Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Cindy & Stanley'

About Stanley
My special kitty, Stanley Campos.
When did you lose Stanley?
10th April 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
I'm still in disbelief. I feel as if though I'm a nightmare I can wake up from. Or maybe the vet made a mistake, and Stanley is still alive and waiting for me to go pick him up. I am filled with guilt although I did everything to save him. I have a terrible painful void inside me.
Cindy and Stanley's Story so far
Stanley was a cute kitten that my boyfriends cat had. He was friendly from the beginning very affectionate and very handsome. A co-worker asked if she could have him and we agreed. She didn't tell us she had two small dogs terrified him and so he pooped on her bed. I went to rescue him and one he got a hold of me he never wanted to be away from me. He waited to greet me at the door when you came home from work everyday. He purred so uniquely that he almost seemed to speak and said " alright". He kissed me and was always near near me if not in my arms. He started to lose weight very quickly and stopped eating last week. I took him in to the Vet who diagnosed him with pancreatitis. That was on Saturday. He died on Sunday afternoon. I feel guilty, even though I did everything I could to save him. He was my special kitty. He filled the void I have inside me. Now he is gone.
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