Your Pet Tributes

'Katie and Jams'

by Linda Conlon
(Blairsville, GA)

How can one small (23lb) Beagle so touch my heart??? She was always in trouble, into everything!!! begging for food constantly, getting loose and running away, and rolling on dead animals, and bitching for attention!!!

And her passing today after 12 years with us has totally ripped my heart out. The surgery was just too much for her cancer riddled body, and now she has gone to be with Jammer, the golden retriever she looked up to her first 11 years, and who left a huge hole in her heart and our lives too with his passing Dec '09.......

This is the first time we've been dogless in 13 years......the house seems so quiet, I can set my coffee cup or plate down safely, I don't hear rummaging in the trash can, or barking at the door let me in mom!! It took me months to stop reaching down to pet Jams, how will I sleep without the snoring of Beagle????

Katie Beagle, we miss you....... and we know you are in a better place now..... RIP my beloved Nashville Katie, the Mouth of the South.......

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