgage and he still owes me £15,000
I will never get it back now .
He’s brought Sighford hall and he has 7 homes.
Lisa went off to Geoff’s Daughters today Helen looked after max , I bumped into her while I was going to Cannock .
It’s need a scoring day today another hot night in bed .
Ellie has gone home until next Friday .
I brought a pair of Sandals from Clark’s in Cannock .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny cx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday August 6th 2020 06:38
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB All bad news again nothing to be happy about I still have a bad back etc .
Now I’m worried about Muffin . I found a bare patch of skin on his body .
Hope it’s nothing to worry about . I’m contacting the vets this morning. I’m also ringing Erin at the groomers .
I went to see Lisa yesterday when I mentioned me not seeing Anyone and was feeling very lonely She said I think you need antidepressants I said NO I NEED MY FAMILY !!!
She has no idea what loneliness is .
Nothing from Jade , I sent her a message .
Hope they don’t split up .
Poor Carter !! Hope they don’t tell him he’s not Adams .
What is going on Malc the world has gone made .
I miss you so much darlin so much .
Carole Banks is coming 11am -1pm .
Carol Norrey tonight . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday August 5th 2020 07:32
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m terrified today Malc .
My body is breaking down .
Anul problem front problem digestive problem Crying thinking the worst !!!
Please Malc give me. Sign you are watching over me .
I’m not seeing many people Jade has a problem My son is t. Othering with me , Im so lonely Malc I’m frightened !!
Sorry I’m depressing I have no one to talk to .
My Gp rang me yesterday he said if I continue to suffer back pain go contact him.
Oh Malc I’m so frightened.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday August 3rd 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB Busy day taking sample to surgery then buying cobs Jean is coming today for lunch . Mick is coming later to finish roof if pagola Will I see Lisa ? Linda Geoffs sister came yesterday had a coffee with me
It was nice .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday August 2nd 2020 06:37
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope this goes through it didn’t yesterday ,
On my own with Muffin again. today No one is coming I guess .
Talking to myself again Malc !!!
So lonely !!!
Muffin is lying on the bed with me .
Sun is out so a good day Lean to pagola is up love it 😍 I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Friday July 31st 2020 06:42
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m on top of the bed hot watching GMB
Taking Muffin to the groomers It’s going to be hot today so wearing a dress Might go to the range while Muffin is at the groomers Mick is coming to carry on with the shelter .
Wandering if it to high !!
He’s coming after 4pm but as it hot May come later.
I miss you Malc so much Wish you were here Malc seeing what I’m doing I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday July 26th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I was having a chap build a lean to pagola
Coming Saturday instead .
Ellie just been picked up by Chanel & G Faulse as usual .
Seeing no one today now so empty inside My back still hurting and still uncomfortable Tried ringing Geoff. No answer .
Not much now to tell you Malc I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday July 30 th 2020 07:02
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB at moment Full outside but getting better .
Going to Cannock to check this bracelet I’ve brought Not happy it’s worn stretched and may break .
I’m having it weighed and ask what ct it is .
I’m going to sell it .
People interested on bargain pages .
Went to jewellery quarter yesterday brought a bangle which they are making .
Hafar lovely day with Jean Jeff and Jess her granddaughter Had a meal then home to pick up Muffin .
Carol Norrey my friend looked after him .
I have some good friends .
The chaps picked up the sofas now have garden sofa in the house until new one comes .
Mick came to put up the pagola Started it posts look great .
Kay from the surgery is bringing lunch .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday July 29 th 2020 05:46
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed woke early .
Going to Birmingham today with Jean & Jeff Leaving Muffin with Carol Norrey Hope he’s ok .
Later chaps are coming to pick up the sofas Hope they do turn up .
Not feeling too bad today still have bad back .
Weather looks good .
I’ll tell all about today tomorrow I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Tuesday July 28 th 2020 07:34 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m sitting up in bed watching GMB Still uncomfortable really bad back and radiating to the front left lower abdomen Really worried Malc I don’t have any support I even asked the neighbour Caz to come over for a cuppa but again she said she was too busy .
Seeing no one again today , roll on tomorrow Jewellery quarter then chaps picking up my two sofas Saturday Mick is coming to build lean to shelter .
I need family Malc .
I need to be told I’m loved I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC cc
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday July 27 th 2020 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m so frightened today burning sensation down Below back pain really worried Malc Gurgling in my stomach Funny feeling on my left lower abdomen Frightened it might be Cancer I’ve no one supporting me .
Raining ☔️ again Malc I need you I’m terrified Nothing to look forward to.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday July 26th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I was having a chap build a lean to pagola
Coming Saturday instead .
Ellie just been picked up by Chanel & G Faulse as usual .
Seeing no one today now so empty inside My back still hurting and still uncomfortable Tried ringing Geoff. No answer .
Not much now to tell you Malc I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday July 25 th 2020 07:57 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Netflix Having a shower now then if no rain going to Kay’s to see Alan Ellie is coming later but she has a cold .
No hugs today .
I will have to keep my distance .
No watching telly on top of the bed . My back still is painful my finger is sticking Feel uncomfortable again .
I wish you were here Malc I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Friday July 24 th 2020 08:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB , I’ve just washed my hair .
Getting dressed soon ,
Going to Cannock then on a bus to Penkridge to see Sheila .
I will only stay an hour .
Sheila is too depressing to stay any longer .
Then I won’t see anyone until tomorrow .
Lisa told me yesterday she more or less doesn’t want me there all the time .
She wants to be with Geoff.
Well I don’t think I will be staying in the caravan Jade is moving to seighford a lovely rented house .
Nice area I’ve brought new sofas they’re lovely With a stool .
10 weeks tho before I get them .
Can’t wait .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday July 23rd 2020 07:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed Malc bad back has returned .
Still uncomfortable too
No saying on message .
My joints and fingers swollen and painful I’ve sold my sofas and Im
Having Lisa’s they are lovely .
Not seeing any of my friends they’re all busy I‘M going back to how it was over 6 years ago Malc So lonely , I need company.
No one understands how I feel Talking to myself because no one to talk to .
Oh Malc what can I do ! I have the lean to , to look forward too. Sunday .
Weather looks good .
I’ve got to try and think positive.
I’m feeling so down .
No holiday friends moved away Good job I have Muffin I love him 😍 so much He’s my soul mate .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday July 21st 2020 06:36
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB still
No better Malc really worried as to why It’s not improving One more day taking antibiotic’s Ziggy is coming at 4pm to sort shed .
The waiting for Sunday Mick coming to build pergola .
Hope I’m feeling better by then .
I just want my life to be normal .
Lisa has another job caring in the community I hope she settles .
Some one interested in my two sofas !!
Getting back to me .
No one has rang me inviting me to lunch not even Jean I seem to be inviting people to mine .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday July 19 th 2020 08:16
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB just washed my hair Still having problems both back and other .
I pray it gets better soon You know me always worrying about health .
I feel my whole body is breaking down .
Lisa has finished work with Christopher Now waiting for a couple of interviews Hope see is happy in her work . She hasn’t settled for a while .
Ziggy is coming later to sort the shed and put up the hose I’m hoping Jean will contact me to go for lunch .
No one has asked me .
So lonely Malc 😌
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer dog baby boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday July 19 th 2020 08:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m
In bed at the moment fully dressed on top I’m having breakfast then going up the skelly Then Tesco .
Ellie is asleep a late night .
I’m just going to do my breakfast .
I’m getting some cream from Tesco hopefully to help me.
Ziggy is coming today to sort garden and shed . I’ll
Probably do him a dinner .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC.
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday July 18 th 2020 19:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Sorry it’s late Malc I’m in agony tonight. Just did a test swab I’ve got an infection.
Got to ring the dr Monday .
My back has eased a bit.
Ellie is here with me staying over .
Sheila has just rang not rang her today .
Very lonely today until Ellie came She’s a good girl .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Friday July 17th 2020 07:15
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Oh Malc I’m so fen today Lots going on with my body So uncomfortable and excruciating pain in my back I’m so worried.
It’s a short message today .
I’m going to Cannock then Ziggy is coming to sort garden and shed .
Tree in front garden sorted .
Ellie might sleep over tonight I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC cc
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday July 16 th 2020 06:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My baby boy I’m in bed Malc suffering so much with soreness and back pain The Dr had rang me yesterday and is sending an Antibiotic Hope this works .
Well scooter sold last night person very pleased .
I’m pleased .
Kay from the surgery is coming for lunch . Ross the tree surgeon is sorting our tree and other small trees in the garden .
Ziggy is coming tomorrow to sort shed and garden with pressure washer .
Lisa has put her notice in with Christopher .
Hope she gets a new job soon .
She hadn’t settled for a while.
I used to be the same .
All I want is to be healthy and happy Malc . I need the family around me. I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday July 15 th 2020 07:12 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Feeling very worried today Back pain very uncomfortable inside really worried Frighted to go to Gp..
So down today !!
Seeing no one weather very dull .
In bed still .
I’ve never felt so down . My finger is sticking too trigger finger . I’m so lonely Malc 😢
I’ve got to try and pick up .
Sorry I’m so depressing.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday July 14 th 2020 07:21
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Hope this message goes through Malc It didn’t yesterday.
My back seems a little better today Holding my breath ‘
Still have this other problem.
I wish I could have better health .
I worry so much .
I’m going to Carole Banks today taking her Birthday presents .
I think we have got to sit out side ! Hope not .
It not warm enough Geoff came last night walked Muffin with Max Jean and Jeff came for lunch a good day .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday July 12 th 2020 07:48
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m still in bed watching Netflix Diana . My back is no better excruciating pain and my fingers are swollen,
Feeling very low in mood and lonely.
Lisa is back from Cornwall but didn’t ring or text today she was back . Hurt really ! I feel like you were treated Mum at the end of your life .
No one came to see you .
You see lucky Mum you had Two Daughters who cared for you But you broke your promise . You didn’t leave me the bungalow !!
You didn’t tell me at first I had to ask !
Sorry Malc I can’t get that out of my mind . W has had what she wanted .
My life has changed so much Malc not for the good !
The best thing is I have Muffin , he’s my soul mate now I love him so much. Well what will today bring ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday July11th 2020 11:52 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy It’s Muffin’s 8 th Birthday today .
Ive been to Cannock to buy him a couple of harnesses They gave him a treat as it was his Birthday My back is in excruciating pain.
Hope it improves soon .
I rang Kay Alan is fine and Lucy has just arrived .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💔 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday July 10 th 2020 07.04 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed Malc with an excruciating back pain It’s been coming on gradually My fingers are swollen and clicking and stiff .
I’m going to Jeans for lunch today .
Looking forward to seeing her .
The big tree in the front garden is being sorted trimmed and looking good . Mick the chap who did planter is coming 26 th July to put up a lean to pagola.
Can’t wait .
Hope my health improves.
Alan Kay’s husband has had a fall fractured his hip .
He’s in Walsall Manor .
I’m getting a card today .
I’m missing you so much darlin.
I need you at the moment please come to me and talk with me I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday 9th July 2020 07:09
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m on top of the bed suffering with back pain and Woman’s problems won’t write on this message Upset yesterday had to leave Tesco with Muffin on my scooter Because a gay chap Moaned .
But I am allowed in again . Just procedure .
I’ve bed. Going in from day one when they opened . I’m so stressed at the moment Malc Everything is worrying me .
Dreamt about W last night not good.
My fingers are so painful one of my fingers keeps sticking Weather not good again .
Going to Jeans tomorrow for lunch . Got to get stuff .
I’m feeling down today seeing no one .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday July 8 th 2020 07:25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB at the moment no rush to get up .
Rain again and cold considering it’s July .
Missed my holiday this year .
Dot came yesterday for lunch nice afternoon . She nearly didn’t come because of rain .
I persuaded her .
The chap Mick called he was bringing a piece of wood to connect the planters together .
But said he will bring it another day I’ve asked for a quote for a lean to pergola round the back Of the house .
Not sure yet !! Looks like I’m stopping in because of the rain ☔️ I miss you Malc so much darlin I wish you were here by my side .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Tuesday July 7th 2020 07:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m sitting up in bed watching GMB I’m off to have my hair done this morning. Yeah !!
Dot is coming later for lunch .
Hope weather holds today .
Lisa didn’t ring last night she’s enjoying her hol With Geoff and Max .
I would love to go one day .
I have lots to do today .
Mick the chap who made the screen planter in my front garden is coming today to place a piece of wood between the screens to hold them together.
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boyNEW by: Rose
Sunday July 6th 2020 06:32
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB at ggd moment Weather iffy .
Elaine my friend is coming today for lunch .
She’s coming 12:30
Chanel picked up Ellie yesterday came in and gave me a hug So did Georgia . that pleased me .
I just need Christopher to come back now .
It was like old times .
Lisa face timed me looks nice in looe .
Hope weather keeps nice for them . Keep them safe Malc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday 5th July 2020 07;15
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Instant Gardner,
Ellie is here she came last night.
My new planter is in the front garden it’s lovely £350 but well worth it.
Mick is coming back to place a piece of wood in between The planter to bring it together. I might get him to build a lean to around the back . From the house With plastic top.
The sun has just come out hope it stays out .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday July 4th 2020 08:02 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching Diana on YouTube It’s cold and cloudy today .
Lisa and Geoff are on their way to Loo in Cornwall.
Safe journey xxx
Seeing no one today unless Ellie comes later .
I’m having a screen and planters put up today Something to look forward to.
My day is lonely every day seems to be the same.
No holiday COVID stopped that and Lisa didn’t want me to go to Loo in Cornwall .
All I need Malc is to be loved .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Friday July 3rd 2020 06:03 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB Ben and Charlotte Much calmer .
It’s going to rain again today ruining Going out .
I’ve got to sort this house but my Arthritis is really painful .
Won’t be seeing anyone this weekend Carol my friend brought me doe toilet rolls bless her .
She’s a good friend.
I see more of my friends than Family .
Lisa and Geoff is going away to Loo in Cornwall .
4 thJuly for a week.
I asked if I could go but Lisa said no,
I miss you Malc so much our holidays together .
People don’t understand.
I don’t know if I will be able to go out today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday July 2nd 2020 08;25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still on top of the bed watching GMB Wandering what or who I will see today .
Nothing planned to see anyone no one has asked to see me .
Only Jean Beardsmore really thinks about me .
My family see me now and again , not what I was expecting really after losing you Malc . Ha I v breakfast early goi g to Tesco to take a swim suit back awful .
Not that I can swim I’m so depressed Malc anxious inside buying stuff I don’t really need .
Lisa doesn’t text or ring me often Only see her for about half hour .
Geoff has stopped walking Muffin On my own totally I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday July 1st 2020 15:51
Hello Malc yesterday’s message didn’t come through Hope today’s will .
A lonely day today !!
I took Muffin to Cannock twice , went to Crazy Daisys Shop closing down .
Got a few bargains but not giving much away .
Then popped to Heath Hayes Gem carpets artificial grass but it was sold , not meant to be .
Saw Geoff in Greggs .
Not heard from anyone only saw Dot outside her flat .
Seeing her next week in my garden .
Rain on and off .
Same tomorrow ☔️
Sorry this is a short message Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Miss you terribly Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC cc
Thank you Dee and Bunny I’m
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday June 29 th 2020. 06:13
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m staying g in bed a bit longer today Weather not good very windy and rain .
Back to being lonely today everyone back to work I did manage to see Christopher yesterday and give him a kiss But he wasn’t to impressed.!
It was a better day than I thought , but not happy leaving Muffin . I was angry with Lisa !! She saw I was then said get your dog but it was too late Kay had him .
It happy being told what I can and can’t do with my baby boy.
I took him to Kay’s .
She is good to me and Muffin loves her .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC cx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday June 28th 2020 28:51 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has turned out to be very good .
Ellie. Stayed over and we watched Netflix .
I’ve joined £8:99 a month For 30 days then goes up .
I couldn’t take Muffin to Finley’s party that really hurt me but Kay came to the rescue as usual .
I took Ellie to Lisa’s then people came It pored Down but still was good .
Christopher came with Chanel. G and Cam .
He said grumpy hello but later spoke to me about the Manor House .
I kissed everyone before I left and Christopher accepted a kiss .
I left and went to Kay’s to pick up Muffin Stayed for an. Hour .
Had a cuppa .
Back home now watching the chase .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC cx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday June 27th 2020 06:47
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching tv It’s been raining all night Cooled down a bit now thank goodness.
But don’t k is if Muffin and Zi can go out .
Ellie is sleeping over today.
Curry night and films I think .
I’m missing g you so much Malc more as the years go by .
So lonely !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday June 26th 2020 06:57 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed at the moment Malc watching tv .
Had my usual morning cuppa like you used to bring me up every morning before you went to work .
I miss that Malc and a kiss before you left the house .
I feel very emotional today .
Lisa and Geoff called in last night to pick up toilet rolls .
Geoff took Muffin a walk with Max .
Lisa had a coffee .
She also pulled up a few weeds from front garden .
They moved the large pot to the middle of the garden so Tgd new screen can go up .
It’s Ellie’s 12th Birthday today I’ve put a piece on Facebook I will ring her at 9am .
Face time her .
I wish you were here Malc to celebrate her birthday?
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday June 25th 2020 07:09
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m fully dressed had a shower ready for my parcel to be collected . Kay from the surgery is coming at 12 noon for lunch . It’s going to be 34 • today too hot for me .
I’m popping to Tesco for some cobs soon .
Looking forward to my new vacuum.
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 24th 2020 07:05
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching GMB depressing really .
Muffin is lying by my side cuddling up . I wish you were here Malc by my side too .
Lisa rang last night she’s having a part in the garden. On Sunday 1pm Finley’s 8th Birthday . I will still cook a dinner .
Malc I’ve never been so lonely in all my life . All my family have partners and Family.
I have no one It’s making me frightened of going mad .
Lisa’s going away to loo in Cornwall in a weeks time in the caravan .
I wish they would ask me to go with them . There is a spare bedroom Muffin would be a good boy .
Oh Malc where is my life leading? I’m so lonely 😭.
How can I smile and be happy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny.
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Bay Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday June 22nd. 2020 07:33
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB always bad news .
I’m having a shower taking Muffin up the skelly then later going to Jeans in her garden .
I’ve had a really lonely weekend Malc I’ve had no one from my family even text me .
That’s how much I’m loved ☺️😢
What have I done to deserve this ? Covid isn’t helping me either . What would I do if I had t got Muffin. I’m having a screen made for the front garden .
Coming about 29 th June to erect it .
I have to cheer myself up some how .
I’m lonely Malc and I don’t think my family care .
I don’t fe loved at all .
I miss you Malc so much darlin , I wish you could just come to me for even 10 minutes to talk to me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday June 21stt 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching telly rubbish at the moment.
Will I see anyone today ?? ?????
Doubt it .
Another lonely day Malc .
I’m disappointed with Carol Norrey at the moment She hasn’t rang or texted me ,
I need friends around me at the moment.
I know it’s lock down but you can go in peoples gardens .
I know she has Olivia under pressure but she really should be strong .
Ellie hasn’t been this weekend
It’s her Birthday next Friday 12 years old .
Will they let her stay over .?
I’ve got a Gazebo up on the back garden weather is looking good from Monday .
I’m going to Jeans Tomorrow for lunch well so might take my own incase she doesn’t do any .
I miss you darlin so much .
I feel like crying this morning I feel so low.
All the family are enjoying each other , I feel last in line. I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby. BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday June 20 2020 17:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very lonely talking to no one No one texting g or ringing me .
Ellie couldn’t come this week .
She’s coming next week end instead .
I’ve been a very long ride round with Muffin.
I want to cry really .
It it will only make me feel ill .
You were right Malc I do need company someone who could take me out no sex just companion ship .
I’m really disappointed in our family Malc I know they have their lives but I’m back of the line .
I’m hurt really .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday 19th 2020 07:05
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB .
I’ve washed my hair but it’s raining again .
People coming to collect both a parasol and gazebo Will they turn up !
I was angry yesterday people kept letting me down . Sending camera back it won’t work in my garden .
Taking it to the post office today .
Weather not good again .
Felt really depressed yesterday but pushed myself .
Hope my day gets better today Malc . I shouldn’t moan really poor Hill across the road has a tumour in her bladder hope it isn’t cancer she has only just lost Les .
Life is so cruel Malc , it frightens me Being on my own I do slot of thinking .
Lonely Malc very lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday June 18th 2020 06:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB it’s poring down and is on all day No going out today with Muffin .
Bring back the sunshine please .
It’s bad enough not seeing anyone but I’m feeling g more locked in now raining .
Chap coming to buy gazebo hope he is happy with it.
I Have changed the right up .
Hope he isn’t disappointed.
Lisa didn’t come last night she had her hair done by jo next door . I won’t see anyone today 😣
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I need you !!!
I will write you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy .NEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 17 th 2020 07:05
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching coast and country Fed up of GMB piece Morgan shouting .
It’s awful weather rain all day thunder storms last night .
Didn’t see anyone yesterday and won’t today either .
I feel a bit unwanted at the moment .
Seems my family have forgotten I exsists .
No walks for Muffin , Sunday dinner stopped .
Don’t see them often .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I can’t write much today going no where .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday June 16th 20:20 06;54 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching coast and country .
It makes me feel I am looking at properties and moving to either the sea side or out in the country.
I’m so lonely Malc .
Lisa stopped my Sunday dinner ,Geoff stopped walking Muffin .
Only seen Lisa for about 5mins when she dropped Ellie off for the weekend .
I won’t see them this weekend either or next ,
Ellie enjoyed her weekend here .
Chanel came in and we hugged . Christopher did slightly speak but didn’t come in .
One step nearer to maybe seeing me .
I live in hope !!.
Weather is iffy today rain on and off .
Jean and Jeff came yesterday in the garden nice .
I even managed to go to Lichfield on the bus 🚌 only a quick visit to Super drug to buy hand wash .
If I can see someone just a couple of hours a day I’m fine.
I must you Malc more than ever .
All the family are getting on with their lives which is fine .
I can’t move forward .
Now Covid is about .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday June 15 th 2020 07:29 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching telly news news news .
Misty morning weather rain and shine .
Feeling very low again but really I think of Val a lady I used to Go to college with painting , she is dying !!!!
My God what is the world turning into .
I’ve got to try and be strong .
I had Ellie as you know over the weekend
She’s turned out a lovely young lady Malc .
Oh Malc I’m crying now missing you so much darlin .
If weather is good today I’m asking Jean Beardsmore To lunch .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog au BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday June 13 th 2020. 05:32
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m awake early had a reasonable nights sleep Ellie is here we had a smashing evening together and a few laughs .we watched telly until 12 midnight .
I actually hugged her .
Hope none of us have coronavirus Lisa dropped her off she gave me a hug 🤗 too .
I only this drastic virus would do one .
Oh Malc I wish you were here darlin to cuddle up to.
I miss you so much .
I don’t know what today is going to bring Ellie is great company for me she wants to stay the week But she has schooling on her computer.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc cx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday June 12 th 2020 08:50 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB trying to win some money .
Not lucky really that way .
Muffin is on the bed by my side .
It’s awful weather for the next two days .
Ellie is coming to stay tonight I’m really looking forward to seeing her .
I’ve got to get her bedroom ready .
I’m getting up in a minute taking Muffin up the skelly .
Looking out of the window I feel like stopping in bed . I wish you were here by my side Malc I could cuddle up to you I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny cx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday June 11th 2020 08:25am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed at the moment eating GMB All bad stuff again I’m sick of hearing about racism.
Since this black Guy has been killed .
What with COVID 19 and this .
Good news though I can now have Ellie stay o
ver this Saturday and hug her .
It’s up to Christopher now to bring her down .
Rain all day Malc so depressing .
I’ve got to get the house ready for Ellie staying over .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 10 th 2020 15:07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is freezing considering it’s June .
I’ve been up the skelly with Muffin this morning.
Later I went to Aldi brought some plants to put in our window boxes .
I did go to see Jean Beardsmore yesterday , we sat in her garden , enjoyed it .
Watching escape to the country as you know my favourite programme .
I’m so lonely Malc really lonely.
I need you darlin .
My family think I’m ok but the times I cry for you .
Not a lot to talk about Malc .
Doing nothing special .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday June 9 th 2020 07:12 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching GMB..
All bad news as usual .
Geoff came yesterday to walk Muffin with Max .
Weather not good again , bring back the sunshine please xxx
Not much to write about Malc not going anywhere seeing no one .
I miss you Malc so much .
I wish you could come spend some time with me . Keep us safe Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny.
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday June 8 th 2020 08:06am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching tele bad news as usual .
Someone is coming to place a LBN on my satalite dish .
Because I’ve brought a Freesat 4 k box so I can record 4 programs at once while watching another .
I’m not seeing anyone again today . But until the rain goes away , I can’t meet up with people in my garden.
I’m just having a new satalite dish put up and the chap is going to connect my humanx Freesat box up in our bedroom .
So I can sit in bed and watch stuff recorded .
Hope I’m doing right Malc .
Lisa did bring me a dinner yesterday and Jordd came with her He wanted to hug but I kept my distance bless him I did apologise to him later .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday June 7 th 2020 10:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m up with Muffin watching news about Pandemic .
It’s on and off raining all day .
I don’t think I will see anyone again today .
Will I see Lisa .????
I’m beginning to think I’m not important’ !!!!
Geoff and Lisa went to Helen’s last night it was her Birthday.
I wish they would have invited me .
I need company Malc desperately I don’t know how long I can keep this up Malc .
No Sunday dinner this week or may not again .
Please let the weather change so I can go to my friends or they can come to me in the garden .
I watched births on the tele this morning, our favourite programme .
Oh Malc if only I could have you back here by my side darlin .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone cx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday June 6th 2020 07:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching love 💓 your garden Had two cups of tea.
Sheila has just rang her phone has broken she is using. Colins Mobile .
It’s raining again today , we’ve got this now for a good ten days .
It’s bringing me down especially not being able to go outside in the garden.
I don’t know if I will see anyone today .
I don’t know what I will be doing.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday June 5th 2020 18:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’ve had a boring day on my own with Muffin .
I only took him to Tesco and came back home Raining and windy .
Geoff came this afternoon To walk Muffin with Max .
It’s Geoff’s Birthday today as you know .
I’m trying to sell the trellis in the front garden but people keep letting me down .
Oh Malc not a good weekend coming up .
Haven’t seen my friends all week nor Lisa !!!!
I’m not important any more really .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday June 4 th 2020 06:19
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m sitting up in bed watching GMB They have found a suspect Madeline Mcann A German man with a camper van and jaguar is in prison.
I’ve just made a cuppa it’s cold and dry outside at the moment I pray the rain stays away I can’t go out with Muffin .
What’s happening with this weather scorching hot 🥵 one minute freezing cold and rain the next .
What with the corona virus adding to it .
I feel a bit better today but found I’ve lost weight again .
My temp is 38• back to normal .
I am stressed 😩 Malc but that’s normal for me .
I worry about my health Constantly I can’t clean like I did my back hurts so much I can’t lift things anymore .
I think I need a cleaner now .
I don’t know what I’m doing today . What bothers me is I can’t go into peoples gardens now because of the rain .
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 3rd 2020 07:13 Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m in bed at the moment Malc having had another horrible sleep .
Changing pillows feeling week .
I’ve just took my temp it’s 35• it’s been that for weeks . It should be 38• It’s going to rain over the next two weeks just as we are allowed to see our family and friends outdoors .
Will I see anyone now ?
Oh Malc will this ever end .???????
I have an appointment today with Anne my VitB12 inj Been feeling quite tired and rough the last few days Don’t feel like doing anything .
My Diabetes has been very high .
I just need company Malc that’s all .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU. FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday June 2nd 2020 06;40 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My baby boy.
I’m in bed at the moment watching GMB . I’ve had a bad nights sleep again .
I’ve just took my temperature 36• So thank goodness it’s fine .
Stomach still feels dodgy .
I’m going to watch now what I eat . I was worried yesterday when Caroline came across and was very close to me ,I don’t think she takes it still being dangerous with coronavirus.
At least Trevor is ok with me now .
I don’t like him but will put up with him .’
Geoff is coming today to pick up their Wedding Anniversary present .
I’m hoping the 🦅 one comes today so I can give Kay the owl one .
I miss you Malc more than ever . I need you Malc come home I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday June 1st 2020 22:22pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Sorry it’s late Malc lots happened today That flexi bode tap bust on me .
I had to ring Andy to come and fix it .
He took the part Way .
I do hope he comes back .
I have been poorly today diarrhoea last night upset stomach today .
Not had a dinner .
Caroline the neighbour comes over but was very close to me .
I feel really low today can’t cry .
Hope I feel better tomorrow.
I miss you Malc darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 31st 2020 06:17 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My baby boy
I’m I. Bed watching man about the house .
Feeling low at the moment don’t know if it the situation or vit B 12 lack of .
I’m due for inj on Wednesday.
Lisa’s present 🎁 for Wedding Anniversary I’ve got to try and keep strong .
I have to look after my little boy Muffin .
He’s my best friend . I need a hug Malc I need to be loved .
I need to be told I’m loved .
No one realty tells me .
Only you did when you were here .
People think because you get older you don’t need to be loved or told .
I need it more than ever .
I wish you could come home Malc 6 years 3 months now since I lost you.
Where have the years gone , what have I done .?
The house is too much for me it needs a deep clean but I can’t do it .
My Arthritis is getting worse .
I wish I could see Christopher I need him back in my life.
He’s treated me so bad Malc . I miss you Malc i so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 30 th 2020 06;36
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m in bed watching love 💓 your garden .
Seen it before but nice .
It’s Lisa and Geoffs 11 th Wedding Anniversary today .
I think they are off to see Geoffs Daughter today In Doncaster.
I’m waiting for a parcel to come from Amazon it’s a present for them .
Hope it comes this morning.
The chaps I brought the bin shed from are coming tomorrow to complete the shed .
I want them to make a screen in the front garden .
I would like a galvanised water fall .
I need to focus on something Malc feeling pretty low at the moment.
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will take Muffin up the skelly later .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Friday May 29 th 2020 06:16 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m in bed Malc not slept very well , watching GMB .
Trying to sort my face book and WhatsApp .
My storage is full so need to phone Apple storage . We can have family and friends in the garden now but no hugs Hope my friends will come .
I was angry last night as we clapped Gill came out with Vicky But Caroline Daughters and Trevor came out and turned to Gill chatting away andI felt ignored .
Gill and I texted each other later she understood.
At the moment Malc I feel very emotional and sensitive .
I feel very isolated from people .
Oh Malc what has gone so wrong ? .
I expecting a parcel today from Amazon and EBay . Lisa and Geoffs wedding Anniversary .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: rose
Thursday May 28th 2020 06.17.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
today I have to stop in waiting for my new iPhone to be delivered .
hope it comes early .
i really don't want to stay in with the weather being so nice.
ive sorted some of my clothes out of the wardrobe ,winter jumpers away in boxes.
Lisa and Geoff came last night just to pick up security lights and geoff walked Muffin and Max .
muffin pulled on the lead and pulled his head out of his collar.
lisa ran out of the gate i followed.
I don't want anything to happen to Muffin.
those Bloody dogs next door barking all day long .
I miss you Malc so much , I need you the moment .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday May 27th 2020 08;18 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my boy boy.
I'm on the bed after washing my hair watching coast and country.
waiting for my new iPhone to arrive crossing fingers.
I'm seeing no-one today really lonely malc as you said I would be.
i might pop to Cannock just a ride for Muffin .
the house is a disgrace too many clothes .
I don't have the energy to sort it .
I need help but can't I have no one , family all working .
I never thought my life would end like this Malc xx
so lonely .
Lisa does help by cooking my Sunday dinners , but this week they are going to see Geoffs Daughter Louise .
i can't go to friends houses or them come to mine .
I wish this bloody corona virus would do one.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: rose
Tuesday May 26th 2020 0704.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm still in bed at the moment Malc watching tv .
its Les Fishes funeral today .
Im taking Muffin up the skelly later then I might go to Kays.
weather is looking good again .
i have sent a message to Christopher but again no reply .
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Muffin x
MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday May 25th 2020 08:05
Helo Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby Boy.
Im still in bed at the moment watching coast and country ,
just had a shower.
its Bank holiday Monday and no where to go .
I'm feeling weepy this morning ,I have sent a message to Christopher but hand reply .
i need him Malc for my sanity .
i lacklove and a cuddle .
its Les Fishers funeral tomorrow another one gone .
I want to live to be over 100 please .
need to get my summer dresses out its going to be hot this week .
help me Malc bring Christopher back and the family back into my life I
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
i will write to you again tomorrow xx
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sundy May 24th 2020 20:45 pm Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today started off feeling very low I took Muffi up the skelly .
