Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Emily & Zip'

About Zip
His full name was Springset Zip-Around, but we called him Zip or Zipper. He was a Gordon Setter. He literally never barked, growled or even bared his teeth at one person. He is virtually irreplaceable. I cannot express in words how wonderful a companion he was.
When did you lose Zip?
It was Tuesday, January 10th, 2012.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Or how are you feeling right now?
I'm not constantly sobbing, however find the tears come every now and then. I realize its only been two days as I'm writing this, but It's been hard.
Emily and Zip's Story so far
My Mom brought Zip home from the airport (all the way from CA!) in November of '05. I must've been 7. He was so scared, but still so accepting. I remember the first time he ate at his new home, he did it sitting down. Our Jack Russell was not too fond of him, but grew to accept him. She is gone, alive, but with a new family.
Anyway, Zip loved to play in our 2 acre yard, and he always barked at Thunder. Unlike most pets, he ravished storms. He would cry and beg to go outside and run around in the pouring rain. We think the thunder was like a gunshot, because he was bred a hunting dog, and he was looking for a falling bird.
About 6-8 months before now, we began to notice a slight loss of hair; he was a bit patchy. It began to worsen and we took him to the vet where results were not in his favor. He was prescribed prednisone. For several months, his symptoms only worsened and he was diagnosed with Lymphoma, a terminal cancer. We kept the poor thing on meds, but eventually could not handle to see him as he was; loss of interest in going outside, barely eating, nearly bald.
My mom and dad and me and my sister agreed that his time had come. I remember that when a car would leave our house, Zipper would chase it to the corner of our yard and then wait there. He was buried near that spot. Zip was the best dog in the world and I miss him with all of my heart. R.I.P, baby boy. <3
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