Your Pet Loss Stories

'Tailor My Baby Angel'

by Heather

My beautiful tabby cat picked me to rescue her at a shelter when she was 7 weeks old!! I was barely 18 and waited my whole childhood to care for my own pet when I was out on my own. We had so many adventures!! Traveling to different cities by airplane car and train. She was always with me I never left her behind. Even when my car was in a horrible accident and she was thrown and presumed lost or dead - I never gave up and found her two months later!

I was able to spend another 15 years with her. We had a German Shephard dog come in and out of our lives and even me married - now with a daughter. My two year old was in love with Tailor too. She knows she is in heaven because g-d needed to have Tailor back because she is so special and she named her blanket pretend Tailor to hug. My cat was just put to sleep with her frail body failing her. My heart is breaking and hurting. I know 18 years is lucky and I hope she knows how much I loved and needed her. Cats are wonderful listeners - always on your side!! I will forever love her and miss her!

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