I later took muffin to Resco brought a sim card temporary in your old iPhone Malc Lisa rang me saying dinner was ready and when I got there Jade and the kids were there lovely , i had a smashing afternoon.
we all kept out distance .
I stayed 3 hours .
Muffin played with Max it was great.
We talked about Christopher he's doing really well ,I wish him all the luck in the world and love him and miss him so much .
All I want is love from him thats all ,
it seems he has all the family around him but not me ,.
I miss you darlin so much , i feel so alone ,
I will write to you again tomorrow .
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: rose
Saturday May 23rd 2020 21:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today has been an upend down day,
started of very bad malc,
Myiphone 11 has got a fault , can't hear anyone the other end when they speak
i was on the phone 6 hours trying to put my phone right no joy.
now i have to send it away and they are sending me a temp new phone .
I had delivered a bin shed two days ago but there has been a problem but they are coming back next week to ad a few things to it.
i can't ring everyone at the moment .
i miss you malc so much Malc .
i will write to you again tomorrow night Malc until i receive my new iPhone .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
THANK YOU Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday May 22nd 2020 7:30 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed at the moment watching telly.
It’s been poring down over night .
Ziggy is coming today to clear weeds pressure washer .
I’m asking him if he will paint the rest of the bin storage .
The shed needs sorting too .’
That might be another day . I thank you Malc for me and you spiritually with me last night I cried after .
I will take Muffin up the Skelly this morning.
Got to buy some milk and Muffins treats if they have any . I miss you Malc my darlin more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 21 st 2020 06:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I’m in bed at the moment watching telly Later I’m taking Muffin up the Skelly It’s going to rain later hope not much .
At least I can get out .
Ziggy is coming tomorrow to tidy garden up and may be dirt shed .
I met up with Dot yesterday on the park we kept our distance .
I kept crying yesterday on and off .
Lisa rang me yesterday only for 5 mins but I was grateful
.I thanked her .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Sorry it’s a short message .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday May 20th 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today someone is coming to buy my BBQ .
If they turn up !!!!
I wanted more money but at least it’s better than rotting in my garden .
I’m meeting Dot today on the park. For an hour .
I met up with Kay yesterday I stayed a while it was nice for a change .
It’s not the same .
I watched a very serious programme last night .
Very worried for our future.
Oh Malc what has happened ?
I worse than a war .
What would Mum and Dad think?
I miss you Malc more than ever so lonely .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVEi 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday May 19 th 2020 07:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today weather is going to be hot. Hope we don’t have rain we did last night .
Really feeling low in mood Malc it’s this ulcer in my mouth I’ve had 2 years.
The corona virus 🦠 when will it end ? It’s frightening.
I can’t lift up 🙁x
Bad news from government nothing to look forward to .
I don’t have a lot to say Malc only I have Muffin by my side If zi hadn’t got him I would go crazy 😜 I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday 18th May 2020 06;40 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today as you know Malc it’s Mum’s 90th Birthday ,
Send my love and give her a kiss Malc miss her so much .
I’m in bed watching GMB .
All bad news corona virus yet again .
Felt very down yesterday everything going wrong !!
Then after Lisa ringing me she did cheer me up a little It’s now I need my family around me , but can’t because of the virus .
The weather is hot this week so may meet up with one friend On the park .
I miss you Malc so much wish you were here by my side . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 17 th 2020. 06:37x
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m awake early watching fantasy by the sea .
You know me I’ve got to watch dream property.
I feel very down at the moment. Disappointed Lisa hasn’t even text me this week .
I rang Jade yesterday spoke for about 20 mins I feel my family put me back of the queue .
If I don’t ring them they don’t ring me .
Now I know how you felt Mum .
Just saying Malc , tell Mum .
Never felt so lonely in my life !!!!!!!.
I message Ellie she does back bless her .
What with the corona virus 🦠 it’s hard Malc .
I feel I want to move far away by the sea where you wanted to go .
I might meet up with Dot today if the weather is good .
At least my scooter is working now .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 16 th 2020 17:18 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I wrote this morning but didn’t go through .
Les Fisher passed away Thursday not sure I’f it was covid 19 or his condition.
Scooter playing up but hopefully now sorted good man John .
He comes straight away if something goes wrong .
Took Muffin up the skelly twice today then popped to see Carol Norrey sat out side her wall
She kept her distance .
I then bumped into Kay from the surgery we spoke for about 10 mins .
Home now just had a curry for now from. China Dragon .
Back to my usual curry house next Saturday.
I am going to Tesco 7ish if a queue coming back .
I don’t need much .
Nothing from my Daughter or family !!
Don’t know if she has gone to see Jade outside !! She will bring my Dinner tomorrow I guess I hope .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Friday May 15 th 2020 06:58 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m watching telly at the moment. To early to get up .
I cried for you last night Malc .
Missing you so much , I need you to hug me and me you .
Lock down still on , When will this all end ? I need to see people Malc you know me I’m a social person .
I will take Muffin a ride up the skelly then round the streets .
The weather is going to be hot this week end and no where to go no one to see .
I have Muffin thank goodness .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 14 th 2020 06:20 Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching GMB just to see If anything is changing They have made a test to check if we have had covid 19 .
We can meet someone outside on a park as long as we keep a 2 meter distance.
It’s too cold at the moment.
My scooter is playing up again , it’s never been running right really .
Sheila rings me at least 4 times a day , but if it makes her feel better well !!
Geoff not taking Muffin a walk now he’s gone back to work taxi I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I talk to you every day and every night .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday May 12 th 2020 06:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching big mouth Pierce Morgan shouting .
I will put up with him for an hour .
Watching news.
Sun is out but still cold . Geoff is going back to work tomorrow . Walks with Muffin and Max will end .
So sad because Muffin and Max are getting on much better .
Groceries will stop too and will my Sunday dinner 🥘 stop Will I see my daughter now ? .
Thank God I have Muffin .
We can meet a friend outside as long as we keep our distance.
Who will meet me ?
Muffin had a groom yesterday very good all protected .
I miss you Malc so much , I need you to hug 🤗 and love 💓.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. May 11 th 2020 06:51 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed at the moment watching telly .
Just washed my hair in a fashion arthritis really bad but have no help .
Muffin has a groom today not happy how he’s working Muffin has to go in a cage WHY ? Don’t understand .
Will see when I get there .
Muffin is by my side on the bed at the moment x
Weather very cold today having to wrap up .
See how day goes .
Not much to tell you Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Sorry it’s short . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 10th 2020 07:27 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy It’s early I’m in bed watching instanced gardener A courier is coming today to collect a test between 8-4pm
Hope he comes early .
Weather has gone cold today , what a change .
Hope it picks up again soon .
Boris Johnson is making a few changes today but not much 7pm tonight .
Yesterday was very lonely a change from Thursday .
Saw no one !!!
Spoke to Dot not for long tho yesterday .
I did go to Tesco late last night hardly anyone in thank goodness.
Got a few things .
Muffin is on our bed by my side .
I love him so much Malc .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 9 th 2020. 06:23
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed at the moment. Watching tv
Had a broken sleep .
Enjoyed Being with Lisa and Geoff distancing in her garden Muffin and Max got on very well .
That’s because Geoff takes them a walk every day .
It was VE Day yesterday 75years Caroline across the road and family put bunting up in the garden , so did I and Chris at the end .
Caroline gave me a scone .
I played music 🎧 in the garden .
I cried Malc thinking about you .
I later went to Lisa’s she rang me then Geoff asked me down .
I sat a distance away from everyone.
It was lovely I stayed a while.
Muffin played with Max .
I told Lisa I dreamt about you .
I miss you Malc so much. I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday May 8th 2020 07:15 Hello Malc my darlin. and Tigger my baby boy Thank you Malc for coming into my dream.
I felt us hugging I felt my arms around you I felt you kiss me and making love THANK YOU 😘💓xx
Today it’s VE Day 75years You would enjoy this and Mum and Dad would .
I’ve put some bunting in the front garden Chris has too and Caroline across the road .
I need to join in really so we can get a bit closer I’ll try and set up the Bose .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 7th 2020 06:55 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching tv at the moment .
I’ve just washed my hair in a fashion .
Difficult with arthritis.
Muffin is lying on the bed fast asleep .
It’s Geoff’s Dads funeral today .
I will be sitting on my mobility scooter watching the just go by .
It’s going to be very hot later so a dress I think .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday May 6th 2020 06:49
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed again watching tv .
Woke up full of a runny nose Don’t think it’s a cold I think it’s allergy .
It is spring .
Still locked in because of corona virus.
When will it end Malc ? 😢
I get through the day but feel down at times .
I’ll be taking Muffin up the Skelly again and round the streets . I will be ringing Dot .
Might be ringing Chris Rudd .
Geoff Is getting me some groceries .
It’s his Dads funeral tomorrow .
I miss you my darlin so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday May 5th 2020 06:49
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed having had a rubbish night sleep .
I have managed to grab another hour .
Not good need looks like we will be in lock down for a year 😢.
I think I’m going to go crazy 😜.
So lonely Malc .
I just hope the weather holds sunny so at least I can take Muffin up the skelly and round the streets .
I can sit in my garden .
I just wish you were here with me Malc .
I need you more than ever .
I keep thinking of the places we’ve been together.
Going back to Leahall club , the night you told me I looked the bell of the ball , then we won a telly.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday May 4th 2020 06:48
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed Malc watching gmb Better news an app being tried in alsle of white Also vaccine may be ready June time .
Can’t wait.
I’m taking Muffin up the skelly this morning Riding through the town after competition.
Taking bacon bread and cobs to Dot .
Given to me yesterday by Amanda a lovely lady Ika was there she said shall I drop your groceries off .
I said no I’ve got my scooter .
I think she feels guilty .
Not coming to bring my groceries. My scooter broke down yesterday over the skelly
I phone the mobility chap John . He’s a star it was a fuse came loose .
Back on the road now thank goodness.
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 3 rd 2020 16:10 pm
What a day I took Muffin a ride up the skelly
I broke down and had to contact John mobility chap came straight away and fixed it , it was a fuse disconnected Bless him he is so good to me .
I then carried on home it’s Jade’s 28th Birthday today and Adam proposed to her with a ring They popped to Lisa’s in the garden 6 meters apart .
We have face time her .
Adam has also made up a video from family and friends Nice to keep .
I’ve cried again this morning .
Feeling a bit emotional and vulnerable
I have seen Amanda today she gave me free stuff I wish I had taken her number .
I miss you Malc my darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny .
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 2nd 2020. 08:28 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m a bit anxious today after texting Darren Lisa’s ex I in jest mentioned did he not like my singing on a video he’s making for Jade’s Birthday 🎁 tomorrow.
I sang But he cut it out .
Then he texted Lisa and Adam .
Then Lisa Texted me .
I cried all last night .
I did tell him he’d done a good job But it’s back fired .
Me again !!!!!!!!
Oh Malc I’m so depressed and lonely .😓😓
I miss you so much Malc,
I’m taking Muffin to Cannock today somewhere different to go . At least it’s sunny today .
I miss you Malc my darling and Tigger.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday May 1st 2020. 15:10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I haven’t been able to send these messages Something has gone wrong .
Geoff has just took Muffin and Max a walk .
I’ve rang Carole Banks today boring really not a bit jolly!!
I cried this morning Malc wanting you , I was watching coast & country Dorset ! I remembered the good times we had With Anne .
But as They are not speaking to me won’t be going again .
I do blame myself tho .
But don’t miss the filthy flat and him !!!
I’m keeping it short Malc I case it doesn’t go through .
I miss you Malc so much darlin Wish you were here with me 😢
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog yNEW by: Rose
Wednesday April 29th 2020 10:29
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I stayed in bed until 8am then a shower I’ve just got back from a ride up the skelly with Muffin It’s not rainy at the moment so if it stays that way Geoff might take him and Max over the field .
I’m waiting for someone to pick up my red bird curtains £30 no lower .
They are. Coming at 12pm
They have got a bargain .
I’m lonely Malc but nothing I can do about it .
Muffin is my company .
I am great full for that .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I say this every day wishing you were here with me through this awful time .
Friends ring me Lisa brings my Sunday dinner Geoff walks Muffin daily when he can x
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 28 th 2020 06:13
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed at the moment watching GMB Not for long tho it’s too depressing .
It’s raining today and all week so in with Muffin .
What a day yesterday. Muffins poo bin full of water
I struggled but managed to disinfect the bins .’
My auto hose has give up .
Geoff is shopping for me today . I don’t think he will be taking Muffin a walk with Max today .
Weather atrocious .
I pray Malc this awful virus with go as quick as it has come .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 27th 2020 07:42
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed again watching coast and country
Muffin is lying on the bed with me I showered him last night. He smells lovely now .
It’s cold today rain forecast not good . Don’t know if we will be able to go out .
Worried today about virus Wandering if I should be going out to shops .
I do keep my distance but it’s frightening.
I won’t see Lisa now until next Sunday she’s back at work .
I feel down today seeing no one .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday April 26th 2020 08:17 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed watching coast and country . One of my favourite programmes
I’m feeling a bit flat this morning I’m trying to think positive but it’s hard not speaking to anyone . I have our Beautiful baby boy Muffin . When is this awful virus 🦠 going away .
I took a chance last night and went to Tesco How lovely it is set out very could space from being apart from people .
I got almost everything food wise .
Rain due today hope it goes away soon .
Lisa is bringing my dinner 🥘 today so no cooking again.
Geoff will walk Muffin .
I just wish I could meet up with people .
I miss you Malc so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April 25 th 2020 21:01 Hello Malc I’m late writing tonight I took Muffin up the Skelly this morning and a ride round said hello to Carol my old school friend . Then came home had lunch and sat in the back garden .
Geoff came about 4 pm to take Muffin a walk with Max His Dad passed away early hours this morning .
He’s took it quite well .
Too much going on with the corona virus It’s messing everything up People are doing strange things .
I’ve braved it to Tesco tonight only a hand full of people in there .
Very safe indeed , got what I wanted .
Enjoyed the experience , only saw one member of staff I new .
Managed to get a couple of cards too .
Muffin has had two meals tonight I miss you Malc my darlin so much Come into my dreams please .
Help us get rid of this evil virus 🦠 please I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday April 24th 2020 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed Malc now watching flirty dancing .
It’s a program I love watch it every day even though I’ve seen it several times.
It takes my mind off the lock down corona virus . Muffin is on our bed sleeping .
I love 💓 him so much .
I will take him up the skelly again and round the streets on my mobility scooter.
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I need you to come in my dreams it makes me feel your still around me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday April 23rd 2020 05:23
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Again I’m in bed woke up early not a very good night sleep I’m still tired but too much on my mind with this corona virus.
It’s so worrying Malc .’
I only see Lisa on a sunday to drop off my dinner .
Geoff comes most days to walk Muffin with Max Max has a poorly paw at the moment Geoff took him to the vets .
He’s wearing a collar at the moment to stop him biting his paw I feel very low at the moment not seeing people Jean Beardsmore rang me yesterday.
I spoke to. A lady who worked at the coop Wandering why I did tho , she’s a very strange Moaning about staff she worked with and threats .
Might not ring her again . Dot and I are texting each other , she us ringing me today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April 22nd 2020 06:54
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed Malc watching gmb Depressing news about corona virus Will life ever be the same .
It’s going to be at least a year before we have a vaccination.
I’m thank full for being alive at the moment .
But missing my my family and friends .
I need a big hug Malc .
Like other people I suppose .
I have my baby boy Muffin I love him so much Malc .
I can hold him and kiss him .’
Geoff comes most days for a walk .
I take him out on the scooter and why the weather stays dry and sunny at least that’s good .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 21st 2020 05:16
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m awake early Malc it’s only 5 am in the morning .
I go off to sleep straight away then 3:30 am I’m awake Lots going on in my mind .
Yesterday’s message didn’t go through so hope today’s does .
I love you and miss you so much Malc.
I will take Muffin up the skelly then a ride round .
Geoff will coming later to take Muffin a walk only 10 mins .
Not a lot to talk about Malc as locked in Corona virus . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday 19 th April 2020 07:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching flirty dancing .
I love this programme.
It’s Sunday again Lisa is bringing my dinner up .
I look forward to seeing her although we keep our distance.
Oh Malc it’s so hard being on my own only being able to phone people .
I must help jade and Jordan with food . Start and care more .
They need help .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April 18th 2020 15:27pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Just a short message if didn’t go through earlier I miss you Malc so much Muffin is by my side it’s so cold today I’ve only been out for a tv mag .
I don’t think Geoff will walk Muffin today I reckon they have gone to see Jade and the kids Not in their house just through the window .
I’ve just put the heating on .
Hope I can order a curry tonight they've been closed for two weeks .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday April 17 th 2020 06:40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed Malc watching gmb .
We are still another 3 weeks in lock down .
It’s going to be a very long and lonely time .
We’ve got to keep safe .
I have Muffin here by my side thank God .
It’s very cold today , I will wrap up and still take Muffin up the skelly .
Hope this message goes through Malc , it hasn’t the last two days . I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April 15 th 2020 05:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy It’s early yet 6am , just made a cuppa .
A broken sleep again .
Still this virus goes on Malc .
Lisa and Geoff took Muffin a walk about 4:30 pm
I had a cry last night Malc so lonely .
Thank you for coming in my dream yesterday Malc .
I don’t have much to talk about really not going anywhere or seeing anyone .
I wish this Virus would disappear Malc .’
It’s so frightening.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.’
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC. X Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 14 th 2020 07:11 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Thank you for being in my dream Malc .
It was lovely , being on holiday together . I had to leave you behind but the time I had with you was lovely.
Come more often please I love you and miss you so much .
Lisa did my shopping yesterday then later she came with Geoff To walk Muffin .
I’ve never seen them so much .
Jean my friend spoke to me yesterday and Carol Norrey .
I did speak to Dot too .
I will ring Carol from Dr Apta,s later .
Chris Rudd tomorrow .
I’m trying to spread it out through the week .
This corona virus 🦠 is driving me mad .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will take Muffin a ride on my mobility scooter later .
Just for fresh air I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 13 th 2020. 06:26 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed Malc watching Gmb I’ve been awake since 5 pm .
It’s cold today it thundered last night about 2am .
It’s damp what a change .
Lonely Malc so lonely Lisa brought my dinner yesterday she kept her distance and stayed a while then took Muffin a short walk .
She is off for a week now.
I will take him up the skelly and post office then a long ride round .
Not good news on the corona virus over 10,000 deaths .
Really worried 😦 when will it end ? I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday April 12 th 2020 07:24.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiggef my baby boy .
I’m still in bed. Watching tv .
No rush to get up no one can come in and I can only go out once a day . Corona virus. Lock down When will it ever end Malc ? Friends phone me , I phone them but it’s not the same any more .
I’m so lonely Malc.
Geoff didn’t take Muffin a walk yesterday it was too hot .
But he could have come later 7 ish .
I was disappointed really as I hadn’t seen anyone again all day .good job I gave Muffin .
He’s my company. I’ve tried grooming him it’s a bit tough but it’s hot so had to do something . China caused all this pandemic , selling bad food bats to eat Now all the world has the virus 😡
Oh Malc what next do we have to face ?
I hope we all get through this .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April 11 th 2020 19:49 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit disappointing.
I took Muffin up the skelly and round the streets .
Another nice day , but rain coming in tomorrow.
I did bump into Dot she kept her distance .
Geoff was coming to take Muffin a walk .
I told him to come 5 -6 pm
He rang and said he wasn’t coming today too hot .
It was tho .
But it cooled down later .
I’ve groomed him tonight not a bad job for first time .
I’m very lonely Malc .
Listening to neighbours laughing together with each other .
I’m just on my own with Muffin .
Lisa & Geoff bringing my Sunday dinner about 3pm tomorrow.
Geoff might take Muffin a walk !!!
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday April 10 th 2020 07:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed Malc watching GMB .
Sheila has just rang crying over Colin .
I know how she’s feeling it’s early days yet .
I wish we could 🤗 each other but corona virus is stopping g everything .
I still have problem with my throat and slight ear ache .
I must stop worrying .
I’m so lonely Malc but I do have Muffin .
There’s not a lot to talk about really .
I will take Muffin up the Skelly .
Geoff said he will take Muffin a walk .
Ika who is working at Tesco is bringing me some groceries tomorrow .
I will buy her some flowers when this is all over .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday April 9 th 2020 07:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed Malc watching GMB.
Still in lockdown for many weeks yet .
It’s. Worrying and frightening.
Muffin is lying on the bed beside me ion your side of the bed .
The weather is good again so will take Muffin a ride up the Skelly .
Spoke to Carol Norrey yesterday .
Kay rang me last night .
Spoke to Jean Beardsmore too .
Geoff came to take Muffin a walk with Max .
I look forward to him coming .
IKA from Tesco is bringing me son
I wish I could groom Muffin he’s so scruffy at the moment . I’ve trimmed around his nose . I wish you were here Malc to comfort me reassure me .
I miss your love cuddles at night and kisses .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 8 th 2020. 07:50am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed again watching gmb still in lock down and will be For many weeks . The weather is good so I will take Muffin up the Skelly again .
I won’t. See anyone again , I don’t think Geoff today Christopher’ has given him a job delivering . So he needs the money to keep the house going Bless Christopher for that . He has got a heart 💓 but not for me .
I’ve got to be strong .
I have Muffin at least I have something to love .
I wish you were here Malc to help me through this .
I’m not the only one on my own . Les across the road is back home after having corona virus.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I want to cry but no one will hear me .
Sheila. Is driving me mad 😠 ringing at least 4 times a day But she is on her own and I think I’m her life line .
She talks about her health daily , but she’s in her garden digging at 78 years of age .
She’s fitter than she thinks .
I will write to you again tomorrow w
Sorry not much to tell you .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 7 th 2020 08:02
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m in bed watching gmb Boris Johnson I’m intensive care . Hope he survives .
Oh Malc what a situation we are in Seeing no one can’t hug my family People around me with corona virus .
I have Muffin lying on the bed by my side bless him .
I was in the front garden yesterday and I didn’t hear my phone ringing .
Muffin came out barking at me and kept running in the house .
I said what are you barking at. ? , he ran inside the house There was Geoff ringing in to tell me he was doing a shop then Taking Muffin a walk .
I did take Muffin up the skelly yesterday saw Geoff’s sister .
I also popped to Hednesford rang Savers to pick up dove soap , bleach and kitchen roll .
I didn’t gave to go in the shop .
Bless them .
Jason brought me some porridge also .
My friends are ringing me or sending messages .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I wish you were here by my side .
I’m sure I smelt your body sweat last night in bed .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 6th 2020 07:29 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching gmt Boris Johnson our prime minister In hospital now with corona virus.
So terrifying.
Lisa brought my dinner up yesterday with Geoff and they both took Muffin a walk with Max .’
I sat in the garden listening to my music on my iPhone .
Muffin is on the bed with me , I love him so much Malc. he is my soul mate now.
I can’t see my family They have to keep their distance .
I don’t know how long it will go on .
I pray this virus will end soon .
I must be strong Malc keep me sane .
My friends phone me so I do have some contact .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday April 5th 2020 18:27pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit better .’
I took Muffin up the skelly it was pleasant. Saw just a few people keeping their distance .
I was out about 3/4 hour .
Lisa and Geoff came about 3:15 pm with my dinner and cake to walk Muffin with Max xx
I sat outside eating a lovely dinner while they took the dogs a walk .and listening to music on my iPhone and Bose .
They didn’t stop .
I’m in now watching telly .
I spoke to Dot today for about 3/4 hour xx
Chris Rudd rang me again for about 3/4 hour that was nice .
Jean Beardsmore texted me .
Nothing on telly tonight .
I’ve made some pancake mixture for later .
I miss you Malc my darling so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April 4th 2020 18:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been a great day .
I got up late because nothing to get up for .
Corona virus.
I watched telly in bed Kirsty & Phil .
Then had porridge .
Kay rang me this morning we spoke for an hour .
Then Sheila rang and has several times .
I just wish she would be so depressing.
Lisa came up with a tv paper and some chicken She complained not to ring Geoff every day and only order a weekly shop .
I asked if Geoff was taking Muffin a walk .
She said no !!
He had already took Max I was disappointed !! She said take him in the front garden .
When she left , I cried 😌😢😢.
So I put a harness on Muffin and took him up the Skelly .
I saw a couple of people but they and I avoided each other .
One or two said hello , that was nice I thought xx
I did enjoy going out .’
I can’t tell you how much I miss you Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday April 3rd 2020 18:16pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today nothing much to tell you , still locked in Due to corona virus .
Geoff comes up daily to take Muffin a walk .
I sterilise the lead Geoff takes him out .’
Do the same coming back .
I’m lonely Malc not seeing anyone. But friends ring me up .
Or I ring them .
I pray it comes to an end soon .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
Dicky is with you now funeral yesterday .
Hope your all looking down on us praying we are kept safe. I have my Muffin to cuddle and kiss .
Lisa will probably bring my Sunday 🥘 dinner .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April 1st 2020 07:16
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed have been awake since 5 am .
Thus is the usual routine at the moment .’
I still feel poorly have a cough on and off .
No temp• thank god .
Hope I’m coming out of this now.
It’s horrible Malc not seeing anyone.
Thank god I have Muffin .
Lots of people are dying Malc .
I’m praying all my family keep safe .
I can’t do house work I’m too lethargic.
Oh Malc how could we ever have thought this would ever happen .
I’m trying to watch happy things on telly , because there’s too much bad news .
I have to , to keep sane .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
Help us through this please xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 31st 2020 07:28 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’ve been awake since 4am panicking I couldn’t breath . This virus I have is really worrying me It’s now on my chest and I’m finding it hard to breath .
I’ve tried calming my self down .
I think a lot is panic .
I’m alone spots on the back of my throat pain swallowing Glands painful when touched .’no energy .
I wish it would just disappear .
My family arn’t texting it ringing me .
Only Geoff is contacting me and taking Muffin a walk .
GOD please help us through this terrifying time in my life .
I hope I can get through this alive .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 30th 2020. 07:44
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy. Today still in bed not very well for 3 days I’ve had White spots in the back of my throat hurts to swallow and glands are up .
I’m scared this might be corona virus .
I haven’t got a persistent cough so hope it’s just a general cold .
I usually take Muffin a ride and walk once a day up the Skelly But I think I will ask Geoff to take him today .
It’s very cold We have been told it may be up to Six months before we can mix with people and see family . GOD help us through this please .’
I’m terrified Malc .
I miss you Malc so much and in these times need you more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday 28 th March 2020. 15:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m worried , I have white spots on the right side of the back of my throat .
When I touch my neck it’s tender .
With this corona virus it’s worrying me .
I took a parcel to the outdoor didn’t touch the person .
I then took Muffin up the Skelly and a ride round .
Back home .
I’m terrified of catching the virus .
I’ve had soup lunch time and having a curry tonight .
My Daughter hadn’t texted or rang me .
Geoff has rang brought me some sirloin steak.
Some eggs , coming tomorrow I terrier if having a cough .
I haven’t really touched anyone .
So hope it’s a general throat infection not corona virus .
Oh Malc it’s so worrying 😢
I’m not being selfish just a born worrier .
Please Malc help me through this please .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 24th 2020 06:41 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching telly and a cuppa in bed .
Our. Country is in lock down now Malc .
I can take Muffin a walk once .
Geoff is getting me a tv paper and might be taking Muffin a walk with Max .’
It’s hard not have people around me , but I have Muffin .
Telly and DVD’s It’s frightening Malc .
My friends are ringing me , Dot is today .
Caroline my neighbour is getting me a loaf .
Ika on Thursday is bringing me salad stuff .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 23rd 2020 07:28 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed at the moment Malc watching frightening news of this awful corona virus.
Lisa came yesterday. Brought me a Mother’s Day card present and flowers . We kept our distance .
Geoff took Muffin a walk and he dropped of. Some bleach .
I’m lonely Malc but it’s for the best.
I’m taking Muffin out on my scooter keeping my distance .
I’m going to try and get outside in the garden in sunshine.
Apparently it kills the virus .
I’m so scared Malc 😢.
I’ve got to try and keep sane ,
Friends are texted me and some are ringing me .
God knows how long this will go on .
I miss you Malc so much.
I wish you were here with me , I need support .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday March 22nd 2020 15:44pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin up the skelly. Only one or two people. about .
This corona virus is quite frightening .
Sheila has rang a least 4 times already .
People over 70 and have serious health problems to stay at home for 3 months . That’s End of June 😱x
We will all be stir crazy by then .
Later I took another ride up the skelly just to get fresh air .
Lisa is bringing me a dinner up later .
I was invited to theirs but so declined .
Jordan would be their and he is asthmatic.
I hate every moment of being on my own But if it saves my life got to do it.
Really I should be used to the isolation I’ve been like this for 6 years .
Seeing more of my friends than family .
Lisa does her best !!
Now I can’t see anyone in case we contract this vitas Thousand s if people are dying !!!
At least you Mum and Fad are free from this .
Keep us safe Malc me Muffin Lisa Geoff Christopher and his family and Jade Jordan Adam Mary and all my Great and Grandchildren.
I miss you Malc so much x
Help us all through this please .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday 21st March 2020. 06:00
Hello Malc it’s 6am and I’m writing early .
I’m watching telly the news. about the corona virus .
It’s devastating , I’m getting really worried now .
I’m on my own with Muffin seeing no one now .
Just telly , books phone and Facebook .
I can’t see Ellie now .
All cafes restaurants pubs have closed down .
I have a table and two chairs coming this morning hope that cheers me up . But no one to share it with .
I pray this virus with disappear as quick as it’s come .
Malc , Mum and Dad never have we faced anything like this EVER .’
We have to be strong and fight it .
I miss you my darling and Tigger xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 20 th 2020 22:09 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly .
I then popped to Tesco for milk and food Government told all pubs cafes and restaurants to close because of corona virus.
Can’t see our friends we have got to keep our distance .
Muffin and I alone . No family either .
It’s very spooky Malc !!!
I am frightened but we are all in the same boat .
Lisa and Geoff have gone with friends in their caravan . Coming back Sunday .
Mother’s Day .
I wish you were here Malc .
I put our holiday DVD on last night I cried 😢
I sent Christopher copies .’
He hasn’t replied .
I’ve sent them to Ellie too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday March 19 th 2020 07:13
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m running Muffin up the Skelly then popping to Aldi Later meeting up with Dot at Bella’s cafe .
We are keeping our distance .
This corona virus is frightening at the moment.’
Hope it goes away soon .
Lisa came last night she is going away this weekend with friends in the caravan .
I’m going no where !!!!
She said to me your not the only one Mum alone !!
Happy days !!!!
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday March 18 th 2020 06:25 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
I can only take Muffin up the skelly and buy what I need from the shops .
Corona virus hitting many people . It’s scary and I hope we get through this .
I won’t see people not even my family ,
I’ve got Muffin so I should be ok .
I’m frightened Malc but I can’t dons thing about it .’
It’s the company I need but can’t have .’
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I need you at the moment . I pray I and Muffin survive this .
I will keep you up to date Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 17 th 2020. 18:51pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly this morning then Quickly
to Tesco to but my a tv paper .
People have rang me not family tho .
Neighbours not been near ,
I could die and no one would know.
Keep me safe Malc please .
I’m trying to get our money back from the Eastbourne holiday Manager getting back to me tomorrow .
I’ve been very lonely today but nothing I can do about it .
I’ve not got any symptoms of corona virus and hope it stops that way .
Oh Malc what a life and worry .
I miss you Malc so much XX
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. March 16 th 2020. 15:52 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Home. Later I went to Tesco and Aldi . Shelves almost empty because of. Panic corona virus .
It’s worrying Really .
Hope I don’t catch it.
Ziggy is here putting up a small trampoline for when Ellie comes to stay .
I’m lonely Malc so lonely.
Lisa went back to Geoff this morning she stopped at Christopher’s last night because Geoff had a fight with a chap out in a pub .
She came back to get changed for work .
Not said a word to me .
Poor jade came over to look for Lisa .
I’m not happy because Hade has enough on her plate .
She’s going to have a scan tomorrow lump in her breast Crossing fingers she will be ok .
I’m sure she will be .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday March 15 th 2020. 12:02 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Ellie left at about 9:30 am Christopher picked her up .
I went to the car with her but he didn’t speak .
I came punishing myself again .😢
I don’t think it will ever change now I’ve just got to put al of it behind me .
But it’s so hard .
I’m here again Malc on my own waiting for someone to knock on my door .
