Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jennifer & Elliott'

About Elliott
Elliott, the sweetest, goofiest, and all around joy-to-be-around Boxer.
When did you lose Elliott?
March 15, 2012.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Or how are you feeling right now?
Currently I'm unsure, so many of the symptoms of each stage ring true for me. I think every hour I have a different emotion but overall I feel like I have a blanket of sadness covering me and smothering me.
Jennifer and Elliott's Story so far
I found Elliott at a shelter almost 7 years ago. He was two years old and had been returned at least twice by previous owners. I brought him home unsure of how everything was going to work, I'd never had a big dog before and he was a handful.
As the days and weeks went on, I fell in love with him. When he was back to health after his time at the shelter he was so handsome, not to mention the sweetest boy ever.
Over the years we took many trips together, just him and I. He was the only pet I had. All I wanted to do was to make this beautiful creature, that had such a rough start in life, happy. He really was my best friend and my family. I never knew I could have that much unconditional love in my heart.
Elliott was with me during the hardest times in my life. Both my parents have passed away in recent years, my Dad only in December. I knew during my roughest times of depression and sadness, my sweet boy was there, ready to hand out snuggles and kisses.
He got sick so fast and had to be put down so quick, I'm still in shock. How can my loving boy be fine and dancing around one day and three days later gone? My heart and mind cannot wrap themselves around it. All is keep saying in my head is "why"?I am thankful to God for loaning him to me for almost 7 years but the pain is sometimes unbearable.
I miss you my sweet boy. I hope you know how much Mommy still loves you. The world is not the same without you.
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