Your Pet Loss Stories

'Smitten is Called Home'

This morning I was awoken by my son knocking on my door. One look at his sad face and I knew something was wrong. "Mom, your kitty is gone, my dogs killed her, I'm so sorry".

What a way to start the day. I was shocked and didn't know what to do first, I wasn't sure I wanted to see her, but he assured me that she looked peaceful and not mauled. He wrapped her in a towel and brought her over to my house (we live next door to each other.) He has two really big dogs, who got hold of her in the night.

We drove out to the dunes near own home and as I walked between the bushes to find a good place to bury her, I looked up and saw a black and white cat just like her disappear into the bushes. Was it her? Did she show herself to me just once more before she left? I ran off to search for the cat, but there was nothing. She was gone.

We buried our little "Smitten", piled some rocks and shells on her grave and said goodbye.

R.I.P. my little princess.

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