It’s raining again , when will It stop ? What with this Coronavirus and seeing no family If I hadn’t got Muffin I think I would end it !!!!!
Ziggy is coming later to put up a small trampoline for when Ellie comes next week .
I miss you my darling so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 14 th 2020 15:13pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin first to Tesco then carried on to Cannock Then Penkridge to see Sheila .
Stayed an hour .
Back to Cannock then home .
Called into Hednesford Tesco for a couple of things and Aldi.
Amanda gave Muffin some beef .bless . Lovely lady .’
Ellie is on her way staying tonight .
Nice to have company. Sold my table and chairs last night too big for kitchen I’ve decided to buy a smaller one with velvet bar stools .
Lisa and Geoff have gone with their caravan somewhere ?
Good night on telly too .
Weather still a bit rainy . Missing you like mad Malc xxxx💓😍
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU. FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 13 th. 2020 06:12 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m taking Muffin up the skelly .
Then popping to Tesco .
Later I’m going to see Jean. For lunch .
Looking forward to going .
Later someone is coming to buy the table and chairs .
Hope they don’t let me down .
I’ve ordered a table similar to Lisa’s but the two chairs are Teal Coming in 6 weeks .
Really looking forward to them coming I asked Lisa if she would take me to the place where she got her table but she said NO !!
She’s seeing Finley and Carter .
I’m last in Line I’m afraid 😟 If I get I’ll with corona virus my family won’t help !!
I’m not being selfish Malc I’m just lonely If I didn’t have friends I would have no one I’m shocked how my family have NOT looked after me .
I’ve been called selfish . a c.., I’ll just have to live my life with out my family .
You did say Malc get a companion.
I don’t want anyone living with me I just need to be treated out Loved but nothing else . Oh Malc I wish you were here .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday 12 th March 2020 15:44
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi Later went to Bella’s with Kay from the surgery .
We stayed 2hours .
Nice afternoon .
I’m selling the kitchen table and chairs. Too big Family don’t come anymore .
Only Ellie .
I’m in Lisa’s care with Carter she’s got a drs appointment ear ache.’
Waiting also for People to tell me when they have a van to collect the table and chairs .
Loads are interested.
Still feeling very low in mood only wish I could have a boost .
Something to make me happy .
I miss you Malc so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone,
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday March 11th 2020 06:14.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy. I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
I don’t know what I’m doing today , not seeing anyone yet .
I will pop Muffin up the skelly first. Then Tesco & Aldi .
Not sure if Lisa is working today might pop down .
House is a mess , can’t seem to get motivated. Feeling quite low in mood .
Perhaps it’s time for my vita 12 inj .
I woke up at 4:30 cant seem to have much sleep .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 10 th 2020 06:12 .
Hello My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
I’m having my hair cut shorter today .
Just need a change .
Carole my friend is coming for lunch but she does drag me down .
It’s company I suppose .!!
It’s that flipping husband of hers Kevin. Can’t stand him .’
You didn’t like him either did you Malc ? It’s rainy again ☔️ So depressing I’m still feeling very low in mood what with corona viras Still nothing from Christopher .
Lisa is working all week so nothing from her either .
It seems the norm now friends but not family .
I miss you Malc so much .
I need you at this moment in time.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 9 th 2020 06:17 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy. I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Dot is coming for lunch well I’m doing a dinner .
Weather not good again it’s so depressing.
I saw no family again yesterday just Carol Norrey .
I see more of my friends than my family !!!
They will realise when it’s their turn to be alone .’
I’m trying to be positive Malc but I’m so hurt .
I have a builder coming tonight giving me another quote for extending the living room .
Not sure if I will now because of cost .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday March 8 th 2020 08:01
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Well as you know by now Dicky your brother has joined you .
81 isn’t bad is it .
I know we didn’t have much to do with him , but he’s still your brother .
You didn’t visit either did you must be a smith thing . I’m a people person as you know and I’m feeling very lonely Malc .
I miss you so much darlin xx
I ache for you 😢
It will never change Malc .
I went to Walsall with Lisa yesterday met up with Jade and Carter .
Jade came late so we had to stay longer . I left Muffin only thinking 2 hours would be enough But we were 3 hours .
I’ve been on my own so long Malc I’m losing my confidence .
He’s my soul mate now so he’s my priority.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 7 th 2020 06:45 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I will take Muffin up the skelly then Lisa is taking me to Jade’s them Walsall .
I will have to leave Muffin .
Hope I have a good morning .
Later taking Muffin to Kay’s , Lucy her Granddaughter has just had a baby Daughter .
I miss you Malc so much darlin Sorry I don’t have much to tell you xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 6 th 2020. 18:56 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been much better . I took Muffin to Penkridge to see Sheila . I only stay an hour she does push me off but I can only put up with her that length of time. Later I went to Tesco not Aldi today .
I did ring Elaine Smith and we arranged to meet up in the hen house . We both took our dogs . Muffin was golden as usual . We didn’t come out until 4:45 pm .
A nice catch up .’
Later Lisa rang she is picking me up in the morning we are going to see jade then shopping in Walsall .’
In the afternoon I’m going to Kay’s .
So all in all company for two days . Don’t know yet what’s happening Sunday yet . I miss you Malc so much darlin. I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday March 5 th 2020 06:47
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .’
I’m taking Muffin up the Skelly this morning Then off to Tesco and Aldi .
Lunch time I’m meeting up with Kay from the surgery . Bella’s again a bit close to yesterday but it’s company .
I’ve been chewing that ulcer in my mouth now it’s worried me.
I’ve got to stop . It’s stress !!!
I’m having the living room extended a bit Not sure if I’m doing the write thing .
Guide me Malc .
I miss you more and more each day .
I’ll let you know how I get on .
I will write to you again tomorrow x kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 3rd. 2020. 16:37 pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin up the skelly only a short run . I was waiting for Steve a builder to come and look at Extending my living room .
He’s given me a quote 11, 400 .
I have to send off to the council now for planning permission.’
Don’t understand but hay ho .
Hope I’m doing the right thing .’
Jean Beardsmore has been today she stayed until 3:45 pm
She’s good company.
Lisa popped in for a parcel and I gave her £20 for Jade and same for Jordan .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc XX
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger. My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 2nd 2020. 07:39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget you .
I’m going to my Friends house Janet who I used to play with as a little girl .
Looking forward to going with Muffin .’
I’m pooping Muffin up the skelly this morning then to Tesco and Aldi .
I’ll buy her some flowers .
I wish the weather would brighten up its making me so depressed .’
We are in March already .
I miss you more than ever Malc , I need a boost to lift my spirits .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday March 1st 2020 17:06pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn’t been too bad .’
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning then Tesco .
Came home then it sleeted .
Very windy again today .
Later Lisa Geoff Jade Adam and the kids we went to The Redmore pub for Sunday roast .
Not very good really . I offered to pay half but Geoff wouldn’t have it .
So we won’t be going there again .
I’m going to be busy this week . Lunches with friends all week .
I love company Malc as you know .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xm
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday February 29 th 2020 08:18 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m still in bed Malc ,
No one coming no one texting .
Weather rainy again and very cold .
News. Bad , Another lonely day I guess .
Ellie might stay tonight .
I can’t think positive at the moment .
I’m perhaps feeling selfish .
Nothing to look forward to today .
Oh Malc I need a boost I’m so lonely Malc I can’t tell you .
I’m taking Muffin up the skelly then Tesco How exciting !!
Sorry Malc I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday February 28th 2020 14:13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m again in my own !!
Weather awful rain ☔️ rain ☔️ rain I had to take Muffin to the groomers We got soaked . I left Muffin with the groomer and went to Asda , Morrison’s and Beardsmore lighting .
Picked Muffin up 2 hours later .
I picked up some fish and chips save going out again in the rain .
It’s so cold out .
I rang and asked Caroline the neighbour if she wanted a coffee .
Yet another excuse ,
Mmmmm no comment !!!
They gave had all that have had from me now not bothered .
I’m giving them nothing else .
Lisa has took her car in to get a tow bar put on it .
Tge. She’s off to Christopher’s office to learn the new job .
She starts March 18 th .
I shall be on my own today , Saturday Sunday Next week Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Days booked .
Need company every day Malc .
I’m so lonely 😞
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 27 th 2020 07:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget.
I don’t know what’s happening today.
Weather isn’t good snow forecast . Lisa is off but having dental appointment whitening.’
Then she’s taking Geoff to a funeral . Another lonely day I guess !!
Still using insulin not sure if I’m happy about this .
I’m going to try cutting down on food .
I’m riding Muffin up the skelly later then go to Tesco .
I wish the weather would change warmer and lighter .
Seeing no one until next Tuesday now .
Oh Malc I wish you were here , I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC. Xx Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday February 26th 2020 07:36 .
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .’
The weather is bitter cold .’
I will take Muffin up the skelly then Tesco. Later Carole Banks is coming for lunch .
She’s not an exciting person to be with but company I guess .
I can’t wait for the weather to change and lighter nights.
I used my insulin pen again last night getting used to it now .
A bit in happy about it causing weight gain .’
I will speak to Melonie about this when she rings me today.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday February 25 th 2020 11:16 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .’
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco .
I popped into the coop chemist to collect my prescription.
I saw Dot Farish on my way back .
I’m going on Holiday with her to Eastbourne Well I used my first insulin injection last night .
I didn’t sleep very well last night .
It dropped the result down quite a bit then went up slightly but nothing major.
I’m off to Jean Beardsmore’s today 12:30 pm
I’m waiting for a pen to arrive for Jeff as a belated Birthday present and for doing the plaque on Malc’s bench .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday February 24 th 2020 08:01 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m going to Dots for lunch looking forward to it .
I’ve had such a lonely weekend .
The weather is awful .
So depressing .
I feel so low in mood Malc 😞
I’m trying so hard to be positive but I’m so lonely .
Christopher is still not speaking to me .
I gave asked him to come on his own to speak to me face to face .
It hurts so much Malc . Since you passed away he has treated me verbally cruelly
Lisa is working for him and I only see her once a fort nite when I lost you Malc I really thought both Christopher and Lisa would take care of me .
Lisa does her best but I need hugs I need to be told I LOVE YOU MUM .
It’s not happening.
I miss you Malc more than ever .
Help me through this keep me sane .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday February 23rd 2020. 14:54p
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I have took Muffin up the skelly .
Your flowers are still attached to your tree .
I popped to Tesco Muffin had his chicken from Amanda .
It’s keeps pouring down then sunshine.
Caroline has been over to put up my new voila in the bedroom .’she stayed for a latte .
Geoff called in after seeing his Dad .
I explained how lonely I am and how weepy .
I’m on my own now with Muffin watching Escape to the country I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone. LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday February 22nd 2020 07:30 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy. Today is Six years since I lost you .
Where has the time gone ?
I still feel the same now as I did the day you died .
Lists of things have happened good and bad .
Christopher is still not speaking to me .
Not explaining why you know .
I’m so lonely Malc with out you .
I try to keep company but it doesn’t always work out.
My friend has stopped coming !!
Lisa is off today she has Finley and Carter Will she or Geoff come to see me ? .
If I know Geoff he might .
It’s raining again no change there .
Missing you terribly Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday February 21st 2020. 16:49 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’ve been to Cannock the bank , now with them for insurance.
Then Muffin andU popped in Asda. Porridge x6 . Finally Halfords to buy orange spray paint for scooter.
Hope it works .’
I popped to Pen pac dog shop brought Muffin a new coat lovely .
We came back to Hednesford Tesco brought a dress .’
Now watching our favourite programme The Chase .
It’s 6 years tomorrow Malc since I lost you 😩
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 20th 2020 06:25am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Today Andy who ripped me off should be coming today to sort shower out it’s thermostat isn’t working properly. Later John mobility is sorting my scooter out with yet another part .
Weather is awful again and not letting up !!!
It’s so depressing Malc .
I need a boost , I need a laugh .’
I need YOU. Malc by my side .
I’ve got to go on Insulin now for my Diabetes Not looking forward to it .
I must try harder my diet.’
I’m having a lie in this morning it’s dark out side and raining so no rush.
I miss you Malc so much.’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW by: Rose
Wednesday February 19 th 2020 12:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Muffin
Today I took Muffin with me to my Diabetic clinic I’ve now got to start on insulin , starting next Monday evening .not looking forward to injecting my self .
I will try and eat more healthy .
I’m off to Carole Banks now , happy Kevin 😞
Like you Malc can’t stand the man . You didn’t like him either . I’ve done the will,, Lisa knows now Feel happier for doing it .
Muffin is getting inpatient.
So will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny xm
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday February 18 th 2020 06:19 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
I’m having my hair done today then Rib my solicitor is coming today at 1pm. Change of will !!
I don’t think I will see anyone today and the weather is awful again today . Another lonely day I guess . The cabinet maker didn’t come yesterday again !!
He can’t come today .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday February 17 th 2020 06:17 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is going to be busy so I’m writing early.
I don’t want to forget. You my darlin .
Today it’s raining yet again !!
We can’t grumble we aren’t flooded .
I’ve been felling very low the last few dates .
I feel I’m being forgotten .
People think because it’s been 6 years since I lost you I’m ok IM NOT 😞
Jean Beardsmore is coming for lunch today thank goodness.
Oh Malc how can I be happy ? I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday February 16 th 2020 10:05 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is pouring down don’t think I will be taking Muffin out today.
Ellie stayed last night she’s waiting for her Mum to pick her up The cabinet maker had let me down again !! Nothing new .
I think I"m in for a very lonely day today after Ellie has gone home .
Lisa is off but I don’t think I will see her today unless she surprises me .
Ellie’s just been picked up her Mum never even looked it spoke to me .
The business has gone to their heads .
Lonely days lonely nights Malc . I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday 15 th february 2020 11;24am
Today Malc I celebrate your 70th Birthday along with Lisa & Geoff.
A tree has been planted and a plaque on the bench by the side `
i have put flowers on the tree and so has Lisa , Geoff has placed a mars bar underneath the tree too your favourite sweet.
malc I wish we could have you here celebrating your Birthday .
Lisa would have laid on a party .
i miss you so much darlin more than you will ever know .
I hope you are celebrating with Dad Mum your Mum and Dad and whoever is with you .
Iwill write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Love you forever darlin xx
thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger my boxer dig bay boy NEW by: Rose
Friday February 14 th 2020 18:01 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a bit of a mix .’
I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge Stayed an hour with Sheila .
I then popped to Cannock my bank drew money out for John Mobility , putting two new batteries on the scooter £285 .
He is very good to me really , he said he will always help .
I’m going next Friday 10:30 am to talk about home insurance With my bank although I have just set up with Swinton .
I have 14 days to cancel although I have paid in full .
My scooter is back I’m now watching Tv news then soaps . Phil cabinet maker coming in the morning to finish cabinet .’
Lisa is off Saturday and Sunday. Will I see her ? I’ve managed to set up a new printer all by myself .
You would be so surprised Malc . I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I miss the hugs the kisses and love .’
It’s your 70th Birthday tomorrow isn’t it ? Hope you are celebrating with Mum Dad and your family xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I’ll put a peace on face book to celebrate you Birthday . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 13 th 2020 06:54
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy. Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget . Debbie is coming to trim my fringe . No one is coming until later Jason is coming after work To set up my new printer and sort my telly out Kodi .
John mobility chap is picking up my scooter to check batteries .
I think they will have to be replaced .
Lisa is off work I think not sure .
I really need company Malc .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday February 12 th 2020 14:16 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been very lonely again .
I took Muffin up the skelly then to Aldi and Tesco .
Came back home now watching telly again with Muffin .
I phoned Jean & Jeff to come for lunch Friday but they have their daughter and Granddaughter.
Lisa is at work .
Jason isn’t coming tonight to set up the printer and sort telly
Coming tomorrow instead .’
Oh Malc what have I done to deserve this ? Caroline hasn’t answered my text to yesterday’s message .’
Very rude I think .
There is something underlining , I think it’s to do with Ziggy doing the electrics .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday February 11 th 2020 07:05am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc because Carol Banks is coming and in and out most of the day .
The weather is bad again sleet snow rain got it all .’
I hate winter roll on March when the lights go forward .’
I wish they would leave them alone .
I think I’ve got SAD .
Lisa is off but I won’t see her !
I love you and miss you so much Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday February 10 th 2020 15:47 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a wash out .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Aldi and Tesco .
The sleet caught us out we got soaked .
Sheila has rang twice.
Talking about Colin and funerals !!
No one has been today or rang .
I’m bored today.
I’ve moved my boots to another place in our bedroom.
Towels now under the king size bed back bedroom .’
I have far too much of everything Malc .’
But all my stuff is good quality .
I’m trying to sell stuff .
I dream one day our Son will come back into my life Malc it’s eating away mat me .
All over Money !!!
I miss you Malc your love 💓 your company.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday February 9th 2020 16:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been ok not the best . The weather was so bad very gusty wind and rain .
I managed to take Muffin to Tesco but too cold .
Lisa and Geoff should have took me as a surprise to a pub out of the area , but that went pear shaped !!
Should have picked me up 12:30 turned out they were late So mill farm Cannock for a carvery .
It was ok !!
Then we popped to pick up a gap who took their caravan to pay monthly fee .
Then they dropped me off . Kay didn’t pick Muffin up .
Disappointed really .
I’m not do close to Kay anymore She seems a bit distant ,
I think everyone thinks I’m ok now it’s nearly six years since au lost you Malc . I’m back and with my baby boy Muffin Malc .
Love him so much xxx
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday February 8th 2020 07:37am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m not sure where I’m going or what I’m doing .
Lisa is working so I won’t be seeing her .
Weather very windy .
Geoff rang last night we are going to dinner tomorrow it’s a surprise so I’m guessing it’s probablyBagot arms Abbott’s Bromley .’
I’m ringing Kay if she will have Muffin tomorrow for a few hours .but I think Jason will take them out.
I don’t like leaving Muffin long really .
But sometimes I need to , to go some places .’
Hope Kay does have him .
I know then he has company .
I love 💓 Muffin so much .
He is my soul mate and companion.
I wish you were here Malc I miss you so much .
My family don’t realise how lonely I am .
I do have friends but they arn’t here all the time.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday 7th February 2020 19:00 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge Another boring hour with her .
She talks about her health deaths funerals and Colin I know how she feels but she brings me down too .
My printer has just give up the ghost .
I’ve ordered another it’s coming Wednesday .
I saw a quick glimpse of Lisa today I popped in but she was going to see the kids at school .
I wish you where here to. Comfort me Malc .
I mentioned I was on my own and going to Sheilas at least was company .
She said here we go again Mum .
She doesn’t realise the lonely days and nights I see no one.
Until she goes through this experience she will Never understand.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 6th 2020 17:21pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly then shops in Hednesford .
Later took some glue to Jeff to place the plaque on the bench By your tree up the skelly .
Later I met up with Karen and her granddaughter Eva May.
She does crave for Karen’s attention.
I didn’t really enjoy her company .
She depresses me .
I couldn’t really talk to her properly .
I’m back home now watching the chase .
I’m trying to book trains to Eastbourne but finding it difficult .
I wish it was you coming with me Malc . I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone c
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday February 5th 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.’
Today I’m going to Jean Beardsmore’s. Or they are taking me out .
I await a phone call .
The weather is supposed to be better today.
Rain coming in Weekend !!
I’ve booked a holiday with Dot we are going to Eastbourne later on in the year .
Looking forward to going , never been there before .
Hope weather is great for us.’
I miss you Malc my darlin so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday February 4th 2020 06:39 .
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Today I’m taking Muffin to Carole Banks lunch . It’s a boring day but it’s someone to visit .
They used to take us out but that’s stopped .’
I was taken out at the beginning of losing you but that has stopped .’
They go out with other people now .’
They don’t have many friends but it’s Kev who’s the problem .
A very boring couple.
I talked to a financial adviser yesterday Malc All my money tied up now safely.
I keep nothing in the house not safe.’
I miss you Malc more each day it’s your 70 th Birthday soon . I wish you were here to celebrate.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday 3rd February 2020 06:51 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .’
Today I’m going to see a financial adviser .
Then. Dot is coming today for lunch .
I’ve got to buy some cobs and sweet . I’ve manage to mend the knobs on the bedroom draws .
One part missing but will still keep looking .
The weather is ok for a few days then the rain ☔️ Is back .
Bring on the sunshine and dry warm days .
I need live Malc and a cuddle .
I need my family to be back in my life . All of them .its dragging me down Your Sheila is too .
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin I wish you could just come and tell me your ok and I will be ok .I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my Love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday February 3rd 2020 08:34 am
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Ellie is here she stayed over night .’
I do enjoy her company .
She’s very grown up for here age . I’m still in bed feeling very low today .
Had a strange dream. Not very nice . When Ellie has gone I will be alone again A typical Sunday .
I’m buying again I can’t help it. I’m so depressed .
Please Malc make me happy .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday February 1st. 2020 17:55 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a strange day . I took Muffin up the skelly looked at your tree .
The guy who had it placed in said he will look after it and hopes it grows to a huge Oak tree .
I went to Aldi brought stuff for tomorrow’s dinner .
Later Lisa and Geoff took me to Dunhelm. I brought a throw and two cushions. Duck egg blue .
Our bedroom looks lovely. Just sent for. Sheep skin rugs dark duck egg blue .
Ellie is hear now we have just had a curry and Ellie is now eating cream egg .
She’s a lovely young lady now .
I live her one to one talks and girly nights .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx.
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Friday January 31st 2020 16:23pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’ve been to Cannock boots brought a couple of things .
Popped to Iceland and got that idiot of a neighbour some larger .
Gone straight off him .
Lisa has been had a coffee. Stay about 3/4. Hour .
She is taking me to B&q tomorrow and Dunelm .
It’s Brexit today , the day we come out of the EU .
I’m happy we have .
I’m in watching Tipping point then the chase .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
It will never change . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday January 30 th 2020 07:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
My old school mate Janet is coming to lunch .
Another friend in my life .
I need company Malc you know I do .
You said a fortnight before you passed away .
Oh Malc if I had a wish it would be Bring my soul mate back Malcolm Smith. 💓😘
I miss you so much darlin .
My heart is broken now since I lost you and it will NEVER. Change .
Your tree has been planted over the skelly I pass it every day Jeff Beardsmore is placing the plaque on the bench by the side of the tree .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 29 th 2020 07:48 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Ziggy is coming early to place the mirror which was on the wall behind telly just beside the fireside .
I have to go to Cannock to collect bots from Clarke’s .
I am going up the skelly to see the tree that’s been planted in your memory .
It’s an oak tree.
Hope no one vandalises it .
I’ll see how it goes before I put your ashes there .
Jeff Beardsmore is placing the plaque on the Ben h when he has time ..
I miss you Malc every single day darlin , I didn’t sleep very well last night , I cried .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday January 28 th 2020 11:46 am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing now because Carole Banks is coming then Ziggy Is putting up a mirror .
Your tree is as we speak being planted up the skelly .
Jeff Beardsmore is going to put the plaque on the bench near the tree in your memory .
It’s bitter cold today Malc .
Snow on the way I think .
Hope not too bad .
Still feeling low in mood .
I just wish all my family meaning Christopher would come back into my life.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my live to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday January 27 th 2020 07;52am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
My memory is forgetting dates so hope I I’ve got this right .
Today is fairly busy .
Ziggy is coming to paint the wall behind the telly .
Phil the cabinet maker should be coming today both about 11am .
I’ve got an appointment with Anne the nurse this morning diabetic blood test hba1c .
Today I feel so lonely Malc very low in mood .
I feel my family don’t really care Malc I know Lisa is working but I used to work but still popped to Mums. after work Monday , Wednesday Friday and Sunday Mornings . She was very lucky .
Christopher has disowned me all together His business has gone to his head .
All what we and I have done for him .
Lisa is working for him so she is impartial.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I’m struggling to be happy . I’m trying so hard to keep sane .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday January 25 th 2020 04:56am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy It’s 4:57 am and I wide awake.
Lately I’m not sleeping only about 4 to 5 hours .
Phil the chap who built the cheap looking cabinet should be coming today to finish it off .
I’m not holding my breath .
Trevor and Caroline might be coming over to take the large mirror back if telly.
I’ve ordered a lovely new one .
I’ve got to sort this house Malc it’s a mess , too much stuff My life is a mess too many hours on my own ,
Family distant !!!!
Haven’t planned my week yet only seeing Carole Banks on Tuesday!!
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday January 25th 2020 12:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly then to Tesco and Aldi then coop which is closing down today .
Sad but very expensive .
Free tea and cakes .
I spoke to Dot and Kerry who I’ve known a long time .
Rlly asked if she could stay tonight but I don’t think Her so called Mother will let her stay I’ve got Phil the chap coming to finish off the cabinet Hope he comes .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday January 24th 2020 07:40 am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget . My memory isn’t so good .
I am going to Cannock then Penkridge later lunch with Lisa .
The chap who’s made the new cabinet is coming later tonight To finish it .
Weather again rubbish when will we get warmer days and lighter nights , you know I hate winter 😝
I have lonely days Malc even though I have friends . I miss you my darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rosej
Thursday January 23rd 2020 18:31 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been good I took Muffin to Hednesford Aldi and B ‘M .
Then rushed back Ziggy laid some strips on top of the decking to stop me slipping .
Done a great job .
I later went to Bella’s met up with Kay from the surgery .
It was very nice We had 2 hours .
Sarah and Mark gave Muffin some chicken .
He’s such a good boy .
I couldn’t see life with out him 😘
Trevor and Caz are coming over in a while to see if he can Put up a lean to veranda not sure if he can I miss you Malc my darlin I wish you would come into my dream but really walk into the the house .
I live in hope !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger. and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious precious Tigger My boxer dog baby boyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 22nd 2020. 18:39 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger My Baby boy Today has been busy .
I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi .
Later I had lunch with Dot lovely .
We are going in holiday in July this year Torquay .
Waiting to have a quote from Lisa & Christophe .
I’ve had a new cabinet made to cover the gas metre They are coming back to finish it off tomorrow.
Caroline the neighbour across the road , you don’t know her is popping over in a while .
I’ve heard nothing from Lisa no text no phone call asking if I’m ok .
She may ring tomorrow ?
I think she is working too hard and cleaning too much .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send My love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Tuesday January 21st 2020 17:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very cold .
I didn’t take Muffin up the skelly .
I took him to Hednesford Aldi .
Later I took Muffin to Carole Banks Kev opened the door and didn’t even say hello he just walked in the living room He’s so rude !! You never liked him did you ?
I clearly dislike him .
I stayed until 3:45 pm
Back home now cooking dinner toad in the home Sausages shared between Muffin and I .
I still feel very weepy today .
January. Blues among other worries .
Phil the chap making my cabinet should be coming tonight !
I’m sure he will ring before he comes .
It’s only plain but will do .
I miss you Malc more than ever coming up to six years .
I don’t know where the years have gone . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday January 20 th 2020 07:15 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Today is another horrible icy cold day .
I’m not taking Muffin up the skelly until weather improves .
Jean Beardsmore is coming to lunch Looking forward to human contact .
My family are getting more distance !!
I have to rely on my friends .
I’m lonely Malc and it’s not getting any better .
I’ve got to be stronger some how .
As I’ve grown older I need more of my family .
Around me .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX
My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday January 19 th 2020 15;58 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My baby boy Today has been the most upsetting and lonely day in my life .
Ellie stayed over last night we had a girly night in and curry .
They picked her up at about 12 o’clock I gave Ellie sweets and 3 cream eggs .and a bracelet.
Cameron sweets 3 cream eggs and £10 .
Georgia sweets 3 cream eggs and a bracelet .
Christopher held his head down never spoke Chanel didn’t speak either .
Malc I’m so hurt I’ve given him £58000 after you passed away to keep for me.
He only gave me a couple of grand back .
It’s made interest .
I told him to dived it between him and Lisa It the greedy B only I’d giving her £25,000
In bits .
He’s getting nought in my will and I’m.considering other changes too .
I haven’t seen Lisa since last Sunday and that was short. .
Not happy with my family at all .
Malc I NEVER. Thought I would be treated like this since you have passed Way.
I’m so hurt !!!!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc c
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny Xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday January 18 th 2020 13:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is a very lonely day so far .
I’ve bed. Up to Shirleys to take two photos of Jane & Carol fro Sheila .
Then popped to Tesco and Aldi .
I don’t know if Ellie is definitely coming she texted me yesterday .
I asked Trevor across the road if he would put a slipping veranda .not sure if he will do it .
I’m not too worried if he says no.
I’ve gone off him since Caroline told me about him being funny with her .
I can’t tho k of anything else to tell you .
Lisa is at work so won’t hear from her .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc. Kiss Tiggef and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday January 16 th 2020 07;55am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget I’m taking Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi
Later I’m going to Val’s at the bungalow .
She is moving to Cannock soon .
It’s going to rain later so hope it stays off until I’m back home.
It’s very cold today Malc , I hate Winter .
I did enjoy meeting an old school friend yesterday called a Janet , she’s lovely. She is coming in a couple of weeks here for lunch .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone c
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 15 th 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
This morning I’m having a vit B inj .
Early feeling low in myself so Ann the nurse says she will give it me early .
I am also going to lunch with Janet an old school friend .
The weather is changing rain coming back .
The nights are getting a little lighter .
Roll on spring and warmer weather .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Tell you all about today .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Tuesday January 24 th 2020 06:30 am
Morning Malc and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m writing early Malc so I do miss you I’m going to take Muffin up the skelly then Tesco Carol Banks is coming for lunch A chap is collecting the sound bar speaker and remote selling it .
I’ve never been happy with it Kieron ripped me off with the price .
Weather is bad again rain ☔️.
The nights are gradually getting lighter can’t wait for warmer weather .
I miss you my darlin so much so lonely with out you .
Your Sheila rings at least 7 times a day . It’s early days for her yet. I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday January 13 th 2020 07:46am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget . .
I was going to Dots but she’s I’ll.
Lisa is off but she has other plans .
Yesterday was a bit disappointing they took me to Trentham it I felt I’d been spun around and landed picked up at 11 back home 2pm that was with travel too Geoff wanted to get back to his family !!!
Drinking in The Cross keys . I did want to join them but Lisa tried to put me off .
Carol Norrey came to the rescue yesterday I was picked up by Cliff her husband and stayed 3 hours at hers lovely .
She has family problems too .
Her B of a son . Today a very lonely day again !!
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday January 11 th 2020 07:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc because Lisa and Geoff are taking me to Trentham Gardens with Muffin .
Hope we have a nice day .
It’s rained all night so hope it stops by the time we go .
I felt so lonely last night Malc .
Not sure if it lack of Vit B 12 or just after Christmas blues .
My only wish in my life is to have Christopher back in my life .
I want Muffin and I to be healthy but most of all happy .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Let you know how the day went.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday January 11th 2020 12:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m on my own again Malc I’ve took Muffin up the skelly this morning Then to Aldi and Tesco .
Back home it’s so windy and cold outside .
No Penkridge today .
Spoke to a lady who I haven’t seen for years Her husband Graham looked so old .
I brought her silver cross pram from her .
When Lisa was born .
Bringing back memories good ones Malc .
Oh Malc I wish you were here darlin .
I miss you so much .
I must try and sort house out it’s such a mina-gory
I’m slowly getting rid of stuff .
Not much to talk about today seeing no one .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday January 10 th 2020 07:43am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
It’s Lisa’s 48 th Birthday today where are the years going .
If only you were here to see her .
She is going for a meal with Geoff today .
I wanted to treat her but she doesn’t want to .
I’m taking Muffin for a groom today 10 am .
I won’t see anyone today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I know it’s a short message today .
Not much more to write .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday January 9th 2020 16:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been ok but not brilliant .
I took Muffin up the skelly then waited in for cabinet maker to make a fitment for the bottom of the stairs .
Later Val a friend I’ve known for a couple of years came for lunch , I did a stew but it was awful really .
She stayed a couple of hours .
I then went to Tesco and Aldi .
Back home now watching The Chase .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 8th 2020 16:36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi .
Later took Muffin to Lisa’s first had half hour and a cuppa took her £20 back refund from iPhone case .
Then to Carole Banks stayed until 3:30pm
Then dropped off a parcel. DP to Hermes shop belt road Now home watching telly waiting for woman to collect air fryer .I need you Malc so much miss you terribly 😢xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 8th 2020 07:22am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I won’t forget .
I’m going to Carole Banks today for lunch .
I will pop into Lisa’s for half hour before I go .
I will take Muffin up the skelly first after breakfast .
The nights are starting to lighten slowly .
I just wish the weather was warmer .
I hate winter and dark nights .
