We adopted Tika almost 9 years ago from our local SPCA. She had been there a few days after being found wandering outside. She took a bit of time to warm up to us, hiding under the bed covers the first day or two and not enjoying being held. With time she grew to be very affectionate and cuddly.
Tika didn't eat for the last 2 days, and had been eating very little before that. She didn't want to walk around and preferred to sit completely still in her favorite spot-the dirty laundry. Earlier yesterday my husband brought her to the vet where they hydrated her and took a chest xray-we had noted her coughing a little the past week. She had lost 0.5 kg and only weight about 2.5 kg to begin with.
Tika was found to have primary lung cancer and a very large tumor that was pressing against her trachea making it difficult to breathe. We brought her home on some medication but she just couldn't seem to get comfortable. Trying to eat but unable to, trying to find a comfortable spot but unable to. Getting more distressed and gasping for air at times. After many tears we decided we had to be strong and do the right thing, that she needed to be put down before her respiratory distress got any greater.
We stayed with her until the end. She finally looked comfortable and peaceful. She looked like she was curled up and sleeping and would wake up soon.
Sleep well little one, we love you so much, you are not in pain any longer.