Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Tammy & Seiko'

About Seiko
Seiko, my Lhasa Apso.
When did you lose Seiko?
February 11, 2012.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Or how are you feeling right now?
Feel like I just lost him, I am so sad. My heart is broken & the loneliness I feel is terrible, he was always by my side, I broke my foot tripping over him when I was 7 months pregnant. Seiko was 15 years old when he was killed.
Tammy and Seiko's Story so far
I bought Seiko from my best friend, he was the most rambuctious of all the pups, loudest, fiestiest & cutest. My friend says he turned out to be the best natured of all of them. He was not loud for a Lhasa, he loved everybody & everybody loved him, he was great with kids too. I had him before my two girls were born ,my oldest is 11 & he is gone now. They cried for 3 weeks, they had a very hard time because he has always been around since they were babies. They want another dog but I don't think I'm ready, I just feel like I'm betraying Seiko, I don't know.
Seiko was paper trained within 2 weeks. He knew (recognised) over 300 words, he knew many tricks, fetching the newspaper at the end of the drive, praying, sitting up "pretty", his favorite thing to do was play ball. Every time I see a tennis ball I cry. We had Seiko "cremated" he sits in our living room with his favourite tennis ball & a picture. They cut locks of his hair for me which I smell all the time & love pet cause it is the only "piece" of him I have left.
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