I miss you Malc so much I’m crying for you begging for you to come into my dreams and my bed .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday January 7th 2020 16:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy I’ve written once but it’s got lost I’ve had a good day with Jean lunch after going to Cannock .
I brought a coat nice .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I cried this morning It’s not getting any better .
I long for you Malc .
I need a bug please .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday January 7th 2020 16:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy I’ve written once but it’s got lost I’ve had a good day with Jean lunch after going to Cannock .
I brought a coat nice .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I cried this morning It’s not getting any better .
I long for you Malc .
I need a bug please .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday January 6th 2020 18:58 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a very lonely day .
Just Muffin and I .
I took Muffin up the skelly again this morning .
Then Tesco and Aldi .
Seen no one today .
I spoke to Lisa but she said she had a cold .
She’s doing nothing in her Birthday.
48 yrs .
Dot has texted me going to hers next Monday I rang across the road but Carolyne hasn’t come over .
Did they pass the message on .
I broke a jar of pickled onions all over the kitchen floor this morning.
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday. January 5th 2020 14:15pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m Bloody fuming today .
I wish I hadn’t asked Ziggy to put my new light up So far it’s took bloody 12 hours and it’s still not up I’ve bloody paid him too 😡
He’s not a electrician that’s for sure .
Oh Malc I wish you were here . You would have sorted it .
I’ve heard from no one today 😢
Is this want 2020 is going to be like ????
I took Muffin to Wickes to get a terminal for the light .
I took a. Parcel to The Why Not .
I’m so frustrated Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Saturday January 4th 2020 14:29 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge Sheila the usual complaining self and being a bit picky .
Bringing up the past stupid .
She keeps winding me up 😡
I’m just biting my tongue .
Oh Malc what’s going wrong ?
Christopher and Chanel are going to the Carribian AgIn July on their own .
I offered to have the kids .
But he had a different idea !!
Lisa is looking after them I’m hurt really hurt .
I’ve just got to accept he doesn’t live me or want me around .
Also doesn’t want to pY me the money he owes me .
W sent Lisa a Christmas and birthday card .
She’s winding me up too 😢
I’ve posted a New Year card in Kelly’s door today .
She spoke to me the other day with Daisy It was lovely .
Poor Daisy has a heart condition.
I miss you so much Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday January 3rd 2020 13:44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to Cannock. Asda and Beardsmore lighting I brought a new light for the little hall way .
Ziggy is coming tomorrow to put it up .
Lisa just called in to pick up her parcel But Geoff had already got it .
I am goi g out tonight with Lisa and Geoff to The cross Keys .
To celebrate Louise’s 40 th Birthday.
Last night my friend brought my heater back I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday January 2nd 2020 14:48 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been good although I’ve. Even though I’ve been my own Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Took a parcel back .
Later used my new Scooter to go on the train to Rugeley It worked out great .
Got some cards from Clinton’s .
Back home now watching telly .
Going to Tesco in a while then dinner My friend might be coming tonight bringing my heater back .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday January 1st 2020 08:31 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy ..
Happy New Year 🥳 Malc another year to face with out you .
Lisa rang me from Liverpool wishing me Happy New Year.
I’m still in bed watching George and Mildred .
No one is coming today .
Just Muffin and me .
I’m writing early Malc just so I won’t forget .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will try and be positive .
I sent a message to Christopher last night but had no reply .
Ellie wished me Happy New Year and Georgia.
Cameron didn’t !
I’ll probably take Muffin up the skelly then Tesco .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday December 31st 2019 17:08 pm Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is New Years Eve . I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi
Later Carole Banks came for lunch stayed until about 3pm
I popped out again after they went .
Only to Tesco and Aldi again .
I’m home now watching telly on my own with IMuffin .
Lisa rang today from Liverpool enjoying a couple of days away .
Geoff rang me to order some hair straightener s For Lisa’s Birthday .
I’ve ordered some for me too.
My curry has just come .
Happy New Year Malc send this message to everyone Love 💓 you forever Malc .
Miss you every single day darlin Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Monday December 30 th 2019 07;42 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc a fairly busy day .
I don’t want to forget you .
I have Ellie here she stayed over night .
I also have. Hair appointment this morning 9am .
Ellie is coming with me .
I’m popping to Cannock later when Ellie has gone home .isa and Geoff are off to Liverpool for two days .
Back to being on my own new year by the look of it Nothing changed !!
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday 29th. December 2019. 13:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly this morning then to Tesco and Aldi .
Brought some chocolate for Cam Ellie and Georgia.
Popped some presents in a bag for them too as an extra .Ellie is coming at 2pm to stay over night .
She’s a good girl .
I only wish Christopher would change towards me .
I miss you Malc so much I’m feeling very anxious today .
I didn’t sleep well last night . Sheila brought up the past and it upset me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday December 28 th 2019 05:48am
Hello Malc .
It’s so early I have such a lot on my mind Malc Your Sheila is upsets me bringing up the past.
She’s driving me mad She rings me every day and always ends the calls so I have to ring her back .
It’s my fault really .
I’m losing sleep she moans about her health every day Should I keep shut or confront her on what she said yesterday ?
You used to call her Barmy Sheila !!
She still is .
But she is so lucky neighbours bring he dinners and sandwiches How lucky is she !!
I don’t k ow which way to turn my head is all over the place Malc .
I feel I’m loved , lost with out you everyone is busy .
It’s 6am in the morning I’ve been awake since 3am .
I miss you so much Malc xx😢
Ellie texted yesterday wanting to stay over but had no reply back if they will let her stay .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday December 28th 2019 26:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin to Cannock and Penkridge Stayed an hour with Sheila .
Then popped to Boots in Cannock mist of the shelves were empty .
I still brought a few things .
I then dropped them off home and went to Tesco .
Saw our Kelly and Amber her Daughter Amber who has a heart problem .
I hope she is going to be ok .
I’m home now watching The chase then a film .
The Queen .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts , it will never change.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog baby boyNEW by: Rose
Friday December 27th 2019 13:59 pm
Today has been the most boring lonely day Malc .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning .
I then popped to Tesco just for company .
No one in the family have rang or text today .
I new this would happen.
I gave Jade Jordan and Lisa some money .
After Lisa screamed over the phone .
She said to Geoff she always has to spoil things .
It hurt me so much , Why do I deserve this punishment ?
Surly this is the last I just need love and respect that’s all !!!!
I’m so lonely Malc no one know’s how much. I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger abs send my love to everyone xx
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC. Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Thursday December 26th 2019 11:47am
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Baby boy Today it’s damp cold and horrible .
I’ve been to Tesco but came straight back I’m waiting to go to Lisa’s for a buffet .
Hope we have a good day .
My mate should be bringing my oil heater back ??
It’s Boxing Day and yesterday was lovely with my friend Carol Norrey and her family .
I have some great friends really .
Nothing from Christopher.
I miss you my darlin every single day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday December 25th 2019 13:15pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Happy Christmas Day Darlin and you Tigger Send my love to Mum and Dad and all the family Lisa is at Work , Christopher in Scotland .
Lisa has rang and Geoff .
Jade Adam and the kids have just been lovely xx
I miss you Malc so much especially today .
My friend Carol Norrey is picking me up soon dinner at her brothers.
It’s a short message Malc I wish you were here .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and Send my love to everyone XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday December 24th 2019 17:03pm
Hello Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to Rugeley to get some Birthday cards .
Then popped to Tesco a nice Atmosphere.
I haven’t seen anyone or had a text or phone call .
Oh Jean Beardsmore did Sk me to come down tonight st 6pm I declined .very kind of her .
I’ve just made some mince pies again .
For Boxing Day .
My friend is bringing the oil heater back I need it for the shed to keep scooters warm .
I’ve sent my gold earrings back so expensive too small .
It’s Christmas Eve and have never been on my own .
Carol Norrey is picking me up tomorrow I’m having Chris Christmas Day with her family .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will wright to you again tomorrow Malc Might be late .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday December 23rd 2019 17:14 pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has be ok !
I took Muffin up the skelly and then to Tesco .
I didn’t go to Aldi today.
Kay popped in to drop my presents off she didn’t stay long Later went to Carole and Kevin’s lunch .
Stayed until 4:10pm
Home now watching the chase .telly tonight then bed .
Muffins had a shower but needs a groom .
I’m so lonely Malc miss you so much 😢
I will write to you again Malc tomorrow x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyNEW by: Rose
Sunday December 22nd 2019 14:08pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today a bit disappointing.
I took Muffin up the Skelly as usual .
Then popped to Tesco .
Amanda on cooked meat gave Muffin some. Pigs in Blankets.
Then I popped to see Lisa’s Caravan. Gorgeous .
I took a video .
Kay was supposed to have come to pick up her presents She phoned and said she wasn’t coming .
She does have a cough.
She’s coming in the morning instead .
I’m going to Carole Banks tomorrow for lunch .
But I think she will cook a dinner .
Going out again after the film Father of the Bride .
Then making mince pies with my new mixer .
I miss you Malc so much my Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Muffin xx
My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday December 21st 2019 15:35pm Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Baby boy Today I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge to see your Sheila .
Only an hour that’s too long sometimes !!!
I later popped to Beardsmore’s lighting shop brought smith Angel for Christmas.
I then popped to Hednesford Tesco and Aldi .
Kay popped up to give me a pussy willow tree .
Part of my Christmas present .
She told me Lucy and her partner are going to Dinner Christy Day to the Redmore .
I must say I was disappointed she didn’t ask me to join them .
Because Jason’s friend isn’t coming now .
Shall I see them now. Christmas Day ??? I feel let down .
Now Lucy is back in her life She takes. Presidence I’m watching an old film Scrooge Alister Simms .
Then sorting pantry out .
Oh Malc what a. Christmas this is going to be !!
I miss you so much Darlin .
Thank you 🙏 for being in my dream .
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday December 20 th 2019 06;28am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again not sure what I’m doing today .
My new phone is coming today really looking forward to it Yesterday was a good day really .
I would a new light for the landing .
It’s not very bright but nice .
Ziggy came and put it up .
He’s a good chap really . Pity he drinks really
I won’t see anyone today . Caroline doesn’t come over so often now .
Lisa is at work today.
I can’t get motivated at the moment.
It’s rain again it’s hindering me going out .
I miss you my darlin so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday December 19 th 2019 15:19 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby w
Today I’ve been busy .
Took Muffin to Cannock to Beardsmore’s lighting brought a new landing light .
Ziggy is coming to fix it up 🤞
I’ve ordered a new iPhone 11 .
It’s supposed to be coming tomorrow.
Ziggy is here now he’s going to put the light up on the landing .
I’ve been to pop in today had a Christmas meal and pudding .
I wish you were here Malc .
I miss you so much darlin.
I Love you 😍 with all my heart .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday December 18th 2019 17:21pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy A funny day today .
Took Muffin up the skelly bitter cold Later went to Tesco and Aldi .
Exciting isn’t it ?
Later Lisa rand asking me to go down for a cuppa .
Nice , I only had an hour ,.
She has paid me the £20 she owes me .
I could cry my eyes out again today. Malc . I miss the bones of you Malc 😪x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday December 17 th 2019 16:19 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is very cold .
I popped to Shirley and Dicky’s popped a couple of cards in the letter box .
Shirley’s Birthday and Christmas card.
Then to Hednesfotd Tesco and Aldi .
It’s dark now too dark to go out again .
Roll on spring and lighter nights .
Lisa called to collect jade phone case .
She still owes me £20 .
Carole Banks came with my presents we swapped .
She stayed for lunch .
No one this week now !!!
I’m anxious Malc Christmas with out you . I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday December 16 th 2019 17;54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby e
Today I’m feeling very anxious.
The house is in a mess .
I’m not looking forward to Christmas at all .
I went to Carol Norrey’s today they picked me up .
Dropped me back off 4:45 pm
Your Sheila has just rang She doesn’t want me to go this weekend.
I don’t mind really ,
I’ll make some mince pies 🥧 Lisa was coming up today she didn’t come .
I’m so lonely Malc and hurt .
Nothing from Christopher!!!
Carole Banks is coming tomorrow.
For lunch .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I will never get over this .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday December 15 th 2019 08:17am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again.
I’ve been invited to Sunday dinner 🥘 at the chase gate .
It’s the nearest. For Jade and the kids .
I’m still feeling very low Malc ,
Seeing no one and it’s so near Christmas.
I know I won’t see the kids through Christopher.
After all what I’ve done for him in the past .
The money I’ve given and still he hates me .
I send Ellie messages but I haven’t seen her for a month now .
My friend only comes once a month too It must be me !!!
What can I do to change things Malc ? Xx
I miss you so much darlin 😢 I’m broken 💔
I will write to you tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday December 14th 2019 13:50pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today not such a good day .
Went to coop first .
Then off to Cannock and Penkridge I took Sheila’s Christmas presents It the jumper was too big .
Can’t take it back I brought it from Wolverhampton.
No receipt .
Oh well put it down to experience.
Got another jumper will she like it .
The scooter charger has stopped working I’ve had to use the charger from the other scooter .
John is bringing a replacement on Tuesday or Wednesday.
I’m missing you more than ever Malc x
Roll on Christmas and the new year so the light nights will come .
I wish I could take Muffin abroad .
I need some warm weather .
Feeling really down today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday December 23 th 2019 07:39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again been up most of the night watching the votes general election.
Conservatives are in .
I did vote for them .
It’s another rainy day .
I might go to Cannock not sure I need to wrap some presents 🎁.
I hope Tonik sort my electric and gas bill They have made a very bad mistake .
Not been taking the direct debit out for 3 months .
I’m still in bed no rush to get up .
No one is coming today .
Lisa is off work will she take me out !!
I’m on my own such a lot lately .
Nothing from Christopher .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday December 12 th 2019 19:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been raining all day a depressing day .
I took Muffin to Hednesford Tesco and Aldi .
Later I went to Bellas with Kay from the surgery.
A nice couple of hours .
Geoff has just called in to buy. Present for Lisa .
He took the Tiramisu to take to their house for Boxing Day .
He has just rang me dinner Sunday 2pm chase gate !!
No cooking 🥘 yeah xx
I miss you my darlin so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💔 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday December 11th 2019. 07:27 am
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again , I don’t want to forget .
I’m not seeing anyone today .
Even my neighbours haven’t been across .
All Too busy .!!!!!
This is when I find out who my friends are .
Lisa is working again today .
Weather not too good again more rain to come ,
I’m still in bed no rush to get up .
I’m dropping off presents at the surgery .
I’ve got to wrap family presents but Int get motivated .
On my own Christmas Day .
Apart from seeing Kay in the afternoon.
I feel very down at the moment .
I think the dark nights aren’t helping , the rain and not seeing my family , especially Christopher and the kids .
It hurts so much Malc .
I miss you Malc your company your love your voice .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday December 10 th 2019 26:21pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been filthy rain rain rain .
I took Muffin to Tesco & Coop .
Back home then Jean Beardsmore’s for lunch . Not long got back .John mobility gap has brought me a small mobility scooter to take on the bus That’s if they let me on .
£350 not bad he’s put two new batteries on it and sorted a couple of things and given me 12 months guarantee.
I keep having noticed in my ears at the moment .
Not had for a long time .
.hope it goes away .
Christopher should have received a card and letter from me .
I do hope he pays me what he owes .
The Mortgage and £15,000 loan .
I’ve already told him to divide the money between Lisa and himself .
Will he do it .? I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday December 9 th 2019 18:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been good , took Muffin up the skelly very windy and cold brrr.
Then changed after the dustbin men the put a label on my bin My fault I put food in the wrong bin .
I took some bags of paper and shared it . Later Dot came for lunch Stew.
It was lovely .she lined it too .
She has mentioned a holiday next year .
I’m chuffed .
All square with Rob my solicitor great !!
So all in all a good day Since I’ve brought the money tree picture it’s been good .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday December 8th 2019 12:59 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc no one coming no text only a quick phone call from Lisa , she’s at work .
Posted some Christmas cards and Neighbours.
Been to Tesco and Aldi .
Wrapping some presents later .
The weather is very windy a bit of rain . Missing you Malc so much.
Not a lot to tell you today Malc .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday December 7th 2019 07:51
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today Muffin and I are off to Penkridge Hope Sheila isn’t going to be to depressing .
Weather cold but dry .on spring Malc lighter nights please . Roll on spring Malc .
I hate winter !!!!.
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Sorry it’s a short message .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday 6th December 2019 11:14 am Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’ve took Muffin up the skelly our usual route . Popped to Tesco and Coop .
Good news I’m ha being a small scooter for getting on the bus with Muffin .
I am waiting for a permit now Arriva sending it through the post .
Hope it does the job it should do Muffin and I can go cut her out now .
Taking Muffin to Kay’s while I go to a afternoon tea with Carol Norrey’.
Hope it’s ok .
Feeling anxious but ok really Nice to know the house belongs to us again Malc .
Thank you Mum for that .
Tell Mum I miss her too .
I hope you are all together now you the dogs and both family’s .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny cc
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday December 5th 2019 16:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been lonely Again today .
Waisted a lot of time on the phone today .
Re mobility scooter for on the bus Hopefully it will be sorted .
Fate will decide .
I’ve put a letter inside Christopher s Christmas card re the money her owes me .
Doubt if he pays me back .
Crossing fingers .
If he doesn’t I know I will have to change things a little.
I haven’t really got much to tell you today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday 4th Dec 2019 07:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m writing early Malc again Lisa and I are going out somewhere today . She wants to buy a dress for a works do .
Nothing from Christopher yet again It hurts so much .
I think he is in debt.
Hopefully one day things will be sorted .
My Christmas is ruined the worse year ever .
I miss you Malc my darling and Tigger.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday December 3rd 2019 07:43
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Well all sorted You know what I’m talking about Malc .
I’m off to Cannock to sort it . Bitter cold again today . I’m writing early Malc again because it’s a busy day .
I just don’t want to forget writing to you .
I miss you so much Malc, more than you’ll ever know .
It’s getting nearer Christmas I’m not looking forward to it I’m on my own with Muffin .
Come into my dreams Malc bring All the dogs PLEASE .
Going to Carole Banks for lunch .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday December 2nd 2019 13:11am Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again don’t want to forget you.
I’ve been up the skelly this week with Muffin .
Bitterly cold again .
Lisa is working so won’t hear from her .
Every one busy !!!!
Sorting personal stuff out so I can relax again .
A very lonely weekend Malc again . Do my family really care .
Geoff’s Dad was rushed into hospital yesterday He assaulted a paramedic his metal health getting worse So Geoff won’t be at work I guess .
I miss you my darlin so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday December 1st 2019 21:08pm
Hello Malc I nearly forgot to write to you today .
Things on my mind .
The new telly came but I left the dvd in the other telly and it’s unplugged now .
No one has rang me today I’ve rang Carol Norrey we are going to an afternoon tea.
We are going Friday afternoon.
Lisa said Geoff’s Dad has been rushed into hospital his dementia has got worse .
He assaulted a paramedic He in hospital now.
Lisa is working tomorrow.
So yet another day no one .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday November 30th 2019 08:21am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy It’s freezing today Malc , I’m still in bed with Muffin by my side I had a horrible dream . I dreamt I left Muffin on the scooter then I couldn’t get back to him I kept asking where the train station was .
Woke up feeling quite lonely and sad .
Seeing no one today Lisa is at work !!
Ellie might stay over tonight but I have my doubts.
Might go to Lichfield not sure yet . Selling stuff I don’t need Malc trying to declutter.
I miss you Malc so much.
I written early incase I get busy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday November 29 th 2019 06:28am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is going to be busy .
Taking Parcel to why not popping to Hednesford go find out where my Calendar is ?
Go to Penkridge to see Sheila .
Not really looking forward to it .
She depresses me .
Ziggy is picking up a telly and your boots .
He did help me yesterday putting picture up and lights in .
It’s getting near Christmas and I’m going to be on my own . I miss you Malc so much.
Lonely days lonely nights .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday November 28 th 2019 18:03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin to Hednesford today B&M opened new store .
Then off to Cannock brought a Beautiful picture from Beardsmore’s lighting .
Ziggy Came and put it up changed a light in my lamp and a light in the ceiling .
I’ve given him your boots that were in the porch and the small telly out of the back bedroom .
I don’t need it Malc .
He’s collecting them tomorrow some time .
I’m going to Sheila’s tomorrow only got and hour .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday November 27 th 2019. 06:28am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again not sure what I’m doing today . It’s our Jordans Birthday today , where have the years gone .
I wish you were here for his Birthday Malc .
I wish I could win a million to help him and Jade . It’s racing again Malc so depressing .
Will I see anyone today ? I miss you Malc so much.
Sorry it’s a short message Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday November 26th 2019 16:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today raining again not good .
Took Muffin up the skelly this morning Popped to Aldi saw W she’s mad waived and laught at me .
She is sick .
I’ve taken Mums ashes to W Kay helped me .
She was shocked !!
I have a cutting of Mums hair and a canvas with her photo on it .
It did upset me but W can’t complain now .
Sorry Mum !!!
Carole Banks came today not too bad .
Dark now hate it .
Roll on spring .
I needed you yesterday Malc .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday November 25 th 2019 07:14 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m writing early Malc because lots going on today .
I’m off to Cannock first Boots . Dot’s for lunch then Rob the solicitor 4pm .
I will be glad when all this is sorted . Oh Malc I’m so fed up of trying to sort things out on my own .
The pressure I’ve been under again this year. I wish you could reassure me Malc .
Come home Malc PLEASE !!
I will. Write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday November 24th 2019 08:16am Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m feeling very low inside .
Lots going on in my head .
Family , Bungalow , Christopher , my life is very lonely .
I know I see friends but family is more important.
Sunday’s are my worst days .
It’s getting nearer Christmas and I’m on my own for the first time ever Christmas Day .
I miss you so much Malc.
Where have the years gone .
I have my fur baby Muffin we are very close .
I need love and my family .
I am going to Cannock today boots to take back a present .’
I won’t see anyone today .
Lisa is working Christopher is in the Caribbean.
Not that he cares .
My life is empty !!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday November 23rd 2019 25:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today not so good been to Penkridge to see Sheila a bit boring really ,
Same old same old .
I went to Cannock but again nothing to see .
I called in Tesco for a joint Sunday dinner. Apart from seeing Sheila no one else no text or phone calls.
Sorry I’ve got nothing else to tell you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone Miss you and love you 😘 Malc so much .
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday November 22nd 2019 18:51 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been lovely .
Took Muffin up the skelly.
Later Lisa picked me up and we took Muffin to Carole Banks for her to look after Muffin , I gave her Sanctuary bath stuff .
We went to Boundry Mill lovely .
Then off to next and Boots .
Then lunch at The cherry tree pub .
Not a nice lunch 🥗 had a refund .
Then picked up Muffin from Caroles .
Back home now just had pancakes 🥞 Watching telly now all my soaps then flirty dancing love it 😍 I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday November 21st 2019 16:03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly.
Then off to Hednesford Tesco & Aldi .
It’s cold and damp today dark already and it’s only 4pm ,
Roll on spring 🌼🌞🌸
Caz from across the road has popped in for a cuppa .
Stayed an hour .
I feel I want to stop in today nowhere to go .
Lisa is taking me to Ikea tomorrow Carole banks is having Muffin .Barmy Sheila is a nuisance Malc I’m having to carry a fan heater on my scooter Not in a box she’s not carrying it .
She’s driving me mad Malc .
Rob has sent an email , I am to meet him in his office to discuss. Bill and hopefully have it sorted .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday November 20 th 2019 11:47 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I have been to the diabetic clinic With Muffin .
All ok have put on some weight tho .
10st 3 1bs with clothes on .
Called in Hednesford shops , now waiting for Karen and her Grandchild .
Lunch here .
Later back to shops for dinner 🥘 stuff.
I miss you Malc more than ever .
Please come into my dreams.
Bring Tigger .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday November 18 th 2019 16:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin straight to Debs my hair he played with Rebel Debs dog he’s only a pup .
Then to Hednesford Tesco Aldi Coop .
Later I went to Carole Banks for lunch .
Not long got back .
Carole is having Muffin Friday while Lisa takes me to IKEA.
Lunch I reckon too .
Selling a few things on face book .
Don’t need them .
Nothing from Rob yet re money from Mums Sale .
What’s going on .???????.
Nothing from Chris Evans the tree .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday November 18 th 2019 06:56am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I am going to Lichfield to take a bra back for a refund The weather looks good today .
I won’t see anyone today .
The jungle is back on telly great !!
I told all my friends not to ring me But Guess who did Barmy Sheila !!
I know she’s still grieving but it’s beyond a joke when she rings me at least 6 times a day .
My life revolves around Sheila now .
She won’t let me in or other people .
She does need looking after really . I miss you Malc my darling and Tigger I keep hoping you will visit me again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday November 17 th 2019 07:20am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I am going to Jeans for dinner with Muffin .
Taking Muffin first up the skelly.
Popping to Hednesford. Aldi and Tesco .
Weather is cloudy but no rain today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin. My heart aches got you I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC .
Thank you Dee and Bunny. Xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday November 16 th 2019 21:22pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been lovely .
I took Malc to Penkridge had an hour with Sheila Then Jean & Jeff took me to Walsall
It was lovely went to quite a few shops Brought a few things.
They have asked me for dinner 🥘 tomorrow Really enjoyed today .
I still miss you Malc so much.
I wish you could have been here when I got back .
I dream one day you will.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💔 YOU FOREVER MALC cc
Thank you Dee and Bunny c
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday November 15 th 2019 07;08 am.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I taking Muffin to the groomers.
I will pop to Asda and Holland and Barrett.
Jean Should be coming today haven’t heard from her . Wander if she is still at er daughters because of floods . Rain again today it’s so depressing.
Hope my day gets. Better .
I miss you Malc so much your face your touch your love 💓 I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday November 14th 2019 17:03pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today is pouring down only been to Hednesford today . Been a bit boring . Lisa has called in stayed about a hour .
Lots to discuss .
Feel a bit bad really changing plans .
ButI have a lot to think about.
Help me out Malc. .
I’m so stressed.
I spoke to Joan Barnett today it’s her Birthday She gave me good advice Ringing me next week .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog baby boyNEW by: Rose
Wednesday November 13 th 2019 07:41am.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I’m writing early Malc again.
I will take Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford.
Later meeting Dot in Bellas for lunch .
I’m taking Muffin he is my life Malc My family are too busy .
This will be the first Christmas ever on my own with Muffin .
I hate pushing myself on friends just for company .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I can’t settle I hate my own company .
I’m a person who needs people around me if only for two hours a day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday November 12 by 2019 16:37
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today very cold and. Wet .
I took Muffin to Deb my hair dresser she cut my fringe .
I later took Muffin the skelly this morning meeting Chris Evans regarding the tree I’m having got you Malc .
Also a plaque can be put on the Bench in memory Of you. I’ve ordered both .
This afternoon I popped to see Kay .
Stayed an hour or so .
Coming home to dark and lonely night .
Lisa is at work .
I miss you Malc so much x I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. November 11th 2019 09:16am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’ve just taken Muffin up the skelly.
Cold raining ☔️ awful !!
My Friend is popping in sometime today probably lunch time I wish I was going out for lunch not staying in .
All lights went out from 7;30 pm to midnight Missed all my programmes ,but better than floods Lisa is at a meeting today so won’t see her .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday November 10 th 2019 08;03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again I don’t want to forget you Not sure what is happening today.
I will take Muffin up the skelly.
Lisa is off today but not sure if she will invite me to dinner 🥘 I’ve got a joint just incase .
Weather cold and forecast rain .
Snow ⛄️ is on the way .
Not looking forward to that.
Thinking of Christmas this year On my own at the moment with Muffin .
Lisa is working .
I’m thinking of Jade and Family and Geoff coming Not sure what he’s doing .
Kay has said I could go to The Redmore but I have to make my own way there!!!
No thank you but a nice thought .
I miss you Malc so much.
Christopher is treating me so bad . WHY ?????.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday November 9th 2019 20:20pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I don’t know what sent wrong yesterday I thought I had written to you It’s been playing up lately .
Today it’s pored down a day I managed to get to Cannock the Hednesford B& M 25% off everything .
Got a few things .
Kay came for an hour
She has asked me Xmas day to The Redmore But I have to make my own way there .
No good I’ll be on my own with Muffin It happy they are thinking of that Kalib !!!
I don’t fancy Muffin in the back of the car either while we have a meal .
Rather stay at home with Muffin.
It’s nice of her to ask but !!!
Ellie messaged me tonight she couldn’t come because her Mums friend is staying over ! Whoopy who 😡
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday November 7th 2019 17:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I have had Kay receptionist from
Our surgery for lunch .
Lovely afternoon .
It’s so cold outside and dark .
Roll on March lighter nights .
I want to skip Christmas.
No one to share it with .
Jayne my friend tomorrow for meal out .
Bathing Muffin Later .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday November 6th 2019 07;34 am Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc , I don’t want to forget you I will take Muffin up the skelly as usual Go to the shops just to speak to someone .
Another lonely day I’m afraid .
It’s freezing cold today .
I’m sitting bed Muffin on the top having cuddles .
No visitors today . Lots to sort paper work etc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin My life is empty with out you Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday November 5th 2019 07.54am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m feeling very low house in a mess , my life in a mess Christopher not paying the mortgage.
Weather crappy .
I don’t know who to turn too ?
My life is a mess Malc !!
I don’t have any help not from the family .
I’m so alone !!
I miss you so much Malc HELP ME !!
I will take Muffin up the skelly this morning Carole Banks is coming today not realty looking forward to it .
She doesn’t cheer me up .
I need a boost really .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday November 4 th 2019 07:27 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again because Carol Norrey Is coming today and I don’t want to forget to write.
I will take Muffin up the skelly this morning
Then pop to the shops .
Rain Later so go out while I can .
Our gardens are done so looks great .
Thank you Ziggy .
He was drunk yesterday!!
So left the pressure washer I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday November 3rd 20.19 15:43pm
Hello hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been. Mixed day .
Took Muffin up the skelly this morning.
Then home before Ziggy comes to do the back garden .
With the pressure washer .
Geoff came to pick up the Wheel barrow Left the carpet cleaner .
Ziggy came then disappeared leaving the pressure washer out in the rain ! He was drunk tho I will say !!!
So doubt he will come back today .
I’m hoping Carol Norrey will come this evening for a coffee.
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow x Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday November 2 nd 2019 07;04am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again because Muffin and I might be going g to Borth Wales with Lisa and Geoff!!!!
It’s according to what Lisa decides , Otherwise a day in it’s freezing cold and supposed to rain all day .
I think the later myself .
Geoff’s just rang he’s taking the couple who’s caravan they might be buying oh well 😔 never mind .
Back to staying in then .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love 💓 you and miss you Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday Nov 1st 2019 06:17 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again because I’m doing a lot today Going to Penkridge then Jeans for lunch .
It’s pouring down today but our garden is finished .
It’s lovely Malc .
Just how you would have wanted it xx
I wish I would have listened to you You loved your garden xx
Ziggy is putting sand between the block paving .
When it’s a dry day .
I’ve paid him well he has worked hard . I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday October 31st 2019 04:50 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc because I’m goi g to either Stafford or Walsall to take back a jumper .
Ziggy is Coming to do more in the front garden .
Muffin has a booster today 3:50pm .
I hope this message goes through .
I miss you Malc so much.
I love 💓 you with all my heart .
I have some good friends some drifted away .
Carole &Kevin army so close ! You didn’t like Kevin , I don’t either .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC cx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday November 30 th 2019 15:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I wrote to you but it didn’t go through A good day today took Muffin up the skelly Popped to Hednesford Later met up with old friends at Bella’s Had a great day .
Ziggy didn’t come today too tired I think .
I’m in now watching telly too cold .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday October 29th 2019 16:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been good really Took Muffin up the skelly this morning Went to Hednesford Aldi and Tesco .
Ziggy came about 9.30 am
Making a good job of the front garden .
Nearly finished .
It’s cheaper than £5 grand. Gill paid across the road .
Mine is much nicer .
Lisa took me to Stafford today we went to out fit Brought a jumper .
We went to the swan had a jacket 🥔 salad. Not the best ! after we went to. Home Sense then pillaton garden centre Brought three plants .
I e enjoyed the day .
Ziggy not coming until afternoon tomorrow I’m going to Bellas meeting Chris Rudd and Carol .
I miss you Malc so much I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x Thank
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday October 28th 2019 17:40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been busy .
I took Muffin up the skelly but it was so cold 1•
Then drs for inj VitB12 Felt very down today all what happened over the weekend I spoke to Rob my solicitor this morning. The bill.
Not happy with w solicitor sounds like he’s going to sting us .
Rob said just suck it and see agree ! Waiting to sort bills then he will pay into the bank .
