Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Charlotte & Prince'

About Prince
Prince my 15 year old male Golden Retriever.
When did you lose Prince?
Yesterday, the 6th of August 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
Day 2, I'm feeling terribly depressed and upset, I feel like I'm guilty for putting him down but I had to because I didn't want him to suffer and be in pain. Now my other Golden Retriever, 3 years old is lonely.
Charlotte and Prince's Story so far
The day before yesterday he was limping when he walked. We have had this before but it used to heal very quickly. He had trouble getting up and down, and sometimes we helped him by picking him up. Then that next morning, it was even worse and we had to pick him up (it was hard because he was big) when he wanted to go outside or to the toilet. Then, it was even worse so we decided to go to the vet. They did a check up and they said his bone completely snapped off. I wan't at the vet, it was just my parents though. Then my parents had to make a decision and they decided to put him down because they couldn't do anything else and they didn't want him to be in pain. They came back crying a bit so I knew. My other dog knew too, and sat with us. That all happened yesterday and I feel awful.
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