Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Heather & Maggie'

About Maggie
Maggie, she was my baby I had her all my life and she was my best friend and my baby. I've had her since I was six and I love her soooo much.
When did you lose Maggie?
June 10th, 2011 around 6:45. I had to euthanise her, she had cancerous growths under her tongue and down her throat and I didn't want her to suffer.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
I don't know but I miss her so much much and wish she didn't have to go.
Heather and Maggie's Story so far
I got her from my Mom's friend when I was 6. She was my baby since that day. She used to sleep in my bag and I almost took her to school once. She was the only cat of mine who didn't just run away and disappear. I love her. Then recently she started dooling excessively so we took her to the vet. He said it could she be an infection in her mouth and gave her a shot. We took her home and she only got worse. She stoped eating and drinking so we took her in again. There was nothing we could do. We had to put her down. I agreed because I didn't want her to suffer. Halfway through the injection I changed my mind but it was too late. My baby died with her eyes open and was taken from me. I have have her collar and pictures to remember her. I miss her so much and I want her back but I know I can't have have her. I love her soooo much and will never let her out of my heart.
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