I feel fearful Had Dot today for lunch 🥗 lovely .
Ziggy still doing garden making. Good job of it .
Watching our favourite programme the chase .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday October 27 th 2019 06:22 am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc it’s another busy day .
I’m taking Muffin up the skelly this morning Then Ziggy is coming to do the front garden He’s doing a good job .
I’m trying to keep the house and garden good for you Malc.
Caz might come over later for a cuppa .
They took me to Dobbies yesterday how lovely I brought 25 lavender plants .
They are such good neighbours .
Your Sheila is driving me mad Rings several times a day , but it’s silly things .
Now she knows how lonely I am with out you Malc .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday October 26th 2019 10:05am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is poring down I’m not going to Penkridge Flooding near there .
I’ll just go to Hednesford for food .
It’s depressing I doubt if I will see anyone today I don’t think Ziggy will come either .
Hopefully tomorrow.
I shall have to tidy up I think soft paper work out
I’m writing early Malc again.
I’m not having Ellie any more .
Your son has caused this !!!!!
He is evil 👿 He has hurt me enough now .
It’s because he owes me money !!!
I won’t go into detail .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE I YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday October 25 th 2019 22:04pm
I’ve written once but lost what I’ve written Bungalow completed but nearly didn’t Christopher caused me to find a van to remove the furniture Panick set in But I managed to sort it How can he treat me this way .
He will st his comeuppance.
I’m sure of that .
I’m so stressed today .
I’m done with him and his wife now !!
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday October 24th 2019 15:59 pm
Hello Malc what a stressful day Christopher hasn’t picked up the keys for MuM’s bungalow To remove the furniture he stored .
I’m bloody fuming Malc .
I’ve read the meters spoke to E.O.N Spoke to the water board .
Rob my solicitor is ringing me Monday morning Ziggy is doing our garden at the front nearly finished I’m so stressed today Malc .
Not much more I can tell you today .
Only I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday October 23rd 2019 05:55am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again because it’s a fairly busy day Today I have to have another inj Vit b 12 Then meet Chris Evans on the skelly to talk about planting a tree remembering you Malc .
Contract signed now Mum’s bungalow.
Hopefully I can move on now .
Bill to sort and tax Simon Stowe !!
Going to Kay’s today snout 2pm .
Scooter being sorted again still having trouble .
Lisa is going through a pre menopause
I’m running Muffin up the skelly this morning I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I miss you my darlin Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx.
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday October 22nd 2019 16:25 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been great .
Took Muffin up near your old works to. EH Smith Ordered stones sand cement membrane Also picked up the contract signed it and took it to Adrian At John Shepherd s
Lisa then took me to Solicitor in Utoxitter Contract given . Now waiting for phone call to Exchange contracts .
Gave Lisa £10 for Jordd. Help him
Out .
Lisa has taken carpet cleaner and solution .
Brought me two jumpers and some pants from M&co .
I’m home now Ziggy and his mate having dinner then home .
Tired today done a lot of running around .
I wish and prey you come home even my dream or
My bed .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday October 21st 2019 "6:21sm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again a busy day ahead and I don’t want to forget .
I m taking Muffin up the skelly then Ziggy is coming to revamp the front garden .
Skip coming today .
Be so slow but he does do a good job .
Vit B inj today .
Hope my health improves .
Geoff is taking Lisa to Liverpool today I have to let Max out 12 ish I think Geoff is lonely If only they realised how lonely 😔 I am !!
Day after day I wake up not speaking to anyone , going to bed not speaking to anyone I have to push myself onto friends or I wouldn’t see anyone .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday October 20 th 2019
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been too bad .
Ellie stayed over night and until 12noon
Ziggy came started on front garden .
He’s slow but thorough .
He had breakfast and dinner .
Geoff rang asking me to let out Max tomorrow He’s taking Lisa to Liverpool !!
He says she is very down But I thought things were ok I’m confused . I wish They realised I’m struggling on my own Family are so distant , I feel I’m treading on egg shells .
All the time . Don’t they bloody realise how I’m struggling and lonely I am Sorry to seem selfish as Lisa says .
Mum I realise now how it was with you too .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday October 19 th 2019 14:19 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today has been good really .
I took Muffin to Penkridge taking Sheila’s Birthday present .
Cardigan and picture of a cottage .
Stayed an hour .
On the way home Jade rang we met up in Tesco with our Great Grandchildren.
I brought Finley & Carter a hat and gloves .
Jade did thank me .
I love Jade she is honest bless her .
Ellie texted today she may be stopping tonight ????
I’m ready for her but she didn’t come last week .
Malc I wish you were here H my side .
I miss you so much.
Brexit vote today ???
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday October 18 th 2019 17:29
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a better day .
I took Muffin up the skelly twice today .
Checked Mums Bungalow .
Furniture still there .
Went to drs Anne the nurse giving me Vit B 12 injections for life now painful inj .
I popped in Hednesford Aldi & Tesco Later Lisa rang took me to lunch .
I did have a word she agreed with me partly She did say she loved me tho !!
We went to The Barley Mow .
Not impressed really .
It’s pouring down now .
Glad I’m in now .
I miss you Malc so much .
All confused regarding giving money to family !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC x Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday October 17 th 2019 17:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly Bumped into a chap caring for trees .
I asked about buying a tree in memory of a loved ones.
He gave me a number of a chap called Chris Evans .
He is meeting me next Wednesday at 10am Says Shouldn’t be a problem .
I was fed up again today so rang Carol Norrey she asked me up for. Cuppa I stayed until 4 pm
Back home watching telly Need Brexit ! I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday October 16th 2019 17:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I Took Muffin up the skelly I then called in Aldi and Tesco .
Later went to Carole Banks .
Stayed until 4pm.
Good job I did the fire service had. arrived at our home They have put two new 10 year guarantee smoke alarms in and given me an extension lead .
Happy ! Doesn’t look like Im getting the tights back tho she sent back For my Birthday.
I miss you Malc so much and my Tigger Butch and Mum and Dad .
I very much on my own now I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💔 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday October 15 th 2019 13:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is Christopher’s Birthday 35 years .
I have sent him a card and a message but no money .
I don’t feel he needs money now he has his business .
He hasn’t paid the mortgage since April
He won’t be bothered and he hasn’t thanked me .
I have had my hair done today £31 Looks nice .
Going back out later Tesco to take leggings back too big .
Seeing no one today !!
It’s getting regular.
Ive got to accept being on my own .
Winter is round the corner ☹️
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. October 14 th 2019 12;:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m writing early Malc Our Carters 4 th Birthday. Today , I did ring this morning .
I took Muffin to shops to buy Jean Beardsmore it’s her. Birthday , I gave her make up and her card .
Then popped back to Aldi and Tesco .
Muffin eat his breakfast very happy .
Going to Dots 1pm lunch .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday October 13 th 2019 13:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today again a lonely Sunday !!!
I’ve been to Aldi to order a chip fryer Caz is picking it up sometime , it’s too big for me to bring back .I've posted a Birthday card for Christopher but I doubt he will open it , no money this time .
It’s raining all day today ☔️☔️
No company unless Caz comes over .
Ellie didn’t come last night Chanel wouldn’t bring her .
Ellie asked if I could pick her up I wish I could drive .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday October 12th 2019 06;28 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again going to Penkridge Then I think Ellie is staying over night and staying for dinner
If they send her .
Lisa hasn’t been in touch !!
Caroline came over yesterday had a cuppa I enjoyed her company .
I’ve got to get more friends around me .
I dreamt about Mum & Dad last night .
I wish you would come into my dreams Malc .
I miss you so much .
The bungalow completion date 25th October I can’t wait to get W out of my life ! Hope no more problems Her solicitor is causing Agro ! I will sort him out when the bill comes to me I’m going to Tax him
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday October 11th 2019 13:13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy What a bloody day first rain ☔️ It’s not stopping .
Took Muffin to the park then Aldi and Tesco Had a phone call from Liz conveyance Solicitor .
W solicitor causing problems regarding forms w had to sign This is her bloody solicitor it’s not even her writing .
Completion date 25th October hope it goes through I’m speaking to Rob when the bills come in .
I will Tax W solicitor.
I’m sick of the Agro.!!!!!!!!
I’ve took on everything Malc and lost weight through it .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I wi write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday October 10 th 2019 11:56am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly then to Hednesford I’m meeting Kay from the Drs Surgery at 12:30
at. Bella’s . Lunch .
Nothing from Lisa !!!
I do love her but does she love 💓 me ? I love Christopher but he doesn’t live me !!
They don’t realise how lonely I am One day they will know how I feel ,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Not much to tell you really .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny 💋
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday October 9th 2019 18:18 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today a bit upsetting .
Had words with Lisa I asked if she wanted lunch and I would pay She said no Mum zi want to go out with someone my own age .and called me selfish .
It hurt so I waked out of her house upset .
Oh Malc will I ever be at peace with my family ?
So lonely with out you .
I’ve been to Kays to vent my anger well upset .
Your Sheila rang crying and talking about Colin .
Oh Dear my fault again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday October 8th 2019 11:31sm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly Nice morning but now rain again .
Lisa has got another job .
Caring !!
Will she stay at this job I wander .
Don’t think Christopher will like it .
No one is coming today but that nothing unusual .
Sheila rang today talking about her will I really don’t know why she is asking me .
I miss you Malc more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. 7th October 2019 15:09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I couldn’t take Muffin up the skelly Raining .
I took him to Hednesford Aldi and Tesco Learned today Coop in Hednesfotd closing down Sad !!
I later had a phone call from Dr Manikam wanted to look at my finger which he did so
Sent me to. Cannock hospital for an X-ray I’m my little finger on my left hand .
Which because of dogs next door shooting out the gate Muffin pulled on the lead and took my finger with him .
Checking if broken .
Still really painful .
I had a good night last night with Carol Norrey at the Catholic Dance .
Good music but I just sat and listened Only saw a few people from years ago I wish you had bed. There Malc I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday October 6th 2019 12:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly then popped to shirleys to give her photos from Sheila ,
She gave me a cuppa and we had a chat .
I popped to Tesco and Aldi .
Lisa has invited me to dinner today 2pm
Kay popped in got me some Hollyhock plants .
I owe her £3 .
Going to Catholic hall tonight with Carol Norrey .
Reunion dance .
Sheila just rang talking to her neighbours .
I think it was about her will she. Is probably taking me out .
I know Colin said They were surprising me But Sheila listens to too many people She hasn’t a mind of her own .
Oh well whatever !!!
I’m lucky she’s speaking to me really .
I miss you my darlin more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday October 5th 2019 07;16am Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again.
Going to Penkridge this morning Only an hour then calling in Lisa ,s to let Max out .
Then I think Trevor will come over to fix a bracket up for my hanging basket .
Looking forward to the reunion dance tomorrow night .
Hope lots of people are there who I knew .
Lisa & Geoff are off to see Louise his Daughter.
Back tonight .
I feel happier now I’ve seen the Dr Swarmy He’s lovely , he said I don’t look my age Offered me a job .
I did laugh 😂.
Now got to go on VitB 12 inj for life .
Also diabetic inj for life .
I will be a skinny thing You liked skinny woman didn’t you Malc? Xx
I do miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday October. 4 th 2019 07:54am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again not doing much today .
It’s raining ☔️ again I will take Muffin up the skelly if it bates .
Pop to Aldi & Tesco How exciting Malc .
Won’t see anyone today .
I think Lisa is working .
I really need to get the house sorted I’ve such a lot of stuff too much .
I might ask Caz to come over for a cuppa .
Sheila has rang this morning.
Full of wo .
Lisa has applied for another job Hope she gets it . Her colleges aren’t happy with how Christopher is running the business.
I don’t want him to have health problems but he needs to learn Respect .
Roger is speaking for me now .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny Thank
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday October 3rd 2019 15:36 pm Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Later Jayne my friend took me to The chetwynd upper Longdon A little too expensive they have put their prices up .
This will turn people off .
We will have to think a different pub. Dog friendly .
Jayne has not long gone .
It’s gone very dark now rain coming in .
Not looking forward to that .
I miss you my darlin so much.
Geoff has rang Max has fleas very bad Told him to go to pets at home .
To buy a spray .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday October 2nd. 2019 06:57 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Again I’m writing early Malc I don’t want to miss writing .
Today is a better day weather wise . Carole Banks is coming today for lunch Hope she cheers up I know she has Heath problems But she does drag me down .
I will take Muffin up the skelly this morning Then pop to Tesco and Aldi .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I’ve just got to try and move on .
I’ve took Mums keys to the bungalow. To the estate agents Ido Christopher can get them from there instead immigration coming to me I have blocked him and his do called wife I’m done I know he owes me money but he has me over a barr
I wi write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday October 1st 2019 06:46
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again because lots going on today Blood test 9:15 am Muffins groom
10am , meeting Karen 12:30 lunch at Bella’s My Birthday treat .
I had a lovely surprise last night Lisa Geoff Jade and both of our Great Grandchildren were at The Chase Gate. Surprise Also a cake lit with candles .
Made my day .
Christopher told Lisa as far as he is concerned I am dead !no Birthday card from him or her .
I’m hurt but I will have to move on .
I can’t believe this hate from him is because it was over the kids .
I have to accept our Son does not love me .
Chanel has played a big part in this .
If only he could see it .
I miss your support Malc and love .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday September 30 th 2019 07;23am Hello Malc my darlin and Yigger My Baby Boy Today is my 68 th Birthday 🎂 .
No card from our Son did I expect one NO She a selfish Daughter in Law usually sends one Too much animosity!!!
Karma will rear its head in the future I think
Hopefully I will have s good Birthday Some friends have forgotten .
Unless I get a belated one .
Hopefully my friend who is taking me out for. A drink will cheer me up .
Also a meal with Lisa this evening will too .
Busy day today and tomorrow Malc .
I’ve just got to forget the past and move on .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write early tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday September 29 th 2019 06:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today it’s pouring down yet again .
But I’ve got to stop thinking negative .
It’s just that I’ve had such a lot on my mind What with Christopher and W up the road Not seeing the Grand kids any of them .
You not being here Mum not here .
Lisa working not seeing her much .
Only my friends see me now and again .
Autumn now where has the year gone ?
Bring back summer .
I need a boost Malc This Mortgage is hanging over me Christopher isn’t paying he has £15, 000 of mine and has never paid back that £58,000
+ interest.
He’s turned out to be a very bitter un loving man Chanel is the same. .
Carolyne is coming over today to help me with that living room rug . I might just tidy up again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday September 28th 2019 15:27pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been. Bit lonely .
Heard from no one .
Lisa is working and is off y and my Birthday. Monday My friend is taking me out for a drink lunch time Hopefully Lisa will take me for an evening meal .
Looking forward to my Birthday now my Cancer Bowles result is ok I was worried.
I’ve not been to Penkridge today but haven’t missed it .
The weather is vile .
I’m waiting for Carol Norrey to ring me and hopefully tell me we are going to a school
8pm onwards .
Not sure if she can because of Olivier .
Selfish Kieran her son .
I’ve been. Riding Muffin around most of the day I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday September 27th 2019 15:15pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today weather is horrendous.
Been to Stafford with Muffin today to pick up a dress from M&S Muffin wasn’t aloud boy when the security tried to take him out side he wouldn’t move 😂until I returned I did laugh but it showed how much he loves me I’m his Mummy .
I love him to bits .
He loves Me .
I was so proud of him Both ladies loved him and. Laughed .
I caught the next bus back to Cannock .
No. Done !
Guess who was on the bus. W She days I can’t go out on my own Liar !!! I have popped to Hednesford but weather too bad .
Steamed the bathroom now watching Garden rescue .
Muffin is on my lap .
Stool test result back all ok xx
It’s cheered me up .
I miss you my darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday September 26 th 2019 07:29pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again because I don’t want to forget .
I’ve got to have a diabetic eye test , those horrible eye drops I know I’ve got cataracts so no change there .
Trying to occupy my mind. Yet again still hoping for a good result . I took Lisa to Penkridge to show her that lovely plot She said is was Beautiful. I just need you to tell me if your happy with this .
Only I can’t see Lisa keeping yours or mine aches I’m crying 😢 as I write to you .
Oh Malc help me out her I’m Rick bottom I need a boost .
HELP !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 25 th 2019 07:51pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again.
Not sure what I’m doing today .
Weather bad again. Raining again .
It’s so depressing Malc .
Hoping good results can’t relax until I hear good news .
Lisa is off today except she has a team meeting . I’ve asked her to spare 20 mins so I can show her the plot in Penkridge for you and I to be placed .
Hoping it will be a long time for me to go .
It’s going to cost a lot of money but I will find out .
Muffin didn’t eat much yesterday , hope he makes up for it today .
My life is on hold today ! You know me Malc I’m a born worrier . Wish I could have s boost a big jump up in the air boost I can’t tell you how much I miss you Malc and how my life has become. So lonely .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday September 24th 2019 07:48
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again.
Don’t know what sort of day I will have Pouring down so depressing.
I hate the rain and it on all week .
I’m supposed to be going to Carole Banks today I wander if Kev will pick me up ? Got a bargain last night brought. Wooden Giraffs two large and small ones But I’m selling my Giraffe to Ika for £15 .
So really only paid £20 when Ika pays me £15 For the one I brought Mum .
She loved it .
I miss you Mum !!!
Shall I hear from Lisa today ?
Will I get a Birthday card from Christopher on 30th September?
I wish I could be happy Malc.
I need company so badly .
I miss you so much Malc.
I need you !
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. September 23rd 2019 15:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin to Lichfield to take a dress back to DO got a refund .
Later went to Jean Bearsmore’s .
Had dinner and pud !!
A good chat .
Now back home with Muffin My bowel is upset feeling stranger I am worried.
Trevor is taking me to a house tonight for wooden Giraffes.
Then Jason is sorting my tv .
No letter today from nhs stool test Hope the longer it doesn’t come the better the news Crossing fingers 🤞🤞
I have spoken to Your Sheila today Regarding you and I going in a plot in Penkridge Near Colin in a beautiful spot Hope you have seen it already Let me know if you disagree.? C I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday September 22nd. 2019 Hello Malc my darlin and. Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again I’m in bed still watching darlin buds of May .
Wishing this was the life I was leading with you and all my family .
My life had changed so much Malc .
I try to keep company so I’m not lonely .
But all my friends except. Dot. are married and have there lives to lead .
I need company Malc if it’s only and hour or two a day m
I’m still worried about this result but my. Poo is looking better Crossing fingers .
Deep down I feel it might be ok .
But you know me always think the worst.
It’s pouring down today all week by all accounts m
Malc if only you were here .
I miss your hugs and love .
Lisa is still in Manchester with Geoff and friends Sunday on my own with Muffin . I keep pushing myself on friends but I would have no one if I didn’t .
I’m going to Jean Beardsmore’s for lunch tomorrow Carole Banks Tuesday .
My Birthday is soon as you know .
Hope it’s a happy one .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER MALC. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday September. 21st 2019 25:38 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today took Muffin to Penkridge actually it was quite pleasant Sheila took me to the church then to see where Colin was In the church yard What a Beautiful place .
I think I would be happy there with you Malc .
But not for many years yet .
Muffin is a bit off today I think he is tired from BlAckpool Yesterday.
I must admit it was a long tiring day .
He’s not eat either .
Sleepy mainly .
Just cooking a stew for dinner and a chicken For tomorrow.
I have been quite weepy today thinking about you Sheila brought me a plant and gave me £10 to buy myself something for my Birthday next week .
I don’t think I will be going anywhere.
Lisa will be working and I doubt if I will get a card from Chanel I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday September 20th 2019 15:06 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’ve braved it gone to Blackpool with Muffin Bus from Cannock train from Stafford to crew Crew to Preston Preston to Blackpool.
Had a couple of hours nothing has really changed The front is good but Back streets very bad I’m waiting now on Preston for the crew train Then change at crew to Stafford .
Not sure times of buses home but scooter is at coop funeral place I have partly enjoyed the journey but it’s such s bind changing Platforms and trains .
Just needed to occupy my mind because of stool test I miss you Malc and wished you here with me today I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 19 th 2019 07:16am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again don’t know what’s happening today.
I will take Muffin up the skelly as usual .
Not sure if Lisa is off or if she will take me somewhere I need company at the moment .
My stool is normal today hope it continues.
I’m on tender hooks waiting for result of test .
Praying it comes back negative.
The house is a mess Malc I can’t get in the loft to put stuff away .
I have no help .
I hate my loneliness Malc I wish my family were closer to me I feel trapped . No family love 💕 I’m in panick mood at the moment.
Half of my brain saying you will ok The other half saying something is wrong .
I’ve got to be positive Malc I need to look after this little boy of mine Muffin I need to get things right in my head I have had so much Verble abuse from Christopher I’m loved Sometimes Lisa has said hurtful things Like I couldn’t stay with you more than 2 hours It hurts I don’t go to Lisa’s house because Max goes for Muffin I feel so cut off from my family .
I’m so depressed Malc lonely and worried I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 18 th 2019. 7:35 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I have just done the 3 rd poo test to send off I’m terrified Malc .
I feel deep down I have bowel Cancer I have had mushy poo for three days now and discomfort Bowel area .
Can’t stop thinking about it loosing weight people are noticing It .
Who can I turn too ?
I have no one to talk to.
I want to cry all day but this will make me feel worse I should have sent this test off months ago Hope it comes back negative.
I will jump for joy if it does then get on with my life .
Help me Malc I’m so worried.
I can’t talk to my family .
I’m seeing no one today and frightened of being on my own I’m frightened of the result coming back Cancer I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday September 17 th 2019 17:45 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin up the skelly then home for breakfast Later Jean Beardsmore came for lunch. She stayed until 3:30 pm then I went to Cannock to get some apples Dot was coming tomorrow for lunch but her boiler Broke down waiting in for engineer
I’m worried today last day tomorrow to do poo test sending off and crossing fingers nothing sinister.
You know me Malc always think the worst .
Help me through this Malc I’m so lonely Malc with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday September 16 th 2019 7:59am Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m off to Trentham gardens to get a refund for chesterfield suite.
I’m doing this because one I can’t sell my sofas Also I’m worried about my health losing such a lot of weight Malc , I’ve started the poop test today .
I’m really worried it might be Cancer .
Please help me through this Malc .
I have Muffin to look after .
I have no one to support me .
Family all too busy .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday September 15 th 2019. 07,45am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again It’s the garden party today Hope it goes well .
Ive got to try and put this weight loss the back of my mind I scared Malc !!
Hope the sun comes out today music is ok for everyone Malc I miss you so much but please don’t call me just yet I want to enjoy Mums money and try and go places Not stuck at home dying of Cancer !!
Hope it is stress and the tablets .
I don’t have you Malc to reassure me.
I dare not tell Lisa how I feel .
Christopher wouldn’t care anyway .
I must enjoy today .
I must think positive.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday September 14th 2019 11:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc again neighbours coming to put up Gazebo .
Cooking chicken drum sticks at mo for tomorrow In a bit of discomfort bowel area list more weight I’m panicking inside Malc.
I wish you were here with me. Malc I shouted your name again over the skelly when I took Muffin .
Please help me Malc I’m frightened.
I will write to you after the garden party tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday September 13th 2019 15:17pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today so quickly took Muffin up the skelly Then Lisa came at 10 am took me to Lichfield I brought her a coat for Christmas.
We had a little walk round had. Cuppa then home .
I’m searching for a couple of collapsible tea cake stands Last place Hednesford .
Going on a minute.
Just had a cuppa .
Saw a friend of mine Chris who said you’ve lost some weight That’s worried me again .
I’ve got to put it the back of my mind Then send off stool test next week and cross fingers I miss you my darlin so much I scared Malc !!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday September 12th 2019 17;17pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’ve tried to keep my mind busy as I’m worried about this in explained weight loss .
Is it stress or what I’ve always dreaded. Malc .
You know me I always think the worst !!
I’m having this garden party Sunday. Then sending off a pip test .
I feel a bit. Uncomfortable on the left side lower abdomen But this might be in my mind .
My head is all over the place .
No one has been in touch today Family .
I took Muffin to Lichfield today via Rugeley Just a bus ride I do enjoy the trip .
Caroline has been over to take some stuff to put in her freezer
For the party .
Malc I can’t tell you how much I need you right now I hope we are not repeating history I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 11th 2019 09:23am Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m sitting in Cch Waiting for Diabetic appt.
I’m a litte worried 😟Malc incase the tabsrant causing my wright loss .
I’m know in a few mins .
Crossing fingers!!
I ave no support now from my family They are all too busy .
Help me through this Malc please I’m scared .
I’m seeing no one today all busy,
Not much again to tell you really only just seen Estate Agent Mums Bungalow now with solicitors.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE. 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday September 10 th 2019 11:58 am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc Carole is coming in a mint
I’ve took Muffin up the skelly Been to Hednesford shops Brought a few things for garden party Sunday A bit lonely over the next few days . Everyone is busy .
Not much to tell you today .
Only I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday September 9th 2019 17;06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today very lonely until Caz and Beth and Trev came over Trev put new curtains up for me .
Waiting for carpet now coming Wednesday or Thursday Not selling my dogs now .
Got to go to Trentham to cancel chesterfield Waiting for lady to come to Mums to pick up a glass table Hope she turns up .
Then going to Tesco to hopefully pick up Lamb kebabs .
I’m still worried about my self Funny feeling in my bowel area .
I look so old Malc My son has done this he is so cruel Bullying and foul language.
I miss you darlin so much .
I will write to u again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday. September 7th 2019 20:01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been good .
I took Muffin up the skelly Then later Trev and Caz my neighbours Came over and cleared all my shed out Trev slide the last of the decking I paid him £50.
Well worth it .
They worked all day then we sat in the Garden With a larger .
I later took Muffin to the park after dinner popped in Carol Norrey ‘s
Had a cuppa and chat .
Sheila rang me we had quite a deep chat .
Successful day today .
Even though I miss you Malc .
I messaged Christopher today asking him to pay me back all the money he owes and then cut ties .
When I die and hope many years more I know he won’t come to my funeral But karma will come back on him .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday September 7th 2019 19:05pm
He’ll Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today has been really good .
Lisa picked me up and we me and Muffin went to Trentham gardens .
I brought a chesterfield suite sofa and two chairs plus a table We had a good day .
Only one thing spoiling this the great loss of weight Hope I’ve not got C . I’m terrified Malc please help me I have this little boy my Muffin to look after Please let it be worry anf the tablets I’m taking Jardiance I’ve been spending such a lot of money I’ve got to draw my horns on now I think I’ve done it because of stress .
I miss you so much Malc I really do .
Trev the neighbour is coming over tomorrow to deck the shed Caroline is helping xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday September 6th. 2019 18:00pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today another day on my own with Muffin .
No one has rang or texted.
I could be dead no one would know .
I feel a bit worried Malc I know I’m losing weight through theses diabetic tabs but it’s dropping off me and people are noticing , me too in my face .
Even Geoff commented yesterday when he brought me some flowers for our Wedding Anniversary.
He is so caring .
I think I’m in for a lot more lonely days to come .
Oh Malc gone wrong ??????
I’m so lonely 😭.
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday September 5th 2019 12:47 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary Malc Going out with Jayne today for a meal 1pm
Chetwynd arms upper Longdon Still have upset stomach cramps .
Wish you were here Malc by my side Celebrating our Anniversary.
The years keep Moving on but my heart still aches for you.
I feel so down today have done for a few days .
I’m dying to keep going MLc it my life is so lonely I have great friends but it’s my family I want .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog NEW by: Rose
Wednesday September 4th 2019 12:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and. Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t started off very well rain Friday so cancelled garden party .kay rang she and Jason going out it’s her Birthday .
I’m trying for next Friday but now Lisa isn’t coming Not Geoff and sisters .
Been sick this morning Malc upset stomach Also my friend isn’t coming any more .??
It’s all gone pear shaped .
Oh Malc what’s going wrong ????
I feel so low inside and. Outside I’m sorry I can’t tell you any more I will write to you again tomorrow Malc miss you so much .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday September 3rd 2019 07:13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc Taking Muffin up the skelly then later going to Carole Banks Lisa is back yesterday at 2;30 pm Couldn’t she just pop up and see me !
I’m beginning to think none of my children really care The garden party is on Friday but Lisa has already put a spanner in the works .
Saying Geoff’s stisters won’t come if it rains She and Geoff are going out later that night This has been planned along time .
I have friends they stand by me I could cry really Christopher has ruined my life .
I’m so un happy Malc 😞😞
I need a busied Life is so hard ,I have Muffin hope for a very long time Give me the strength to face these bad times I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday September 2nd 2019. 16:42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today another busy day .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning Later Hednesford brought a new mat for outside back Thought my water feature had broken Stupid me has to fill it 😂
Caroline and Trevor coming over to put my clock up in the back garden done .
Just been .
Rain Friday please bring a dry sunshiny day .
I love you and miss you Malc No word from family today !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday September 1st 2019 53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been lovely .
I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco Came home had dinner then Carol Norrey said Cliff would pick me up and watched her make cakes for the garden party Friday .
I stayed 4 hours she gave me a home cooked pasty a cake we had made .
A lovely day I felt really relaxed after having a shit morning with Christopher ‘s filthy language It’s certainly change my mind now what My future Is towards him Karma !!! I’m done now with him I will speak to Rob after the bungalow is completed
My heart is broken Malc . I realise my son absolutelyhates me Malc help me please I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday August 31st 2019 16;55pm
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has t been to bad Took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge to see Sheila But only stayed an hour .
Came back home for lunch .
Later popped to Hednesford. Aldi and Tesco .
Weather is not good but hope it picks up .
All our family are in Black pool wish I was with them Lonely weekend again .
The neighbours are back tonight but won’t see them until tomorrow.
Missing you more than ever Malc need you at the moment I’m trying to think positive but it’s so hard .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog yNEW by: Rose
Friday August 30th 2019
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been good I had my hair done by Debbie Muffin came with me She has a very noisy sprock Dog I later went to Cannock but popped a card and flowers to Jean I ended up staying for lunch 🥗 and Muffin day new food She is a good friend .
I needed company today .
I hope this message goes through today it didn’t yesterday I miss you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday August 28th 2019 20:30
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit better .
Took Muffin up the skelly then home breakfast and Cannock Took paper work in spec savers .
Might have to pay more money out .
Dropped my phone on the pavement smashed the back think it’s going to cost £100 .
Things aren’t going well at the moment .
Hope they improve.
Carole Banks came for lunch today stayed quite a while They love our new back garden.
Changed plans for garden party now the 6th September Dot can’t come , Paula can’t come not really bothered .
Kay isn’t coming going to her friends Birthday party Weather iLooks better for the 6th .
Well I’m closing now write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday August 27th 2019 17:00pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very mixed up .
My plans went out of the window .
I took Muffin up the skelly Popped to Aldi and Tesco .
I was just about to go to Jeans for lunch the Chanel texted can I have the kids for the day I had to take them to Jeans they had a McDonald’s Then she dropped them off st Jeans They’ve had sweets ice lolly ‘s She is just about to pick them up I miss you Malc so much I wish I could have talked more with Jean But never mind .
It was nice seeing the kids .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday August 26th 2019 13;14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today another lonely day I guess nothing from Lisa or Christopher.
I’ve took Muffin the skelly this Morning Then popped to Tesco saw Ika upset some
X of her sons arguing .
She is due to drop my T rolls off so might see her The weather is hot again Muffin not eating properly .
Kay is watching him tonight while I go out with Carol Norrey and her Brother to Lichfield cathedral.
Space and light night .
What’s happened to my family?xx
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday August 25th 2019 13:59pm
Hello Malc today another lonely day apart from seeing shop assistants no one Lisa has just text me she went to a bbq and saw Paul Walsgrove who you went to school with and Dawn his wife who was in my class at school.
If only we could turn that clock back .
I miss you terribly Malc it’s getting worse .
The loneliness is awful .
Carol Norrey might be taking me to Lichfield .
Cathedral to see lights it was on the television 8:45 -I guess 9:45. .
Tomorrow night .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday August 24th 2019 18;05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has bed. The loneliest day ever .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning Later carried on to Cannock went to Penkridge to Sheila But I only stayed an hour it was a bit depressing I rode round Cannock with Muffin then came home I did message Lisa if she would spare an hour with me in our back garden but after answering an hour later she was at a Bq .
I’ve sat in the back garden playing music from my phone through the Bose speaker .
Now as usual watching television and eating a curry m
It’s been a long day and same tomorrow.
I miss you Malc more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday August 23rd 2019 16:55pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today not so good took Muffin to the groomers Popped in Asda and round Cannock The picked him up he looks lovely.
