Your Pet Tributes

'Pixie Tulip'

by Samantha
(Winchester, England)

Pixie, you came to us beaten, starved, scared and lonely. No one wanted to take on a rescue Staffordshire Bull Terrier, but we did as company for our boy, we took you on as a foster dog, and when someone wanted to adopt you we couldn't let you go, and adopted you ourselves.

You had 2 happy years with us, you gained weight perhaps a little bit more than you should have! You grew all your fur back, you regained your confidence in human beings and above all else you gave us your heart.

We loved you so very much and the pain of seeing you suffer in those last few days made me feel like the worst dog mummy ever, but we didn't know that you were so so poorly. Even the vet thought it was just a stomach upset. We were all wrong, and your liver was damaged and this is what was causing you to be ill. I am so sorry that I could not take this away and make you better, and I won't replace you ever.

I held your paw right till the end, I refused to let you go without me being there, and I will always have that memory. I love you my little Pixie/Pickles/Piccalilly. Our home is so quiet without you, and Willoughby is lost without his garden 'tug of war' on the smallest piece of tennis ball, blanket fragment you could both pick.

Run with Bella, she's a big brave girl who will know that you and she were loved and very much wanted and missed. Tell Bella that we love and miss her too.

All my love Mummy xx

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