Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Mary Alice & Kordy Lu'

About Kordy Lu
My precious little girls' name was Kordy Lu she was a Puli. I can not say how much my heart is broken she gave me so much joy and love.
When did you lose Kordy Lu?
Kordy passed away on November 15, 2010 she was with us 17 yrs and 9 months.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
I am totally lost. I can not function I have fibromyalgia and that dear sweet little girl stayed beside me as the illness got worse and when I became disabled she was there for me. Now I still have the fibro but a big hole in my heart that Kordy is gone.
Mary Alice and Kordy Lu's Story so far
We had Pulis since 1977 the first Maggie was bought for my Dad and on his passing my husband and I took Maddie as she was too much for my elderly Mom to care for. We had Maggie 6 yrs and she developed renal failure. We tried everything to keep her going she passed away in May 1993 at 14 yrs 10 months.
My husband and I were heart broken and we searched all over the US to find a Puli we were living in Pittsburgh and to our disbelief a Puli breeder near Cleveland had a female puppy. That weekend we went and got our Kordy Lu and she was the delight of our lives, she travelled with us everywhere and if you asked her to go bye bye she was estatic.
In 1993 I developed the fibro, diabetes depression and other ailments and this loving Kordy was beside me, sleeping near my bed, just being there when I thought I can't endure this I would look at her beautiful face and say yes you can and it helped so much.
I have been totally disabled since 2005 my
marriage has lost its zing but that little Kordy never forgot about me.. she loved me unquestioningly... she did go through the terrible twos and other puppy states but was always so loving it is so hard to describe as tears run down my face... she supplied me with so much love that I needed.
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