Kay. Came for a coffee stayed an hour Then I went a ride round so lonely Malc At the moment I feel very low needing company so badly.
My friends where are they ?
My family where are they .
Television 📺 and my Muffin .
Louise. Isn’t answering my calls .
She went for a Pip assessment yesterday I guess it didn’t go well .
Help me get through this Malc I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday August 22nd 2019. 18:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today started off quiet ,
I took Muffin up the skelly then got back had breakfast Then rang the vets I had an appointment for 9:10am
The vet said Muffin still has kennel cough and his temp was normal .
He gave him a thorough examination heart 💓 very good He said he has a raw inside so gave antibiotics Ramiro for his stomach .
Two injections I’m to give him a tablet with food an antibiotic It’s goi g to be hard .
Hope he gets better soon I’m really worried He stopped the cough medicine and the anti inflammatory That was a waste of money .
The scans on his body are nothing to worry about he said I later rang Carol Norrey and she asked me to come up after 2pm
Bless her she is suffering from epilepsy mind but can’t drive for a year .
Her son is a selfish in caring. G .
He doesn’t seem to care about Carol only using her she has other health problems too .
I’ve told her to try PIP .
Malc I’m on my own again. Nothing from Christopher nor her No text today from Lisa .
She’s working .
I can’t stand my own company Malc .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday August 21st 2019. 16:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today a bit boring .
I took Muffin up the skelly then later Cannock To take head phones back to Argos .
Then popped in to DP to buy a dress and a couple of tops it’s closing down so sad 😞 I will miss it .
Lyndsey from Boots damasked me if I had lost weight I just hope it’s the diabetic tablets that’s doing it and not anything sinister .
I think W has gone to Blackpool again no car and windows were shut .
Lisa has been today an hour she spared me
Always doing something always in a rush No much time for me but Christopher never comes rings or phones .
Jade is coming with Adam and his friend to pick up garden furniture .
My new furniture is coming tomorrow Hope they do turn up .
I miss you Malc so much such long lonely days .
Lonely nights with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby morning NEW by: Rose
Tuesday August 20 th 2019 13:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Home today from Poole can’t wait to get back into our bed I only wish you. We’re home to give me a great big hug and kiss .
I miss you my darlin so much My words can’t express how much .
I am nearly in Birmingham now then the train to Hednesford Anne is so kind but the flat is awful cluttered and not very clean The bed was hard didn’t have much sleep but managed I’ve only got off at Birmingham international instead of Birmingham new st Still train was delayed so sti caught the right train straight through to Hednesfotd .
Geoff wasn’t happy but ok now he’s getting g me s loaf and milk .
Bless him .
Wish you were at home Malc xxx
I miss you so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday August 19th 2019 15:36pm
Hello my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a good last day with Anne I took Muffin a walk this morning then Anne and I went a lovely ride out. nearly in Dorchester to a garden centre Actually Two garden centres and had. a lovely Lunch and sitting by a lovely pool .
We had a lovely day .
Muffin still not eating. He is still poorly a runny nose and a little bit of a hacking cough .
I wish he was better Malc I am worried about him Back home tomorrow hope all trains are running I can’t say I’ve really. Enjoyed this week Weather started off bad , but has got better mi have wished you here all week Malc thank you for coming into my dream I will write to you again tomorrow Malc When I’m home .
Keep us safe Malc. Xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx. Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday August 17th 2019 18:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a better day .
Took Muffin his morning walk then had breakfast Made by. Anne .
Later we went to Christchurch to pay for a rattan garden set £800 al but £5 .
Jade is having my old one .
Had a lovely meal with Anne and Viv at our old stomping ground .
The seven Stars Malc remember the big meal Mixed grill xx
I do miss you Malc wish you were with me .
Going round Louise’s 7;30 pm
After Tipping point .
Going out for the day tomorrow last day here thank goodness I have part enjoyed it. It will be glad to get home Hope journey is smooth .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you and miss you so much xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday August 17 th 2019 17:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been too bad .
I took Muffin a walk round on the mobility scooter Then later had a shower .
Anne is working all day until 7 pm tonight .
Viv is sleeping most of the day 😛.
Boring !!!!!!
Later Louise took me to a couple of boring shops then we had a meal 🥘 at our favourite restaurant fish and chips .
She dropped me off Viv was yet again asleep I decided to take Muffin on the bus up to the harbour Looked around .
Lovely to hear the seagulls But how disappointing my favourite gift shop closed down Pavers had nothing in the sale .
So I got on the bus got off at the shah of Persia Sitting now having a larger , Muffin asleep .
I’d better go back to the flat .
Watch boring television watching Viv sleeping again .
Never mind off to Christchurch tomorrow to pay for my garden furniture .
I miss you Malc I was asking you to walk round with me at the harbour like we used to .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday August. 15 th 2019 14:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today rain again .
Anne has took me to a garden centre I’ve brought a grey garden set delivering when I get back Boring now watching Viv watching boring television Anne filling in claim form .
Pouring down out side .
No where to go now today .
Muffin keeps wrenching not eating very well Malc Going out with Louise tomorrow Bet she says she’s skint .
Not really looking forward to it really She always pleads poverty But her home is Beautifull .
She’s spending all the time .
Malc I wish you were here with me We could have gone to the harbour .
Had a drink and a walk .
Fish and chips together I miss that so much Malc 😌
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday August 15 th 2019 11:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today seems a little better weather hot Took Muffin a walk round the streets on mobility scooter Been to Poole centre to get a printer for her .
Back in the flat now she said shLl we have chicken and salad again . No way it was awful yesterday.
We are going to a garden centre in the next hour after so called lunch .
See how the day pans out .
Muffin hasn’t eat today yet !!
Hope he does soon .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog yNEW by: Rose
Wednesday August 24 th 2019 09;11am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is miserable rain sitting here with boring bbc1 morning Programs.
With boring idle Viv while Anne empties the car from their holiday .
Now ate
Attempting to get up and across the tip of a living room .
I wish you were here with me Malc you brightened our holiday up .
I got stuck in the train toilets yesterday about 5 mins to Poole Eventually was helped .
You know I’m Terrified of closed in places .
Anne is having a row with Viv !!
I’m writing early because I don’t know what is happening today .
I’ll try every day to write .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday August 13th 2019 21:00
Hello Malc darlin and Tigger my baby boy What an eventful day Malc .
Started off very well travelled on the first train from Birmingham has help on the train journey smooth Train .
Second train from Basingstoke Muffin and I got stuck in the electric loo .5 mins before Poole , I thought I was going to carry on to Euston . Phew !!!
They train manager had to unscrew the door a medle with the electric wires .
Was I glad We got out .
Anne and Viv are still on their way home.
On the ferry .
Place is very bad no room not clean But lovely Anne is .
I wish you were here wit me and Muffin . I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
August 12th 2019 17:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy myoday has been very busy Malc I took Muffin up the skelly this morning Then came back for breakfast Later Ziggy came to paint the fence at the front and Put a mirror it up in the back garden .
All ready now for a garden party September Hope weather improves over the next few days I miss you so much Malc .
I wish you were coming to Poole with me on the train with Muffin too.
It’s lonely with out you .
Holidays are not the same now Malc .
Remember the caravan at Rockley park That was lovely , you loved it didn’t you ?
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
August 12th 2019 17:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy myoday has been very busy Malc I took Muffin up the skelly this morning Then came back for breakfast Later Ziggy came to paint the fence at the front and Put a mirror it up in the back garden .
All ready now for a garden party September Hope weather improves over the next few days I miss you so much Malc .
I wish you were coming to Poole with me on the train with Muffin too.
It’s lonely with out you .
Holidays are not the same now Malc .
Remember the caravan at Rockley park That was lovely , you loved it didn’t you ?
I may not be able to write to you again tomorrow I try .
I miss you Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday August 11th 2019 17:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very good Seem none of my family or heard from them Just a text that’s all I need Malc .
This morning I took Muffin up the skelly Then later Caroline and Trev came over to put the Fountains up and clouted lights Gaz Paula’s partner came to look at my iPhone Now brought a charger you just place phone on top Had a lovely meal with Elaine my friend and her friend Dean Stayed 4 hours .
Lovely afternoon .
Back home now with Muffin .
Talked about you today as I always do Miss you more than ever Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday 10 th August 20:19 14;59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today yet another lonely day and the weather hasn’t helped Ellie should have come but they decided to go for a meal Been sorting case clothes what to take Been to The festival at Hednesford but rain spoilt it really All strangers in Hednesford is it my age ?
I even asked Kay to pop up but she was comfy at home Watching films .
Lisa is at work .
I won’t see her now for a while .
She was off yesterday but didn’t visit me !!
Where is my family , I just cry every day Curry on my own tonight !!’
Oh Malc I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday August 9th 2019 28:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very lonely .
I took Muffin up the skelly.
Then later popped to Cannock just for a ride round Malc I hate my own company .
I miss you so much your voice your words your love Anne has rang today they are stuck in Jersey until Tuesday .
Louise will be meeting me and giving me a key .
I need company Malc .
I’ve spoken to Kay and Jean Beardsmore She had invited me for Sunday dinner but Elaine asked me in the week .
Lisa is at work not heard from her Sheila has rang but as usual I had to ring her back She has more support than me .
Such good neighbours .
Don’t know what I’m doing in the morning Ellie should be coming at 12 noon We were going to the festival at Hednesford
But rain might cancel.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC . Thank you Dee & Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday. August. 8th 2019 17.04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today. Not such a good day .
Took Muffin up the skelly this morning then popped to Aldi and Tesco’s .
Had a very boring day again .
I popped to Cannock Asda to buy some porridge Then on the way back called in Lisa’s She never makes me feel wanted .
Moaning about something about me all the time .
Picking and most of the time talking about work .
She’s even said Geoffs sisters won’t stop long and Ivhavent even had the garden party yet .
Don’t think this is going to turn out a good night .
I have my friends and neighbours
Lisa and Geoff are going for a meal 🥘 tonight I used to be asked !!!!
I’ve sent an invitation to Christopher but I don’t think they will come . I’m hurt really Malc my family don’t want me I have to turn to my friends now .
I’m hurt Malc ☺️
I miss you darlin. So much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday August 7th 2019 16:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today so far very lonely as no one has been near I can’t stand my own company Malc You know I need people around me You said that before I lost you .
I miss you Malc more than you will ever know My family don’t really understand how I feel inside Christopher is too busy and hates me .
I saw Donna our old neighbour today taken her number She will pop up one day She is cousin to Caroline across the road .
My friend is taking me out tonight 7pm Only a friend no more .
My heart aches for you Malc .
Sheila now knows what it feels like .
Weather is very windy. Rain coming in .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday August 6th 2019 15:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m feeling very weepy .
I’m so lonely Malc I need company so much .
I hate my own company .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning Saw no one then later to Aldi and Tesco .
How exciting eh Malc .
I’m getting ready to pack not long now .
Perhaps a change of scenery will help .
Geoff is going to drop me off the station .
Lisa was a little funny she said get a taxi Mum ?
I said Geoff is a taxi driver .
I’m yet to understand my children 👶 Geoff is so understanding helps everyone .
My God Malc what do so have to do to please my children I can’t remember the last time I was asked for Sunday dinner I miss you Malc so much xx
I hurt inside .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday August 5th 2019 19:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy today has been busy. I took Muffin to Cannock checked a ring I had brought was gold , yes it is .
Then DP to take a dress back Done Later Lisa came with Jade and the kids had lunch They stayed 2 hours !!
Better than nothing .
After John mobility chap came. Siting my scooter swapped seats temp .
Now my friend is coming just for an hour .
Wish I could go out for a drink though .
Sheila has rang !!!
I miss you Malc more than ever No one knows how I still feel .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW by: Rose
Sunday August 4th 2019 12:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I-took Muffin up the skelly.
Later popped to Cannock to buy paint for my new Gorgeous divider in the garden .
It’s smashin Malc Geoff came to see it he thinks it’s great .
Ziggy is here now painting the fence and that panel He’s done the front .
I’m cooking a dinner for him he can eat it outside Lisa is at work !!
Will I see her this week ? I wish you could share the garden with me Malc I’m aching for you .😢
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday August 3rd 2019. 28:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin Tigger my Baby Boy Today has Been very satisfying.
I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge Sheila was a little better towards me today She even rang me back after I left .
She is going to face many lonely days and nights When I got back home Trev and Caz were placing the diamond devider to separate the two gardens It’s great Malc hope you can see it
I’m keeping it nice just for you .
It’s got to be painted on one side.
rain started again.
I might get Ziggy to paint it. And pressure wash the front Why Trev and Caz are away .
Then gardens are complete.
I miss you Malc so much.
I ache for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee And Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday August 2nd 2019 18:13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very good .
This morning I tookMuffin up the skelly Then Aldi for a chicken need to get greens Later Jayne came to pick Muffin and I up for lunch at Tge chetwynd Arms Upper Longdon .
Lovely meal 🥘.
She came back for a coffee.
Then Trev measured the frame now making a triangle Looks good , he’s putting lights on .
Hoping it won’t rain he might finish it tonight .
I can’t wait .
I was fuming this morning as I received a letter from the solicitor asking where the conveyance forms were W had spoken to her solicitor bloody stupid now her solicitor is holding things back for the couple who are buying the bungalow .
I had taken them in two weeks ago .
Spoke to W she said Adrian didn’t take them in until Tuesday I’m going to Cannock tomorrow to have a word Caroline is coming over later for a coffee .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
Nothing from Christopher today , Lisa is at work don’t know when will I see her again I wander LOVE YOU MUM ?????????????
I do wander ? ?????????
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday August 1st 2019 07:22am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy I’m writing early Malc , Ellie is here she stayed over night She is sleeping over Saturday too .
She told me On August 31st they are going to Blackpool meeting up with Lisa and Geoff .
I really would love to go but Christopher isn’t speaking to me I’m so hurt I feel my family have deserted me .
The days I spend on my own It hurts .
Jade promised she will come to see me with our great Grandchildren Finley and Carter . Will she ? What am I doing wrong Malc ?
Sheila’s not bothering with me now Colin has died I feel she was using me . She’s trying to say it was company !!!!!
I’m so hurt .
How can I change this Malc .
I keep spending money because I’m stressed Please Malc help me change things .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I miss you so much .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday July 31st 2019
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is ok Took Muffin to Cannock after Hednesford Brought address from DP but they are closing down But they left the security tag on got to take it back When Ellie has gone back .
Jean & Jeff came for lunch and Ellie is staying over night .
She is staying Saturday night too .
She tells me They are going to Blackpool with Lisa and Geoff 31st August . I would love to go with them .
But I won’t be asked .
I’m so hurt .
Sheila hasn’t rang again mmmm
I think Marg and Roger have said something to her . Again I’m so hurt .
What am I doing wrong Malc help me please I miss you so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday July 30th 2019 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit up and down .
The wood came for the frame with circle which Trevor is making next week .
The loft chaps came to board the loft but we had a bit of an upset on the size of the joists was going to be changed more cost but I stuck to the original cost This did upset me .
Hope I’ve done the right thing .
They are two good chaps .
Caroline from across the road has tidied the front garden got the weeds up with Katie her Daughter .
It’s pouring down again today Malc .
I’ve rang Kay 10 mins .
Nothing from Lisa or Christopher Ellie is sleeping over tomorrow And Saturday .
Hope the rain stops .
I miss you Malc more and more each day My heart aches for you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday July 28th 2019 11:35am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc incase my Darling Daughter asks me to dinner !!
I still feel very weepy and lonely Our Son is killing me keeping money from me not paying the Mortgage and holding back the kids .
I wish I hadn’t said anything about having all the kids together He is very controlling Malc as you know .
I don’t think he will send me my money for a while or ever Lisa is off work today wander if she will ask me to dinner I’ve cooked a piece of pork just incase .
I’m busy with friends all week so maybe I should be grateful I see more friends than family.
Sheila has hurt me too not mentioning me at the church and not giving me an orchid as she has the people who gave her lifts to Ashcroft hollow nursing home .
I went faithfully every Sunday and Wednesday to sit with Colin for 6 months .
She used me I think .
I’m hurt really !!
I’m really feeling down Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday July 27th 2019’ 26:32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today it’s been pouring down .
Muffin and I went to Lichfield but we got soaked We stayed an hour nothing there really I couldn’t take him in most of the shops I just enjoyed the ride from Hednesford to Rugeley to Lichfield Got back home popped into Tesco for veg for tomorrow Caroline has been over for a chat and coffee
It’s killed time today .’
Trev is making me a frame with a circle in to place outside my back garden .
They are such good neighbours.
Becoming good friends I think .
I felt very weepy this morning knowing I was going to be on my own again .
Ellie won’t come tonight she is in London choosing a book I miss you Malc is getting worse I so need you at the moment Thank for sending Caz for company .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday July 26th 2019 16:46pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m feeling very weepy so lonely Malc I took Muffin to Cannock this morning looking for black sandals but no joy .
Then popped to Hednesfotd Tesco .
I saw Geoff he said Lisa Jade and the kids were on the park Do I popped there brought the kids an ice cream I stayed about an hour ,
Geoff took Muffin a little walk .
I’m home now waiting for the neighbours to come round for a chippie supper .
Malc I can’t tell you how much I miss you darlin I could cry all day every day It’s not getting any easier . Sheila hasn’t rang today yet but I think she will later
Marg and Jason are there then Roger tomorrow Or visa versus I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday 25th July 2019 11:47am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is Colin’s Funeral 2:15pm
I’ve took Muffin out early up the skelly.
Just been to Aldi for a couple of items .
It’s so hot 🥵 now Malc . Hope no atmosphere in the car with your Marg and Roger Lisa will be with me .
I don’t she will stop long though.
Muffin is going to Kay’s hope she is in .
I wish you were here Malc , I miss you so much I say this every day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Let you know how things went .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU fOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday July 24th 2019 06:56 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is going to be busy again .
We had thunder storms in the night. Now sunshine 🌞 is out again .
Karen and her Granddaughter is coming for lunch 12:30pm I’m taking Muffin out early this morning it’s going to be hot .
Debating what to wear for the funeral tomorrow It’s going to be so hot 🥵 Lots to do today I think .’
I miss you darlin so much more than words can say My heart is broken Malc !!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday July 22nd 2019 05:47am
He’ll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing very early Malc things on my mind I’m losing such a lot of weight since losing Mum Christopher falling out with me over the kids and starting on this new medication it’s worrying me incase I have Cancer I’m terrified.
It’s constantly on my mind I’m spending far too much time on my own I’m frightened. Help me through this Malc please mInwant to live a long and happy life but things crop up and makes me unhappy I enjoyed being with Lisa Geoff and his family last night
Geoff gave me a kiss and said I should do this more I said you don’t ask me I would love to get involved Thus might change things .
I want to get these awful thoughts out of my head thinking I have Cancer !!
Please help me before I go mad .
Lisa is coming today I will do lunch and hope she stayed a while.
It’s going to be hot over the next few days so I’ve got to cheer up fifer my worries and carry on I used you Malc I’m pining for you and can’t cry like I used to I’m all cried out and I think it’s affecting my weight I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER. MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday July 22st 2019 16:56pm
HelloMalc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today was very lonely and I heard from no one So I took muffin up the skelly then Hednesford Later had dinner and Muffin and I went a ride to Cannock The range nothing there .
Coming through Chadsmoor saw Geoff and Lisa at The duck here now having a drink .
Muffin is sitting good .
At least that has given me company .
A bit noisy now home I think
.sheila rang oh dear she thinks over 125 people are coming to the wake !!!
She’s no idea x
I’m going to stop worrying g until after I have had a holiday It’s too much thinking for me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday July 20 th 2019 15:42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m really worried me overthinking again It’s because I’m on my own most of the day .
I feel like I’ve got something stuck in my oesophagus
I’m losing weight and very stressed .
Hoping it’s just the new tablets I’m taking .
Geoff came up for the money tin he left with me Lisa was in the car .
Disappointed I didn’t get a hug 🤗 My family are too busy to spare half hour with me.
Lisa does her best Christopher does mother
I’m very lonely and hurt and worried Malc .
Carol Norrey saves my upset morning I had been crying She came to take my parasol back to hone sense I had a straight refund .
They took me to costa in next for a coffee and tea cake I offered to pay but she wouldn’t let me .
Then brought a bathroom cabinet with a marble top for the bathroom .
Cliff carried it up stairs for me .
They are such good friends .
I fact I would call her my best friend now .
I frightened at the moment inside Lots going on in my head .
Too many hours on my own Sheila hasn’t rang me today , I think she has fell out with me over me asking to go in the car with Lisa
at the funeral I’ve done a lot for her over the last 6 months and more I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday July 19 th 2019 16:55pm
Hello Malc and Tigger it’s been an ok day today I took Muffin up the skelly this morning Then to Aldi .
Later went to Jeans for lunch stayed until 3:45pm
I’m tired Malc and feel very weepy . Sheila wasn’t happy this morning we kind of argued over who was sitting in the car following the hurst . I’m really getting existed with her now She’s ordered 100 leaflets for the church Catering for 100. Madness .
I’ve tried telling her but she isn’t listening John the mobility chap has found a big fault He’s ordering the new part and will get back to me I don’t feel too grand today My head really is felling unbalanced .
I’m so stressed Malc what with W the bungalow Christopher paying me no money and The funeral of Colin .
I’m watching The chase Malc our favourite I miss you so much darlin.
I’m just warn out .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday July 18th 2019 13:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is a lonely day.
I’ve been to Cannock to take a parcel back to DP .
Came back to chadsmoor ordered flowers for Colin’s funeral .
Next Thursday at Penkridge .
Not feeling too good today Malc hope nothing serious Can’t explain really Caroline has just been over to borrow my hoove
She is a lovely lady helped me a lot and Trev
Her husband .
She has her Mum in law and father in law at the moment I wish I had her energy .
Hope this feeling goes away .
Nowhere to go today 😟.
I feel I’m going crazy 😜 not seeing people
Please Malc help me find me company not a man to live with Just company . I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday. July. 17 th 2019 16:10pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very stressful .
W is driving me insane .
She’s refused to pay half of the insurance of Bungalow
But Rob my solicitor says he will take it out of the estate pay me back at end of signing over .
I’ve seen no one again today Lisa face timed me only Her and Geoff on their own now Shall be glad when their back .
Jean Beardsmore is ring later I’m going to hers Friday I’m losing weight but hope this is the new tablets I’m on I love you and miss you Malc more than ever Sheila rang me this morning she’s gone bonkers Zia think Not having second car ridiculous !!
Colin’s Funeral .
I think she has used me to be fare Sitting with Colin until he passed away .
She told me not to go down Saturday !
Not offered me in the car either She’s all mixed up at the moment .
I’m leaving her to it .
Under enough stress I don’t need this .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday July 16 th 2019 18:05pm
Today hasn’t been bad at all .
I took Muffin up the skelly then popped to see Mums Bungalow had sold on it .
It does.
I then came home waiting for Carole Banks to come for lunch My new table chairs and parasols came Beautiful .
I’ve had to go back to B& Q though to buy a base to stand the parasol in .
They waived the delivery cost.
It’s coming tomorrow.
My scooter is playing up keeps stopping suddenly when I go off or on some pavements John is coming tomorrow to have a look .
I received paperwork Mums Bungalow it’s so complicated My friend is coming tonight to check I’ve done it correctly.
I miss you Malc so much.
I seem to be doing everything myself .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday 14th July 2019 16:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been upside down .
Colin has passed away Malc as you probably know I’m glad because he was just lying there being fed Pursail stuff Thickening yuk .
Sheila has her neighbours now so she will e ok She will need time on her own .
Not like me I hate being on my own .
As I am now .
Trev and Caz and his Mum and Dad have been over this morning bringing pots and garden furniture back .
Ellie stayed over they picked her up and I took sweets anchoc to the car .
Kissed Cam and Georgia told Georgia she could stay when she isn’t riding .she smiled .
Hugged Ellie and said goodbye .
Chanel waved I didn’t wave back .
She has a nerve !!!
Lisa is ringing me later she is still in Greece .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I miss you darlin xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday July 13 th 2019 15:09 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit. Strange .
I took Muffin to Cannock to return a garden ornament TJ Hughes it was rubbish I then popped to see a Sheila but she is quite anxious and obviously thinking of Colin as he is dying .
He has lasted a good age 81years .
Sheila is a bit sharp at the moment which is understandable She doesn't want me to go and see him now
She just wants to be on her own with him I do hope it is quick for him .
I don’t want him to linger .
He will be joining you Malc soon I think I asked Christopher to go and pay his respects but he hasn’t been . What has happened to my son ? Chanel was very rude today little s...
I done respect her any more at all If I never see her again it will be too soon We will never be close again I assure you of that .
All what I have done for both of them Ellie is here now she came early They have gone to a party in Ashbourne Derbyshire Can not Georgia spoke to me .
They are going holiday shopping tomorrow so I reckon Ellie will be picked up early .
Hope so I want to go Tesco about 10:30 am I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you and miss you so much darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday July 12 th 2019 15:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I feel very weepy Malc so alone .
It’s Muffins 7 th Birthday today I have brought him a new harness .
Riding round most of the day today I did pop to Kay’s but she was busy cleaning I don’t think she wanted me there really .
Back home .
Trev is coming over Sunday morning to bring pots round furniture and put the willow screening up .
No company again today .
Lisa has just face timed me her dress is gorgeous and it’s red hot . She has got me a fridge magnet .
Oh Malc I wish you were here with me .
I miss you so much .
Colin is dying now he is being made comfortable Palliative care .
I’ve asked Christopher to pop in before Colin passes away .
I’m not sure if he will .
I do hope he does .
No money coming my way from Christopher.
I’m waiting until he opens all his homes then I will stay asking I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday July 11th 2019 05:16am.
Hello Malc I’m awake early things on my mind .
The loft is being boarded in three weeks it’s cist a lot of money but it’s being done professionally.
A lonely week this week every one is away . Garden is still in a mess but I have to be patient . Saw Colin Yesterday he does look as if he is dying I don’t know how he is still surviving , I wish he would slowly pass away it’s cruel to watch him .
He isn’t drinking or eating now .
I’m sitting up watching tv but tired .
I wish you were here Malc by my side . I miss you so much Don’t know where I’m going today not sure wt the weather is doing .’
I might pop to Kays if she is in this afternoon .
I can’t stand my own company .
It’s not getting any easier Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday July 10th 2019 07:35 Hello Malc I’m writing early so I won’t forget .
Not a lot happening today .
Hair this morning then a boring day . Might sort my boxes of clothes out.
Lisa face timed me last night hotel looks great just outside Zanta .
Wonderful memories Malc .
If only I could turn that clock back .
I still live on memories Malc .
All my friends are away or busy.
I’m ringing the loft company today and sending a deistic
Hope they do it soon .
Waiting now for all paperwork to be tied up Mums Bungalow .
Again I’m doing it all on my own no help what so ever .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday July 9th 2019 19:30 pm
He’ll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been fairly busy .
I took Muffin up the skelly only a short run today .
Kay picked us up and took us to Stafford Argos in Sainsburys To pick up some butterfly lights .
I later checked Max because Lisa is way with Geoff his sisters wedding .
Then went to Carole Banks for lunch .
They don’t take me out any more Malc not since I lost you Every one is away at the moment on holiday .
Nothing from Christopher.
Well at least the bungalow is sold subject to contract Hope all goes well .
I’m losing a lot of weight Malc and on new tablets Hope it is that or stress .
I’m taking the p test when I come back from Poole I’m frightened to have it before incase they find anything wrong I’m having the loft part boarded after I come back from Poole Hoping Trev over the road will do my screening this Friday.
Then the rest will be done in the shed .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I miss you Malc so much.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday July 8th 2019 18:19pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been quite eventful
This morning I took Muffin to Rugeley brought some butterfly lights for out side in the garden .’
Later Lisa and Geoff took me to lunch lovely They are off to Zanta tomorrow for 10 days .
Well guess what Mum’s bungalow Is sold .
I reckon subject to contract 12 weeks to wait . It will be such a relief when it goes through .
Oh Malc I wish you were here to share stuff with me .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boyNEW by: Rose
Sunday July 7 th 2019. 16:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiger My Baby Boy Today has been boring and so lonely .
I’m at Ashcroft hollow nursing home with Colin No change really he’s very fragile.
But fighting .
I’m leaving in a minute.
Back home now no one to-come home to .
It’s a kid on I have Muffin .
Neighbours birthday Trev today he’s 49 yrs.
I’m tired today Malc didn’t have a good night s slerp .
Carol Norrey rang they are getting me some more solicitor
Nothing on telly tonight I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xoxo
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday July 6th 2019 07;51am
Hello Malc I’m writing early another busy day Taking Muffin for a groom 11am No Penkridge today .
Taking parcel to Asda after dropping Muffin off for his groom Hoping the willow screening comes today it’s holding things up It’s not so sunny today Malc Lisa and Geoff going to the races Ellie is staying over tonight .
I miss you Malc so much it’s hurts I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday July 5th 2019 13:01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc again I have Trev Caz and their Daughter Katy coming over to put the pots back and finish off part of decking .
Then hopefully Trev will lay the rest down buy the back gates It’s very warm today but dry which I love .
I’m lonely Malc so lonely with out you .
I very rarely see my family now .
Caz the neighbour helps me now getting out of bed washing toilet and dressing putting me to bed at night .
I miss you so much Malc .
My heart is broken and will never mend .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday July 3rd 2019 05:31am He’llo Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc lots going on today I will take Muffin up the skelly then to shops Later Carole Banks is coming for lunch She will stay until about 3:30pm
Later my mate is taking me a ride out I think a pub I might suggest the bell at haughtiness Kay is still away with Alan and Jason Weather is good at the moment I miss you and love you Malc feeling down I need company every day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I’m not doing anything . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday July 2nd 2019 21:43pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit emotional today I took Muffin up the skelly went passed W house no car there It was Kelly’s birthday today so that’s where she would be I have sent a message to Kelly and she’s thanked me
Lisa took me for a meal but I will say I didn’t enjoy it I feel Lisa doesn’t really want to take me and all she talked about was work or Geoff’s sisters .
I only see her probably once a week maybe I see more of my friends .
Carol and cliff brought me some soil and cliff potted them for me .
Trevor the neighbour is coming Friday to put pots back and tidy up .
Lots I want him to do for me when he’s ready I feel very low today I told Lisa but she said nothing I miss you Malc so much darlin I’m glad I have Muffin and my friends .
I feel my family are drifting away .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday July 1st 2019 18:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my. Baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad really .
Took Muffin up the skelly and noticed W &P had , had a new car .
P must be ok W must have been exaggerating
I wish the injection had been out when you had Cancer Malc I was picked up by Carol Norrey today had a couple of hours with her .
She brought me some plants up with Cliff .
I miss you Malc so much .
I feel a bit low tonight I need a boost .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday June 30th 2019 2026 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today has gone so quickly .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi Came back Trev Mark and Katy were doing the decking.
They were here all day .
I gave them salad sandwiches sausage rolls and drinks .
It looks amazing Malc I hope you’re looking down and seeing what I’ve done to maintain our house .
Thank you Mum you helped buy this with the money you left us .
Trev is coming back tomorrow to finish little bits Also there is far to much decking so he is going to lay it near my gate .
I’ve paid them £400 and presents given then my decking and all my blinds .
Clothes for Caz .
I think they are happy . I am .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday June 29th 2019 15:08pn
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today Has been busy . I took Muffin tobsee Sheila took a top back to DP .
Came back called in Lisa’s to let Max our tipped up his water .
Collected my glasses Ken did for me .’£80 four pairs To hot to stay out today .
Trevor doing decking with Mark but Mark gone off until tomorrow Malc I’m so lonely with out you darlin It’s your garden I’m having done .
I miss you so much Malc think about you all day every day I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday June 28th 2019. 19:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been busy Malc. Washed my hair took Muffin to Cannock later to have my eyes tested but it bacame quite serious .
I had to go back in the afternoon for her to check the back of my eyes and have stronger lenses because if cataracts. Getting worse It did worry me but fine now , all ok .
Trev and Caz and Katy came to stay the decking It’s been too hot 🥵 I’ve just been to get Sheila and Colin a wedding Anniversary card 57 years on Sunday I’ve brought some flowers too .
It’s Caz and Trevor’s Wedding Anniversary 3years this weekend .
I’ve brought a card .
Feeling lonely with out you Malc missing you terribly
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday June 27th 2019 06:30am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc. It’s going to be a busy day Mirror coming and mobility scooter for going on trains m
Carol Norrey is coming tonight for a cuppa .
Kay Alan and Jason are going away on Saturday Illfracombe only for a few days .
No money from Christopher yet !!!
Finley is 7 tomorrow Malc where are the years going ?
