Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Sadie & Olivia'

About Olivia
Olivia. A beautiful red Golden Retriever with lots of love. Olivia loved food and going for walks. She would get so excited when I brought her leash out.
When did you lose Olivia?
September 26th, 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I feel so sad and so numb. I miss her so very much.
Sadie and Olivia's Story so far
I wanted a dog so bad. I begged my parents for years. On Christmas day when I was 11, my dad brought in a big shaking christmas ornament crate and out popped the most adorable red puppy. I was so overjoyed! The happiest day of my life. I loved Olivia with all my heart. We went for walks and played in the yard. She loved being chased! She never cared for fetching. When I came downstairs in the morning she would get so excited! She always found my shoe and carried it in the other room hoping I would chase her around and play. She loved food. She did not love baths. She was my very best friend and my constant companion. Her love and support got me through tough times in high school and college. Every day I anticipated coming home to her. On September 16, 2011 she turned 14 years old. We noticed her slowing down for the past year. This last week she was in such pain. We lost her on September 26th, 2011. I miss her dearly.
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