Comments for Your Pet Loss Stories


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Your Loss
by: Joe


I'm so sorry for what you have gone through.

The treatment that hotline gave you is simply inexcusable. You did the best you could for Stella. No one can say otherwise. In life, all anyone can do is his or her best, and you did that for your Stella. Please don't take to heart what the person with whom you spoke on the hotline said. That person seems absent of compassion, probably was reading from a script, and should never have been working in that capacity in the first place.

Your Stella was suffering, and you eased her suffering. You did the right thing. You saved her life, and gave her happiness. There are only things good and right about that. Please let go of the guilt. You do not deserve it. You deserve praise for what you did.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you, and I hope that in the days to come you will feel better, but I hope also that you will let go of the guilt right now. You deserve to feel good about the life you saved, and I hope that you will come to feel that way very soon, and only that way.

One day you will see your Stella again and all of this pain you feel now will be forgotten.


So Sorry for Your Loss
by: Bunny

Dear Ann

I just wanted to write this because as a multiple pet myself I understand. If one of my pets is sick it is often very difficult to pin down exactly which of my pets it is and it simply isn't practical for me to take them all to the vets each time so I usually have to 'wait and see.'

I think you did your best, you took them to the Vet when you suspected something may be wrong, you told the Vet you suspected it might be Stella, it was just unfortunate that Smoky was sick too and I'm not sure what more you could have done under the circumstances.

The Student you spoke to is just an added upset at this difficult time, and something you could have done without. I'm afraid I can't agree with them and I think their behaviour is unforgiveable. It is only natural you will be feeling guilt at this time, but it is nothing to do with what happened and you would have felt like this whatever had happened. If they had had proper training, and had any understanding whatsoever of how you must be feeling, they would have known this and that the last thing you need right now is to be made to feel more guilty than you already do.

You are NOT to blame for this and your guilt will pass with time, and soon you will be able to see that you did do your best for Stella. If it's any consolation I have had many rescue cats with liver failure and none have ever survived no matter what I have done or how much money I have spent.

I hope this and reading the Stages of Grief pages helps you to understand that feeling like you do is just a natural stage of grief and not an indication that you are guilty of anything, no matter what any ignorant person may tell you.

Warmest Regards


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