Malc I wish you could come home to me I miss you my darlin so much .’
I will write to you again tomorrow early again Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 26th 2019 18:30pm
Hello Mal my darlin ad Tigger my baby on
Today has been very busy .
I took Muffin to Cannock called in Funeral parlour Changing my bond having a willow coffin Also got paperwork for Sheila & Colin .
Popped to Penkridge to a meeting about wills . Care homes prices all sorts .
I’ve made an appointment a week on Friday to talk to someone about my will lasting power of attorney etc I later called back to the funeral place to talk to them lovey girls .
I’ve wished Ellie a happy 11th Birthday She was happy had a computer for her present .
Nothing from Christopher or her .
Lisa is talking about changing her job She’s talking to Christopher.
I’ve sold my. Body pillow £10 .
The decking hopefully will be done this weekend I have brought a smal scooter to go on the train Rugeley or Lichfield .
Also for holiday .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday June 25th 2019 19:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and. Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been so good .
It’s rained all day so Muffin and I couldn’t go out until very late Lisa took me to Sainsburys but I was disappointed She was rushing and was edgy .
She went for an interview and spoke to Christopher I think she will stay in this job .’
Done to Kay today we had a laugh I’ve got to remember she is off to Ilfracomb from Friday until Monday night .
I might go down tomorrow afternoon take a top and skirt Going to Penkridge in the morning a meeting at Halibg dene The decking was dropped off today and the willow fencing Trevor the neighbour is starting it Friday night with Mark his mate .
It’s Ellies 11th Birthday tomorrow Malc and Finley’s 7th Where are the years going .
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday June. 24th 2019 18:42pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a good day .
The wood was collected early this morning I took Muffin up the skelly .
Called by W and passed your old house Malc
174 mount street wish we were still cauting I miss you so much Malc .
Spoke to Dr tonight about blood results .
Have to reduced vit b 12 to one twice a day Otherwise blood tests ok .
Wood being delivered in the morning decking is being done weekend .
Viewing Mums bungalow Friday , hope they buy it buy it.
Dot-came for lunch today a good afternoon .
Caz. Trevor came over. Lopped the bush in the back garden.
Sheila has rang again today several times
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday June 23rd 2019 13:25pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been fairly busy .
Late getting up not seeing family so no rush.
Trev and Mark came over to get up last of old decking I took Muffin to the park and Aldi and Tesco .
Fridge clean out now .
The drain was blocked Malc had to contact insurance They sorted it . It was fat !!!!
Also Trev found the manhole glad I had the shed moved it was covering it .
Trev is going to sort all my garden when the decking is done Lisa must be at work today not heard from her .
Nothing from Christopher her or Ellie .
I’m going to see Colin this afternoon only an hour though I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday June 22nd 2019 19:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit of a disaster from beginning to end It’s started off ok until I came back from Sheila’s Trevor had got the old decking up and found the drain blocked it had been blocked for a very long time It’s a good job Trevor got the old decking up .
Weather against us tomorrow now and got to wait for the correct tantalised wood for the base to come Tuesday .
Wickes refunding me for the wrong wood sent He will do his best I know .
I’m blessed with my neighbours they do such a lot for me I know it will get sorted in the end .
I miss you Malc more than ever I’m trying to get the house sorted .
Then I can concentrate on holidays .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday June 21 2019 15:55pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been good really . I took Muffin up the skelly then home Popped to Aldi and Tesco .
Later Carol Norrey and Muffin and I went to Ye old windmill pub just up from The Redmore pub .
Lovely meal well worth the money .
Carol is a great friend , if I win the lottery I will treat her promise .
Malc I wish you were here to hold me and cuddle up to me I’m so lonely with out you Malc as much as I have friends I love and miss you so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday June 20th 2019 17:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been busy I took Muffin up the skelly then to Hednesford .
Later went to Cannock B&Q seen a table and chairs garden they have told me to ring Zoe in a month to check if reduced Haven’t seen or heard from anyone today Just Muffin and I .
I’m so lonely Malc I need to get out all the time Although I love our house.
I need to see people .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 18 th 2019 06:34am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early again Malc. I don’t want to forget .
Our shutters are up and done they look gorgeous ?.
Well worth the money .’
Going to Carole Banks today because of shutters being fitted .
It’s flippin rainy again when will it stop ?
I want our decking done and garden tidy.
Nothing from Christopher again .
Ellie is sleeping over on Saturday don’t think Georgia will come Cameron definitely won’t come .
This is all Chanel’s fault 😡
No Mortgage paid by him any more .
I miss you Malc so much if only you could visit me even if it was for 10 mins . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday. June. 18 th 2019 06:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early lots going on today .
The chap from Hillays putting shutters up Hope they are ok no problems .
Hope he does take all day .
I have a blood test today 9:15 am aba1c vit b12 Kidneys test & Blood pressure too .
Hope all is ok . I’m taking Muffin with me .
I love you and miss you Malc more and more each day mi wish you would come to me I want to hug you kiss you love you.
Can’t have decking laid yet rain stopping it .
Hope weather does improve soon .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday June 17th 2019 12:32pm
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today started off a panic loss of blood or strawberry not digested !!
Hope the latter see how tomorrow goes .
I don’t want any more bad luck Malc I’ve got back ache too and feel uncomfortable lower stomach Oh Malc what next .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning Looks like W & P are on holiday Blackpool I guess Jean Beardsmore is on her way Lunch here .
Lisa has picked up her rattan furniture from Aldi Hope ok .
Looks like my refund is on its way .
I miss you Malc so much.
I need you to help me through this .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious My Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday June 15th 2019 16:28 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very busy from this morning .
Ziggy came to finish painting the small bedroom Caroline Trevor and the girls came to clear the front trees and the back bush over the shed .
I cooked Ziggy a dinner .
I’m with Colin Now at Ashcroft Hollow NH .
I’ve spoken to Sheila .
It’s stopped raining .
I’ve brought Lisa a rattan garden set from Aldi Geoff has got to pick it up .
It’s Fathers day today Malc Lisa has put a piece on face book and Geoff .
I replied and have put a piece for our Dad Hope you’re eating your mars bar Malc I’m trying to maintain the house and garden for you .
Neighbour s Trevor & Caroline are great I don’t know What I would do with out them What’s happened to my family?
I know Lisa's busy but Geoff used to help I have to pay people now.
Life has changed so much Malc .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday June 15 th 2019 07:09 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is going to be busy so I’m writing early Malc Ziggy is coming to finish bedroom painting m
The decking is coming sometime today
Got to get it straight for Tuesday shutters are being fitted Not happy with Andy he has charged me another £100 I think e dies this on a regular basis .’I should have had a written quote . I thought he was a lovely man but now I’m thinking different
I’m really stressed out at the moment Malc lots going on .’
I have to write to you I have no support from my family really Lisa. Does come but not Christopher .
I might have a text from Ellie today she may want to sleep over again . If she does I will let her stay . I’m in a mess but never mind she’s company.
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday June 14 th 2019 12:41 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I feel ver angry .
Scammed again now by the plumber .
What is it about being a widow and have no one to support you .
Wickes delivered treated wood for base of decking AB building came this morning but didn’t bring anything to take Decking off truck .
So coming back this afternoon Caroline and Trevor coming over to shift pots Ziggy still here painting .
He’ll stay until 6pm .
Geoff is in pain with his ribs Christopher rang to see if he was ok !!!!!!!!!
Not heard a thing from him NEVER MIND !!! I’ll remember I’m very hurt 😔 I miss you Malc and I’m crying as I speak Lisa is at home today !!!
Family !!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday June 13 th 2019 16:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been busy Andy is here to finish bathroom
Ziggy painting the small bedroom.
I’ve been out with Jayne to the chetwynd upper Longdon My scooter is back John not sorted panel out horn not working still .
He has put hammerite under scooter Fixed the tiller .
All the rooms are in a mess .
I feel a bit low this afternoon with what has to be done Still all will be good I reckon .
Sheila has rang spoke a bit to Colin He’s really poorly .
The decking is coming tomorrow all being well I miss you Malc so much darlin Help me through this and sit Christopher out please I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 12th 2019 17:49 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been eventful .
Andy came but just took me to take tiles back back coming tomorrow He has ordered shower for bidet.
Ziggy is coming tomorrow too tonpsi t small bedroom I’ve been to see Kay took her a small present for looking after house .
Lisa came and took me to see Colin we stayed an hour .
We gave him a cup of tea he drank half He put his arms out for Lisa and said I will always be your uncle Colin . Muffin has eat well today Lisa got your message our song was playing tgectroggs Love is all around She said you were telling her to go and see Colin We laughed .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday June 11th 2019 07:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today it’s pouring down yet again .
I’ve just ordered the new decking coming on Friday .
I wish the rain would stop it’s June and should be flaming June Trevor across the road is going to put it down with his mates
Carol Banks is coming today 1pm
I’ve got to go to Lisa’s the company are picking up faulty rattan furniture.
Hope the rain Bates by 11am I still feel low in myself Christopher is causing this all over the kids because I don’t Want all of them together they fight you know that Malc I’ve been having lovely girly weekends with Ellie she love to come . Colin is deteriorating by the day hope he doesn’t suffer to long Sheila is losing her mind with worry .’
Life is so cruel Malc , you were taken from me Mum was taken from me .
I’m so lonely Malc no one understands.
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday June 10th 2019 19:17 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been ok .’rain now all week Wickes order done for treated wood £85:49 My mate took me out today lunch .
I do wish he would take me somewhere different But I shouldn’t grumble . I wish it was you Malc .
I’ve ordered a mirror today turning the small bedroom into a dressing room .
I’m trying to cheer myself up Malc Nothing from Christopher I have sent him a message no reply .
Oh dear Malc !!!
Got to go to Lisa’s tomorrow check collection of rattan furniture I miss you my darlin .
I will write tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday June 9th 2019 16:32pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a strange day .
Ellie stayed over a good night had by all Chanel picked her up but stayed in the car Christopher didn’t come . Cameron totally ignored me The very kind neighbours came over Caroline Took all my blinds down Trevor and Mark his mate shifted a few pots round the front and the rattan furniture.
I’ve got to order the new decking Tuesday Both from Hampshire and travis Perkins .
I’m at Ashcroft hollow with Colin he’s dying I think Sheila has rang several times
The nurse jade just been in she thinks he won’t be here much longer .
She is very worried about Sheila .
She thinks Colin shouldn’t have come out He’s such a sorry site to see .’
Hope you don’t mind Malc my friend is taking me out for lunch tomorrow I wish it was you darlin . I miss you more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday June 8th. 2019. 03:08am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m lying awake with all sorts going through my mind What have I done to deserve all this anger .
Chanel has caused this big fall out between Christopher and me Now I can’t see my Grandchildren because she caused a problem over the kids Ellie and I were getting along famously and she stuck her ore in .
All I said was all three together fight and having one at a time would be better taking it in turns .
She’s a complete Bitch , that’s why her sisters and brother don’t speak to her now .
Money has gone to Christopher’s head and she thinks she is somebody .
I miss those girly weekends with Ellie They don’t realise I’m nearly 70 years of age They are 30 odd .’
They will need me before I will need them I can’t sleep Malc things going through my head I’ve got to stay strong for my sanity and looking after my baby boy Muffin .
Oh Malc what’s gone so wrong ???
Why since you have passed away I am being punished?
Roll on 6 o’clock so I can turn the telly on I’m wide awake .’
Get us back safe Malc .
I miss you darlin more than ever I will write to you again tomorrow Malc m
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday June 7th 2019 17:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today started off a complete disaster.
Pouring down with rain , it was coming in our bedroom ceiling From the terrace .
Well home tomorrow Malc hope we have a safe journey back home.
Watch over us Malc .
Muffin has been great not eat a lot but hes such a good boy .
Been to Torquay town today after the rain had stopped Just back from a meal at The Drum .
Packing now home tomorrow .
Early breakfast booked taxi for 9;55 am I wished you had been here with me Malc .
I miss you so much darlin .
I hope life gets better Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday June 6 th 2019 06:03am
I know it’s early Malc but not sleeping very well and Dit and I are going to Exeter St David today .
It’s pouring down at the moment but should be clearing Not such a good holiday this time .
Christopher has put the damper on it .
I don’t know what I will be going back home to WHAT NEXT ??????
I miss you Malc I have no support from anyone Muffin has been such a good little boy here on holiday He’s not eating much but we only have two more days to go Dots such good company she understands I’m lonely Malc with out you .
I need you so much Malc st this moment in time m
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Let you know what sort of day we had today
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday June 5th 2019 05:52am
Hello Malc sorry it’s early writing Only being at Torquay it’s a busy day and hopefully a nice one.
Not such good weather this year a bit disappointed really I think we will change our holiday destination next year . Restaurant s rubbish here really and the place has gone down in my opinion.
I opened the message Christopher sent yesterday So hurt Malc ,
He says he’s sending money over !!!
But I’m to go through his solicitor and Never to see the kids or him again .
The things we’ve done for him Malc 😥😥😥
I’ve got to pay the mortgage myself and it’s his but unfortunately it’s in my name .
I’m so hurt I can’t cry .’
He’s changed so much .
All because Ifelt having all the kids together was to much for me Caused is all Chanel’s fault she started all this She’s fell out wit her sisters and brother , she fell out with her Mum and now she’s dead .
Well what goes around comes around I’m getting it all ☺️
Dot is snoring her head off Muffins aslrpnabd I’m wide awake I miss you Malc so much , I need you at this moment in time
I will write to you again. Tomorrow Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE YOU 😍 FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday June 4th 2019 07:34 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today Dot and I are going out early rain later Hope not to cold . We are going to find out what’s happening tomorrow Muffin slept all night he’s a good boy xx
I will write tomorrow’ to tell where we went . I wish you were here Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday June 3rd 2019 18:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been lovely Dot and I travelled to Torquay straight through from Birmingham new street Scooter hire been into Torquay to suss it out Had a meal out but wasn’t very good .
Now had scone and cream cuppa tablets .
Malc I wish you were here you would enjoy it .
I miss you so much darlin xx
Muffin is settled had his meal now asleep he’s had a busy day great in the train .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday June 3rd 2019 18:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been lovely Dot and I travelled to Torquay straight through from Birmingham new street Scooter hire been into Torquay to suss it out Had a meal out but wasn’t very good .
Now had scone and cream cuppa tablets .
Malc I wish you were here you would enjoy it .
I miss you so much darlin xx
Muffin is settled had his meal now asleep he’s had a busy day great in the train .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday June 2nd 2019 16:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is very busy . I took Muffin to the park then home trying to find my red Mack in a bag .
I lent it Lisa but she saying she has returned it I’ve searched and searched .
Another item gone missing .
Lisa isn’t coming tonight she’s got get back for THE DOG Love my family so caring aren’t they Malc Nothing from Christopher no Ellie !!
Raining today hope weather improves tomorrow.
I miss you so much Malc so much 😥
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC xxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday June 1st 2019. 15:26pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today not so good , bus broke down therefore late to Penkridge.
Caught 12.35 pm back .
Came straight home .
Lots to do today but haven’t got the energy .’
Jean has asked me to dinner tomorrow what a good friend she is . I wish my family would think more .
Malc I am in a right mess with the money Christopher has taken from me .
He has stopped paying the Mortgage too 😢😢😢
I need to win the lottery!!
Send me some numbers please in my dream m
Trevor is coming across later to put new clock up outside and wood on the fence and sort timer out for when I go away .
I miss you Malc so much xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger.l and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny.
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday May 31st 2019. 15:25pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today fairly busy Malc .
Took Muffin to the groomers then popped round Cannock for a few things .
Saw Kay and Alan he is doing well .
People are coming tonight for single bed and Mattress Been to Hednesford Aldi & Tesco .
Can’t decide what to put in my case when we go on holiday I’ve. Heard or had nothing from Christopher Lisa is at work .
I miss you my darlin more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .’
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 30 th 2019 17:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very stressful from beginning to end It stayed off problem with. Rattan garden set from EBay trying to replace it .
Aldi I’ve cancelled that one .
Been to Kays took her plant .
Chilled out a bit then she always makes me feel good Someone is buying single bed coming tomorrow Lisa and Geoff ‘s 10 th Wedding Anniversary they are out having a meal .
Won’t see Lisa now until Monday next week .
Nothing from Christopher or her .
No reply from Ellie she’s been told not to text me I guess Oh Malc how things have gone so bad since I lost you .
I miss you so much darlin 😥😥😥
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday May 28th 2019 17:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has gone so quickly .
Took Muffin to Hednesford first rushing today m
Ziggy finished my painting in the stairs , he also put a mirror up for me .
Later I took Muffin to Carol’s stayed until 4:15 I’m home now lots to sort but cannot do it pains through out my body .
I’m feeling very low not knowing if I will ever see my Grandchildren again .
Ellie and I were getting on very well .
She loved coming for a sleep over .
Watching films and a take away.
Chanel has caused this Malc !!!
I’m so lonely with out you darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday May 27th 2019 13:17pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today yet another lonely day . Took Muffin to Cannock brought some paint for Ziggy to do small bedroom .’
Such a lot to sort .
Pouring down today and Paul a gardener is sorting Mums Just rang him he has just finished .
Bringing an invoice up .
I’ve brought Lisa and Geoff garden furniture It’s being delivered today I hope .
Oh Malc I do miss you so much .
Nothing from Christopher again no money paid .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 26th 2019 16:36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very lonely no Ellie nobody no text no phone calls Only Carol Norrey asking what a weekend I had , had Boring Malc .
I wish she would ask me for a cuppa .
I miss your company Malc more the years go by the worse I feel . It’s getting no better .
I’ve had such a lot of bad blood .
Will my life turn around ????
I can’t seem to concentrate of one particular thing.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 25th 2019 11:03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m at Sheila’s she is still anxious .
I’m going to Rugeley later see what weather is doing .
Still at Sheila’s Colin is stopping in New Cross .
Hope he stops in after bank holiday Monday .
I’m going to Penkridge market after my cup of tea Then next bus back .
I miss you Malc so much Don’t know if Ellie will text me she asked if she could sleep over .
It’s up to Christopher !!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday May 24th 2019 07:50am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc I don’t want to forget .
I’m waiting in for a mirror someone is selling Then going to Rugeley later Lisa is off but I don’t know if I will see her .
I’m going to Penkridge Saturday to see Sheila .
Wander if Marg will be there with Kath .
Colin is in Newcross hospital .
Goodness knows what will happen with him now I reckon today will be a very lonely day .
I’m glad I have Muffin he is my world .
Got to sort clothes out .
House is in a mess .
Ziggy finished painting now looks good .’
I miss you darlin so much my heart aches for you. Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 23rd 2019 14:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been ok .
Took Muffin up the skelly this morning then Hednesford .
Ziggy has been painting inside the house keeping it maintained.
Decking being done soon shutters too .
Nothing from Christopher again no mortgage paid No Investment money back yet .
Waiting a while hope he does pay it back . I miss you Malc so much darlin I wish I could turn the clock back .
Ziggy is talking me to death today Hope he finishes the painting soon !!
The neighbours are coming over later to discuss the decking Hope Ziggy has gone by then .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesfday May 22nd 2019 13:10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been lovely so far Took Muffin to the vets last check up after his castration and eye op .
Now with Jean and Jeff ikea a meal boundary mill after Muffin is enjoying himself too .
Jeff taking him
A walk I haven’t heard from Lisa or My son I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I am enjoying my day though.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC Sorry it’s short Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
I will write
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday May 21st 2019 07:21pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc lots going on today ..
Christopher sent me a very upsetting message last night Stopping me from seeing Cameron , Ellie and Georgia Threatening legal action if I try contacting them .
All over me not wanting all kids together because they fight So suggested having them in a one to one which I have been doing having lovely weekends with Ellie .
I’m devastated Malc it’s gone out of all proportion I have written him a letter hoping he will change his mind Chanel has caused all this !!
I’m trying to put it out of my mind orcI will go mental I’m so stressed Malc , my body is paining me .
Lots going on today Malc .
Since you have passed away all has gone down hill I miss you darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Help me through this please .
I’m frightened !!!!
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday May 20th 2019 17:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been good really I took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Later Carol Norrey picked Muffin and I up for a cake and cuppa.
She’s a lovely friend .
Nothing from Christopher today !!!
I miss you Malc more than ever you’re in my thoughts every day Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC Sorry it’s short darlin I just miss you Malc 😥
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 19th 2019 10:53am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I still have Ellie here Christopher is picking her up at 12 I’m feeling all tensed up not knowing what he is going to say I’m sitting out side the front garden it’s teally warm Will I ever relax with my family .
Chanel is the problem .
She is the instigator of all our family problems I used to be so close but not now .
I’m done with her now !!!!
I have been to Hednesford this morning something for dinner Going to Ashcroft to see Colin later Only stay an hour I think .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER. MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday. May 18 th 2019 19:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a surprise really I took Muffin to Cannock Penkridge and Hednesford earlier .
Took a jumper back to DP .
Had a credit card valid 2 years £7.
Later in the afternoon Lisa asked me to meet her and Geoff and Finley and Carter on the park there was a fair ground .
Ellie texted me asking if she could sleep over I said of course you can so Chanel dropped her off at the Park I paid for her to go on some rides one with Lisa
She had a candy floss . Later we went to Lisa’s had a curry and stayed an hour Max attacked Muffin .
So we had to separate them .
Max also ripped Ellie’s coat .
We are home now drops in Muffins eye and sitting watching a gory film .
Still no money from Christopher or Chanel Need to sort it .
I still have this pain under my left shoulder blade I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday May 17th 2019 2019 17:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’ve been very bored Took Muffin to B&q to collect an order .
Ziggy came to paint and is just leaving .
No Grandchildren !!!!!!!
I think Chanel is either being funny or they have a serious worry .
I hope the business is ok , although Christopher is being Angry with me ,
I wouldn’t wish anything bad to happen I am worried 😟.
I hope he hasn’t gone in too deep .
I’ll pray tonight I can win the lottery for them infact all the family I love Christopher and Lisa with all my heart But he just hates me .
I miss you Malc so much if only you were here with me I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 16th 2019. 17:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has bern a strange day not a good one really I took Muffin to Cannock to get Kay and myself garlic caps Then Xiggy came to paint the Bench swing it’s not painting very well .
I’m feeling very low today Malc No sign of Christopher outing Mortgage or investment money in yet .
It’s really eating away at me .
Ziggy is back painting slow job today . I’m frustrated.
Not happy today at all .
Muffin is getting better he is just eating his meal He does listen to me you know We know each other .
I’ve been asking for you today come home Malc please I’m so lonely with out you darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday May 15th 2019. 18:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been too bad .
I took Muffin to the vets follow up from ops He’s done well so far .
Ziggy came to do more painting .
Coming back tomorrow to finish off .
Seeing no one now until May be the kids stay Friday night Andy. Plumber might be coming Friday or Saturday I miss you Malc darlin so much .
I ache for you xx
The bungalow is up for sale Hope all goes well .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday May 14th 2019 16:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very strange .
Kay came to put cream in Muffins eye .
Ziggy came to paint the inside fencing coming back tomorrow W spoke to me this morning Re Mums Bungalow All sorted up for sale tomorrow.
Crossing fingers it sells at a good price .
Kay is coming later to put cream in Muffins eye again Just been .
Nothing from Christopher or Chanel. Today Lisa is off no text or visit .
I wish you were here Malc to sort things out I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday May 13th 2019 16:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been lovely apart from taking Muffin to the vets Two lumps removed from his left eye and castrations I dropped him off this morning at 8:45 am Jayne my friend took me to Trentham. Gardens It has been a lovely day Weather just right .
Brought a couple of things .
Treated Jayne to a meal at The George and Dragon For taking me out .
No one in the family has asked about Muffin only my friends Kay and Dot and of course Jayne my friend who took me out Muffin had his op now drowsy and in pain Kay is coming up later to see us .
Oh Malc why can’t we be at peace with the family I will have to keep an eye on Muffin I’ve took his buster collar off at the moment will put it back on before he goes to bed I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 12 th 2019 15:40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit strange .
I took Muffin up the skelly. Then popped a mobile number To W door So she can ring Bev to do Mums garden.
I’m really stressing at the moment Christopher is causing me great problems .
Chanel needs to knock that chip off her shoulders Lisa and Geoff took me to Shoal hill tavern We talked about Christopher Now I think she understands how I feel Didn’t stop long really didn’t enjoy it I seemed to be rushed .
I’m here now with Colin he’s fast asleep .
I’ve got to get Muffin back later he’s got to have a shower Operation tomorrow .
I don’t know what the future is going to bring I need a boost Malc a real big boost .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Sorry not much to talk about today I miss you so much Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER. MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 11th 2019. 10:03 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I have took Muffin toAldi rode to Cannock Now on the bus to Penkridge to see Sheila Weather lovey .
Nothing from Christopher !!!!
Sent both Ellie and Georgia a message no reply I don’t k is what’s going to happen I’m really angry with. Chanel over this .
My life is so lonely At present.
I’m writing early Malc .
I’ve just received a message fromEllie might be coming next Friday !! I miss you Malc you wouldn’t have put up with this I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVEi💕 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
May 9th 2019 12:12 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today yet again pouring down with rain .
I’m suppose to be going to Kays .
Took Muffin to the drs today while I had a blood test Then to Hednesford .
Nothing from Christopher yet !!
Chanel should be putting in money for investment Not happy at the moment .
Time will tell .
Lisa rang me last night we had a long talk Both kind of sorted .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
My Precious My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday May 8th. 2019 14:01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is pouring down took Muffin to Aldi No long walk today Might be going to see Colin at nursing home See how rain is .
So lonely staying in only having Lisa to get me out of bed and leave lunch dinner and putting me to bed Heard from Sheila quite a lot today .
No Mortgage from Christopher yet this is the longest he’s left it .
I don’t think he will pay it now .
He’s had all that money from me now I’m suffering for it .
He might come up front with it yet . Oh Malc I can’t tell you how I’m happy I am Missing you so much and Mums gone as you know It’s cruel really .
I will right to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday. 6th May 2019 07;03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc lots to do today Going to travis Perkins then Cannock .
Carole Banks is coming for lunch .’
Lisa didn’t come last night she miss read the message from me .
Jordan had come she had been to see jade and the kids If Jean and Jeff hadn’t have come yesterday I would have seen no one .
Christopher still no Mortgage !!!!!!!!!!!!
Not happy with him or her . I don’t feel wanted at all by my family .’
My friends are my support I feel very low and worried .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Miss you darlin so much .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday May 6th 2019 12:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin to Travis Perkins closed Then to Hednesford to buy food for lunch
Jean and Jeff are coming soon She is doing sandwiches .’
Later I shall take Muffin a ride round if it’s not raining.
I did see Lisa & Geoff this morning they waived I have asked her to come this evening to put me to bed I’m feeling very in loved at the moment Christopher hasn’t put the Mortgage on I hope he will He’s so stubborn The stairs I’d finished Malc you would love it Hope you can see it Malc I miss you so much .
Sheila is driving me mad ringing at least 7 times a day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday May 6th 2019 12:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I took Muffin to Travis Perkins closed Then to Hednesford to buy food for lunch
Jean and Jeff are coming soon She is doing sandwiches .’
Later I shall take Muffin a ride round if it’s not raining.
I did see Lisa & Geoff this morning they waived I have asked her to come this evening to put me to bed I’m feeling very in loved at the moment Christopher hasn’t put the Mortgage on I hope he will He’s so stubborn The stairs I’d finished Malc you would love it Hope you can see it Malc I miss you so much .
Sheila is driving me mad ringing at least 7 times a day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday May 5th 2019 12:25pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc as Ellie is still here after sleeping over .
Don’t know who is picking her up Hope no arguments .
I shall see no one when Ellie goes home Lisa is st Bridge North with Geoff .
I will take Muffin a ride round May pop in Carol Norry’s Later Perhaps go to Ashcroft hollow nursing home to see Colin I’ve enjoyed having Ellie she says she wants to live with me when she’s 16 years old .
I feel very frightened at the moment. Regarding what is going to happen with family .
I wish I could be happy Malc .
Life is so complicated st the moment .
I miss you so much I need your support Malc .
I’m fighting a battle with my family all the time .
All I ask is love .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Let you know how today has gone .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday May 4th 2019 18:34pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy Today has been so strange Yesterday Chanel was refusing the girls to come here Today Ellie rang asking if she could come and sleep over
I gave her a big hug 🤗 They are messing with my head Malc I know your watching over me I found the white feather on top of the kitchen work surface .
Thank you Malc .
Please go into Christopher’s dream have a word please It’s cruel how they are treating me .
All I ask is love from all my family xxx
I miss you so much Malc so much xx
I’ve been to see Sheila today stayed an hour .
Popped to Tesco for greens for tomorrow’s dinner .
Ellie is watching a film why I write to you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum Send my love to every one
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday May 2nd 2019 12:09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today it’s pouring down yet again Chris Richards has been to put extra rail up Looks much better .
Andy the Plummer should have come 10;30 today Hasn’t come yet I could have gone to Tesco But now it’s pouring down again .
Rob has sent me an email from the one I sent last night He has put my mind at rest now .
Not quadrupling the bill .
No Mortgage from Christopher yet and I don’t know if he will put the loan in either .
Don’t know if the girls will be here Saturday or not I thank you for the feather left in the kitchen yesterday I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April. 30 2019 14:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a day from hell W is causing great problems now Rob my solicitor says the bill has just Quadrupled.
I’m so stressed all over the bungalow Bain of my life .
What with problems with Christopher now this I feel like going away for good away from everything Oh Malc she has caused me so much hassle .
I feel rock bottom today Malc Not eat any lunch too stressed .
Malc I’m sorry it’s a short message I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday -April 28th 2019 07:50 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc a busy day ahead .
Sheila has rang this morning she is in a mess with her head See she has spoiled Colin and now finding it difficult him being in a home.
I’m going to Dots for lunch today .
Happy my pip has. One through Still having problems with Chanel I will never feel the same now we will NEVER be the same Don’t want to now .
Christopher is being awkward too He might not pay the mortgage now week see He’s got me over a barrel really He hates me !!!
Malc he’s put me through hell since you’ve gone I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday. April 28 th 2019 15:32pm
Today I’m very worried heard nothing from Christopher or her Ellie has spoke n to me hoping they will let her stay next next Saturday.
Caroline and Trevor came over today Trevor did lots of jobs for me I don’t know what I would do with out them .
Caroline is coming Tuesday to do some painting for me .
Lisa is working today and sleeping over .
I feel so alone Malc . I don’t have any support From family .
Hope pip get sorted worried about it really
Ringing them tomorrow if it isn’t in my bank I’m with Colin st Ashcroft hollow nursing home Sheila keeps ringing but I can understand I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April 27th 2019 16:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been awful Christopher again Chanel being the instigator Can’t go into detail Too much to tell but I’m sure you can see what’s going on I was going to Sheila’s but that fell through. Went to Cannock but got soaked .
After Christopher said bad things mi let him in the bungalow to get what he wanted
I think he’s got something up his sleeve I’m at Kays at the moment staying here a while incase he come back to mine with Chanel to have another go I’m so upset Malc he’s done nothing but give me s... since you passed away Malc .
I wish he would leave me alone and let me get on with my life I miss you so much Malc I battle on my own have no support I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC c
Xx Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday April 26th 2019 12:05 pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today so far busy I took Muffin up the skelly then later Cannock ordered pavers pumps from fashion factory Ordered Cuprinol shades paint from B&q Lavender picking up some time today with Lisa Chris Richards is fitting my new stairs Looking great already glass next week Carol is coming tonight with Kieran her son to check out my remote for new telly I miss you my darlin more each day goes by .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April 24th 2019 17.02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit busy .
Took Muffin to see Colin in Ashcroft hollow nursing home. For an hour and half .
Then popped to Hednesford Lisa rang Jade and the kids were coming they stayed a couple of hours .
Then Lisa came after having her nails done picked them up for home .
Caroline came over picked up the duvet. I don’t really need Droid might be doing my decking yet .
I’ve had a couple of quotes waiting to get back to me I miss you my darlin more than ever .
Speaking to Sheila in a moment she does moan Chris the stairs fitter is coming 8:15 in the morning Looking forward to it , but it won’t be finished until next week I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to every one LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 23 rd 2019 07:31sm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing g early Malc lots going on .
I’m taking Muffin a ride up the skelly Later going to Carole Banks for lunch .
Chap coming tonight to quote decking .
Got to phone pip this morning .
Chap phoning at 9am about remote refund.
Might pop Muffin to vets about his eye .
Still feeling down finger still painful and swollen Too busy at minor injuries yesterday .
