Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jan & Harry Wall'

About Harry
Harry Wall, my good friend's tri color hound with amazing long and silky ears.
When did you lose Harry?
Today, 3/6/2012.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I just lost him today so just in a bit of denial.
Jan and Harry's Story so far
Harry was not my pup, but I loved him like he was. Harry lived with my good friend and each Monday night my pups would go over and have dinner with Harry his mom and other canine brother. Harry came from a bad situation. He was locked in a barn and did not see the light of day for 8 months until his resuce. My friend adopted him and it took her months for him to even let her touch him. He bit her, but she was trying to give him a bath, he stank of cow manure that he had been eating to stay alive. But in the end Harry knew he was finally home and loved and he had an amazing life for the last 8 years. His bad start took it's toll on his health early on and he had to endure seizures most of his life. He was one of the sweetest pups I have yet to know and I have five of my own rescued dogs that I adore. Harry had a quiet way about him, he was gentle and did not demand anything. He loved to come sit with me on the couch and get me to massage him which I would do the entire time I sat there and not because he was pushy, but because he deserved it and appreciated it so much. I have had rescued dogs all my life and there comes along the few that leave deep pawprints on your heart forever, Harry is one of them.
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