Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jocelyn & George'

About George
George my 12 year old Rottie.
When may you/did you lose George?
George is still with us but aging with a history of bone cancer.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Or how are you feeling right now?
I am feeling very heartbroken right now as Georgie has started a harsh cough, which unfortunately has a good chance of being due to lung cancer.
Jocelyn and George's Story so far
Eleven and a half years ago my husband and I adopted George from a Rottie rescue in Wisconsin. We had another puppy at the time who was truly a little stinker. We were told to adopt another dog so that our puppy had someone to be a dog with. That is how we found our precious Georgie.
It was love at first site when we saw that 5 month old Rottie come bounding at us!! Georgie and Oscar were best friends for 9 years until we lost Oscar unexpectedly and George became an "only dog." Since then my husband and I have grown even closer snd more in love with Georgie. We have gone on many car rides all over to visit family (we rarely leave the house at all without him), camping trips, he is even coming with us on our anniversary trip in a couple weeks!!
This past July while on a camping trip George starting limping very badly. We chalked it up to arthritis or maybe the cruciate tear we had fixed the year before was acting up. I took him to the vet expecting to simply leave with arthritis meds but instead received the devestating news that our Georgie had bone cancer. I called my husband in absolute tears. My heart never ached so much!!
Luckily no cancer was seen in his lungs at that time, but then we were left with the difficult choice of amputating his leg at the age of 11. After much research, thought and discussion we decided to do it. After all if we didnt he would have to be put to sleep soon simply because of the pain and chances were the leg would simply just break one day.
George came through surgery beautifully. Although we had two VERY difficult weeks of recovery, George was soon back to his sweet self - minus a leg.
We have to help him up stairs and lift into the truck. He can't walk real far without wearing out but he definitely was never a marathon runner (or walker) anyway!! We originally were told he would live about 4 months and here we are 7 months later!!
Now the sad news.... George has started with a cough. We knew eventually the cancer would go to his lungs. He still seems very happy.... eating, exited to see us with a great big smile and wiggling butt!! He still gets excited over car rides and treats - this is what's important right now.
I suppose we maybe should get xrays to confirm our worst fears but we have already discussd that surgery or chemo will not happen. George has given us 12 happy loving years and we can't be selfish. So we will keep him comfortable, go on lots of car rides and hopefully get him out and camping as soon as the weather warms up a little more. He loves to go to the lake and although he doesn't "chase waves" like he used to we all love to just sit in the fresh air and people watch.
George has made many friends - especially since becoming a tripod!! I am hoping to try and take him for walks in a yard wagon that we have. I'm sure that sounds completey ridiculous but I want him to get out and about as much as possible!! George has grown to love going on monthly trips with my hubby to see his mom and granny and likewise mom and granny love to have him visit!! We will get a few more of those trips in too.
Spoiling our Georgie and making memories are what it's all about right now and we wii do both as long as we are able!
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