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 22nd 2019 26:38 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit quiet. Seen no one today. After Lisa got me out of bed to dress me she is coming back tonight to put me to bed Been to Cannock to buy a remote county curry’s are time reimbursing me tomorrow It’s sunny again today took Muffin out twice today I’m tired now .
Just spoke to your Sheila she’s mythering again about Coiin
You used to call her barmy Sheila Watching the new Chase .
Soaps later .
Nothing much to tell you really today Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday 21st April
2019 16:42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
Today has been quite a surprise I took Muffin up the skelly this morning Came home spoke to Caroline my neighbour she gave me an Easter card how lovely .
Later Lisa rang her and Geoff took Muffin a ride to Trentham gardens it was lovely but the garden centre was closed off Because it was Easter Sunday .
We had a meal Geoff paid .
Lovely better than stopping in .
Oh Malc I wish you could be here .
I miss you so much darlin .
My heart aches for you .
I’m going to run Muffin round the park. His last run until tomorrow.
One day perhaps I"ll received a card from Christopher’.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to Dad and everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April. 20th 2019 16:10pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been yet another lonely day Lisa is at Borth wales with Geoff Jade and the kids Christopher with his family I’m here on my own with Muffin no one has texted or rang me
Happy Easter my family Enjoy your Easter eggs .
We made them too independent Lisa said she wouldn’t spend more than 2 hours with me I was so upset .
Watching new telly that’s my company and of course my baby Muffin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Not much to tell really only been to see Colin in Ashcroft hollow nursing home .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday April. 19th 2019 18:14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy Today has been lonely I took Muffin up the skelly then home waited in for new telly It came 1:40 pm
I sat in the sun with Muffin front garden .
When telly arrived I took Muffin out again I was taking him to. The nursing home but it was too hot for him I did go stayed and hour with Colin .
Back home now waiting for Kieran Carol Norrey’s Son to set the telly up hope. He comes .
I just have a feeling he might let me down let you know tomorrow Malc .
I miss you darlin so much , I played music today on my iPhone all our old records .
Geoff picked up our Sony telly when I know what cables He needs when Kieran comes he can come a pick them up I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday April 18 th 2019 14:52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’ve been a bit lonely seem no one today only staff at Tesco and Aldi .
Everyone is either away or busy .
I hate my own company Malc You know me don’t you ?
I might be going to Carols later if she’s free 5years and I still need you want you Malc If only a miracle would happen The table and chairs look lovely Malc in the kitchen I’m trying to cheer myself up .
Stairs is later being done should be next Tuesday I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April. 17 th 2019. 18:16 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been ok .
Took Muffin to Cannock the bank to help Jade She’s in trouble .
I wish I could win the lottery so I could really help Later Lisa came had lunch and then took me to see Jordd and Mary to give them their Easter eggs .
A pleasant ride out .
Then later Trevor and Caroline came over with the father in law to put my new kitchen table up Love it 🥰 I’m sad my family can’t share it with me .
I miss you more than ever Malc Miss your hugs 🤗 I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 16 th 2019 18:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today another busy day took Muffin up the skelly Hednesford. Aldi and Tesco been twice .
Mark and his mate brought the table and chairs it’s massive It will just about fit the kitchen .
Trevor the neighbour will put the legs on it tomorrow They are going out tonight .
I’ve brought Caroline some flower and Trevor a set for toilet items I did ask Geoff to help but he was busy He did ring me later though .
My friend wanted to come tonight but I don’t want to get changed and feel I need to be with Muffin It’s to sort .
I miss you terribly Malc more than anyone knows I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 15 th 2019 07:33
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc today lots going on don’t want to fight to write .
Taking Muffin up the skelly then lunch time my friend is taking me for lunch .
Later two chaps hopefully coming to take shed down Leaving quite a gap in back garden Later having composite decking instead A big job but needs to be done .
Malc the neighbours Caroline and Trevor are so good to me Since losing you the long term neighbours have never come over to see how I am .
But these have only been living here about two years .
I feel very weepy today Malc so down yet things are happening .
New bathroom shed coming down It’s love I need really .
Especially my Son. A hug from him and if only I could hug you .
Come home darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone Love you with all my heart Malc I will never stop grieving for you darlin LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday April 14th 2019 28:17pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has gone quickly this morning I took Muffin up the skelly Then round our old streets Malc past your house and my A’s kids .
I go quite often .
Lisa and Geoff took me to The Nelson Inn for Sunday lunch fabulous meal must go again .
Our table and chairs gone New set coming Tuesday .
Shed going tomorrow hopefully I miss you my darlin so much xx
My heart aches for you Malc .
Family and people think I’m ok I’m not I shout for you every day over the skelly .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC. Xxx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April 13th 2019 20:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been quite eventful I took Muffin to Cannock and Penkridge Stayed an hour Sheila was all over the place in her head I popped back to Cannock then home for lunch Later took Muffin to Ashcroft Hollow nursing home To see Colin , I can’t believe he is in there so sad Hope he does improve .
I don’t think Sheila will survive this Malc I’ve sold the table and chairs in the kitchen and a better one is coming on Tuesday next week hopefully x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday April 12th 2019 17:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit up and down I took Muffin to Cannock instead of the skelly Later to Hednesford Lisa popped in for an hour then Jean Beardsmore came for lunch .
She stayed until about 3pm. Then I took Muffin to Aldi and Tesco .
Christopher says he will take me to pick up a table and chairs but hasn’t got back to me .
Hope so don’t lose it it’s beautiful.
I’m at tenterhooks at the minute .
I’m going to 🍟 shop in a minute I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday April. 11th 2019 16;12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit upside down I took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford Came home some one was suppose to come for the shed Let me down so another chap coming Monday afternoon Hope he turns up .
Andy has been just for support .
Colin is in Ashcroft hollow nursing home now Sheila is pleased but still crying .
She phones every day now .
Had a spat with Chanel little bitch If I never see her again it will be too soon
They only use me .
They’ve had their money now. havent they? I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc LOVE 💕YOU FOREvER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday April. 10 th 2019. 19:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been very busy took Muffin up the skelly Andy has almost finished the bathroom When the part comes for the bidet toilet He is boarding in the bath pipes and cleaning the tiles You would be happy with this Malc .
Dot came for lunch we had a good afternoon I will see her in two weeks .
Chaps coming tomorrow to take down the shed .
Andy is just popping in about 12 noon .
I wish you were here Malc I’m so lonely with out you and Tigger .
I miss you so much Malc XX
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April 9th 2019 16:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m angry with Chanel I asked why she hadn’t put Chebsey money in she swore and said it isn’t until 11th lt was put in 9th Not happy at with her 😡
Andy is here still tiling and fitting toilet back He is coming back tomorrow.
Dot is coming for lunch tomorrow Oh Malc I’m so in happy it’s my Son Daughter in law and that bungalow W being the problem Why can’t I relax Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I miss you so much.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. April 8 th 2019 15:40 pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is busy again Andy working in the Bathroom Our Jordd is painting the front fence to finish off the front garden .
He’s doing a good job .
Adam hasn’t come for the bath !!!!
Hope he does pick it up .
Or I will let it go to someone on Facebook I miss you so much Malc cxx
I only wish you were here with me .
When Andy has gone and Jordd I will run Muffin round town I will write to you tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday April. 7th 2019 18:39pm
lol Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been too bad Trevor and his step Daughter emptied all the shed into my new one .
Pressure washed both gardens and. Got all the leaves up it looks smashing now .
The painter Came back and brought the paint back and finished the job he should have done .
Carol Norrey has been for a coffee and chat stayed a couple of hours nice .
She’s a good friend xx
I had to go to Cannock to Argos to collect a parcel I wish you were here Malc I really miss you and Tigger I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday April 6th 2019 18:52 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been so busy I got up early after Lisa got me out of bed The Plumber Andy Cam 9am yoked most of the floor placed the bath in coming again on Monday The painter can’t to paint the front and back fence panels I paid him but he took a tin of paint I wasn’t happy rang him and he’s coming on Monday and bringing the tin of paint back Not happy , I won’t have him again I’ll ask Jordan to paint the fence opposite Pay him instead .
Adam is coming Monday to take away the bath and taps Trevor our neighbour across the road has emptied the shed so I can get rid of it.
I miss you Malc so much it hurts I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday April 5th 2019 15.18 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been busy but good .
Took Muffin to Hednesford park and shops Then later Jayne my friend came took me to lunch Lovely meal T The Chetwynd upper Longdon She came back for a cuppa just gone home Andy the plumber is here again tiling the bathroom now I think he will be here until Monday evening Still he’s making a good job so can’t complain.
I might need him in the future he’s a good plumber Painter for fencing might come tomorrow If it doesn’t rain ☔️ I will write to you again tomorrow Malc XX
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday April 4th 2019 11:31am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today yet again rainy and very cold .
I have managed to take Muffin up the skelly .
Andy has come to carry on putting new bath in He’s waiting for tiles to come in .
He’s brought me a shepherds pie hand cooked today how lovely bless him .
Bath taps and levers have come I can’t wait for bathroom tho be finished Malc I can’t tell you how much I miss you darlin No one will ever understand unless they are going through it Even my family !!
Lisa is happy working with Christopher very close now I’m glad .
I’m stuck in now until rain stops .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love v to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday. April 3rd 2019’ 18:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been much better Andy arrived 8:30 am stated on the Bathroom It’s out he’s removed some tiles and replacing with fresh
Martin next door helped carry the old bath down the stairs I’ve brought some lovely tiles for the floor New taps and levers Hope Andy turns up tomorrow Carole Banks has been today she’s not well really .
Been to Cannock with Muffin.
Took paper work in council Tax .
25% discount because I live on my own because I’ve lost you Malc xx
I miss you my darlin so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My. Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday April. 2nd 2019 11:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today pouring down with rain Andy is suppose to come WILL HE .????
I’ve been out to get groceries A boring day I think.
No one due to come lunches today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin wish you were here Won’t hear from anyone today I guess .
Not slot to tell you today really . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday April 1st 2019 13;53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy Today a bit boring on my own again Lisa at Work .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Mums bungalow to check post Waiting for John mobility scooter chap he’s just arrived As we speak sorted .
Going a ride out now with Muffin .
Might go to see Paula .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
Andy is coming tomorrow morning to put new bath in Hope it all goes well .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday March 31st 2019 08:02am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early today Malc it’s Mothers Day and I’m going to Lisa,s for dinner BUT I can’t take Muffin
Both my Daughter and Son seem to tell me what I can and can’t do .
Oh Malc were is the love 💕 I wish both of them would genuinely mean and say Love you Mum !!!
I feel very left out with my family My friends seem to care more Very lonely day Malc very lonely 😟
Christopher will be picking Ellie up today It’s Georgies 9 th Birthday .
I won’t see her they are going riding I’ve rang and her present is here .
I will spend just over an hour with Lisa Jade and the kids will be there Muffin and I will go a ride round later .
I love Muffin he is my baby boy I miss you Malc so much it hurts My life is so lonely Malc I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 30 th 2019 17:10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been strange had to stop in most of the day Trevor the neighbour has got all the lRves up and cleaned and press-up washed the decking found the back it looks great He’s coming back next Saturday to do the front .
Lovely neighbours .
Waiting for Ellie to come she’s sleeping over .
Just arrived .
Ben up the skelly with Muffin and Cannock I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 29th 2019 18:18 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been quite busy and pleasant Took Muffin to the groomers popped round Cannock .
Then to Hednesford W solicitor s
To drop stuff off Collected Muffin then Jean Beardsmore for lunch Stayed a couple of hours a very good friend .
Took Muffin to Tesco milk then chip shop mini fish and chips Watching telly now soaps news .
I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday March 28th 2019 07;29 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early Malc lists going on Chaps coming to complete paint windows .
No sign yet of Andy coming to do bathroom .
Hope he doesn’t let me down .
House in a mess at the moment .
Trevor neighbour might be coming to tidy garden back and front this weekend .
I’m not asking Ziggy anymore .
Still in bed waiting for Lisa to come and help me get dressed
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday March 27th 2019 18:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m happy painters came done front windows and porch Look great coming back tomorrow to do back windows Also a chap is coming to paint my back Dior and double gates and fencing .
My new hoover has come it’s great Andy hasn’t come though getting a bit worried I miss you my darlin so much Malc I wi write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 26th 2019 28:40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit messy No sign of Andy the Plummer
Tried ringing texting no joy .
Took Muffin up the skelly and later to Carole Banks Don’t like Kevin he’s very sarcastic .
But Carole loves him he is good to her .
You didn’t like him did you Malc .
Kev did take my vacuum to the local shop to be returned He does have a good side to him .
Diabetic appointment tomorrow 11:30 am Windows painted tomorrow looking forward to it coming back Friday .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 25th 2019 27;44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has benn an up and down day Andy the bath chappie didn’t come Must be serious he never lets you down I did get a refund from groupon faulty curtains Had lunch with Dot lovely afternoon as always She paid half the fare for Torquay.
Chanel rang goose cut her Webb foot very bad gone to vets Thank you for being in my dream Malc I miss you so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday March 24th 2019 16:50 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been too bad Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford.
Lisa and Geoff took me for dinner st The nags zhead Not a good really I didn’t feel very comfortable today with Lisa I feel both my children have left me behind .
I know they have their own lives to lead but I did expect More from Christopher .
He hasn’t treated me very well I don’t think he will either only for his own ends He thinks I’m stupid .
Andy is doing our bathroom tomorrow a roll top Silver legs .
Going for lunch to Dots .
A busy week really .
I miss you my darlin more than ever Malc xx
Lonely night now until tomorrow xx
Just Muffin and me xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 23rd 2019 16:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been good really I took Muffin to. Cannock and Penkridge Stayed an hour .
Came back telephoned Garry cooper daughter answered asked for strip of wood for back gate I broke She came and even replaced the latch bless her cost a a tenor .
Rang John shepherds estate Agent going to have them to sell Mums bungalow .
Hurry up and sell help me Malc .
Hoping to win la million tonight !!!
I miss you Malc my darlin so much it hurts Thinking about you when we had Lisa you came every night and saw me and baby Lisa xx
Fish and chips every night 🤗
I loved those years darlin where have they gone ?
On Malc I want you back I need you I will never get over loosing you Malc xx
I have been invited to Sunday dinner tomorrow The Nags head. Burntwood xx
Lisa is working next Sunday Mother’s Day I will write to you again. Tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 22nd. 2019 17:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been too bad .
Took Muffin to Cannock twice bern a busy day .
Paul from Hillary’s came to measure up for shutters He was here ages coming to fit them June 28th 8:30 am Looking forward to them Had to take Muffin to Kays for his dinner little boy Wouldn’t eat here .
Bless him XX
Stewart is on his way to fit new end to tap .
Yeah. Xxx
Nothing on telly tonight so dvd for me .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone cc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday March 21st 2019 15:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today back to normal lonely days Still I’m back with Muffin but he’s back to his not eating No treats until dinner eat .
Hillary’s have quoted me shutters I’m happy with .
Chappie coming at 4pm sample painted windows Lisa is picking kids up so won’t see her now until Sunday My friend is coming tonight 7:30pm
I miss you Malc so much XX
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday March 20th 2019 06;30am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Haven’t slept well woke twice in the night .
Thinking about Muffin can’t wait to get back to him I’m writing early we are going to Cheshire oaks today With Jean and Jeff .
Hope weather holds .
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Peter Noon last night he was great !!
Other groups played as well .
I wish you had have been there Malc brought back memories it made me feel sad ☹️ I miss you so much darlin xx
Come back home Malc please it’s been too long xx
I will Write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU. FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 19th 2019. 09;30sm Hello Malc darling and Tigger my baby boy It’s a short message today Going to Llandudno to see Peter Noon .
Picking me up now .
Hope we have a safe journey .
Muffin staying with Kay back tomorrow.
I wish you were going with me Malc Miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 18 th 2019 19:12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been turmoil stressed all day .
Lisa popped in for my sewing machine She’s doing something for the kids .
Jordan is coming back home .
Can’t find where I brought those curtains from .
My memory is failing me .
Muffins had a bath ready to stay at Kays tomorrow’
I miss you Malc so much.
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc After the theatre .
Peter Noon.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday 17 th March 2019 0803am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m writing early still in bed .
Ellie has slept over again st least she is company I hate Sundays I’m crying now watching. Escape to the country Dorset , Milton Abbas has just been on Memories Malc ,I miss you so much darlin so much m
I’m so lonely family don’t realise .
Lisa is off to Birmingham with Geoff and family .
Ellie will be picked up and Muffin and I will be in our own again .
The sun is out at the moment and I will be taking Muffin up the skelly .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog yNEW by: Rose
Saturday March 16 th 2019 16:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Thank you Malc for coming into my dream and giving me a kiss then we walked over to Bella’s cafe but then I woke up I wish it would come true Malc I miss you so much darlin .😢
Today has up to now been very boring Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Later went to Cannock took a cheque into the bank Came back home. Stewart came brought the wrong tap part Ordered the right one hopefully this time .
I love you with all my heart ❣Malc .
I have Ellie here now Christopher has not long dropped her off She is sleeping over .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 15th 2019 19:00 Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m angry seen none of my family Christiopher is away with family over night .
Angry yet again Stewart let me down 😡
Does anyone care ???????? I think I’m being ripped off all round !!!!
Help me Malc please I miss you so much I need a boost I really do .
Thank God I have friends Carol Norrey welcomes me in for a cuppa Or I have been on my own just Muffin and me .
Oh Malc what’s gone wrong ?????
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday March 14th 2019. 19:59 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been quite eventful really .
Boring st first but as the day went on it got better I went to Kays stayed an hour got back home then Chanel rang asked if I could watch the kids why they went for a meal with Lisa and Paris as she has been with them 6 months Still here at the moment but it has been a change .
I miss you Malc so much .
Wish you were here darlin xx
I love you and miss you so much 😢x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday March 13th 2019 25:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been stressful took Muffin up the skelly then Cannock to take a jacket back to DP .
Later had to go to Bungalow estate agent John shepherd Worried really taking this all on .
Trying to talk to Christopher but yet again he’s busy It’s rained all day again fed up really .
No company again .
It’s driving me mad Malc .
I seem to be doing everything on my own .
My chest is so tight .
I miss you More than ever xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc XX
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 12th 2019 27:44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I feel very lonely and weepy .
So down missing you so much .
It’s rained most of the day but Kev picked Muffin and I up to take me to Caroles .
I was crawling up the walls .
I should have met Marwood but cancelled weather Took Muffin to Cannock to collect a parcel a coat Too big .
Haven’t heard from anyone today all busy I guess .
I miss you so much Malc xx
Brexit meeting tonight hope we leave with no deal I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday. March 11th 2019 15:16pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been too bad .
Took Muffin up the skelly it was bitter cold .
Later went to Cannock after Bath and screen cam and shutter Hillary’s also came gave me a quote .
Just come back from Tesco now home with Muffin .
Bitter cold Malc brrrr.
I miss you my darlin so much wish you were here .
Only saw Geoff whilst I was out in the streett.
Lonely days lately Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday March 10 th 2019 18:23 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been so lonely. Apart from Christopher caking in for Mums keys to put stuff in her garage .
Jason should have come today he didn’t turn up .
I felt uncomfortable the other day when I asked him to to turn off Mums gas and electric .
Nothing from Lisa today !!
Busy with Geoff’s family I guess I miss you Malc you should see how Chris is building his business up and Lisa working for him too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 9th 2019 26:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been very good Weather awful dick of rain .
Been to see your Sheila only for an hour .
Then took some boots back to DP .
I did call in Lisa’s but she wasn’t happy because Max kept attacking Muffin then Muffin barked .
Jade and kids were there saw Lisa’s walking machine Didn’t feel wanted today .eatching w
Also took a parcel to why not .
Home now too cold to go s ride round with Muffin Watching catchphrase.
Boring night in no visitors .
I miss you Malc more than ever Nothing I can do 😢xxx
I will write to you tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 8th 2019. 24:54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today yet again very stressful .
Collected my prescription then took Muffin to Cannock Called into Marwood discussed Mums bungalow Connells rang later seeing Ryan Friday .
Why is everything left to me .
I’m on my own today no visitors raining outside and cold Muffin is lying on my lap .
Bless him .
I miss you more than ever Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday March 7th 2019 18:32pm
Hello Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Today was going well until Rob rang my Solicitor He said W doesn’t want me to talk or write to her Only phoning solicitors .
So I’m of to Marwood to check what they Charge I will NEVER EVER talk and see the B..........
Ever again .
I’m so stressed Malc doing everything on my own .
Sorry this is a short message I miss you and love you so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU. FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday March 6th 2019 1955pm
Hello. Malc my darling and Tigger baby boy Today hasn’t been too bad .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Dot came for lunch stayed 2 hours .
Then I went to see Paula had a couple of hours .
It’s pored down today .
Same tomorrow.
Back home watching telly .
Chanel has just rang there Manager has just resigned Not good .
Lisa is out probably with Geoff can’t get in touch .
I miss you Malc I need you darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday March 5th 2019 17:17 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit lonely .
I took Muffin to Cannock got mixed up with email Went to collect a parcel but wasn’t there .
I did buy a jumper. Though .
A bit bored so I took Muffin a ride round then popped to see Nadire who used to own the sea bright fish bar .
She lose Zeb .
Her children liked ours have all grown up and have children I stayed an hour had a cuppa and s lovely chat catch up .
Back home now watching The chase .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday March 4th 2019 18.04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy Today turned out better than I thought Took Muffin up the skelly then Aldi .
Later My friend came and took me for a ride and lunch I paid .
Came back then Lisa came stayed an hour .
Christopher has just rang he wants to put more furniture In Mums bungalow Temperary.
It’s fine .
Leaving it up to him to sort Estate .
I’ve been very stressed today .
My friend did make me a bit happier .
I’m in now watching news then the usual soaps Carole Banks is coming tomorrow.
I miss you Malc so so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday March 3rd 2019 16:25pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today is a shit day after Christopher picked up Ellie it’s been a very lonely rotton day .
Had a lamb dinner Muffin enjoyed it .
I hate Sundays with a passion !!!!!!
Jason came up to turn off Mums Electric & Gas .
He seemed a bit off ,
Must have something on his mind .
I’ve texted Lisa If she will spare an hour tonight !
Don’t think she will come or answer .
I miss you Malc more and more each day xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday March 2nd 2019 26:48pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I have been so upset and angry .
My head is all over the place Now decided to use Purple Bricks not. Sure if I’m doing the right think .
W is doing nothing .
I do hope it sells else we lose £899 .
Listening to Christopher again .
I feel so low Malc 😌
I’ve been left to do everything .
Ellie is here now. Staying over night .
I miss you so much Malc I feel like crying all day I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday March 1st 2019 16:43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today has been a bit stressful I took Muffin to Cannock collected a parcel Then home Went for lunch with my friend Jayne who has thyroid cancer .
She is so brave Malc like you were .
We had a nice afternoon .
I have contacted another estate agent Hoping they win sell the Bungalow .
I’m sick and tired of my sister When this is complete I never ever want to see or Hear from her again !!!
Help me through this Malc I miss you so much darlin xx
I will write to you tomorrow Malc XX Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 27th 2019 16:52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy TodY has been quite good really .
Took Muffin to Cannock in the rain to get Mums keys back from Flint and co .
Then popped in my new Bank sorted things out .
Later Lisa came took me to Lichfield we had a meal out Then popped to a couple of shops .
Back home now watching The chase .
I had a dream about Butch last night I lost him Inwoke up crying .
Oh Malc I do miss you so much .
My friend Jayne is coming tomorrow we are also going to lunch .
I’ve brought her some flowers she has Cancer Malc WHY is it so rife !!!!
I’m terrified Malc .
Christopher has had a new car oudie 4.something litre All the gadgets inside and cameras 🎥 .
He loves his status .
The house is looking great he has had new grey windows I’m having ours painted grey when the weather picks up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Hope this goes through .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 27th 2019 16:52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy TodY has been quite good really .
Took Muffin to Cannock in the rain to get Mums keys back from Flint and co .
Then popped in my new Bank sorted things out .
Later Lisa came took me to Lichfield we had a meal out Then popped to a couple of shops .
Back home now watching The chase .
I had a dream about Butch last night I lost him Inwoke up crying .
Oh Malc I do miss you so much .
My friend Jayne is coming tomorrow we are also going to lunch .
I’ve brought her some flowers she has Cancer Malc WHY is it so rife !!!!
I’m terrified Malc .
Christopher has had a new car oudie 4.something litre All the gadgets inside and cameras 🎥 .
He loves his status .
The house is looking great he has had new grey windows I’m having ours painted grey when the weather picks up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Hope this goes through .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday February 27 th 2019 17:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today had been ok really apart from missing you Malc .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford Tesco and Sldi Jean and Jeff Beardsmore came for lunch he fixed my table Great friends .
They came at 1:45 left 3:45 always enjoy their company Just got back with Muffin a ride round .
Now watching our favourite programme.
The chase .
I miss you Malc I see men sometimes out in the street far away look like you , I always wish it was .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my baby to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday. February 26th 2019 07.46 am.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early I don’t want to leave it as late as last night I’m going to take Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford Tesco and Aldi .
We are off to Carole's later for lunch .
It’s going to be a lovely sunny day today .
Making the best off it , it’s going to change over the weekend W is causing yet another problem with your. Ungaliw Mum Just need it gone now .
I miss you more and more each day Malc Tired of stressing sorting things out .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday February 25th 2019 22.44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy A short Message tonight Malc .
Lonely day really , went to new bank transferred money Thank you Mum .
I love you and miss you 😘 I did pop to see Lisa I stayed just over and hour had a cuppa
I hope Christopher can wait a while for money I would like to improve the house and garden .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc xx
I’ve been stressed today W again !!
Paying more out to her solicitor.
I’m having to cope on my own .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday February 24th 2019 14:34pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today a bit strange .
After taking Muffin up the skelly Geoff took me to Sainsburys to buy my face wash .
It’s being discontinued I’ve been told .
I then took Muffin to Hednesford Tesco and Aldi .’
My friend popped in for about 20 mins .
Now Muffin and I are on our own Lonely Sunday !!!!!
After dinner I will take Muffin a ride round on my mobility scooter .
Not much really to tell you Malc only W is causing problems again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday February 23rd 2019 19:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today was going great until that ..... of a S
Can’t even say her name backed out of going to Connells .
She is going through her solicitor.
I went to Sheila’s stayed an hour back to Cannock I have the Bose back .
Saw Lisa Jade and the kids at the nest but it was too cold In now had a curry but still angry !!!!!!
I’ve got to switch off .
Spoke to Sheila she is angry too .
Mum Shake the B.......... up
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday February 22nd 2019 14:23pm
Hello Malc here we go again angry really been to Christopher’s stayed until 1:30 pm Chanel drove me back to Stafford station told me platform 4 It was platform 1 so missed it now got to wait an hour for next flipping train grrrrt.
It’s 5 years today Malc since I lost you .
I still miss you so much .
I’ve left Muffin with Kay so when I finally get to Hednesford I’ve got to get on my scooter and pick up Muffin from Kays .
I’ll never learn will I .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my live to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 21st 2019 21:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been to bad ,
I feel a bit better today I think the tablets are kicking in .
I’ve actually with drew Flint and Co and are going with Connelly estate agents .
Hope Mums bungalow sells now .
It’s 5years tomorrow since you left me darlin I don’t know where they have gone .
I miss you every day Malc and always will .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Tuesday February 29 th 2019 18:44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today I’m worried sick had phone call from surgery my B12 and Folate is low .
Dr is ringing me soon to discuss this .
It can cause pernicious anemia .
I’m sorry this is a quick message will let you know more tomorrow Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday February 18 th 2019 18:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been better than I thought .’
I’ve had pains under my right shoulder blade across my back under my right breast bone across my chest I thought at one time I was having a heart attack .
I took Muffin up the skelly then to Cannock later to take an item back to DP .
Then went to Jean Beardsmore’s for lunch and a long afternoon chat .
She rubbed some cream on my back she said how knotted my back was .
I’m so stressed Malc , missing you like crazy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Hope this message goes through .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday February 27 th 2019 18:32pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I’m in pain chest back kidneys from t of chest neck head .lreally worried .
I have had to go out thinking about health all the time It’s because I’m on my own .
I took Muffin up the skelly to Hednesford Mums Bungalow .
Christopher spoke today sorting bank Tuesday .
Chanel is causing problems .😚
I’ve been to Carol Norrey’s today 3pm -5pm
It took it of my mind the pains and discomfort I’ve just taken two paracetamol .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER. MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday February 15 th 2019 22:34 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Happy 69th Birthday my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Hope this goes through it didn’t earlier .’
Been to Rugeley today brought Sheila some pegs she asked for from Wilkos .
I have been to drs today my diabetes is abnormal 9.5 fasting .
Seeing dr Manikam 27 th Feb .
Hope I can control it .’
Geoff has brought some flowers today and your Sheila For your Birthday 🍰.
I miss you my darlin so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone LOVE 💕YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 14th 2019 06:57am
Hello Malc writing early to see if this goes through .
Taking Muffin up the skelly then popping into Tesco Aldi
12 noon Lisa is icking me up going to our favourite pub Chetwynd pub upper Longdon .
Then 3pm going to Mum’s bank .’
Valentine’s Day today .
Your 69th Birthday tomorrow.
I miss you my darlin so much Happy valentine day Malc .💕💕💕💕💕
Hope this goes through .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday February 13th 2019 Hello Malc I’m going to try writing to you this time every night I’m testing this see if it goes through Love you Malc xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday February 13th 2019 18:11pm
Hello Malc just a quick you all my messages haven’t gone through I miss you I love you if this didn’t go through I will never forget you darlin Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Sunday February 10 th 2019 15:23pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Mum. &Tigger my baby boy Today isn’t good !
Still have indigestion and niggles in my chest and stomach
I’ve cried today so lonely Malc .
Family have other commitments.
Friends busy .
Jason has been to connect my hive hub .
Also place a new battery in the ring door bell and replace two led bulbs .
Stewart has let me down again 😠
I’m bloody fed up .
Christopher has rang asking if my money ad come in Not yet .
I’m keeping my thoughts to myself Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Saturday February 9th 2019. 25:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Today hasn’t been good .
Felt sick all day and indigestion wasn’t well yesterday Hope it’s just diverticulitis.
I’ve been to Penkridge to see Sheila .
Stayed 2 hours .
She is so stressed it’s stressing me .
I haven’t seen anyone else in the family today .
Lonely more and more each day .
What’s happened ?????. Malc xx
Jason is coming tomorrow to change battery in ring door bell and connect my hive thermostat to my iPhone .
Nothing much more to tell you today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Missing you so much Malc.’
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Friday February 8th 2019 13:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I’m fuming agai I’ve trued writing to you and again problems with the server .
This will be short Malc In case it doesn’t come through I love you and miss you darlin so much Waiting for my mattress to be collected Then new one Monday .
Going to Sheila’s Tomorrow She’s driving me mad .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Thursday February 7th 2019 10:16pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Hope this message goes through today .
Today it’s pouring down with rain and very windy .
I won’t be going out this morning .
Andy a chap is coming to service the boiler and gas fire Also put a hive system in so I can turn heating on when I’m away ready to come home .
£110 he is charging but not doing a full service on gas fire .
Mattress being collected tomorrow in the morning .
I miss you Malc , I have a fear in my stomach at the moment I just wish everything could be sorted .
I’m writing early I don’t was to forget .
I will write again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Wednesday Feb 6th 2019 18.56pm
Hello again Malc and Tigger my baby boy sorry this is short tried twice to write to you today .
I miss you and love you Malc and will hopefully write to you again .
LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC kiss Tigger and Mum Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boyNEW by: Rose
Monday February 5th 2019 19.01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit upside down .
I took Muffin to Hednesford today he didn’t have a long walk today .
Popped in Aldi and Tesco saw W she went off on one Im sick of her winging .
I’m trying to convince her to walk away from her solicitor No joy yet .
Christopher rang today he only rings when he’s after something .
I later took Muffin to Carole’s for lunch .
Stayed 3 hours she’s coming to me next Tuesday .
I’m all mixed up tonight Malc wandering if I’m doing the right thing .
I love you 😍 and miss you so much Malc .
I will right to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW by: Rose
Monday February 4th 2019 15:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I was terrified as I have a what Inthought was a mole On the top of my back near my neck .
Lisa and Jade looked at it yesterday and thought it was a mole too .
It upset my family meal 🥘I was so worried .
I made an appointment and saw Dr Manikam He reassured me it was a wart not a mole .
I have had a prescription for VB which is what I think I have Got to collect it 5pm
Lisa has just finished painting her bedroom .
Christopher came to pick up Ell