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'My Dogs Killed My Cat'

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Same here
by: Cathy

I understand your feelings completely. My two dogs killed my beloved cat, Linda, the other night and after 12 years living with her. She was 13 and with us before the dogs. We are so distraught and cannot deal with the dogs. I am trying to be logical and intelligent about this but cannot forgive them. They have been outside in the shed most of the time since. I can hardly look at them. Was thinking of rehoming them but the local pet rescue said they do not accept animals from their owners. I even considered having them put to sleep by the vet but then realised that that was a worse barbarity and empty revenge. My daughter and I are so upset we cannot sleep and are crying a lot. It is a combination of shock, grief and shame that we allowed this to happen, even if it was an incredible turn of events. We had moved house and so the cat was not able to get away from them. They have been together alone countless times over the years, but who knows what happened when we were out the other night. It is terrible.

I too have lost a pet cat in this way
by: Anonymous

My dog. There was a lot of commotion outside we had 2 or 3 transformers blow in front of the house and down a couple houses, no big deal, but there were a few electric company vans with flashing lights and a cop or two and a couple of fire people (not the big trucks) in their SUVs seemed a bit much but I was the only one me and Tristan on the block to see which transformers and which wires were sparking. Any way they kept stopping out front and my daughter had taken our little Jack Russell for a walk which left our Doberman inside. We keep a gate up in the kitchen but with the door open for her to see out she probably got a bit anxious, my cat, Bacci came down, normally kept separate from the dog she has a tendency to chase the cat and her sister cat who died of old age a while back.

The cat came down stairs and just as my son was coming in the back door the dog knocked down the baby gate and got the cat, who did not run for some reason, despite my son's immediate response the dog had shaken the cat. The cat was free when my daughter and I came in but she was laying down but still hissing at the dog, she started dragging herself by her front legs, I picked her up and my daughter and I immediately ran to the vet around the corner. Sadly Bacci who was 16 and a very young 16 had a punctured lung and additional internal damage. She died right away. My daughter is quite upset she loved the cat and is the one to feed the animals. She takes her responsibilities very seriously.

There is a bad feeling I can't seem to shake toward the dog. I know it is not her fault really that it can be the nature of the dog against a natural prey toward smaller animals.
Now though what seemed always like no more than an annoying nudge of her nose to my little dog, or her just trying to take her spot back on the dog bed scares me. Could she easily be more aggressive toward even the dog, she is so familiar with the dog. He the Jack Russell is 14 and she is the doberman is 6.

I don't know if I should consider finding a new home for her, which I can't imagine is so easy. I have never gotten rid of a pet never given one up for adoption. I could not have ever seen myself doing this. I am so sad, and so confused.

It is my belief that she was not raised right, as my husband insisted she spend an awful lot of time in the kennel, rather than putting the appropriate effort into training, he just was not used to big dogs and training. I had had big dogs and little too, never have I used a kennel to control a dog. But this is a way to cause social problems. She is very sweet, and wants love and attention. She has never been aggressive toward a person big or small. I don't know if I could live with a decision to give away a pet.

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'My Dogs Killed My Cat'.