Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Kristy & Miss Sophie'

About Miss Sophie
Miss Sophie my English Bulldog.
When did you lose Miss Sophie?
June 28, 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Deep depression.
Kristy and Miss Sophie's Story so far
Sophie and I have been together since she was seven or eight weeks old. she was shipped from the Ukraine. She was an english Bulldog. There is too much too tell.
We were very very close. We knew each others every move. She wasn't just a dog, she was my best friend. I talked to her everyday, played with her, kissed her, hugged her, held her hand, groomed her, fed her, slept with her sometimes. I was so lucky to have such a cool dog. She was like living with a cartoon character! Very fun and playful. Full of life, funny as can be...very curious, always following me around, always wanting to know what I'm doing. She was seven years old.
I would like to start a diary of how I am doing and our journey together so I don't forget. I took her to the Vets for a checkup and she had labored breathing from the trip there, she had had some lately. The trip was too much, and they put her on oxygen, then she couldn't get her breath, her airway was blocked. The Vet saw a blockage. She said she's in critical condition and may need to be tubed.
I was scared to death. Then they said she isn't stable and needed to be moved to E.R., then came back and said Sopie was coughing up blood. Sophie was transferred and never made it home that day. Her lungs never handled the trauma after sugery. I am sick inside and depressed. My baby girl is gone. How can I deal with this?
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